Credit Risk in Residential Mortgages: Measuring the Collateral Risk with House Price Indices Che-Chun Lin National Tsing Hua University 101, Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Road Hsin-Chu 30013, Taiwan And Tyler T. Yang* Integrated Financial Engineering Inc. 51 Monroe Street, Plaza E-6 Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 309-6560 (301) 309-6562 (fax) March 2005 * Corresponding author. Credit Risk in Residential Mortgage: Measuring the Collateral Risk with House Price Indices Abstract This paper develops a model to properly capture the house price risk at the individual house level. By decomposing the total volatility into the national volatility, regional dispersion, and house level dispersion, risk-based pricing of residential mortgage credit risk at the regional level is shown to be economically justifiable. Residential mortgages are usually considered much safer than other consumer loans due to the additional collateral protection. Most recent mortgage credit risk studies apply the option concept by treating default as a put option that allows the borrower to sell the collateral house to the lender at the price of the unpaid principal balance of the loan. Calhoun and Deng (2002) introduced a variable “probability of negative equity” (PNEQ) to better reflect the nature of this put option. In this paper, we develop a methodology to properly estimate PNEQ using the publicly available house price indices published by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO). The methodology properly captures the distribution of a typical house within a local economy in terms of mean and volatility. Extended from the model developed by Buist, Megbolugbe, and Yang (1998), we are able to properly estimate the future PNEG for mortgages. Numerical examples are provided by using OFHEO house price indices at the state level in estimating the PNEG and their impact on mortgage default rates. With the different HPI growth rate volatilities, it is anticipated that the projected PNEG will vary among different states, indicating state level risk-based pricing of mortgages is feasible and justifiable. Credit Risk in Residential Mortgage: Measuring the Collateral Risk with House Price Indices Model Description: OFHEO publishes repeat sales based house price indices at the national-level and for nine Census divisions. It also publishes the dispersion parameters of the growth rate of one single house versus the average of the specific Census division the house is located. However, because the national level house price index is imputed from the weighted average of the nine Census regions, no separate dispersion parameters are published at the national level. Thus, direct estimate of house price dispersion around a national index does not exist. Most mortgage lending institutions used regional-level and state-level indexes for estimating historical loan performance models. When applying the models in forward projection, they have to depend on some HPI forecast into the future. Forecasting HPI at divisional or state level could be difficult. But the forecast of national house price growth rates are generally available as one of the key macro economic indicators. The model developed here allows a lender to properly estimate the dispersion of one individual house against the national average HPI growth rate. The conditional distribution will also allow the computation of the probability of negative equity, which is one of the most significant variables in estimating the conditional default rate of mortgages. For consistency with the OFHEO estimates of house price volatility, we required estimates of the variance in the geometric growth rates of housing values implied by the regional indexes around the geometric growth rates implied by the national-level index. The following discussion uses the case of state indexes as an example, but the same approach is applied in the case of the Census division indexes. The growth rate for property i between time t and s relative to its state index is given by: ln( Gi ) ln( H i ,t ) ln( H i ,s ) ln( H State,t ) ln( H State,s ) i ,t ,s (1) Similarly, the growth rate implied by the state index relative to the national average forecast can be decomposed as follows: ln( GState ) ln( H State,t ) ln( H State,s ) ln( H N ,t ) ln( H N ,s ) State,t ,s (2) Therefore, relative to the national average forecast, the individual house price growth rate equals the growth rate implied by the national index and the sum of the dispersion of individual around state growth rates and the specific state around national average growth rates: ln( Gi ) ln( H N ,t ) ln( H N ,s ) i ,t ,s State,t ,s (3) Recall that the variance of the first component of dispersion error given by i ,t ,s can be computed directly from the “a” and “b” parameters published by OFHEO: 2 ln Gi lnG State 2 i ,t ,s a t s b t s 2 (4) where (t-s) is the number of quarters since loan origination. For consistency with the OFHEO formulation we required an estimate of the variance in the second component error State,t ,s for the dispersion of the state indexes around the national average forecast that would also be linear in time, as follows: 2 ln GState / ln GN 2 State,t ,s c t s (5) Because equation (4) was estimated by OFHEO as residual term when estimate the state house price index using all houses within that location, it must be orthogonal to the volatility of the state level house price indexes. That is the noise term i ,t ,s is independent of the State,t ,s , or: i,t,s State,t,s 0 (6) This implies the following model for the variance of individual house price appreciation rates around the national average forecast: 2 ln Gi lnG N a t s b t s 2 c (t s) (7) The parameter “c” required for projecting the additional dispersion of the state index around the national average forecast was estimated as follows: For each quarter t we computed the cross-sectional (across state) average dispersion variance (state versus national) for each possible value of (t s) 0 , which corresponds to time since loan origination, i.e., mortgage age: 2 ( t ,s ) 1 ln( G nState State / G N ,t ,s ) 2 State,t , s t 2, 3, ..., T ; s t (8) This gives us a cross-section/time-series sample of average state index dispersion variance around the national average forecast which we assume is a linear function of t-s : 2 ( t ,s ) c (t s) ut ,s t s, s 1, ..., T ; s 1, 2, ..., (9) We estimated the unknown parameter “c” using a weighted least square regression using the number of average variance observations at each value of t-s as weights. The estimated quarterly standard deviation ( c ) values were 2.8903% for state indexes and 2.7192% for Census division indexes. One of the following two formulas was applied depending on whether the time period was historical or future: 2 ln Gi lnG State a t s b t s 2 2 ln Gi lnG N a t-s b t-s2 c (t T ) if t T if t T (10a) (10b) where T is the last historical time period (FY 2004 Q1). Equation (10a) was applied to historical sample time periods when the state index was used to update expected housing values; and equation (10b) was applied during future time periods when the national average forecast was used to update expected housing values. For future loan originations only a single formula is required: 2 ln Gi lnG N a t-s b t-s2 c (t s) if s T (11) Equation (11) was applied to future loan originations and only the national average forecast was used to update expected housing values. The additional term associated with dispersion of an state or Census division index around the national average forecast increases the overall dispersion volatility and results in higher probabilities of negative equity. This is counterbalanced by reduced relative frequency of low expected HPI values when using a national average house price forecast instead of the more volatile local or regional indexes.