TOR - Malawi High Commission

ANNEX 5.6.2
The Shire - Zambezi waterway was successfully used as a transport waterway by
explorers and missionaries to Malawi a century and a half ago. During that time,
the port of call in Malawi was in Nsanje District formerly known as Port Herald
along the Shire River. As recent as 1970, Mawtam Ltd operated a barge service
transporting molasses from Chiromo in Malawi to Chinde on the coast of the
Indian Ocean in Mozambique. This operation was disrupted by the war in
Mozambique from early 1970s.
In 2006 a pre-feasibility study was conducted and an aerial survey of the Shire and
Zambezi Rivers. The results indicated that the rivers are navigable but require
further studies to chart the navigation channel and develop waterway
At continental level, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) has
identified infrastructure development as one of the major pillars for economic
growth and poverty reduction in Africa. The importance accorded to infrastructure
in the NEPAD agenda reflects the promotion of regional integration in Africa to
overcome the problem of lack of economies of scale and to reduce Africa’s
economic marginalisation.
At regional level, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) are implementing a
number of programmes aiming at enhancing interconnectivity and promoting
integration through trade and investment. SADC has particularly recognized
Spatial Development Initiatives (SDIs) as an effective way of unlocking the wealth
of the region. The SDIs which are becoming a building block in the implementation
of NEPAD and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) involve independent
groups of countries that are not linked at continental level.
In the context of the above and in conformity with the National Transport Policy,
Malawi Government supports a project that entail re-opening of the Shire River to
navigation in order to provide a direct waterway transport system between Nsanje
and Chikwawa, a river distance of 165 km.
Undertaking a comprehensive Feasibility Study of the Shire Waterway Project in
terms of technical, economic, social and environmental viability is the subject of
these Terms of Reference. Due to the present lack of hydrologic, technical and
environmental data on the fluvial systems of the Shire River and the surrounding
wetlands, the Study shall be conducted in two phases, i.e. a survey phase for data
collection and a study phase for a comprehensive assessment of the project
Global objective
The overall objective of the assignment is to propose a detailed working concept
for safe navigation on the Shire Waterway and to demonstrate its technical,
economical, social and environmental viability.
Specific objective(s)
PHASE “A”: Detailed Survey of the Project Area
This phase shall serve to collect data to the most possible extent and to provide
detailed technical planning parameter elaborated on the results of the field surveys
and laboratory works conducted in this phase for the succeeding Study Phase.
PHASE “B”: Study Phase
This phase shall serve to establish the viability of the Shire Waterway Project by
conducting detailed studies under consideration of all relevant technical,
operational, legal, economic, social and environmental aspects of the Project and
to propose a detailed working concept for the operation and maintenance of the
waterway and its landing stations. The studies shall also determine detailed
working concepts with regard to the shipping operation and the river training
measures and vessel types to be applied and shall demonstrate the technical and
economical viability of the proposed concept.
Requested services
1. Collect river flow data of the Shire with regard to water levels (their peaks,
annual and seasonal variations) and the related discharge quantities from
relevant sources in Malawi, compile the data in tables and graphs and
summarize the results in a form adequate to serve as detailed planning
criteria for the design of a safe and navigable waterway. Include possible
influence of barrages/hydro power plants.
2. Install gauges at selected river sections, carry out flow measures especially
at the end of the dry season and during season with high water levels and
establish water level – flow relationship.
3. Conduct at the end of the dry season a combined bathymetric and
hydrographic survey of the Shire from Chikwawa to the border crossing
south of Nsanje to accurately determine the existing channel width and
depth throughout the waterway. The survey shall be repeated at the end of
the rainy season by conducting spot checks at pre-selected locations
enabling a direct comparison with the cross sections measured at the end
of the dry season for the establishment of seasonal riverbed variations and
possible sedimentation rates. The survey shall also establish current data to
be continuously measured over one full year by gauges installed at
significant cross sections of both rivers.
4. The survey shall also determine the extent of water hyacinths narrowing or
blocking the waterway and the volume of plants being transported in
respective stretches of the waterway.
