Natural Care For Our Animal Friends

Animals Use LifeWave
1. Stevie Wonderboy – Winner of Breeder’s Cup
“Stevie Wonderboy” was the winner in the Two Year Old race in the Breeder's Cup…the most
prestigious race in North America, if not the world. Here, he is training wearing the patches on
his chest, the equivalent of Lung 1 in humans. This is now out in the open and will surely be to
the horse racing world the same as David Beckham photographed wearing the patches in the
soccer world.
2. Dog with cough
I notice this little dog having a cough about every 5 to 10 minutes. This dog was apparently
diagnosed a year or so ago with a form of cancer, and the visible effects WAS real heavy
breathing and this persistent cough. I ran my fingers down the spine of the dog and when he
jumped I felt like I found a acupuncture point on this animal so I placed a white patch on the
right and a tan on the left and waited about 15 minutes with NO change in the little dog. I
then moved the patches over about 1 inch and BAM The dog's coughing stopped! I spent
over one hour there and the dog's cough had stopped… his heavy struggled breathing was
decreased I would say 45 - 50% I drove back home just to get my camera because no one
would believe this!
3. = About a dog with the name of Viper
Hi Ms. Ginny,
I have a few more tidbits of testimony to forward to you at FurryKids!
My crew of furry beasts are thriving on the protocols you've suggested! Now even "MOM" has jumped
on board the FurryKids bandwagon!
Some months ago I myself had to succumb to a surgery on my wrist for entrapped tendons. My work as
a massage therapist caused me to suffer repeated stress and strain to my hands and arms. You offer a
couple of wonderful supplements and after your hint (LOL) that I might want to try them for support and
nourishment after the procedure, I Immediately began taking the therapeutic dose. My surgeon was
amazed by the speed and integrity of the healing of my wrist so I told him about the formula. He told me
he is now recommending these to his patients.
As for the crew . . .
My Mastiff Gent was bitten by what we have to assume was perhaps a spider. With his tail severely
infected in a matter of hours and turning gangrenous you made a quite a few of your thoughts available
to me about how to possibly aid his pain and prompt his his body's healing response until we could get
him to a surgeon who was out of town at the time this all happened to him! Within a week we had some
new tissue forming so the doctor could remove the remainder of his tail! The doctor and I were pleased,
to say the least!
Poor Chocolat my BC was having a bit of dry coat, so you explained the options available...."lo n
behold." my sweetheart now gleams once again!
Viper is doing well too ! After seeing and feeling the difference the LifeWave Energy Patches made
for me, I placed them on Viper according to your instructions. should see him!!! So I
am now a distributor of LifeWave Energy patches! Once again kudos to you for bringing me into this
organization as a distributor under your tutelage! My clients are loving them too!
Tanks of Thanks,
Love and Gratitude,
Ginger Von Dinkel L.M.T., A.T., D.Hom.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
On 28 November 2007 LifeWave LLC had their weekly conference call where the LifeWave
Energy Enhancer Patch was discussed in relation to helping a pet dog that was recovering
from an illness.
It has been known for years now that the LifeWave Energy Enhancer patch can be used
with any animal from and elephant to a shrew and this recent testimony of how the
LifeWave Energy Enhancer Patch helped give more energy to a Maltese dog is really
Another person shared a testimony on how in a couple of months using the LifeWave SP6
Patch Acupressure Appetite Control system a 30+ lb loss of weight was achieved.
Additionally on this LifeWave LLC conference call we heard from a former military advisor
from Iraq who
rode a camel and by using the LifeWave Patches including the LifeWave YAGE Patch
system composed
of the incredibly powerful Glutathione Booster Patch and the Carnosine Booster Patch
actually helped relieve a condition that developed during that period of service.
Natural Care For Our Animal Friends
We Want Them To Live Long And Healthy Lives Too!
Are you anything like me, and are committed to
natural care for our animal friends? I have 2 cats,
Sadie and Zoe. Every year I take them to get their
teeth cleaned and they are not happy about it.
Because the process of teeth cleaning involves holding
their heads in a vise, they usually come home out of
alignment and grouchy. Because I’m their mom, I
used to bring them to my own chiropractor. Not
I hold one cat in my lap and put the white patch
behind her right ear, the tan patch behind her left.
Right where the ear meets the head. I use a bit of
masking tape to help them stay in place. She will
squirm a bit but mostly just look embarrassed. Sadie
will allow this for 5 minutes, Zoe for 2. Then I remove the patches and voila! Balanced and
aligned. Natural care for our animal friends made easy and simple!
"We use the patches for horses with sore backs and to calm their nerves. They work
immediately, it's amazing to watch their eyes relax, their whole attitude softens and
changes within minutes. We put them on one blind mare during storms. Without the
patches she runs around frantically and endangers herself. With the patches she just
drops her head and patiently waits it out."
-Sabina Matar, Horse Trainer, Elk Grove, CA
Dr. Lauren DeRock is a veterinarian who works primarily with horses in Northern
California. She has practiced equine acupuncture on performance and show horses for
years. After seeing the horses' movement and comfort levels significantly improve with
application of the LifeWave Energy Enhancer patches, she regularly incorporates them into
her practice, as well.
"I find the patches extremely useful in augmenting my treatment for horses with all sorts
of conditions. Often, I have used just the patches and adjustments and have had
tremendous success."
To watch some short videos on these patches about the experiences of happy
users, just go here and click VIDEOS on the left side.
If your favorite pet is feeling achy, if it
has trouble getting up and down, or
grunts and groans when moving, give the
ICEWAVE patch a try.
If your pet is aging and getting tired and
lethargic, pop a set of ENERGY
ENHANCERS on their ears and see what
happens. Most animals respond
immediately to the healing effects of the
LifeWave patches.
LifeWave has a 30-day money-back
guarantee on all their products. Believe
me, your animal companions will thank
you. So try this natural care for our
animal friends and see for yourself what
This is the most exciting technology that has, in my opinion, ever come down the road. In 2004
about the end of the year a close friend told me about this company and suggested that I should
check this out. I took one look, took a leap of faith, and jumped right in. Why? Because, if this
could possibly be valid, it would change the world. I have not been disappointed.
LifeWave™: For All Life Styles, All Ages
A Breakthrough in a NEW Patent Pending Concept for increasing your energy and stamina
I tried these patches on myself and was amazed. My husband tried them and he was amazed.
But, since I can convince myself that anything is working, I wanted to be sure I wasn’t
imagining this, so I put them on my dearest friend, my 25 year-old mustang, Center. I used a
point that I use all the time in acupuncture treatments for general tuning up of elderly horses, as
well as immune function, and back pain. It is called Bladder 23, and is a very powerful point. I
put them on Center, put him back in the pasture, and forgot about him. A few hours later, my
husband Ray called me to the window. “Look at this!” he said. Center was out with the other
geldings, was playing, and trotting across the field to get a drink.
Now this horse is the true Alpha of this herd. He doesn’t rush anywhere, nor does he doesn’t
bully the others. He doesn’t often play with them. He knows he is “the boss” and all the others
will make a path for him. He is the “Passive Leader” Mark Rashid talks about. He is also just
plain lazy, and somewhat arthritic. He has had a long and wonderful career, and is basically
retired. For the next 4 days this horse acted like he was 10 years younger. He continued being
playful in the pasture, and when I would bring him in for the night or take him out in the
morning, he would tried to race the cart rather than just lollygag behind as was his habit. This
behavior was also noticeable for 4 days, and started to taper off.
I have been patching this horse ever since and instead of getting older, he seems to have lost
that 10 years off his age and kept it. In fact, he decided that retirement was not for him and
instead being content with me riding him around bareback occasionally, he is happier with the
saddle and doing light dressage. I have been thrilled, as I have had a long and wonderful
history with this horse.
Since that time, I have conducted a 140 horse study on the patches with respect to back
pain and stiffness. See my article on “Sacro-Sciatic Syndrome.” This is a condition that I see
every day in performance horses. Back pain and discomfort is a BIG PROBLEM, no matter
what the discipline. This study had been accepted by a Veterinary Journal and as soon as it is
published, reprints will be available. In this study, of 140 horses there was only one horse who
failed to respond positively and measurably to the patches. This was a horse with such
profound back pathology that nothing but aggressive conventional therapy had a chance of
helping. He really needed to be retired. These results are absolutely amazing. It is so dramatic
when these horses respond to the patches it would make the most skeptical person a believer.
I did not spend 5 minutes trying to convince these 140 horses that they would feel better!
