Course Number: BUSI 1301 Course Title: Business Principles Instructor: Tammy Adams Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 to 12:00/1:00 to 5:00 Friday - 8:00 to 1:00 Office Location: Administration Building Email Address: REQUIRED TEXT The required text is Introduction to Business, Fifth Edition, by Jeff Madura. Since this course is taught through a website, you need frequent access to a computer. It is much easier to use the course website if you have ready access to a computer that has a high-speed (DSL) connection. If you do not have frequent access to a high-speed Internet connection, or will be in a country that has limited high-speed access, it would be difficult for you to do the work that is required for this course. ONLINE OFFICE HOURS I will be at my computer to check the Discussion Room of the website for any correspondence after 5:00 p.m. daily. LEARNING GOALS This course provides a general background on the business environment, how business functions are related, how business managers make decisions, and the factors that influence the success of a business. COURSE SCHEDULE Week 1 Chapters 1 2 2 3 3 and 4 Topics Functions of a Business Discussion Board - Introduce Yourself Review Business Plan – Due in Week 13 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility; Read Chapter 1 & 2 Quiz - Chapter 1 & 2 Assessing Economic Conditions Assessing Global Conditions Week Chapters 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 and 17 16 Review Topics Discussion Board Selecting a Form of Business Ownership, Read Chapter 3, 4 & 5 Quiz - Chapter 3, 4 & 5 Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Discussion Board Managing Effectively, Read Chapter 6, 7 & 8 Quiz - Chapter 6, 7 Organizational Structure Midterm Exam - Chapter 1 - 8 (this test is online) Spring Break Improving Productivity and Quality Discussion Board Motivating Employees, Read chapter 9 & 10 Quiz - Chapter 9 & 10 Hiring, Training, and Evaluating Employees Discussion Board Creating and Pricing Products, Read Chapter 11 & 12 Quiz - Chapter 11 & 12 Distributing Products Discussion Board, Business Plan Due Promoting Products, Read Chapter 13 & 14 Quiz - Chapter 13 & 14 Accounting and Financial Analysis Discussion Board Financing Expanding the Business, Read Chapter 15, 16 & 17 Quiz - Chapter 15, 16 & 17 Final exam on Chapters 9-16 (This test is proctored) You will have to make an appointment to take this test at one of our campuses. ASSIGNMENTS: You should read the assigned chapters each week. There are discussion questions and quizzes every other week. You should post an answer to the discussion board question and answer at least two people. To receive full credit for a response, it must be at least two sentences and add to the discussion of the topic. CLASS PARTICIPATION In an online course, class participation is important in that it can simulate the type of discussion that occurs in the class room. The comments posted in the Discussion Room during each week will be similar to what would have occurred in the classroom in that week. The following types of class participation count for credit toward the participation grade. Discussion of Assigned Questions You should be answering all questions that were assigned each week. You should post an answer to the discussion board question and answer at least two people. To receive full credit for a response, it must be at least two sentences and add to the discussion of the topic. Current Topics I will sometimes place a question in the Discussion Room that is related to the chapters assigned for that week. These questions will normally be about current topics or professional development. Discussion of Current Topics That You Initiate In a given week, you can initiate discussion in the Discussion Room by identifying a recent article that is accessible online and tying the topic (in your own words) to the topics that are presently being covered in the course in that week. Clearly explain how this article applies to the material that is being covered. Focus on related articles that have occurred recently such as in the last month. Your applications should help other students understand the material. Other students may then add to the discussion of a current topic such as this if they have something to add. EXAMS AND GRADING Quiz 7 @ 30 points each Discussion 7 @ 20 points each Response to Discussion 7 @ 5 Business Plan Midterm 210 140 35 100 200 Bonus - Mid Term Final Total points available 15 300 1000 The following grading scale will be applied: 90-100% = A 80 - 89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F