5. Subsoil Investigation and Topographic Survey of the areas proposed in the
Prefeasibility Study for the development of Nsanje Port and the potential
landing sites proposed at Chikwawa, Nchalo, Chiromo, at selected locations
between Bangula and Nsanje where established trade routes would justify a
landing site, and at Megaza.
6. Establish by field survey and design review the clearance (airdraft and
width) of the bridges at Chikwawa and Chiromo and electricity lines, if any,
in the course of the waterway.
7. Conduct a comprehensive environmental survey of the Project area in
accordance with the requirements and guidelines of the Ministries of
Environment in Malawi.
The first component of the services will be to review earlier studies and to collect
and analyse data and design parameters established as a result of the phase A
The second component will be the detailed proposal of viable working concepts for
both, the design, construction, operation, maintenance and administration of the
waterway and its landing stations as well as the shipping operation and the vessel
types to be applied.
A technical analysis shall be carried out, establishing the scope of work to be
implemented for river training measures to create the inland waterway, for the
construction of ports and landing sites and the scope of works required to maintain
the components operational, looking into the investment and maintenance costs,
operation costs and the potential risks involved in construction and maintenance of
a safe and navigable waterway. The technical analysis shall include an
assessment of available vessel designs, appropriate for the proposed type of river
transportation and shall ultimately recommend a viable transportation concept in
An operational analysis shall be carried out, looking at the legal framework and the
administrative set-up required for the operation of a national waterway. The
analysis shall determine the potential navigational safety requirements of the
future waterway, their administration and the cost of installation and maintenance.
A financial analysis shall be carried out, looking at costs and benefits, considering
investment and operation, revenues and reductions in transport costs.
A socio-economic analysis shall be carried out to establish the wider effects on the
national and regional economy.
An environmental analysis in accordance with Governmental requirements and
guidelines in force in Malawi shall be carried out under consideration of the
findings presented in the 2006 Prefeasibility Study and on the basis of the results
of the environmental survey carried out in Phase “A”. The analysis shall establish
in detail the environmental impact of the proposed waterway project and shall
summarize the scope, quality and cost of detailed mitigation measures required.
Phase B will require, among others:
Review of earlier studies and preparation of condensed summaries;
Study of competing transport corridors, freight types and volumes and
growth potential prevailing at the time of the study in Malawi and its
neighbouring countries;
Study of competing transport modes, efficiency, capacity and planned
developments with potential impact on the waterway project;
Consultation with government, private sector and civil society stakeholders
to gather input on expectations and attitude and on potential contributions;
Detailed assessment of existing port infrastructure and necessary
improvements, including land access, quays, cargo handling equipment and
other facilities;
Design of a technical concept for the waterway, establishing the design
depth and channel width required throughout the waterway for a viable
transport concept, defining river training measures required to maintain
adequate channel conditions for safe navigation, defining narrow river
sections and bends which need to be corrected;
Estimation of the magnitude of river training works required to implement
the project and detailed assessment of implications resulting from these
works, including recommendations with regard to type of equipment to be
employed and, in case of dredging, where and how to dispose off the spoil
material from dredging operations and assessment of the rate of
maintenance dredging to be applied as a result of siltation and/or shifting
Detailed assessment of river navigability including bridges and potential
docking areas between Chikwawa and Megazza.
Preparation of Terms of Reference for detailed design of the waterway,
ports and landing facilities for the full scope proposed in the Feasibility
Detailed assessment of types of vessels or river barges to be used and
their construction an operating cost
The feasibility of private sector operations of a vessel and/or river barge
transportation system shall be established and outline options for the
concession arrangement discussed
The full range of the potential social impact shall be discussed. This must
include consideration of health, demographic, employment and generated
Sustainability from economic, technical and environmental viewpoints
Clear indication of assumptions made and sensitivity analysis of the
contributing factors
In his technical proposal the Consultant shall represent the methodology he
intends to apply to reach the aim of the study.