I have used these patches in my practice ever since. I have also become somewhat of an animal
consultant for Lifewave, and the testimonials that keep coming in about the effects in animals
are just amazing. While using patches for increased energy and stamina is where we started, it
is only the tip of the iceberg for what these patches in conjunction with acupuncture can do for
you and your animals. It is all positive!
Please take a serious look at this technology, and contact me if you see the vision as I do.
Treating the body with “frequency modulation” instead of drugs is an amazing concept, and
David Schmidt is the one that is making this happen. You will not believe what is coming
down the road in the next years!
Needle-less acupuncture is a reality.
Dr. Lauren
LifeWave Patches for Horses
And New Animal Patch Suggestions!
Why Horses?
Why not? If the LifeWave patches work for humans, they oughta work for animals, too. So we're not
surprised to see LifeWave True Believers sharing the benefits of a 40% increase in energy and stamina
with our equestrian friends. Let's take a look at how it works.
Equine Acupuncture Chart
Yes, there are acupuncture charts for horses and that means there are people performing acupuncture
on them, as well. And we have no problem with that. Acupuncture has pretty much entered the
mainstream of recognized and available treatments in modern medicine, even at leading institutions
such as the Mayo Clinic. And Equine Acupuncture is being used by many to care for horses these days.
One such specialist is a licensed veterinarian who has specialized in Equine Acupuncture and NonForce Chiropractic for over 10 years. She has successfully treated performance horses, race horses,
carriage horses, trail horses, and pet horses of every type. Her accreditation in veterinary acupuncture
is through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS).
And we were fascinated by her application of the LifeWave patches to horses, as a part of her
veterinary practice. If the LifeWave patches are eventually determined to be real and increases of up to
40% in energy and stamina can be verified through thorough independent clinical studies, she will be
hailed as a pioneer in her field.
The Veterinarian has over 30 years experience as a veterinarian and over 15 years
utilizing acupuncture and non-force chiropractic. Her medical specialty is horses.
A 8 or 9-year-old dressage horse I have treated for the last two years had a problem
after being cast with an especially sore back, swelling in the loins and a great deal of
pain. I have treated this horse for many problems in the past. He was crooked, had
feet problems and has been brought up slowly to work (young horse). He has been
doing pretty well up till this point - although this is an accident, and glitch-prone horse
at best. The owner had taken him for radiographs and sonograms in December which
were negative, and she elected to have his hocks injected. That didn't help. She then
had the local massage and electro-acuscope work on him, which also didn't help
When I saw the horse, he was badly in need of a treatment from me, which he got. I
told her to wait until the horse was off the previous treatments for a few days then start
with LifeWave patches on Bladder 23 points on his loins.
Within one day she noticed a difference in local pain and swelling, and he did not
complain about his blanket being put on. By the second day, she said "All the swelling
is gone, and my 'Del' is better and happier than he has been for two months!"
I am going to continue having her patch him every 4 days for the next month, and
continue in training with them.
This horse was the winner in the Two Year Old race in the
Breeder's Cup last week, the most prestigious race in north
America, if not the world. Odds are he will now be the favorite
for the Kentucky Derby. See him during training wearing the
patches on his chest, the equivalent of Lung 1 in humans. This
is now out in the open and will surely be to the horse racing
world the same as David Beckham photographed wearing the
patches in the football world. Now, if I were a betting man…
Stevie Wonderboy id=16238
look at frames 5 and 6 of the photo gallery so you can see this 'in the
This is HUGE news in the horseracing world.
Copyed from :
LifeWave Nanotech Patch
This site will mostly be about LifeWave nanotechnology patches but it's highly
likely I will wander into other areas as well.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Rory's Horse Success
For 25 years my sister Rory has run a non-profit animal shelter, All Creatures Home
for Animals. She didn't plan to start a shelter. It just sort of developed.
She takes in large and small animals of any species, but her focus is on those with
special health or behavioral needs.
"In other words," says Rory, "the misfits, the ones who won't be chosen out of a
standard shelter. Or even allowed to live. The ones who fall through the cracks."
The main reason the animals come to Rory is that their people companions are no
longer able or willing to put money or effort into their care and recovery. "These
animals, many of whom were abused, injured, neglected or simply aged, can now end
out their days in a peaceful, cozy setting. And lots of cuddling. And no cages. With 23
acres here, they all have plenty of choices."
