“Battle” Drills

Cross-Ice Games
Split Ice Mini-Games:
Mini-game 1 (top half of diagram): One line of players (red in this example) start with pucks. At whistle, first 2
skaters in each line skate into zone and play 1v1 keep away (red vs. blue, and red vs. blue). Players go for
approximately 30 seconds, at second whistle they rotate to Mini-game 2 (bottom half of diagram).
Mini-game 2: 1 puck is used and players skate 2v2 in the confined space for 30 seconds, red attacking one goal
and defending the other. Goalies are optional. When goals are scored, another puck is flipped in from Coach
(green dot). On whistle, players return to lines for Mini-game 1.
2v2 to 2v1:
Pucks at center with coach (black), forwards (green) break in, attempt to control puck and generate scoring
chance; defense (red) attempt to clear to opposite forwards (blue), who break in on opposite goal against 1
defender (red)
Variant: Use full sheet of ice, have opposite forwards (blue) set up on near blue line
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3v2 Transition Drill
Drill starts as 2v2 drill, puck at red line side boards, on possession, 3 rd player can jump in to help; lose
possession and the other team gets the 3rd player, and one of yours must drop out (Note: can also be done at one
of ice in cross ice fashion). Variant: Pass to Coach on side results in release of additional player.
“Gretzky’s Playhouse”
Drill sets up like 3v3 or 2v2 X-ice, but with one other player stationed behind each net. Player behind net is
only one allowed to play the puck between cones. Puck must cycle through player behind net before a shot may
be taken. Other players must continue to move and create passing lanes to score
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3-Way Game:
3 Mini Nets placed around zone, facing outward. Each skater (3 total) are designated to defend one of the nets.
1 puck thrown in zone and each player tries to get possession and score in either of the other two nets.
Pass to Coach:
Players divided evenly between sides, cycle in 2v2 or 3v3 situations. Players must pass to one of coaches (black
dots) at blueline or below goal line before taking a shot on goal. (Multiple coaches can be used on either side)
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3-Pass Goal
Players divided evenly between sides (e.g., 2v2 or 3v3) and play as “team”. Each team tries to “Score” by
completing a pass between any of the “goals” (cone pairs) set around the zone (see Green to Green above). First
team to score 3 “goals” wins the game, and can continue to play the next team.
Progressive Mini-Game
Game starts as a 1v1, once a player gets control of puck, can pass to a “teammate” in line, making the game a
2v1, or eventually a 3v1. If defending team can get control of puck, teammates can be added in the same
manner. Team possessing puck can shoot on either net (if 2 nets used). Continue for 30-45 seconds, then new
1v1 game begins.
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Russian Scrimmages:
Players organized into 2 groups, coach dumps a puck in zone to start players – multiple 1v1, 2v2 games going
on at same time. Same players are engaged against same opponents.
Variant: Add 3rd net and allow players to score on any next.
Breakaway Showdown:
Relay race, Players try to score (and keep trying until they do score) and return to their line, next player tries to
score (and keeps trying) until all players in line have scored. First group to have all players score “wins”.
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“ABC” Drills
Iron Cross:
Start with skater at center (variant: skate forward to center from line), step-overs to Cone #1, then step-overs
back to center, skate forward toward Cone #2, backwards to center, step-overs to Cone #3, then step-overs back
to center backwards to cone #4, then forwards to center, and out of circle.
Figure Eight - Puck Control:
Place gloves (or pucks pictured) shoulder-width apart in front of them on the ice, then work the puck in a figure
8 motion through the obstacles (close eyes/look at ceiling when more proficient)
Variant: Move objects to approximately 5 feet apart
Variant 2: Have players count the number of times they can go through the “egg” in 30
seconds, then reduce the time to 25 seconds and maintaining the number of repetitions.
Skating Figure Eight - Puck Control:
Similar principal to The Egg drill; players skate forward through middle, backwards outside, first clockwise
then counterclockwise.
Variant: backward through middle, forward outside
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Cone Circles:
Players start at cones, skate along blue line, complete a full circle around first cone, receive
pass from first skater in opposite line, complete circle around second cone with puck,
continue in and shoot on goal
Piotti’s Magic Strips:
Series of agility drills (sequence may vary) can also be accomplished using player’s sticks. Players jump
forward with both feet over each strip (red dot and line), jump alternating feet landing on
opposite foot (blue dot and line), sidestep forward twice and reverse direction one sidestep
(green dot and line).
Alternative: players skate from one end of the row to the other between the strips transitioning from forward to
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On the mark, players will skate hard towards the blue line, and once they cross it, they will quickly make a
transfer to skating backwards, to the middle of the dot in the defensive zone circle. Then they will change again
and skate hard to the other end and the offensive zone dot (in the circle), then switch to backwards skating to the
blue line and then transition to the forward skating again. Variant: Cross-ice within zone.
Net Pushes/Pulls:
Have the skaters grab a hold of the crossbar on the net and drag the net while they are doing back crossovers to
build their momentum. The players can also do this with their front crossovers, pushing the net to the other end
of the rink.
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3-Cone Transitions:
Players skate forward to each cone, transition and skate backward to the start point.
Players (Goalies are encouraged to participate as well) skate without sticks, and need to stay within the face-off
circle. The object is to bump other players outside the circle, and be the last one remaining. Players must
observe normal contact rules (no hits from behind, no kneeing, etc.) – emphasize use of angling techniques and
proper body position to knock other players out.
Variant: Have everyone skate backwards.
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Knee Drop and Up
Players skate forward, drop to both knees and recover (2x), forward drop to alternate knees and recover (2x),
skate backwards drop to alternate knees and recover (2x).
Variant: Have skaters execute “Superman” at the red line (and for fun see who can slide farthest)
Power Jumps:
Skaters remain in good body position (2 hands on stick, stick on ice), jump from side to side onto both saktes
while moving forward.
Variant: add in a 180 twist if they do well
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Single-Leg Power Jumps:
Skaters remain in good body position (2 hands on stick, stick on ice), jump from side to side from one skate
onto other skate while moving forward.
Variant: add in a 180 twist if they do well
Intermediate Edging:
Set up players into two lines – have them skate forward from blue line to blue line only on inside edges (at least
3x), then outside edges (at least 3x).
Variant: For older or more advanced skaters, have them execute the drill while skating backwards
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Acceleration Puck Toss
Skater (blue dot) sets up in v-start position, eyes forward, knees bent, head and chest up with eyes forward.
Coach (black dot) says “Go” and skater accelerates as quickly as possible as coach tosses puck into air well in
front of skater. Skater tries to catch puck while moving forward – if not, continues to skate, bending at knees
low to ice to pick up puck and return to coach. Execute initially without sticks, add sticks after skaters become
more proficient.
The Shamrock
Set up 4 cones to set up diagonals, players skate around each cone, pivoting as necessary while always facing
towards bench area.
Variant 1: when skaters reach “center” of cones, drop to knees, get up, and continue around cones.
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Agility – generic
Players line up facing obstacles (their sticks or other similar obstacles), and must step over them, hop over
them, or step over facing sideways, using edges to slalom between sticks.
Variant: have more advanced skaters use only 1 skate to slalom and hop over obstacles
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“Battle” Drills
Breakout to 1v1 (half-ice):
D start with puck behind net, make outlet pass to forward coming back to hash mark (start at/beyond blue line)
and continues to skate past 1st cone, transitioning to defense; forward skates past second cones and breaks in on
Corner Battle:
Upper diagram: Attacker (green) carries/retrieves puck to/from corner, shielding puck and separating from
defender (red) to create scoring chance; defender maintains positioning between attacker and goal (angled to
face corner), plays continues for 30 seconds or until scoring chance or clear
Variant (lower diagram): skate 2 attackers, then 2 attackers & 2 defenders – emphasis on keeping in
motion to create time and space and find open ice (attackers); defenders keeping head on swivel and picking up
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The Deke Pit
Skaters play a 1v1 game in a small space (area of face off circle suggested). Players are only allowed to score
by a deke move (no long shots), emphasizing quick hands and feet with limited time/space. If min-nets are
available, try to use these. After about 30 seconds, set up another 1v1 pair and continue.
Sharks and Minnows Tag (for the younger kids)
Two players are designated as the “sharks” to start. Everyone else must skate between the blue line and goal
line and avoid being tagged – if they are tagged they become a “shark” and can tag others.
Variant: Freeze tag – tagged players are “frozen” and must be “unfrozen” by their teammates
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Zone Puck Chase:
3-cone Weave: Puck set on blue line, on whistle, skaters work through cones, first to puck shoots on goal, other
defends. Variant (Circle Race and Shoot): Skaters start at blue line, skate the circle and break to puck in
Bounce Pass:
Skater (red) starts with puck, when pressed by fore-checker (green), makes bounce pass, and continues skating.
Variant: bounce pass to teammate (blue)
Keep Away: Teammates (red/blue) use boards to make passes as well as direct passes, checker attempts to
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Triple Criss-Cross:
Skaters execute a progression of the drill, skaters from both lines crossing without pucks, both carrying pucks,
then one line starting with a puck and dropping to the partner on each cross. In absence of sufficient nets,
coaches should use cones or some other obstacle to force skaters to cross.
Center Ice Battle Drill:
Attacking player (red dot) skates around cones. Defending player starts to skate when attacker reaches last three
cones. Attacker attempts to score, defender attempts to take puck away, and score.
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Dig the corner:
Skater (blue) digs puck out of corner, clears cone and makes quick pass to teammate/coach (green) for
simulated (or actual) scoring attempt.
Variant: add defender/back-checker (red)
Mad Rush:
Puck carried in by offensive skater (blue), needs to maintain control, passing to coach (green) if necessary.
Defender (red) tries to prevent passes, and marks offensive skater while coach has puck. Objective is to keep
moving with and without the puck.
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3v3 D-zone Battle:
Pucks are placed in corner with Coach (black dot); offensive players (red dots) try to find passing lanes for a
scoring chance, defensive players (blue dots) mark their man, and take away passing lanes. “Borders” are the
arc of non-skating players (green dots), and goal line. If goal is scored, or puck travels outside the Border,
Coach calls “new puck” and brings it into play. Players go for 45 sec – 1 min, and then are switched out.
Emphasis is on continued movement (both offensive and defensive), and maintaining (defense) positioning,
creating open passing lanes (offense). Variant: 2v2 play
Triple Confrontation:
Pucks start at blue line with coach (black dot). Defensemen (orange dot) start by the net, skate out and defend
against forwards in sequence (blue, green, red), who skate out from starting positions, receive a pass from the
coach, and attempt to beat defender 1v1.
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“Core Skills” Drills
Skaters skate around the circle and execute FWD-BWD or BWD-FWD pivots at 6 and 12 o’clock (or at cones
in diagram). For timeliness, skaters can go 2 at a time. After a few iterations, alternate direction, Clockwise then
counter clockwise. Emphasize BWD-FWD Point and push/ FWD-BWD one motion. Crossovers: pick feet up, 2
hands on stick; follow stick crossovers around circle forwards.
Basic Edging:
Set up cones staggered roughly 2-3 feet apart. Have skaters use inside edge only as they slalom course (suggest
4-5 reps). Progression: 2-foot hockey turns through the same course. Emphasize skater following stick, bending
knees, and leaning into corners.
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W Drill
Turns, pivots & stops – skaters start in corner, execute tight turns around cones, and hold at blue line; return
through cones in other direction; players then execute pivots at each cone in each direction; players execute
stops at each cone
Obstacle Course
Players skate through an obstacle course set up between the perimeter and boards – players will need
to go around cones (emphasize tight turns), over lateral obstacles (sticks) or around other obstacles
(tires) – players have the option to approach the obstacles in any order they choose
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Peanut Drill:
Skaters go around the end cones, and between the middle cones, starting in one direction for several laps, then
the opposite direction. Progression: forward, backwards, without, with pucks (time permitting). Emphasize
proper Skating posture, knees bent, hands out, stick on ice, head up, shifting weight.
Skating Figure-8’s:
Set up cones roughly 15 feet apart. Players skate around cones in figure-8 pattern, after several
repetitions, reverse direction. Move cones closer together after several iterations.
Variant: Skate figure-8’s backwards, moving cones closer together after several iterations
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Cone Rings
Players start in the corner, and execute a full ring around each of the cones. Skaters should lead with stick in the
turns, and ensure good knee bends with hips and shoulders level.
Variant 1: Add pucks to the turns
Variant 2: Alternate direction of turns around cones (first to right, then to left, etc.)
Russian Shadows
Two skaters go together and play “follow the leader”. Encourage them to be creative with their movements.
After a few iterations allow one (either chaser or chased) or both to carry a puck.
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Line Abreast Drill:
Half-Ice shown for illustration purposes (it is assumed that 12 skaters are present at practice). With Full Ice
and multiple (2-3) teams present, increase the number of cones used as space and skaters permit.
1st Iteration: Hockey turn around cones (toward left in diagram), return to start line, repeat 2-3 times as
desired; reverse drill with Hockey turns toward right
2nd Iteration: Forward up to cones, Mohawk towards left, backwards to start line, repeat 2-3 times as
desired; reverse drill with Mohawk towards right
Variant: skate with pucks
Line Abreast (alternative):
Half-Ice and two sets of cones shown for illustration purposes.
1st Iteration: Skate forward, execute Hockey turn around far, middle, and far cones (toward left in
diagram), repeat 2-3 times as desired; reverse drill with Hockey turns toward right
2nd Iteration: Forward up to far cone, Mohawk towards left, backwards to middle cone, forward to far
cone, backwards to start line, repeat 2-3 times as desired; reverse drill with Mohawk towards right
Variant: skate with pucks
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Named after the late Herb Brooks, also known as Lines, or Gassers. Skaters start on one goal line, skate to each
line (near blue, red, far blue, far goal), stop and skate back to goal line.
Variant 1: skaters skate forward from goal line, transition at each line return skating backwards to goal
Variant 2 (Blue lines): Scale down to smaller space and set up cones at varying distances
Russian Circles:
Players skate around the end circles in a figure 8 pattern, completing a full circle around the center ice circle.
Variant 1: Skate the center ice circle backwards. Variant 2: Skate the entire circuit backwards
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8-Dot Drill:
Starting in the end corner, the players are to go around the outside of each alternating dot on the ice. From one
corner to the other corner, then across the ice to the other, and so on all of the way down the ice. Coaches need
to stress the importance of tight turns as the players are going around the dots, and heading to the next one.
8-Dot Drill (Version 2):
Players start in the corner, and skate across the ice to the nearest dot, execute a hockey turn and cross the ice
again to the next dot, all the way down the ice, shooting on goal after clearing the last dot.
Variant: Players pivot at the far dot, skating backwards across the ice.
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Walpole W Drill:
This is a conditioning drill as well as a skill drill. Skaters start at center ice, skate to center ice dot, stop, and
skate and stop at each dot in succession, returning to the center ice dot each time.
Turns & Pivots:
Turns & pivots – skaters are paired up (2 sets shown for clarity), execute tight turns around partner/cone, and
return to their cone; partner then executes tight turn around partner (first all green, then all red); players then
execute full circle around partners before returning to their cones, then execute pivots before skating backwards
back to their cones. After full sequence, have skaters execute each iteration with pucks.
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“Stick/Puck Drills
Set up 2 lines, starting with pucks with Player 1 (blue). Player 1 goes in alone and shoots at the goalie, Player 1
then goes behind the net to pick up a puck and pass (option: through the cones/rod) to Player 2 (red) that will be
moving down the slot. Players alternate lines after shots.
Semi-Circle Shooting:
Set up skaters in a semi-circle around goal, focus on wrist shots & backhands.
Variant 1: place targets on top corners of nets (if available),
Variant 2: Alternate shooters from side to side to get goalie to move laterally
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Quick Hands & Cones:
Skaters dribble puck between line of cones;
Variant: stick-handling jig (blue line)
Stick handling Figure 8’s:
As with the Skating Figure-8’s drill, set up cones roughly 15 feet apart. Players stick handle around
cones in figure-8 pattern, after several repetitions, reverse direction. Move cones closer together after
several iterations.
Variant: Stick handle figure-8’s backwards, moving cones closer together after several
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Chaos Stick handling:
Skaters stick handle in and around objects littered in the small area. All players in a group (start with 2 or 3
players initially) are going at the same time. Emphasize keeping their eyes up. After a few iterations, take away
a few pucks so players have to either protect their puck or try to steal one from another player.
Quick Touch Passing:
Pucks start behind the net, passes move around the square (or triangle if only 3 players available).
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Monkey in the middle:
3-5 skaters positioned at exterior of circle, pass puck to teammates on circle; “monkey” (green), attempts to
break up pass or force a turnover. Player losing puck becomes “monkey.
Variant: Coach in middle, players owe pushups if turnover or forced into bad pass.
“Circle Frenzy”:
3 players (blue circles) skate within circle with pucks, at speed and maintain control of pucks for 2-3 minutes.
Variant: Add cones or other obstacles (e.g., milk crates) to stickhandle around.
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Star Passing:
5 skaters on circle perimeter, passes start to 2nd man to right, and continue around circle;
Variant: introduce 2nd puck after 1st pass made
“Pepper” Passing:
Coach (green) starts with puck, passes in sequence to players (blue); emphasis is on quick receive and return
pass to coach
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Circle Pepper Passing:
Players skate on perimeter of circle, receive passes from coach (green), return passes to center, pass from coach
made to same general area; alternate direction after 1-2 minutes.
Box Drill 1:
Skater skates the figure 8 pattern receiving a pass from the opposite skaters/coaches (red/green), releasing shot
on goalie (yellow) – focus is on movement, receiving the pass, and getting off a quick shot. Skaters alternate
from both sides. Goaltender should be moving to follow the play and square to the shooter.
