Fluoride Vol. 32 No. 4 215-229 1999 Research Report 215 REVERSIBLE TOXICITY OF FLUORIDE AND ALUMINIUM IN LIVER AND GASTROCNEMIUS MUSCLE OF FEMALE MICE NJ Chinoya and Trupti N Patel Ahmedabad, India SUMMARY: Effects of administration of sodium fluoride and aluminium chloride at doses of 10 mg and 200 mg/kg body weight, respectively, were studied for 30 days on the liver and muscle of female mice (Mus musculus). The possible therapeutic effects of vitamin C (AA, 15 mg/animal/day), Ca (25 mg/animal/day) or vitamin E (2 mg/animal/day) administered alone or in combination on NaF+AlCl 3-treated animals during the withdrawal period were also investigated. A decrease in the protein levels of liver and gastrocnemius muscle by F and Al might be due to alteration in metabolism. A significant accumulation of glycogen levels in liver and muscle could be correlated with reduced activity of phosphorylase. Hence carbohydrate metabolism was altered in these organs. The decline in the activity of SDH in the gastrocnemius muscle and liver suggests reduction in their oxidative metabolism which could be related to structural alterations in the mitochondria. A decrease in activity of cholinesterase in liver and muscle may result from toxic effects of NaF, AlCl 3, and NaF+AlCl3, which might have led to alteration in the utilization of acetylcholine thus affecting the transmission of nerve impulses in these tissues. Elevated levels of SGPT and SGOT may indicate hepatic damage and changes in its function by the treatments. Upon withdrawal of combined treatment, a significant recovery occurred in most of the parameters of liver, muscle and serum. However, none of the values were comparable to control. On the other hand, cholinesterase activity in liver and muscle as well as phosphorylase in liver recovered partially. The toxic effects of NaF+AlCl3 on all the parameters were reversed significantly by the administration of AA, Ca, or vitamin E alone, probably due to the antioxidant action of AA and vitamin E and the role of calcium in metabolism. By the combined treatment with these antidotes, complete recovery occurred and values were comparable to control in all the parameters studied which might be the result of their additive or synergistic effect. Keywords: Aluminium toxicity, Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C), Calcium, Enzyme disturbances, Female mice, Gastrocnemius muscle, Liver intoxication, Muscle effects, Protein metabolism, Toxicity reversal, Sodium fluoride toxicity, Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E). INTRODUCTION Aluminium and fluoride are both known to be potential environmental hazards. They are found together in the earth’s crust in the form of cryolite (Na3AlF6). Studies on the combined effects of aluminium (Al) and fluoride (F) in biological systems are very controversial. Aluminium and fluoride are mutually antagonistic in competing for absorption in the gut. Aluminium is known to decrease the intestinal absorption of fluoride and to increase its excretion in humans, thereby reducing its toxicity. 1 However, fluoride enhances digestive ——————————————— aFor Correspondence: Reproductive Toxicology and Endocrinology Unit, Department of Zoology, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-380 009, India. 216 Chinoy, Patel absorption of aluminium.2 Dai et al have shown that the combined effects of aluminium and fluoride aggravated toxicity in the blood and femur bone of male chicks.3 Changes in the behavioral pattern of rats following chronic aluminium fluoride (AlF3) administration are known. 4 The aluminium levels in brain and kidney of rats were found to be high and the extent of alterations in neuronal density as well as cerebrovasculature were greater in animals exposed to AlF3 than to NaF and greater in the NaF group than in controls. 5 F-Al combined toxicosis is endemic in the severe fluorosis regions of the Shuicheng area of Guizhou province in South China. 6 In a differing view, consumption of drinking water containing elevated but non-toxic levels of fluoride has been proposed for the prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease(AD) as aluminium is one of the contributing factors in the occurrence of this disease.7 It is now well established that ingestion of fluoride not only affects the teeth and bones but also other organs. Structural and biochemical changes of several soft tissues have been reported in male and female rats and mice with different doses of fluoride. 8-14 Fluoride causes neurotoxicity in rats, and the effects were greater in early stage of intoxication. 15,16 In a study on male and female rabbits, the lipid metabolism in the brain was altered due to fluoride intoxication, and the neurons of the cerebellar cortex showed degeneration. 