GDAC Post-Cruise Metadata form Platform Return to GDAC, BODC, Joseph Proudman Building, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool, L3 5DA E-mail: Cruise Name: International Siberian Shelf Study 2008 (ISSS-08) Platform Name and type: R/V Yakob Smirnitskyi Project: Overall this was an IPY (IPY-562) ship-based program along the entire Eurasian-Arctic continental shelf with combined biogeochemical and geophysical observations. Specific project: How water-sediment interactions control micronutrient and isotopic tracer distributions on the Siberian Shelves of the Arctic Ocean. Lead Nation: Russia Chief scientist (Lead scientist / Principal Investigator) contact details Email: Phone: +1 907-474 6286 Name: Igor Semiletov Mailing Address: University of Alaska Fairbanks International Arctic Research Center 930 Koyukuk Drive P.O. Box 757340 Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7340 USA Co-Chief scientist contact details: [GEOTRACES point of contact if different from Chief scientist] Name: Per Andersson, GEOTRACES (Several project with co-PIs see enclosed EOS report) Mailing Address: Swedish Museum of Natural History Laboratory for Isotope Geology Box 50007 104 05 Stockholm Sweden Phone: +46 8 5195 4038 Email: Cruise Details Start Port and Country: Kirkenes, Norway Start date: 15 August, 2008 End Port and Country: Kirkenes, Norway End Date: 25 September, 2008 Location: Along the Siberian coast with focus on the Laptev and east Siberian Sea. See enclosed EOS manuscript with cruise map Cruise Overview: Abstract for the TEI part of the research programme.This proposal uses a unique opportunity to examine an essential component of global biogeochemical cycles. The logistical costs chartering Russian research vessels for the 2008 Nordic LSBI expedition (IPY-562) are financed by KAWS. This include estuary-shelf-slope-basin transects for collection of waters and sediments from the Siberian Shelf. This proposal covers project costs to study the supply and transport of micronutrients (Zn, Ni, Cd, Cu, Co, Mn, Fe) and trace element isotopic tracers (Nd and U isotopes, Ba) from the Siberian Arctic rivers, across the continental shelf, and into the central Arctic Ocean. This will be used to constrain whether the shelf acts as a net source for essential biogeochemical trace elements during shelf transport. This is a part of the international GEOTRACES project, which has identified freshwater inputs into the Arctic, and Arctic shelf-water exchange, as key issues. Sampling includes "trace metal clean" water sampling, separation of larger particles and colloids, sediment coring and pore water extraction. Short-lived 234Th will be used to estimate removal rates in the water column. U and Nd isotopes, which have been found to trace water-shelf interactions in the Arctic, will be used for provenance determination and water-sediment exchange. The results will provide an important baseline on key trace elements on the Siberian Shelf, which is crucial knowledge for future studies of the response of the Arctic region to global climate change. GDAC Post-Cruise Metadata form Platform Return to GDAC, BODC, Joseph Proudman Building, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool, L3 5DA E-mail: Intercalibration plans: Participation in the GEOTRACES intercalibration efforts by analsying samples from both the Atlantic cruise and the Pacific cruise. The trace elemnt laboratory is also analysinf SAFe samples for intercalibration. Details: Laboratory for Isotope Geology participate in Nd, Th and Si isotope intercalibration Luleå Technical University (Applied Geology) participate in trace metals and Si isotope intercalibration Stockholm University (Institute of Applied Environmental Research, ITM) participate in trace metal intercalibration. Anticipated list of parameters to be submitted to GDAC: Key parameters listed please list any other parameters measured and the PI contact information. Also include information in regards to the phase i.e. dissolved or particulate. Trace elements: Contact for each element (PI); [name and email] Internationally calibrated (Yes or No) Fe, Fe isotopes Johan Ingri, Yes Al Johan Ingri, Yes Zn Mn Johan Ingri, Cd, Cd isotopes Mark Rehkämper, Yes Cu REE Don Porcelli Cr Don Porcelli Ba Don Porcelli Radioactive isotopes: 230 Th Per Andersson, Yes 231 Pa Other Other Other Other Stable isotopes: Carl-Magnus Mörth, Carl-Magnus Mörth, C 18 Per Andersson, O Radiogenic isotopes: Nd isotopes Per Andersson, Yes Pb isotopes He Don Porcelli, Other parameters: CTD and Niskin-bottle water sampling and at-sea analyses for nutrients. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), Hydrosonde vertical profiling, Plankton net sampling, Micrometeorology air-methane and CO2 and CH4 fluxes, Hi-vol aerosol and vapor-phase sampling, Geophysical – seismic surveying, Water pumping for molecular-isotope biogeochemistry, Sediment sampling, Sedimentology List CTD hydrographic parameters [sensors including make; salinity, temperature, oxygen, nutrients etc] A SeaBird 911 CTD equipped with a turbidity sensor Göran Björk, Particles/Aerosols: Not for TEI. High volume air sampling for vapor phase and aerosols for organics. List Underway data: [Met data, navigation hull mounted sensors including make and model] Navigational data to be added. GDAC Post-Cruise Metadata form Platform Return to GDAC, BODC, Joseph Proudman Building, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool, L3 5DA E-mail: Is there a national data centre: (name and contact) SMHI, Jan Szaron, Other relevant information: