1 Appendix S1: Model parameterization 2 In this Appendix we explain how the model parameter values were derived from 3 previous empirical research. 4 The maximum growth rate of Phalaris was derived from a study by Taub 5 (2002), in which a maximum growth rate of 0.25 day-1 was reported under a high 6 nitrogen treatment (daily application of a modified Johnson solution containing 5mM 7 NH4-NO3). This growth rate was the highest found among several studies that 8 analyzed Phalaris growth (Grime & Hunt 1975; Danais 1986; Brix & Sorell 1996; 9 Taub 2002). In this study, we assumed that the same maximum growth rate applies 10 for conditions of light limitation. Also, we assumed equal maximum growth rates for 11 Carex. The mortality rate of 0.01 day-1 was based upon an observed lifespan of 12 Phalaris leaves of 96 days (Ryser & Urbas 2000). We assumed a lower mortality rate 13 for Carex, in order to enable a situation of coexistence between the plant species. 14 Observations of the lifespan of other Carex species suggest that a leaf lifespan of 15 200 days is a reasonable assumption for Carex species (Aerts & De Caluwe 1995), 16 yielding a mortality rate of 0.005 day-1. 17 For the nitrogen content of Phalaris shoots, a range of 7-14 mg.g-1 has been 18 reported (McJannet, Keddy & Pick 1995; Taub 2002). A more detailed analysis over 19 a growing season, however, revealed that nitrogen content can be much higher 20 during certain periods (30-60 mg.g-1, Kätterer, Andrén & Pettersson 1998). Therefore, 21 we assumed a value slightly higher than the reported range of 15 mg.g-1. We 22 assumed the same nitrogen content of Carex shoots. 23 The rooting depth of Phalaris was derived from a study by Kätterer & Andrén 24 (1999), who measured nitrogen uptake in the upper 1 m of soils occupied by 25 Phalaris. They measured little nitrogen uptake deeper than 80 cm (Kätterer & Andrén 26 (1999). The density of the soil was taken from a study by Hansel et al. (2002), who 27 reported a dry bulk density of 530 kg.m-3 for Phalaris wetland soil. For decomposition 28 rates of litter in wetlands, a large range can be found in literature. The value taken in 29 this study, 0.003 day-1, is of the same order of magnitude as has been reported for 1 30 Phragmites and Typha communities and for riparian herbaceous vegetation (Boyd 31 1970; Mason & Bryant 1975; Brinson 1981; Hefting et al. 2005). 32 The recycling parameter in the model determines what fraction of nitrogen in 33 litter becomes available for plants during decomposition. For five sites with riparian 34 herbaceous vegetation, Hefting et al. (2005) reported a range of 0.37-1, with three of 35 the five sites within a range of 0.66-0.72. Therefore, we assumed a value of 0.7 for 36 the recycling parameter. 37 The values of the light interception parameters were based upon a study by 38 Herr-Turoff & Zedler (2007), who reported that Phalaris growing at a density of 500 39 g.m-2 reduced light availability by 90%. Parameters were chosen so that similar 40 reductions (~ 94-95% at 500 g m-2) were reached in our model. Further, the light 41 interception coefficient for Phalaris, was set slightly higher than for Carex, which 42 agrees with the observation that Phalaris has a larger Leaf Area Index (LAI) than 43 some Carex species (Danais 1986). The light interception coefficients for litter were 44 set lower to mimic different light absorbing characteristics of litter as compared to 45 living biomass (see Appendix S2 for details). In general, litter can be expected to limit 46 light availability for young plants, not adults (Violle, Richarte & Navas 2006). 47 The nutrient turnover parameter regulates the biomass of both plant species 48 in equilibrium. The value of this parameter was chosen in a way that the modelled 49 biomass of Phalaris and Carex for the intermediate nutrient-high light treatment was 50 within the range reported by Perry & Galatowitsch (2004) and Perry, Galatowitsch & 51 Rosen (2004). The values of the nutrient and light supply parameters correspond to 52 the treatment levels in the same studies. Finally, the saturation constants that 53 determine the growth curves of the plant species were calibrated as explained in the 54 main text. 55 56 References 57 58 59 Aerts, R. & De Caluwe, H. (1995) Interspecific and intraspecific differences in shoot and lifespan of four Carex species which differ in maximum dry matter production. Oecologia, 102, 467-477 2 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Boyd, C.E. (1970) Chemical analyses of some vascular aquatic plants. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 67, 78-85. Brinson, M.M. (1981) Primary productivity, decomposition and consumer activity in freshwater wetlands. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 12, 123–161. Brix, H. & Sorrell, B. K. (1996) Oxygen stress in wetland plants: comparison of deoxygenated and reducing root environments. Functional Ecology, 10, 521–526. Danais, M. (1986). The influence of some environmental factors on the production of Carex vesicaria and Phalaris arundinacea. Vegetatio, 67, 45-56. Daufresne, T. & Hedin, L.O. (2005) Plant coexistence depends on ecosystem nutrient cycles: extension of the resource-ratio theory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 102, 9212–9217. Grime, J.P. & Hunt, R. (1975) Relative growth rate: its range and adaptive significance in a local flora. Journal of Ecology, 63, 393–422. Hansel, C.M., La Force, M.J., Fendorf, S. & Sutton, S. (2002) Spatial and temporal association of As and Fe species on aquatic plant roots. Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 1988-1994. Hefting, M.M, Clement, J.C., Bienkowski, P., Dowrick, D., Guenat, C., Butturini, A., Topa, S., Pinay, G., & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2005) The role of vegetation and litter in the nitrogen dynamics of riparian buffer zones in Europe, Ecological Engineering, 24, 465–482. Herr-Turoff, A., & Zedler, J.B. (2007) Does morphological plasticity of the Phalaris arundinacea canopy increase invasiveness? Plant Ecology, 193, 265–277. Kätterer, T. & Andrén, O. (1998) Growth dynamics of reed canarygrass ( Phalaris arundinacea L.) and its allocation of biomass and nitrogen below ground in a field receiving daily irrigation and fertilization. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 54, 21-29. Kätterer, T., Andrén, O. & Pettersson, R. (1998) Growth and nitrogen dynamics of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) subjected to daily fertilisation and irrigation in the field. Field Crops Research, 55, 153–164. Mason, C.F. & Bryant, R.J. (1975) Production, nutrient content and decomposition of Phragmites Communis Trin. and Typha Angustifolia L. Journal of Ecology, 63, 71-95. McJannet, C. L., Keddy, P. A. & Pick, F.R. (1995) Nitrogen and phosphorus tissue concentrations in 41 wetland plants: A comparison across habitats and functional groups. Functional Ecology, 9, 231-238. Perry, L.G. & Galatowitsch, S.M. (2004) The influence of light availability on competition between Phalaris arundinacea and a native wetland sedge. Plant Ecology, 170, 73-81. Perry, L.G., Galatowitsch, S.M. & Rosen, C.J. (2004) Competitive control of invasive vegetation: a native wetland sedge suppresses Phalaris arundinacea in carbonenriched soil. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41, 151-162. Ryser, P. & Urbas, P. (2000) Ecological significance of leaf life span among Central European grass species. Oikos, 91, 41-50. Taub, D.R. (2002) Analysis of interspecific variation in plant growth responses to nitrogen. Canadian Journal of Botany, 80, 34-41. Violle, C., Richarte, J, & Navas, M.-L. (2006) Effects of litter and standing biomass on growth and reproduction of two annual species in a Mediterranean old-field. Journal of Ecology, 94, 196–205. 109 3 110 Appendix S2: Modelling light interception 111 112 In this Appendix, we explain the assumptions that were made to model light 113 interception by living biomass and litter. 114 115 The total amount of light that a monoculture of one plant species intercepts can be modelled by Lambert-Beer’s law: 116 117 118 In which x1 is the height of the vegetation canopy relative to the soil surface, which is 119 depicted by x2. Lx1 and L0 the light availability at the top of the vegetation canopy, Lx2 120 is the light availability at the soil surface and LAD is the shoot density of the plant 121 species. Equation (1) shows that the amount of light intercepted is influenced by two 122 specific plant properties: the height of the vegetation (x1-x2) and the leaf density of 123 the plant species (LAD). To enable analytical tractability in ordinary differential 124 equation models, equation (1) can be approximated by a hyperbolic function of 125 biomass, summarizing the two plant properties into a single parameter (e.g. 126 Reynolds and Pacala 1993): 127 128 129 In which αB is a proportionality constant converting biomass to light-intercepting leaf 130 area. Differences in growth strategies between plant species can thus be included to 131 some extent by varying the values of the proportionality constants. In our example, 132 Phalaris generally grows higher than Carex, and has a larger leaf area index than 133 some Carex species (Danais 1986). As a result, a gram of Phalaris biomass will 134 generally intercept more light as compared to a gram of Carex biomass. This can be 135 reflected by a higher value of the proportionality constant of Phalaris. 