Last June an 11-year-old blind horse was donated to the shelter. His name was
Brandy but he was called Bubba. An Arab-Appaloosa mix, he arrived with a constant
drainage in his left eye that ran down his face.
"I thought the eye problem could have been from an injury and felt I'd have to start him
on antibiotics. The vet couldn't come out right away to see him, so I used the energy
patches in the meantime. I put them on the eye points on the outsides of the eyes, as
suggested by vet Dr. Lauren DeRock."
Rory left the patches on for 3 days and the drainage cleared up. She then put the
glutathione booster patch on his chest for a few days to boost his immune system and
help him detoxify.
The drainage stayed gone from last June to January of this year, when it came back.
"But it came back in a much milder form. I put the energy patches on again and it
worked. This time it only took 2 days. It's easier to keep them on now because he has
a winter coat."
Bubba has a great disposition. "He's really very sweet," says Rory. "He stands with his
head tilted because he can't see and he's listening instead. When I touch him, he
becomes very calm. He just melts. Some blind horses get spooked when you touch
them. But not him. He's very people-y. So we don't know the exact reason he went
blind, but the patches have obviously helped him a lot."
Rory is founder and past president of the Door County Humane Society, Door County,
Wisconsin. She won the 1990 Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Wisconsin
Veterinary Medical Association.
Among her goals for this year is to get going on writing a book of her life with the
animals that everyone keeps telling her to write. And to finally build her house.
Her shelter is tax-exempt and run solely on donations. If you'd like to contribute, here's
her info:
Rory Walter
All Creatures Home For Animals
PO Box 155
Baileys Harbor, WI 54202
All the best,
Dr. Lauren DeRock
I am a licensed veterinarian who has had an alternativve equine practice for over 25 years
specializing in acupuncture and non-force chiropractic. I use Lifewave Patches every day in my work
for my patients, their owners and myself. What a wonderful help for all of us. Check my website for
more important information
Energy Patch Nanotechnology Energy Patch "Hi Kat! You asked on one page that if
anyone knew of other treatments, to let you know. There is a new nanotechnology energy
patch that was originally developed for use by Navy Seals but recent studies have
shown WONDERFUL results on horses. It is a totally non-transdermal patch that acts
like an antenna to signal the brain to produce more energy, strength, stamina, and mental
focus. We have several well-known equine acupuncturists using the patches on horses and
finding that the results far surpass what they are getting with traditional acupuncture more immediate, longer lasting, with better results. I would be very happy to forward
emails to you about their experiences and/or connect you with them so you could talk with
them. One vet in CA has had tremendous results with geriatric horses and with back
problems. Another vet in FL has told us about a point on the spine just above the tail that
will calm a horse. My daughter does barrel racing etc in 4H and her horse gets SO excited
about it that we've tried the patch and it works beautifully to calm her (the horse) enough
to where she listens much better. It does not zap her energy, just helps her to calm down
and focus. A trainer friend of ours has had the same results on horses that she is training.
One of the scientists involved had a trainer friend try them on his racehorse. The horse
was a 15-1 odds and won the race by two lengths and beat it's personal best time by 2.5
seconds. The testimonies go on and on and we've only just touched the tip of the iceberg.
The best thing is that nothing at all enters the body. Also, I have spectravision results on
a man showing the tremendous difference in the energy in his organs just five minutes
after applying the patches. Just let me know and I will email it to you. Professional
athletes have been using the patches for a few years but it just went mainstream about
two months ago. Every testimony I have heard is good and the more I learn about the
patches and hear about new studies, the more excited I am about their potential for
humans, horses, dogs, .....anything that lives and breathes! My website is There is a short movie there that explains a lot as well as
written testimonies, the science behind it etc. You can reach me at 253-232-8871 cell or
email me." Regards, Karen Braach,
Body Coherence - Animal Clients From :
[Ian Armacost, photograph by Melissa Koehler Photography]
I have heard many stories of LifeWave clients patching up their pets. We know of a hunter who
routinely patches both himself and his bird dog with the Energy Enhancer for a long day in the hills.
A number of pet owners with aging animals have utilized the IceWave to relieve arthritic joints.
We have a darling dog who lives down the street. Her name is Kelly. Her owner was able to use the
IceWave to relieve a hot spot. The transformation in a 12 hour period was remarkable!
And then there is Stevie Wonderboy!!