ISCI 2001 Final Exam Review

ISCI 2001 Final Exam Review
Earth Science
Rocks and
Study Objectives
1. Distinguish between a rock and mineral.
2. Know the characteristics of minerals.
3. Know how minerals are formed.
4. Know that iron, oxygen and silicon make up most of the Earth.
5. Know that oxygen and silicon are found in the highest percentage of
the crust of the Earth.
6. Define amorphous and give examples of amorphous solids.
7. Know what polymorphs are and be able to give examples.
8. Know the Moh’s scale of hardness for minerals.
9. Know how to calculate the specific gravity of a mineral.
10. Relate the hardness of a mineral to the bonds between atoms, charge,
size and packing involving atoms.
11. Know the two factors that affect a minerals stability the most.
12. Know how pressure and temperature affect the stability of a mineral.
13. Distinguish between silicates and nonsilicates. Know examples.
14. Distinguish between ferromagnesian and nonferromagnesian silicates.
Give examples.
15. Know examples of carbonates, sulfates, sulfides, halides and natural
16. Know the characteristics of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary
17. Know how igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are formed.
18. Know the three principle kinds of magma.
19. Distinguish between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. Give
20. Relate magma cooling slowly and rapidly to the formation of specific
igneous rocks (glassy, large crystals, etc.)
21. Know the four stages of forming sedimentary rocks.
22. Distinguish between chemical and mechanical weathering of rocks.
Give examples.
23. Distinguish between detrial and chemical sedimentary rocks.
24. Know why coal is a special type of sedimentary rock. Know how coal is
25. Distinguish between foliated and nonfoliated rocks. Give examples.
1. Interpret hardness of a
mineral based on Moh’s scale
of hardness
2. Calculate specific gravity of
3. Given characteristics identify
a mineral as a silicate or nonsilicate
4. Given characteristics identify
a mineral as a silicate as
either ferromagnesian or
5. Given characteritistics be
able to identify nonsilicates
such as carbonates, halites,
6. Be able to interpret the rock
cycle or complete parts of the
rock cycle.
ISCI 2001 Final Exam Review
26. Know the parts of the rock cycle.
Earth Science
Earth Structure
and Tectonics
1. Distinguish between the oceanic and continental crust. Know what
minerals they are made of (basalt vs granitic)
2. Distinguish between the lithosphere and asthenosphere parts of the
3. Distinguish between the outer and inner core and the elements and
minerals are made of.
4. Know that there are 8 plates and know what the plates are made of.
5. Know that the mantle makes up most of the volume and mass of the
6. Know the depths of the crust, mantle and core. Know the general
temperature ranges.
7. Be able to describe the theory of Continental Drift. Know the evidence
that supports Continental Drift.
8. Know the name of the scientist responsible for developing this theory.
9. Know the causes of sea floor spreading.
10. What are the magnetic stripes?
11. Know the mechanisms that move the tectonic plates.
12. Know what causes divergent plate boundaries to form.
13. Know examples of structures that are formed from divergent plate
14. Relate subduction to convergent plate boundaries.
15. Be able to give examples of structures that are formed from oceanicoceanic, oceanic-continental and continental –continental plate
16. How does a transform plate boundary differ from the other types of
boundaries? Give examples of structures formed from transformed
plate boundaries.
17. Know how earthquakes are produced.
18. Know the epicenter and focus of an earthquake.
19. Distinguish between intraplate quakes and interpolate quakes.
20. Know what a tsnumi is and how they are formed.
21. Know what a seismometer measures and what the Richter scale
1. Be able to label the core,
mantle and crust of the Earth.
2. Be able to label the types of
crust, types of mantle and
types of core of the Earth.
3. Given a diagram, be able to
identify as a divergent,
convergent or transform
plate boundary.
4. Given diagrams of faults be
able to distinguish between
dip-slip, and other types of
5. Given a diagram or picture
be able to identify how a
specific mountain was
formed (folded, etc.)
ISCI 2001 Final Exam Review
22. Define fault.
23. Know the characteristics of dip-slip, strike-slip and oblique faults.
24. Distinguish between the foot wall and hanging wall.
25. Know how folded, unwarped and fault-block mountains are formed.
Give examples of each.
26. Know the parts of the hydrologic cycle (water cycle).
27. Know that only 2% of the Earth’s water is nonsaline (fresh water) and
most of it (85% ) frozen in ice sheets and glaciers.
28. Know how rivers, glaciers, wind and ground water shape the surface
of the Earth. Give examples.
Earth Science
1. Distinguish between climate and weather.
2. Know the characteristics of the primary climate zones. Know which
climate zone we live in.
3. Distinguish between solar and terrestrial radiation.
4. Know how the tilting of the Earth and its distance from the sun result in
the seasons, solstice and equinox.
5. Define atmospheric pressure. Know normal atmospheric pressure at
sea level.
6. Know that atmospheric pressure declines with increasing altitude.
7. Know the atmospheres of the Earth from the lowest to the highest.
8. Know the gaseous makeup of the troposphere.
9. Know the characteristics of the troposphere.
10. Know how the ozone layer is formed, the purpose of the ozone layer
and substances that destroy the ozone layer.
11. Distinguish between local and prevailing winds.
12. Define humidity.
13. Distinguish between high, middle, low and vertical clouds. Give
14. Be able to relate different cloud types to specific types of weather.
15. Distinguish between a warm and cold front. Know how they are
formed and what type of weather is associated with them.
16. Know the significance of the Greenhouse Effect and why it is
1. Be able to label the different
parts of the Earth’s
atmosphere given a diagram.
2. Be able to interpret a graph
of atmospheric pressure
3. Given a picture or diagram of
a cloud identify as a high,
middle, low or vertical cloud.
Associate weather patterns
with them.
4. Be able to draw or label a
simple diagram of the
greenhouse effect.
ISCI 2001 Final Exam Review
17. Give examples of greenhouse gases.
18. Know the causes of global warming.
Earth Science
Earth Science
History of the
1. Distinguish between relative and radiometric dating. Give examples.
2. Know the uses of uranium-238 and carbon-14 concerning dating soil
and rock material.
3. Know the most important events that took place during each era.
Know the dates associated with each era.
 Precambrian
 Cambrian period
 Silurian period
 Devonian period
 Carboniferous period
 Permian period and Permian extinction
 Mesozoic era – Cretaceous extinction
 Cenozonic Era
Universe and
Solar System
1. Know the outer planets in order from the sun.
2. Know the inner planets in order from the sun.
3. Know the following about the Sun
 Creation of solar energy
 Characteristics of the core
 Nuclear fusion and liberation of energy
 Thermonuclear fusion
 Photosphere and characteristics
 Fluid and what it is made of
4. Know the general or basic characteristics of each planet listed below:
 Mercury
 Venus
 Mars
 Jupiter
1. Be able to list or label the
planets of our solar system.
2. Be able to distinguish
between an inner or outer
3. Given a diagram and or
characteristics, be able to
identify a planet of our solar
ISCI 2001 Final Exam Review
 Saturn
 Uranus
 Neptune
 Pluto
5. Identify the phases of the moon
6. Know how the phases of the moon are formed.
7. Distinguish between a lunar and solar eclipse and how they are formed.
8. Distinguish between an asteroid, comet and meteoroid
9. Relate the temperature of a star to its color
10. Know that distances of stars and planets are measured by using light
11. Distinguish between a red giant, and white dwarf.