136 The Lambert-Beer equation is generally applicable to any light absorbing 137 material (e.g. Grace and Woolhouse 1973), and can thus also be used to model light 138 interception by plant litter. Litter, however, will have a higher density and will have a 139 lower height to mass ratio than living aboveground biomass. In other words, litter is 4 140 relatively effective in intercepting light near the soil surface, but will not intercept 141 much light higher up in the canopy. The latter effect likely dominates because light 142 availability is rapidly decreasing within a canopy. Hence, the proportionality constants 143 for litter are set lower than those for the aboveground biomass of the plant species. 144 It should be noted however, that the above approach is a mean field 145 approximation: there is no explicit hierarchy in light interception between plant 146 species and litter. Also, it is assumed that the amount of light that is not intercepted 147 can equally stimulate biomass growth at any height in the vegetation canopy. On the 148 other hand, it also means that even a shallow litter layer will limit biomass growth, 149 because this litter will limit light availability for young and new stems. Note that our 150 approach considers biomass density as a whole, implicitly considering both older 151 (taller) stems as well as younger (shorter) stems. 152 Alternatively, Perry, Neuhauser and Galatowitsch (2003) developed an 153 analytically tractable model that included a hierarchy of plants within the canopy. In 154 their model, the biomass distribution of different plant species was simplified, in that 155 all the leaf biomass was assumed to grow at the top of the stems and stem height 156 was assumed to be proportional to biomass (Perry, Neuhauser and Galatowitsch, 157 2003). This created the possibility to model asymmetric competition for light, because 158 the species with highest biomass occupied the position highest in the canopy, 159 meaning that this species had the first access to light. 160 Similar to results from classical resource competition theory (Tilman 1982), 161 communities tended to develop toward species with lower light requirements (Perry, 162 Neuhauser and Galatowitsch, 2003). However, arrested succession could occur if 163 species with relatively high light requirements established that left little light available 164 for other plant species (Perry, Neuhauser and Galatowitsch, 2003). These model 165 results suggest that Phalaris, which generally grows taller than Carex as noted 166 above, may more quickly replace Carex under light-limited conditions than would be 167 predicted by a mean field approach. Thus, in comparison, our mean field approach 168 may be more conservative. 5 169 References 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Danais, M. (1986). The influence of some environmental factors on the production of Carex vesicaria and Phalaris arundinacea. Vegetatio, 67, 45-56. Grace, J. & Woolhouse, H.W. (1973) A physiological and mathematical study of the growth and productivity of a Calluna-sphagnum community. II. Light interception and photosynthesis in Calluna. Journal of Applied Ecology, 10, 63-76. Perry, L.G., Neuhauser, C. & Galatowitsch, S.M. (2003) Founder control and coexistence in a simple model of asymmetric competition for light. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 222, 425-436. Tilman, D. (1982) Resource competition and community structure. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 6 182 Appendix S3: Analytical justification of the results 183 In this Appendix, we provide an analytical analysis of the model, corresponding to the 184 graphical analyses presented in the main text. 185 The model comprises the following set of equations: 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 In the following, we will analytically analyze different topics that were analyzed 196 graphically in the main text. 197 198 Effect of increasing growth rate on the existence of a coexistence equilibrium 199 Effects of increasing growth rate in the model are similar as reported in classical 200 competition theory (Tilman 1982). Equation 1 shows that equilibrium of the plant 201 species (dBi/dt = 0) requires that plant losses through mortality are compensated by 202 growth of new plant material. If a plant species is limited by light, there is a specific 203 level of light where this requirement is met: 204 205 206 In case of limitation by soil nitrogen, the specific level of nutrients can be derived in 207 similar vein, yielding: 208 209 210 Note that equations 5 and 6 give the analytical expressions of the classical R* values 211 (Tilman 1982). Coexistence between plant species can occur if both species are 7 212 limited by a different resource at equilibrium. Assuming that Carex is limited by light, 213 Phalaris by soil nitrogen and using equations 5 and 6, the requirements become: 214 215 216 217 218 219 As shown in Fig. 3 of the main text, increasing the growth rates of Phalaris (gN,Ph or 220 gL,Ph) decreases the left hand side of equation 7 and the right hand side of equation 221 8. The requirements for coexistence may no longer hold if the increase in growth rate 222 is large enough (see below). 223 224 The effect of the C:N ratio of plant tissue on litter pools 225 The equations describing litter dynamics are relatively simple. At equilibrium, litter 226 density is given by: 227 228 229 Equation 9 shows that litter density at equilibrium is directly proportional to living 230 biomass. The litter:biomass ratio is determined by the first term on the right hand side 231 of equation 9. This term shows that litter density increases with decreasing 232 decomposability of litter. An increase in litter C:N ratio corresponds to a decrease in 233 the qN,i parameters in the model. Hence, an increase in C:N ratio decreases the 234 numerator of the first term on the right hand side of equation 9, and increases the 235 litter density at equilibrium. 236 237 The effects of litter feedbacks on biomass densities 238 The expressions of the biomass equilibria in terms of parameters leads to 239 expressions that are too cumbersome to display. However, the effect of litter 240 feedbacks on biomass equilibria can be shown relatively easily. First, consider the 241 model system (equations 1-4) without feedbacks being at equilibrium. Then, the 242 nutrient dynamics equation can be written as: 8 243 244 245 Where the hats indicate the equilibrium values of the state variables in the system 246 without litter-nutrient feedbacks. If at this point the nutrient-litter feedbacks are 247 switched on, equation 10 turns into: 248 249 250 Because all parameters are defined to be positive, the introduction of nutrient-litter 251 feedbacks decreases net uptake by plant species by a factor dependent on the 252 nutrient-litter feedback coefficients 253 Daufresne & Hedin (2005). As a result, there will be an increase in the nutrient 254 concentration in soil. From equation 1 it follows that higher nutrient availability will 255 increase growth of the Phalaris only: and litter decomposability, see also 256 257 And from equation 9 follows: 258 259 Where the subscripts FB indicate equilibrium densities in the system with litter 260 feedbacks. Increased growth of Phalaris will also decrease light availability in the 261 system: 262 263 264 265 However, from equations 1,5 and 8, it follows that the coexistence equilibrium 266 requires: 267 268 Which can only be achieved if: 269 270 And hence: 271 9 272 From equation 8 it also follows that nutrient-litter feedbacks will lead to competitive 273 exclusion of Carex if: 274 275 Note that light-litter feedbacks have a similar effect, but start from a decrease in light 276 availability (due to the light absorption of litter). This requires Carex to decrease in 277 density, to restore required pre-feedback light levels for equilibrium (which follows 278 from equation 1 and 15), and this will leave more nutrients to consume for the 279 nutrient-limited species. In our model parameterization, the light interception 280 coefficients for litter were set lower than for living biomass (see Appendix S2). As a 281 result, the indirect positive effect on Phalaris due to light-litter feedbacks was smaller 282 than the direct positive effect of nutrient-litter feedbacks. 