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Box Passing
Drills start s with pass from coach (green) to any of the box members, who make touch passes until coach blows
whistle and they attack a target as a unit.
Variant 1: players set up in a triangle
Variant 2: only players closest to target attack
Figure 8-Pass & Go:
Players start from one side of net, skate through middle and around opposite cone, drop pass to coach, complete
figure 8 around other cone, receive pass from coach and shoot on goal. After 2 iterations, switch starting point
and go around cones in opposite direction.
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Figure 8 Behind the Net
Skaters start from one side, make a complete circle around each cone, then skate out in front and shoot on goal.
After each skater has executed the drill twice, start him from the opposite side. Progression: include a teammate
in the high slot to make a pass to, have that skater mirror the puck carrier.
Lateral Movement Shooting:
One player (red) starts behind the net with the puck, the second player (blue) starts in the high slot. The low
player changes their passing angle and the high player gets open by moving parallel with the player behind the
net, to be available for a pass, and finish with a shot on goal. Cones represent defenders, and can be augmented
with sticks or other obstacles.
Variant: add third player in corner; require at least one pass exchange between low players before
passing to high slot for a shot
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Rebound Shooting:
Coach shoots on an obstacle placed in front of net (e.g., cones or a tire), players (red in this example) alternate
skating in to control rebound, and take a quick second shot.
Variant: add other cones or other obstacles to force skaters to simulate controlling the rebound in
traffic and maintaining control to get the quick second shot
Goalie Blind:
Coach (black dot is situated behind net with pucks, goalie (red dot) is at top of crease. Coach tosses puck over
goalie’s head, landing flat in front of him/her (pucks do not have to be tossed directly in front of goalie – some
side-to-side variation is encouraged). When puck lands, 1 st skater controls puck and takes shot, 2nd skater
attempts to control rebound and take a second shot. Goalie emphasis: proper angling to location of puck,
controlling rebound or reacting to rebound; Skater Emphasis: quick shot and quick reaction to rebound.
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Rapid-fire passing:
2 players (blue dots) designated to make passes on each side of ice; skaters start in corner receive pass, then
forward pass to coach (green dot), receive return pass & shoot on goal. Drill alternates from side to side. After
5-10 passes each, players rotate and new designated passers begin drill.
Variant: Skaters (red dots) start at blue line, execute Mohawk turn and turn up ice to receive pass
Pass ready position:
8-10 players are positioned in an oval shaped circle, facing each other. One player (red dot) starts with a puck
and skates toward another player (green dot) in the circle keeping the puck on his forehand in the pass-ready
position and passes to a player and continues to skate and replaces the position of the player he passes the puck
to. The player that receives the puck continues the drill pattern.
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Shooting One- Timers:
Coach (red dot) is positioned in either/both corners of the ice with pucks. Players are positioned in one line on
the face-off dot just outside the blueline, on the same side of the ice as the coach. The player skates into the
high slot to receive a pass from the coach out of the corner for a quick one-time shot on goal.
Emphasize: Low Stance/Good knee bend; Shoulders square to the puck; Weight Transfer
from back to the front leg; Quick release before goaltender has time to set; Lower the bottom
hand on the stick
Box Drill 2:
All skaters are positioned in one corner of the ice. The coach is positioned off the side of the net with pucks.
Four cones positioned as shown on the diagram. First player in line skates to the 1st cone pivots backwards,
skates backwards up to the 2nd cone on the top of the circle and does a reverse pivot to open up for a one-time
shot from a pass, from the coach; continues to other tire/cone at the opposite side/bottom of the circle; pivots
backwards to go around the tire/cone on the other side. Once again reverse pivoting and opening up for a
second one-time shot from a pass from the coach.
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Wilkins Slalom Stick Handling Drill:
Drill starts at blue cone, first skater (red dot) passes to second skater (blue dot), and goes to second skater’s
position. Second skater skates forward, making self-pass off boards around obstacle (red square), then skates
makes move around coach (black circle), pivoting at cone and skating backward back into line. After 2-3
iterations, reverse direction.
Four-Corners/Three Cones Drill
Drill: Cones are set up in a box, 3 players start drill at any three cones. Player with puck must be between the
other two players before the puck can be passed to another player. Object is to prompt players away from the
puck to move to space where they may receive a pass. For example, if puck is given to Red to start, Blue must
move to the open cone before a pass can be executed.
Variant: Add a fore-checker in middle to try to break up lazy passes
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