DACUM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is DACUM? DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) is an innovative approach to occupational/job analysis. It
has proven to be a very effective method of quickly determining, at relatively low cost, the competencies or
tasks that must be performed by persons employed in a given job or occupational area. Deceptively simple,
DACUM can produce a complete occupational analysis in just two days with a panel of individuals who actually
perform or have direct involvement with the occupation.
How is the DACUM Process and Job Analysis Used? Both the DACUM process itself, and resulting job analysis,
have many benefits to community college staff, faculty, and administrators as follows.
 Develop a network with DACUM panel members who are employed at various organizations.
 Having the ability to conduct/facilitate the extremely efficient DACUM job-profiling process.
 A tool for new program development or program improvement.
 The job profiles that are created can be used for developing curriculum and core competency lists to be
used for developing and evaluating course/program student learning outcomes.
 Receive statewide/national recognition when job profiles are published, distributed, and presented at
educational conferences, particularly for emerging occupations.
 A detailed understanding of the requirements of occupation(s) for which the college provides training
and education for.
Who Should Participate in DACUM Training? Anyone who Is interested in learning how to conduct/facilitate a
DACUM process and is committed to conducting DACUM processes for career-technical disciplines at the
Do I Need to Have In-Depth Knowledge of the Industry or Career-Technical Discipline to Be Able to Run a
DACUM Process? No. Good DACUM facilitators are typically individuals who have good “people skills”, good
organizational skills, and the ability to facilitate processes and/or meetings.
What Further Commitment is Required if I Participate in the DACUM Training? Individuals must be willing to
complete a DACUM process and job profile for one career-technical discipline at the college by December 31,
2010. No additional compensation will be provided for conducting/facilitating DACUM processes without prior
approval by a dean or vice president. In no cases will additional compensation be authorized if the DACUM
panel sessions are conducted during times when the individual is already being compensated by the college.
When is the DACUM Training? The DACUM training is three, full days from June 8 – 10, 2010. Participants are
expected to participate all three days.
Will I be Compensated for Participating in the Training? The cost of the trainings is $1,000 per participant
which is covered by the college. Lunch will be provided as well. There will not be any additional compensation
provided for participating in the three-day training. Flex credit is available.
What Do I Need to Do If I Want to Participate in the DACUM Training? The number of slots available for
individuals to participate in the DACUM Training is extremely limited and, therefore, the college will be using an
application process for selecting participants. An application is available on the college’s Perkins Professional
Development website (http://college.lattc.edu/perkinspd/) and also available in the Workforce and Economic
Development office, ST 305. Applications are due electronically to Marcy Drummond (drummomj@lattc.edu)
by 5:00 pm, May 27th. No incomplete or late submissions will be accepted. The Perkins
Professional Development subcommittee will review applications and select participants.