Dear Stephen, - South Western Federation of Museums and Art

South West Museum Development November 2012
A review of South West Museum Development was commissioned by the South West
Museum Development (SWMD) Partnership* in July 2012. The final report will be presented
to the SWMD Partnership Board on the 5th December 2012. The board will consider the
review recommendations and develop an implementation plan for the programme.
For further information on the review please contact Vic Harding.
Programme Management
A meeting was held with ACE on the 16th November at which finance and performance of
the Transition period April – July 2012 and Quarter Two; August – Sept 2012 reporting was
carried out. An extension to deadlines for data capture and the compilation of final year one
reports to 30th June 2013 was approved.
For further information please contact Vic Harding.
Small Grant: Big Improvement
The application deadline for the first of five rounds of Small Grant: Big Improvement closed
on the 19th November 2012. Successful awards will be announced on the 30th November
2012. This scheme was developed from the previous Accreditation Small Grants programme
and sees the development of a ‘Resilience’ strand of funding up to £1000 (requires 25%
match funding) as well as the continuation of the popular small grants up to £250 (does not
require match funding). These grants are designed to support small museums (and not so
small) to demonstrate how a small amount of cash can enable big benefits. The scheme has
expanded from the previous Accreditation scheme recommendations but remains closely
linked to the organisations own Forward Plan. A simple and quick application process is
designed to increase the confidence of museums in securing eternal funding.
For further information on this please contact Sophie Ainsworth.
SW Conservation and Collection Care Service
The SW CDO (Helena Jaeschke) currently provides advice and help with any aspect of looking
after collections, including site visits, help with finding and working with a conservator,
suitable products and suppliers . She runs a Central Purchasing Scheme buying things in bulk
so museums can purchase small amounts, helps with resources for Accreditation and has
some special equipment (eg dehumidifiers and dataloggers) available for loan. She is
helping to set up a scheme for the care of Flags and Banners in Devon and Cornwall which
may extend across the region if it is successful.
For further information please contact Helena Jaeschke.
SW Volunteer Programme
Building on the volunteer research carried out by Museum Development over recent years
work in underway to update data on the state of volunteering in the regions museums.
Ensuring we understand the contribution, roles and management of volunteering is essential
to securing additional information to support the sector’s resilience.
Link for the survey:
Surveys completed by Friday December 14 2012 will be entered for a full day of professional
support for your organisation with volunteer management planning at your museum.
*The timing of this support to be agreed between the winning museum and the SWMDP;
support will include a face to face meeting and follow up support not exceeding 2 working days in
For further information please contact Eleanor Moore.
*South West Museum Development Partnership
The Partnership is formed of the three SW Major Partner Museums (ACE Renaissance Major
Grant programme) Bristol City Museums, Exeter City Council Museums and Plymouth City
Museum along with the local authorities in the South West, represented by Julie Seyler,
Cornwall Council, the Chair and Vice-Chair of South Western Federation of Museums &
Galleries and a representative of the Museum Development Officers in the South West (to
be nominated). The Partnership is a voluntary and non-legal entity bringing key sector
stakeholders together to deliver a comprehensive and successful regional programme of
Museum Development until 31st March 2015.
Key Museum Development dates
Small Grant Big Improvement application deadline 19 November 2012
Small Grant Big Improvement assessment panel 21 November 2012
SWMD Partnership Board Meeting 5th December 2012
SW Museum Development Network Meeting 12th December 2012
Creative Apprenticeship Information Event with Creative and Cultural Skills and
National Skills Academy 28th November 2012
The SW Museum Development Team
Programme Manager Programme Assistant
Vic Harding
Sophie Ainsworth
07827 979725
0117 92 24653
Development (Mo-F)
Helena Jaeschke
01392 665951
Development (Tu-Th)
Eleanor Moore
0117 92 24653