283 284 Stability of the coexistence equilibrium 285 Equations 7 and 8 already showed requirements for coexistence between plant 286 species, but these requirements are not sufficient (Tilman 1982). Another 287 requirement is that at equilibrium, the nutrient-light consumption ratio of the nutrient- 288 limited species is higher than the supply ratio, and the nutrient-light consumption ratio 289 of the light-limited species is lower than the supply ratio (Tilman 1982). In analytical 290 form, the requirements read: 291 292 293 294 295 Where the left hand sides indicate the consumption ratios of Carex and Phalaris and 296 the right hand sides the nutrient supply ratios. From equations 7,8,19 and 20 it can 297 be seen that an increased growth rate of Phalaris can violate both types of 298 requirements for coexistence. First, the coexistence equilibrium may disappear and 299 the system may develop toward an equilibrium with only Phalaris being present (as 300 shown in Fig. 3 of the main text). From equation 7 it follows that this occurs when: 10 301 302 303 The right hand side of equation 21 gives the critical growth rate above which Phalaris 304 excludes Carex within its climatic niche (see Scenario 2 in the main text). 305 Alternatively, Phalaris may invade regions outside its climatic niche when its R* value 306 for light is lower than that of the native species (see Scenario 2 in the main text). 307 From equation 8 it follows that this occurs when: 308 309 310 The coexistence equilibrium can also be destabilized by a change in C:N ratio of 311 plant tissue. The C:N ratio of plant tissue is determined by the parameters qN,i. As 312 can be seen in equations 7 and 8, changes in C:N ratio do not alter the resource 313 levels present in the coexistence equilibrium. However, equations 19 and 20 show 314 that they do alter the consumption vectors of the plant species. As shown in the 315 graphical analysis in the main text, the coexistence equilibrium destabilizes when the 316 nutrient:light consumption ratio of Phalaris becomes smaller than that of Carex. 317 Expressing the left hand sides of equations 19 and 20 in parameters only, this 318 situation occurs when: 319 320 321 In case of an increasing C:N ratio of Phalaris, equation 23 can be used to derive a 322 critical value of the nutrient content of Phalaris tissue: 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 (eqn 24) Note that nutrient content of Phalaris tissue is inversely related to Phalaris’ C:N ratio. Equation 24 includes the litter feedback coefficients. Hence the critical C:N 331 ratio is being affected by the presence or absence of litter feedbacks. Equation 24 is 332 used to calculate critical C:N ratios in scenario 3 in the main text, where litter 11 333 feedbacks were included. For scenario 2, in which litter feedbacks were not included, 334 equation 24 reduces to: 335 336 Finally, the main text considered a situation where the system shifted from a state of 337 Phalaris exclusion into a regime of alternative stable states. This shift requires the 338 slope of Phalaris’ nutrient-light consumption ratio to become smaller than the 339 nutrient-light supply ratio, meaning that equation 20 is no longer fulfilled. This occurs 340 when: 341 342 In which: 343 344 345 346 347 Again, equation 26 is an expression including the litter feedback coefficients. Hence 348 the critical C:N ratio is being affected by the presence or the absence of litter 349 feedbacks. Without litter feedbacks equation 26 reduces to: 350 351 352 The critical nutrient content of Phalaris tissue at which the competitive outcome of the 353 system changes depends on which of the equations (24 or 26 in the presence of litter 354 feedbacks, 25 or 27 in the absence of litter feedbacks) provides the weakest 355 constraint (i.e. smallest evolutionary change). 356 357 References 358 359 360 361 362 363 Daufresne, T. & Hedin, L.O. (2005) Plant coexistence depends on ecosystem nutrient cycles: extension of the resource-ratio theory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 102, 9212–9217. Tilman, D. (1982) Resource competition and community structure. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 12 364 Appendix S4: Model sensitivity and robustness 365 In this Appendix we performed two types of sensitivity analysis. First, we analyzed 366 the sensitivity to small changes in model parameter values (local sensitivity) using an 367 elasticity analysis. Subsequently, we analyzed the robustness of the model results by 368 quantifying for each model parameter how much its value could be changed without 369 qualitatively altering the model result. 370 371 Methods to calculate local sensitivity 372 In the local sensitivity analysis we calculated for each parameter how a change in the 373 parameter value would affect the equilibrium values of the six state variables 374 (biomass density for two plant species, litter density for two plant species, nutrient 375 availability and light availability). We focused the analysis on an equilibrium with both 376 plant species having nonzero densities (referred to as the ‘coexistence equilibrium’). 