United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust Division of Women & Children’s Services Independent Review of the Congenital Paediatric Cardiac Services Recommendations – Action Plan Recommendations Progress to Date Actions Leads (Overall lead in bold, others are key contriubtors) Timescale Completion Date 1. Bristol/Cardiff relationship: Re-assessment of present integration and unified working between the centres. Telemedicine trials are set up to facilitate MDT discussions To set up 6 monthly joint service away days. Joint appraisal meeting for fetal cardiology pathway Attendance at annual audit of cardiac surgery/cardiology with HCW Dr Andrew Tometzki 3 months June 2008 Encourage Cardiff representation at monthly Cardiac Business meetings. This month March 2008 Establish robust telemedicine links with Cardiff – trials using N3 scheduled 6 months September 2008 Commence discussion regarding renaming the service to recognise South Wales Partnership 6 months September 2008 2. Consultant Staffing: The appointment of an additional Consultant in Paediatric Cardiology. It should be addressed by management with urgency. Page 1 of 10 To address workload concerns a reduction in current Consultant PAs has been agreed to fund a 7th post To be presented to TEG for agreement and sign off March 2008 Dr Jackie Cornish Geraldine Johnston Dr Andrew Tometzki This month March 2008 Job description and job plan completed. Post to be advertised nationally and internationally Dr Andrew Tometzki Geraldine Johnston 3 months June 2008 College approval confirmed Presented to DMB for agreement and sign off February 2008 Working with advertising agency to develop advert 3. Consultant Staffing: The needs of the GUCH service require separate consideration. Due to pressures of GUCH work Dr Stuart removed from paediatric on call rota May 2007 Clear definition within the job plan in relation to paediatric and GUCH commitments within W&C and Specialised Services Divisions Dr Jackie Cornish Dr Peter Wilde 3 months June 2008 Locum GUCH Consulant appointed to meet 18 weeks RTT Business case being developed for additional consultant in GUCH Ian Barrington Dr Mark Turner 3 months June 2008 Patients on single inotropic support who would usually incur long stays on PICU are now treated on Ward 32, guidelines in place. Review model of care Dr Andrew Tometzki Dr Peter Davis Mr Massimo Caputo Mr Andrew Parry William Booth Judith Armstrong 6 months September 2008 4. Transitional Care/High Dependency Care, Ward 32 (BCH) Additional work is required to determine whether high dependency non-ventilated patients can be accepted from the PICU without compromising the admission of patients for cardiac catheterisation or preoperatively. Establish guidelines/SOPs Establish strong nursing leadership for Cardiology/Cardiac Surgery Review nursing establishment and skill mix Assess full utilisation of preadmission clinic and use of pre Page 2 of 10 procedure hotel facilities to improve patient flow Assimilate with redevelopment plans for centralisation of Specialist Paediatric Services 5. Cardiac Catheterisation (BCH): The provision of additional radiography staff and catheter sessions is required if the increasing clinical work load is not to result in excessive waiting times. Review of catheterisation sessions has resulted in improved waiting times. Lead Doctor appointed to Division with remit to support delivery of 18 week referral to treatment time target (August 2007) Quantify demand to determine capacity and workforce required Ensure recruitment to vacant Paediatric Cardiac Radiology post Dr Rob Martin Dr Mark Callaway Peter Richardson Lee Furniss 3 months June 2008 Dr Rob Tulloh Dr Mark Turner Ian Barrington Geraldine Johnston 6 months September 2008 Mr Andrew Parry Rob Tulloh 6 months September 2008 Assess out of hours radiology cover in view of 24/7 Acute Angioplasty Service 6. Pulmonary Hypertension: Higher recognition for the Bristol service may be accorded if Dr Tulloh developed the service jointly with adult cardiology or developed his working partnership with Hammersmith Hospital. It is clear that we have the clinicians with the skills to take on a PHT service both in the adult and paediatric arena. Dr Tulloh invited to National Clinical & Commissioning meeting on adult Pulmonary Hypertension (February 2008) Divisions to understand financial implications and operational development of this service Dialogue with comissioners required for Adult PHT service Consider similar discussion for paediatric PHT 7. Research Programme: Dr Tulloh or another identified individual should be Page 3 of 10 Bristol hosted the national British Congenital Cardiac Association Explore opportunities for Research Co-ordinator role and Statistician encouraged to develop a lead role in improving the academic profile of paediatric cardiology and consolidate the role of Research Coordinator particularly for junior staff. meeting November 2006 to much acclaim. from research income Rob Martin Prof Andrew Wolf Mr Massimo Caputo Review scheduling of echocardiography Sue Simpson Dr Alison Hayes Lee Furniss There are a number of strong clinical researchers. Since November 2007 weekly congenital cardiology research meetings have been set up to focus this work. 8. Echocardiography (BCH): Space constraints should be reviewed with the specialist paediatric transfer . Occupational health/ manual handling review conducted early 2007. Guidelines set for echocardographic technicians 6 months September 2008 12 months March 2009 Dr Andrew Tomestzki Sue Simpson Dr Alison Hayes 6 months September 2008 Dr Andrew Tometzki Dr Alison Hayes 1 month April 2008 Ensure echocardiography requirments are considered with development plans for centralisation of specialist paediatrics transfer. 