This phase shall serve to collect existing data to the most possible extent and to
provide detailed technical planning parameter elaborated on the results of the field
surveys and laboratory works for the succeeding Study Phase. The results of the
survey works and the assessment of collected data towards the design criteria
proposed shall be summarized in a Survey Report. The Survey Report shall, in
particular, contain
Drawings of the longitudinal profile of the waterway at a scale of 1:100,000
and sounding charts showing depth in different colours
Report on sounding differences between the measurements taken at the
end of the rainy season and at the end of the dry season and assess the
impact on the navigability of the waterway and propose mitigation measures
to counter sedimentation, if required
Determination of shallow or hazardous areas that may hamper safe
navigation and suggest correctional measures and where necessary
propose the placement of appropriate aids to navigation, reliable and simple
to maintain
Report on debris coming down the waterway in particular during rainy
season that may adversely affect safe navigation, including suggesting
ways of mitigation
Report on currents and how these will affect the safety of navigation
Navigation charts at a scale of 1:10,000 that can be updated in future when
dredging and correction works, if any, are completed
Table listing the air draft and clear width of bridges and power lines, if any
Table listing the results of Standard Penetration Tests carried out at the
proposed construction sites for port facilities and landing points
TOR for detailed subsoil investigation and topographic survey works
required for the design phase of ports and landing points
PHASE “B”: Study Phase
This phase shall serve to establish the viability of Shire Waterway Project by
conducting a detailed study under consideration of all relevant technical,
economic, social and environmental aspects of the Project and to propose a
detailed working concept for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and
administration of the waterway and its landing stations. The study shall also
determine a detailed working concept with regard to the shipping operation and
the vessel types to be applied and shall demonstrate the technical and economical
viability of the proposed concept.
The Ministry of Transport and Public Works in Malawi through its Technical Unit
shall provide support to the study team. During the field assessment phase, the
study team shall contact government entities and individuals, members of the
business community investing or interested in investing in the Shire Waterway
Required Outputs
The Consultant will produce an Inception Report giving details of the strategies,
which the Consultant intends to use to fulfil the Terms of Reference, and will, if
necessary, indicate those areas of the Terms of Reference that require
modification. The Report shall include detailed performance schedules and
personnel deployment for both phases.
The Consultant shall prepare and submit Quarterly Progress Reports. The first
report shall cover the period up to the end of the first quarter following the
mobilization. Reports shall be submitted quarterly thereafter, each within 7 days
after the last day of the period to which it relates. Reporting shall continue until the
Consultant has completed the Draft Survey Report.
The Consultant will produce a Draft Survey Report to be submitted two weeks
after the field survey works have ceased and the laboratory works are finalized,
whatever event is later. The Draft Survey Report shall summarize the results of
data collection and survey works and shall contain detailed technical planning
parameter elaborated on the results of the field surveys and laboratory works for
the succeeding Study Phase. The Draft Survey Report will be discussed at an
advisory group meeting approximately one week after the submission. The
advisory group will be constituted by the Ministry of Transport & Public Works.
A Final Survey Report, appropriately incorporating the feedback received from
the advisory group, will be submitted two weeks after the feedback has been
The Consultant shall prepare and submit Quarterly Progress Reports. The first
report shall cover the period up to the end of the first quarter following the
mobilization. Reports shall be submitted quarterly thereafter, each within 14 days
after the last day of the period to which it relates. Reporting shall continue until the
Consultant has completed the Draft Final Report.
The Consultant will produce a Draft Final Report to be submitted four weeks prior
to the end of the assignment with a clear summary of all the services performed,
describing the overall feasibility of the project, the background to the study,
consultations with stakeholders, sources of data and information, survey results
and analyses carried out, proposed infrastructure requirements, ToR for additional
survey works and site investigations and the detailed design of the waterway,
ports and landing points and a all environmental and social aspects of the Project.
It shall also assess the contribution of the project in terms of economic growth,
poverty alleviation and human development. The Draft Final Report also will be
discussed at an advisory group meeting approximately three weeks before the end
of the assignment.
Within two weeks after having received the comments from the advisory group, the
Consultant will submit a Final Report, appropriately incorporating the feedback
All reports will be handed over in 5 copies.