377 The method is known as an elasticity analysis (e.g. Eppinga et al. 2009): 378 379 In which S denotes a state variable and p a parameter. The hat on S indicates that 380 this is the equilibrium value of the state variable as a function of parameters. The 381 second term on the right hand side of equation 1 indicates the change in the state 382 variable per unit change in the parameter. The first term on the right hand side of 383 equation (1) standardizes the outcome from an absolute into a relative sensitivity. 384 Relative sensitivities enabled comparisons between parameters, despite the large 385 variation in absolute parameter values (Eppinga et al. 2009). Further, for each 386 variable we rescaled sensitivities to the maximum sensitivity observed, meaning that 387 all sensitivities ranged between -1 and 1. 388 389 Results local sensitivity 390 We found that the plant biomass and litter variables were most sensitive to changes 391 in the litter feedback coefficients, especially the nutrient-litter feedback coefficients 13 392 Table D1). This result stressed the potential importance of litter feedbacks for plant 393 competition. These variables were also relatively sensitive to changes in soil nitrogen 394 and light supply (Table D1). Finally, these variables were more sensitive to changes 395 in Carex’ light uptake parameters rather than Phalaris’ nitrogen uptake parameters 396 (Table D1). This agreed with the notion that Phalaris’ competitiveness increases 397 because of nitrogen release through litter decomposition. 398 The equilibrium levels of nitrogen and light availability only depended on three 399 uptake parameters of the plant species that was limited by the particular resource 400 (see Appendix S3). Nitrogen availability was most sensitive to the uptake saturation 401 coefficient of Phalaris (Table D1). Light availability was found to be similarly sensitive 402 to all three parameters. 403 404 405 406 14 407 408 409 Table S4-1: Local sensitivity of the model obtained by an elasticity analysis, most sensitive parameters are depicted in bold Symbol Interpretation Maximum growth rate of Carex under light gL,C limitation Maximum growth rate of Phalaris under gL,Ph light limitation Light availability at which Carex reaches kL,C half its maximal growth rate (if light limited) Light availability at which Phalaris reaches kL,Ph half its maximal growth rate (if light limited) Maximum growth rate Carex under nitrogen gN,C limitation Maximum growth rate Phalaris under gN,Ph nitrogen limitation Nitrogen availability at which Carex reaches kN,C half its maximal growth rate (if N limited) Nitrogen availability at which Phalaris kN,Ph reaches half its maximal growth rate (if N limited) Mortality rate Carex mC Mortality rate Phalaris mPh Turnover rate of nutrient supply a Nitrogen availability in absence of plants S Nitrogen content of tissue of Carex qN,C Nitrogen content of tissue of Phalaris qN,Ph Soil bulk density ρ Rooting depth of plant species lRoot Nitrogen content of Carex litter at which it QN,C decomposes at rate dC Nitrogen content of Phalaris litter at which it QN,Ph decomposes at rate dP Nutrient-litter feedback coefficient Carex αN,C Nutrient-litter feedback coefficient Phalaris αN,Ph Carex litter decomposition rate dC Phalaris litter decomposition rate dPh Light supply rate L0 Light interception coefficient Carex γL,C Light interception coefficient Phalaris γL,Ph Light-litter feedback coefficient Carex αL,C Light-litter feedback coefficient Phalaris αL,Ph B1 B2 D1 D2 N L 0,89 -0,80 0,89 -0,80 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0,87 0,79 -0,87 0,79 0 0,98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0,13 0,13 -0,13 0,13 -0,10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,13 -0,63 0,31 -0,81 -0,94 0,60 0,58 -0,81 -0,81 -0,13 0,53 -0,33 0,81 0,94 -0,58 -0,56 0,81 0,81 0,13 -0,58 0,31 -0,81 -0,94 0,55 0,58 -0,81 -0,81 -0,13 0,53 -0,30 0,81 0,94 -0,58 -0,60 -0,73 -0,73 1 0 0,10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0,17 0,15 -0,12 0,15 0 0 -0,20 -1 -0,88 0,17 0,20 0,87 -0,30 -0,18 -0,17 -0,20 0,18 1 0,88 -0,15 -0,18 -0,79 0,28 0,16 0,15 0,18 -0,20 -1 -0,88 0,12 0,20 0,87 -0,30 -0,18 -0,17 -0,20 0,22 1 0,88 -0,15 -0,22 -0,79 0,28 0,16 0,15 0,18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 411 412 413 15 414 Methods to calculate robustness of the model results 415 The elasticity analysis examined the effect of a change in a parameter