17 The animals had retarded development, paraplegia, and quadriplegia. Fluoride has a specific effect on soluble, basic, and total protein in rabbit brain which may lead to degenerative changes, viz., ballooning neurons, various degrees of loss of Nissl substance, and changes in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellar cortex. These changes in the brain may lead to paralysis of limbs in fluorosed animals. In another study, sodium fluoride treatment (20-40 mg/kg/day for 60 days) of adult female rats suppressed spontaneous motor activity, but no change was observed in the motor coordination of these animals.18 Aluminium is known to be a neurotoxic agent and causes neurofibrillary degeneration and neuronal loss. Aluminium accumulation has been associated with various human diseases such as renal dialysis, senile dementia, dialysis osteomalacia, microcytic hypochronic anemia, gastrointestinal toxicity, and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). In experimental animals, aluminium toxicity is also characterized by progressive neurological impairment of learning and memory performance as well as altered motor function. Aluminium is thus known to cause epilepsy, information processing defects, cognitive dysfunction, and motor neuron disease. 19 Previous reports from our laboratory have revealed that aluminium chloride treatment caused alterations in the metabolism of male reproductive organs.20,21 Histological studies by Roy et al with aluminium salts [Al 2(SO4)3 and KAl(SO4)2] at different doses revealed degenerative changes in rat tissues like liver, brain, kidney, and bone. 22 In light of the above data it was thought worthwhile to investigate the effects of sodium fluoride and aluminium chloride alone or in combination on Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 F and Al toxicity in mice liver and gastrocnemius muscle 217 liver and muscle of female mice and the possible reversal of the effects by some antidotes (vitamin C, calcium, and vitamin E). MATERIALS AND METHODS Healthy adult female albino mice (Mus musculus) of Swiss strain, weighing between 30-35 g were obtained from the National Institute Of Occupational Health (NIOH), Ahmedabad, India. The animals were divided into nine groups as shown in the following protocol table. They were housed in an airconditioned animal house at a temperature of 26 ± 2°C and exposed to 10 to 12 h of daylight. They were maintained on standard chow and water was given ad libitum. EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOL Group Treatment and Dose IA IB IC ID IE II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Control, Untreated Control + Distilled water Vehicle Treated Control + Olive oil (0.2 mL/animal/day) Positive Control Control + ascorbic acid(AA) (15 mg/animal/day) Control + calcium (Ca2+ ) (25 mg/animal/day) Control + Vitamin E (2 mg/animal/day) NaF (10 mg/kg body weight/mice/day) AlCl3 (200 mg/kg body weight/mice/day) NaF + AlCl3 (doses as in group II and III) NaF + AlCl3 as in group IV, on 31 day withdrawal for 30 days Treatment withdrawal of group IV Treatment + AA (dose as in group IC) Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Ca2+ (dose as in group ID) Treatment withdrawal of group IV + vitamin E (dose as in group IE) Treatment withdrawal of group IV + AA + Ca2+ + Vitamin E (doses as in group IC, ID, IE) Duration Day of Au- No. of (Days) topsy Animals Sacrificed with treated 20 30 31st 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30+30 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 31st 61st 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30+30 61st 20 30+30 61st 20 30+30 61st 20 30+30 61st 20 All treatments were given orally with a hypodermic syringe attached to an angular needle. Animals in Groups IA-E served as controls (untreated, vehicle treated, and positive controls). Sodium fluoride (NaF) (Loba Chemie, Mumbai, 99% purity) was administered in water (0.2 mL) to Group II animals at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight for 30 days. Aluminium chloride (AlCl3) (S.D. Fine Chem. Ltd. Boisor 401501, 99.5% purity) was administered in water to Group III animals at a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight for 30 days. The above doses were established on the basis of LD50 values, viz. 51.6 mg/kg body weight for NaF and 4 g/kg body weight for AlCl3, respectively.21,23 The Group IV animals were fed NaF and AlCl3 orally in combination (doses as above) for 30 days. Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 218 Chinoy, Patel To study the reversibility of induced effects, the treatment of Group IV animals was withdrawn for 30 days. These became Group V animals. They were maintained on standard food and water ad libitum. Animals in Groups VI, VII, VIII and IX were administered ascorbic acid (AA) (15 mg/0.2mL distilled water/animal/day) (Loba Chemie, Mumbai, 99% purity), calcium (as calcium phosphate suspension) (25 mg Ca2+/0.2 mL distilled water/animal/day) (Glaxo, India, 99% purity) or vitamin E (2 mg/0.2 mL olive oil/animal/day) (Tocopherol acetate, E. Merck, India Ltd. Mumbai, 99% purity) alone and in combination (Group IX) during the withdrawal period for 30 days. The doses of ascorbic acid, calcium, and vitamin E were based on earlier work.12,14 At the end of each treatment, the animals were weighed on an animal weighing balance (Ohaus, USA) and sacrificed by cervical dislocation. For serum, the blood was collected by cardiac puncture and kept at room temperature for one hour. It was stored in the refrigerator and serum was separated after 24 hours by centrifugation. The liver and gastrocnemius muscle were dissected out carefully, blotted free of blood, and weighed on a Roller Smith Torsion Balance (USA) to the nearest milligram and utilized for the study. BIOCHEMICAL STUDY 1 Protein levels of liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and all treated groups of mice were estimated by the method of Lowry et al24 and expressed as mg/100mg fresh tissue weight. 2 Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) (E.C. activity in both liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and all the treated groups was assayed according to the method of Beatty et al.25 The activity was expressed as g formazan formed/15 min/mg protein. 3 Glycogen concentration in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and treated groups of mice was estimated by the method of Seifter et al26 and expressed as g/100 mg fresh tissue weight. 4 Phosphorylase (E.C. activity in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and all treated groups was assayed by the method of Cori et al27 and expressed as g phosphorus released/mg protein/15 min. 5 Cholinesterase (ChE) (E.C. activity was assayed in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and treated animals by the method of Huerga et al28 and expressed as activity of ChE/mg protein. 6 Serum Transaminases (E.C. Photometric determination of serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and serum glutamate oxalate transaminase (SGOT) was carried out by the method of Reitman and Frankel29 and expressed as mU/mL. For all biochemical determinations, a minimum of 8-10 replicates were performed for each parameter. The data were statistically analysed by Student’s ‘t’ test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 F and Al toxicity in mice liver and gastrocnemius muscle 219 RESULTS Protein Levels In Liver: The protein levels in liver showed a significant (p<0.001) decline after the treatments with NaF, AlCl 3 and NaF+AlCl3 (Groups II-IV) as compared to control (Groups IA-IE). Of all three treatments, in Groups II-IV, the combined treatment (Group IV) brought about the greatest significant decline. Withdrawal (Group V) of the combined treatment (Group IV) resulted in a significant (p<0.001) recovery. On administration of vitamin C, calcium or vitamin E (Groups VI-VII) as well as their combined treatment (Groups IX), complete recovery was observed (Table 1). Protein Levels In Muscle: A significant (p<0.001) decline in the protein levels of the gastrocnemius muscle occurred after the treatments with NaF, AlCl 3 and NaF+AlCl3 (Group II-IV) for 30 days. A highly significant (p<0.001) decrease occurred after the combined administration of NaF+AlCl 3 (Group IV). The withdrawal of the treatment in Group V mice resulted in recovery (p<0.01). A complete reversal of the combined toxicity was obtained after treatment with vitamin C, calcium or vitamin E as well as their combination (Groups VI-IX), and the values were the same as controls (Table 1). Table 1. Protein levels (mg/100 mg tissue weight) in liver and Gastrocnemius muscle of control and treated mice. (Groups IA-IX). Group Treatment Liver Muscle Control + Distilled water 33.40 0.26 Control + Olive oil 33.21 0.11 Control + Ascorbic Acid 33.44 0.16 Control + Calcium 33.23 0.10 Control + Vitamin E 33.34 0.13 NaF 22.04 0.11* AlCl3 18.52 0.09* NaF+AlCl3 14.82 0.08* Treatment withdrawal of Group IV 24.88 0.10* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Ascorbic Acid 32.02 0.20* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Calcium 31.39 0.08* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Vitamin E 30.25 0.31* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + 32.73 0.19* AA + Ca2+ + Vitamin E Values are mean ± S.E. *p<0.001 Comparison between: Group I and Groups II, III, IV Group IV and Groups