9. Digital archiving: The purchase of a system such as Enconcert/Xcelara should be given a high priority. Representation to the BHI development group has been made to highlight the need to have a seamless digital archiving of echocardiography images Assess the additional costs to archive BCH echo data Proactive discussion of TOE requirement now takes place at cardiac conference therefore on-call Cardiologist is made aware of theatre needs Enusure flexibility with job plans of Consultant Cardiologists to meet this recommendation Assess hardware requirements 10. Echocardiography: Identification of protected Consultant time for transoesophageal echo time in Theatre required. A transoesophageal probe Page 4 of 10 Paediatric TOE probe in Medical Equipment Capital Bids - March should be available in Theatre at all times. The purchase/provision of a small portable echo machine (with probe) such as the Vivid 1 would provide the best solution. A dedicated theatre echo machine has been funded and ordered (Feb 2008) 2008 Adult TOE probe (for children > 35kg) available for this platform 3D & left ventricular analysis package purchased February 2008 11. Cardiac Physiologists: Review of evidence and need for additional Physiology Technicians. Service needs to be assessed, quantify demand and capacity Sue Simpson Dr Alison Hayes Lee Furniss 3 months June 2008 Training requirements and CPD of current staff to be agreed at annual IDPR Sue Simpson Lee Furniss 3 months June 2008 Dr Andrew Tomestzki Dr Mark Hamilton Dr Beverly TsaiGoodman 6 months September 2008 12. Cardiac Physiologists: Greater focus and awareness of need for continuing professional development. Well established training links for student clinical physiolgists in place Divisional training budget is available for staff to make applications for funding Annual training plan to be devised 13. MRI: If the future needs of paediatric and adult congenital cardiac patients are to be met, more MRI sessions will be required. If these cannot be met within the Bristol Children’s Hospital cosideration should be given to the provision of sessions at the Bristol Heart Institute. Page 5 of 10 Business case has been developed for provision of MR & CT in BHI Initial discussions with Dr TsaiGoodman re CPD aims. Preliminary meetings between Dr Tsai Goodman & Dr Hamilton have taken place. Define working partnership of paediatric cardiology & adult cardiac radiology Define sessions available for congenital cardiac MRI and attendant SOPs 14. MRI: Review of Dr TsaiGoodman’s sessions. First phase Job planning completed Complete job plan review Dr Andrew Tometzki Dr Beverly TsaiGoodman Dr Mark Callaway 3 months June 2008 Service now attracting dedicated funding since April 2007 Assess demand to quantify additional workforce requirements 6 months September 2008 Remote fetal diagnosis in place for Truro through charity funds. Programme has expanded to include Exeter and is attracting an appropriate/negotiated tariff Assess need for cardiac liaison support also required to support families Dr Andrew Tometzki Mr Tim Overton Mr Pip Mills Julie Vass Lee Furniss Dr Andrew Tometzki Mark Turner Lee Furniss Fiona Jones 6 months September 2008 15. Fetal Cardiology: This is an impressive service but to optimise its achievements an appointment of additional radiographer technician for straight forward cases, a dedicated rather than shared echo machine for urgent referrals and additional consultant time for counselling and training is required. Explore options to fund echo machine Further development of telemedicine service 16. Teenage Transition: Planning for the transition of patients between Bristol Children’s and the new Bristol Heart Institute should accord a high priority to the needs of this group of patients including in-patient provision for adolescents and protected cardiac catheter sessions. 