Checklist / Rubric: MEIOSIS Model Names of group members: ________________________ __________________________ Pictures of models from each phase must be arranged in a Power point presentation (or similar program) and submitted digitally to the teacher. The diploid number (2n) for your cell must equal 4 and the haploid number (n) must each 2. Criteria 1. title of the project; name of the student/s 2. nine stages: Meiosis I and Meiosis II 3. sets of chromosomes 4. prophase I 5. metaphase I 6. anaphase I 7. telephase I 8. prophase II 5. metaphase II 6. anaphase II 7. telephase II 8. cytokineses 9. neatness Description - relevant and detailed title - students’ names are included -have 9 models: prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, two daughter cells, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II, four daughter cells Number of Points 3 2 9 - all models are labelled correctly and arranged in sequence and there is a neat and colour coded key for the model series with all the important parts identified - used different colors to represent homologous sets of chromosomes -chromosomes duplicating -paired chromatids with centromeres - show synapsis and crossing over of homologous chromosomes - homologous pairs of chromosomes line up across the center -each chromosome is connected to a spindle at its centromere - homologous pairs of chromosomes separate and are moved apart -spindle connected to each chromosome getting shorter - chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell - cell divides; cytokinesis -two haploid daughter cells; each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as the original cell 6 - chromosomes line up across the equator (like metaphase stage of mitosis) -each chromosome is connected to a spindle at its centromere - sister chromatids separate an moved apart - centromeres split - chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell - cell divides; cytokinesis - four daughter cells have formed; contain haploid number of chromosomes - models are centered; captions and descriptions are clear and neatly written TOTAL Checklist / Rubric: MEIOSIS Model Points Earned 4 8 5 5 5 4 x 2 =8 4 x 2 =8 4x2=8 4x2=8 4 x 4 = 16 5 100 points _______ Names of group members: ________________________ __________________________ Pictures of models from each phase must be arranged in a Power point presentation (or similar program) and submitted digitally to the teacher. The diploid number (2n) for your cell must equal 4 and the haploid number (n) must each 2. Criteria 1. title of the project; name of the student/s 2. nine stages: Meiosis I and Meiosis II 3. sets of chromosomes 4. prophase I 5. metaphase I 6. anaphase I 7. telephase I 8. prophase II 5. metaphase II 6. anaphase II 7. telephase II 8. cytokineses 9. neatness Description - relevant and detailed title - students’ names are included -have 9 models: prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, two daughter cells, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II, four daughter cells Number of Points 3 2 9 - all models are labelled correctly and arranged in sequence and there is a neat and colour coded key for the model series with all the important parts identified - used different colors to represent homologous sets of chromosomes -chromosomes duplicating -paired chromatids with centromeres - show synapsis and crossing over of homologous chromosomes - homologous pairs of chromosomes line up across the center -each chromosome is connected to a spindle at its centromere - homologous pairs of chromosomes separate and are moved apart -spindle connected to each chromosome getting shorter - chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell - cell divides; cytokinesis -two haploid daughter cells; each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as the original cell 6 - chromosomes line up across the equator (like metaphase stage of mitosis) -each chromosome is connected to a spindle at its centromere - sister chromatids separate an moved apart - centromeres split - chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell - cell divides; cytokinesis - four daughter cells have formed; contain haploid number of chromosomes - models are centered; captions and descriptions are clear and neatly written TOTAL Points Earned 4 8 5 5 5 4 x 2 =8 4 x 2 =8 4x2=8 4x2=8 4 x 4 = 16 5 100 points _______