The following table shows the list of requested experts per category and indicates
the number of expert-months estimated for finalization of the respective individual
Team Leader / Civil Engineer
No. of working No. of working
months Phase A
months Phase A
2 months
4 months
Ass. TL / Transport Economist
4 months
1 months
Field Surveyor
2 months
Ass. Field Surveyor
2 months
Dredging Expert / Civil Engineer
2 months
Environmental Expert
1 months
0.5 months
Port Operations Expert
1 months
Legal Expert
1 months
10 Naval Architect
0.5 months
Man Months Total:
Profile required
The following profile of experts is expected:
Team Leader/Civil Engineer with at least 15 years experience in the field relevant
to the assignment: The team leader shall be Civil Engineer and shall have a
University Degree and full membership of a professional institution e.g. ICE.
He/She shall be experienced in infrastructure analysis of river transport projects in
developing countries.
Ass. Team Leader/Transport Economist with at least 10 years experience in the
field relevant to the assignment: The assistant team leader shall be a Transport
Economist with a University Degree and full membership of a professional
institution e.g. ICE. He/She shall be experienced in financial/economic analysis of
waterborne transport projects in developing countries.
Hydrographer with at least 10 years experience in the field relevant to the
assignment: The Hydrographer shall have experience in planning and execution of
field surveys and the evaluation of survey data towards the formulation of design
criteria, in particular for training works, of waterways for commercial navigation in
the confines of river systems.
Field Surveyor with at least 10 years experience in the field relevant to the
assignment: The Surveyor shall have experience in planning and execution of field
surveys and the evaluation of survey data towards the preparation of bathymetric
and topographic charts and the formulation of design criteria of port structures and
engineering works along waterways.
Assistant Field Surveyor with at least 10 years experience in the field relevant to
the assignment: The Surveyor shall have experience in planning and execution of
field surveys and the evaluation of survey data towards the preparation of
bathymetric and topographic charts for engineering works along waterways.
Dredging Expert/Civil Engineer with at least 15 years experience in the field
relevant to the assignment: The Expert shall have experience in planning and
design of river training works including dredging works in complex river systems
for commercial waterways. The expert must have experience in formulation of
terms of reference for subsoil investigation works.
Environmental Expert with at least 10 years experience in the field relevant to the
assignment: The expert shall be environmentalist with a University Degree in
Marine Environmental Studies and have extensive experience in river environment
of southern part of the African continent.
Port Operations Expert with at least 10 years experience in the field relevant to the
assignment: The Expert shall have practical experience in port management and
the planning, directing and supervision of port operations, preferably of river ports
in developing countries.
Legal Expert with at least 10 years experience in the field relevant to the
assignment: The Expert shall have experience in the preparation, analysis and
amendment of national legal frameworks regarding the administration, operation
and use of commercial waterways.
Naval Architect with at least 10 years experience in the field relevant to the
assignment: The Naval Architect shall have experience in design and construction
supervision of commercial cargo vessels for river transport. The expert shall have
particular experience in the planning of shallow drafted vessel systems optimised
for commercial river navigation.
Working Language
The working language for this contract is English in which all experts shall be
Location and Duration
Starting period
Services shall start no later than 1. September, allowing the commencement of
river survey works at low water level period, i.e. late September/early October.
Foreseen finishing period or duration
The approximate length of the assignment shall be 9 calendar months, the first 3
months of which shall be for Phase “A”.
Services shall be completed with the submission of the Final Report on_________
Location (s) of assignment
Services will be performed in Malawi. The consultants will make their own
arrangements for all necessary office and living accommodation, local transport,
Government Inputs
The Government, through the Ministry of Transport & Public Works, will provide for
the cooperation of the Government Ministries, Departments and other Agencies
required for carrying out the work, liaison as necessary for this purpose.
The Ministry of Transport & Public Works will give the Consultant full access to all
information and will provide any other available relevant data, which is necessary
for the proper and timely execution of the study.
The Director of Planning in the Ministry of Transport & Public Works in Malawi will
act as supervisor of the Consultants for the time of this study.
Office space will be made available at Lilongwe. In the project area, the Consultant
has to install its own office.
Cost estimate Phase “A”:
Unit Price in €
Total in €
Expert fees
Per diem
Local transport
Plans, drawings
Excess luggage
Cost estimate Phase “B”:
Unit Price in €
Total in €
Expert fees
Per diem
Local transport
Plans, drawings