17. Complex GUCH Page 6 of 10 This has already been discussed with Specialised Services and met with unified agreement that this should happen Scope demand for service Increase profile and knowledge base of congenital heart disease within the BHI Surgery: For some complex congenital cardiac surgical lesions consideration should be given to operating on adult cases in Bristol Children’s Hospital where greater clinical experience in management is available. This should be until such time as the GUCH service is fully facilitated, staffed and funded, and is large enough surgically to warrant in depth specialisation of the whole team in the Bristol Hearth Institute. This recommendation has not found universal approval amongst the clinical team. There are a number of national framework documents that would not support adults being treated in a paediatric intensive care unit Consider anaesthetic and intensive care skills required for complex adult congential cardiac surgery Dr Mark Turner Dr Rob Martin Ian Barrington 6 months September 2008 Richard Downes Ian Barrington Geraldine Johnston 3 months June 2008 6 months September 2008 1 month April 2008 Review SOPs for complex patients including daily assessment by trained clinical team members across both Divisions Consensus is that the clinical expertise needs to go to the patient. 18. Perfusion: That there be an increase in the numbers of perfusionists available for routine cases and that there is a separate on-call service for paediatric cardiac perfusion. The report states 8.77wte funded perfusionists. This is incorrect, the funded establishment at the time of the review was and remains 10.8wte A recently appointed perfusionist will be able to provide on call from April 2008 Advertise for a student post to train over two years Cover services in interim with locum agency Review the feasability of a separate on call service for paediatric cardiac perfusion 19. ECMO Service: Review of the provision of ECMO. Page 7 of 10 Perfusion protocols and procedures reviewed January 2008 and going to Sign off perfusion protocols at CRAC Richard Downes Eamonn Nicholson CRAC for sign off PICU ECMO information pack developed July 2007 Review PICU ECMO information pack and roles and responsibilitie of staff involved in ECMO Ian Barrington Geraldine Johnston 3 months June 2008 Documented on Divisional Risk Register Orpheus Perfusion Simulator purchased New ECMO equipment purchased for PICU (November 2006) 20. Perfusion: Define roles and responsibilities of the cardiac theatre team Mr Andrew Parry Prof Andy Wolf Richard Downes Hazel Moon 3 months June 2008 The review alludes to cardiac theatre and theatres in general. A project looking at late starts is underway (H Moon) ‘Lean’ project to be established to look at the utilisation of BCH theatre and indentity areas to improve efficiency Hazel Moon Dr Peter Stoddart Dr Philip Segar Prof Andrew Wolf Mr Andrew Parry 6 months September 2008 Job description and job plan completed for replacement post To be presented to TOG for agreement and sign off in March 2008 Mr Andrew Parry Dr Andrew Tometzki Geraldine Johnston This month March 2008 3 months June 2008 Development of clear policies which define roles and responsibilities of all staff within the cardiac theatre. 21. Cardiac Surgery: Cardiac Surgery - clinical and managerial review of efficiency of current work practices. 22. Cardiac Surgery: Review of Consultant staffing. Awaiting College approval Advertise nationally and Page 8 of 10 Presented to DMB for agreement and sign off February 2008 internationally Working with advertising agency to develop advert 23. Cardiac Surgery: Strategic review of the provision of congenital cardiac services over the next 5-10 years from a local, regional and national view. This should take account of the possibility of closure of units within the UK which may or may not include Bristol. Wide ranging discussions have taken place over recent years with no consensus. This is now the subject of further debate by the British Congenital Cardiac Association Engage in regional and national discussion Repeat of recommendation 4 See above See recommendation 4 Dr Jackie Cornish Dr Andrew Tometzki Geraldine Johnston 12 months March 2009 Include within Divisional Clinical Strategy 24. Cardiac Anaesthesia: Develop protocols for fast tracking and consider establishing a “Transitional” nursing team to facilitate the care of more high dependency patients in Ward 32 or elsewhere if an area can be identified. We have an Outreach Team to support high dependency patients on wards 25. Cardiac Surgery/Cardiology: There is a need for clearer policies to ensure morbidity issues are discussed in a more timely fashion Page 9 of 10 This has been completed Weekly discussion of all cardiac surgical cases Completed Mr Andrew Parry Dr James Fraser Completed November 2007 Clinical Governance framework in place for urgent child death/morbidity reviews 26. ECMO Policy: Establish a policy for the management of ECMO. Repeat of recommendation 19 See above See recommendation 19 27. Work Practice: Clinicians and management need urgently to review current work practices. Define roles, responsibilities and expectations of team (link with recommendation 21) Dr Jackie Cornish Dr Andrew Tometzki Geraldine Johnston 6 months September 2008 Support leadership development for clinicians 6 months September 2008 Review patient pathways using ‘lean’ methodology 6-12 months March 2009 Responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the action plan – Dr J Cornish, Dr A Tometzki, G Johnston AT/GJ 28 February 2008 Page 10 of 10