value on the 416 coexistence equilibrium state of the model. To assess the robustness of the model 417 results, we also analyzed for each parameter the range in which this parameter could 418 be changed without leading to a qualitatively different model outcome (with a 419 maximum parameter variation of one order-of-magnitude smaller and larger, cf. 420 Eppinga et al. 2006). The default parameterization included all litter feedbacks and 421 yielded a range of nitrogen and light supplies under which coexistence between the 422 two plant species was possible. A qualitative change in model outcome occurred 423 when the parameter region of coexistence vanished entirely, and a parameter region 424 of so-called founder control (Bolker, Pacala & Neuhauser 2003) emerged instead. 425 426 Results model robustness 427 Almost all parameters could be varied over more than an order of magnitude without 428 qualitatively altering the model outcome (Table D2). This suggested that our findings 429 were not very dependent on specific parameter settings, and thus relatively robust. 430 However, the only exceptions were the plant mortality parameters (Table D2). 431 Relatively small changes in these parameters altered the model results (Table D 2). 432 However, this does not mean that coexistence between plant species was only 433 observed in this small range of plant mortality. It is important to note that the effect of 434 mortality rates was closely related to the plant growth rates (see Appendix S2 for 435 details). For mortality rates outside the parameter region indicated in Table D2, plant 436 coexistence still occurred, but for different growth rates. Thus, although the indicated 437 mortality ranges were relatively narrow, there was a broad range of growth-mortality 438 characteristics under which plant coexistence could occur. 439 16 440 441 442 Table S4-2: Robustness of the model results as indicated by the sensitivity range of the model parameters Symbol Interpretation gL,C gL,Ph kL,C kL,Ph gN,C gN,Ph kN,C kN,Ph mC mPh a qN,C qN,Ph ρ lRoot QN,C QN,Ph αN,C αN,Ph dC dPh γL,C γL,Ph αL,C αL,Ph 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 Maximum growth rate of Carex under light limitation Maximum growth rate of Phalaris under light limitation Light availability at which Carex reaches half its maximal growth rate (if light limited) Light availability at which Phalaris reaches half its maximal growth rate (if light limited) Maximum growth rate Carex under nitrogen limitation Maximum growth rate Phalaris under nitrogen limitation Nitrogen availability at which Carex reaches half its maximal growth rate (if N limited) Nitrogen availability at which Phalaris reaches half its maximal growth rate (if N limited) Mortality rate Carex Mortality rate Phalaris Turnover rate of nutrient supply Nitrogen content of tissue of Carex Nitrogen content of tissue of Phalaris Soil bulk density Rooting depth of plant species Nitrogen content of Carex litter at which it decomposes at rate dC Nitrogen content of Phalaris litter at which it decomposes at rate dP Nutrient-litter feedback coefficient Carex Nutrient-litter feedback coefficient Phalaris Carex litter decomposition rate Phalaris litter decomposition rate Light interception coefficient Carex Light interception coefficient Phalaris Light-litter feedback coefficient Carex Light-litter feedback coefficient Phalaris Unit Default value Lower limit Upper limit 0.25 < 0.025 0.29 0.25 0.22 > 2.5 50 43 > 500 21 < 2.1 24 0.25 0.11 > 2.5 0.25 < 0.025 0.58 30 <3 71 35 0.005 0.01 0.005 15 15 530 1 15 0.0043 0.0082 < 0.0005 < 1.5 14 < 53 < 0.1 > 350 0.0058 0.0115 > 0.05 16 > 150 > 5300 > 10 15 < 1.5 16 15 14.1 > 150 0.7 0.7 0.003 0.003 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.013 0.67 < 0.07 < 0.0003 0.0026 0.026 < 0.004 0.008 < 0.0013 1 (=max) 0.72 0.004 > 0.03 > 0.3 0.048 > 0.1 0.015 day-1 day-1 mol m-2 mol m-2 day-1 day-1 mg kg -1 mg kg-1 day-1 day-1 day-1 mg g-1 mg g-1 g.m-3 m mg g-1 mg g-1 day-1 day-1 m2 g-1 m2 g-1 m2 g-1 m2 g-1 References Bolker, B.M., Pacala, S.W. & Neuhauser, C. (2003) Spatial dynamics in model plant communities: what do we really know? American Naturalist, 162, 135–148. Eppinga, M.B., Rietkerk, M., Dekker, S.C., De Ruiter, P.C. & Van der Putten, W.H. (2006) Accumulation of local pathogens: a new hypothesis to explain exotic plant invasions. Oikos, 114, 168-176. Eppinga, M.B., De Ruiter, P.C., Wassen, M.J. & Rietkerk, M. (2009) Nutrients and hydrology indicate the driving mechanisms of peatland surface patterning. American Naturalist, 173, 803-818. 17