V, VI, VII, VIII & IX IA IB IC ID IE II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 18.34 0.09 18.83 0.09 18.47 0.15 18.81 0.09 18.72 0.16 16.91 0.07* 15.12 0.10* 12.84 0.16* 14.69 0.10* 18.20 0.07* 18.14 0.12* 18.33 0.17* 18.56 0.12* Glycogen Levels In Liver: A significant (p<0.001) accumulation of glycogen levels occurred in the livers of mice following all three treatments in Groups II, III and IV as compared to the control Groups IA-IE. The values were very significant in Groups III and IV. A significant recovery (p<0.001) was obtained after the withdrawal period of 30 days in the Group V mice. Admin- Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 220 Chinoy, Patel istration of ascorbic acid, calcium, or vitamin E alone and in combination (Groups VI to IX), brought about a complete recovery in the glycogen levels of liver which was more pronounced in group IX treatment (AA+Ca2++vitamin E) (Table 2). Table 1A. Source of Variation Liver protein Between Groups Within Groups Muscle protein Between Groups Within Groups SS df MS F-cal F-tab 4990.695 67.75786 12 117 415.8913 0.579127 718.1348 1.835815 453.4415 17.37403 12 117 37.78679 0.148496 254.4634 1.835815 SS-Sum of Squares df-degree of freedom MS-Mean sum of squares F-cal=Fischers Calculated F-Tab=Fischers Tabulated Table 2. Glycogen concentration (µg/100 mg tissue weight) in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and treated mice. Group Treatment Liver Control + Distilled water 1068.82 21.36 Control + Olive oil 1057.79 33.86 Control + Ascorbic Acid 1092.81 17.91 Control + Calcium 1069.55 16.49 Control + Vitamin E 1085.18 18.22 NaF 1349.99 16.32* AlCl3 2079.57 17.67* NaF+AlCl3 2160.17 13.03* Treatment withdrawal of Group IV 1495.11 10.24* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + 1135.42 18.37* Ascorbic Acid VII Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Calcium 1176.23 13.92* VIII Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Vit. E 1157.86 23.27* IX Treatment withdrawal of group IV + 1078.96 18.20* AA + Ca2+ + Vitamin E Values are mean ± S.E. *p<0.001 Comparison between: Group I and Groups II, III, IV Group IV and Groups V, VI, VII, VIII & IX IA IB IC ID IE II III IV V VI Muscle 792.40 13.77 808.30 15.38 776.14 14.56 792.68 14.59 787.83 7.38 1018.79 14.09* 1187.95 14.56* 1306.47 11.55* 1049.33 7.65* 884.07 11.37* 881.87 10.08* 866.78 8.96* 795.51 6.99* Glycogen Levels In Muscle: Accumulation of glycogen levels was also seen in muscle after the administration of all three treatments (NaF, AlCl 3, and NaF+AlCl3) alone as in Groups II, III, IV. The combination of NaF+AlCl 3 (Group IV) brought about a highly significant (p<0.001) increase in the gly- Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 F and Al toxicity in mice liver and gastrocnemius muscle 221 cogen levels as compared to Group II and III treatments. The withdrawal of treatment (Group V) revealed a significant (p<0.001) recovery in the muscle glycogen levels. However, when ascorbic acid, calcium, or vitamin E were administered alone and in combination (Groups VI-IX), nearly complete recovery occurred. Maximum recovery occurred with the combined treatment of antidotes (Group IX) during the withdrawal period (Table 2). Table 2A. Source of Variation Liver Glycogen Between Groups Within Groups Muscle Glycogen Between Groups Within Groups SS df MS F-cal F-tab 14026345 408621.5 12 117 1168862 3492.492 334.6785 1.835815 3518373 167899.8 12 117 293197.8 1435.041 204.3131 1.835815 Phosphorylase Activity In Liver: Liver phosphorylase activity showed a significant (p<0.001) decline after NaF, AlCl 3, or NaF+AlCl3 treatments. Combined treatment (Group IV) reduced the enzyme activity very significantly (p<0.001). On withdrawal of treatment (Group V), a partial recovery occurred. However, antidotes administered alone or in combination (Groups VI-IX) brought about a significant (p<0.001) recovery. The activity regained normal status after Group IX treatment (Table 3). Table 3. Phosphorylase activity (µg phosphorus released/mg protein/15 min) in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and treated mice. Group Treatment Liver Muscle Control + Distilled water 15.66 0.11 Control + Olive oil 15.80 0.13 Control + Ascorbic Acid 15.82 0.08 Control + Calcium 15.73 0.13 Control + Vitamin E 15.63 0.12 NaF 7.32 0.14† AlCl3 6.61 0.14† NaF+AlCl3 5.20 0.25† Treatment withdrawal of Group IV 8.25 0.19* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + 15.25 0.09† Ascorbic Acid VII Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Calcium 14.71 0.13† VIII Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Vit. E 15.14 0.18† IX Treatment withdrawal of group IV + AA + 15.56 0.13† 2+ Ca + Vitamin E Values are mean ± S.E. *p<0.01 †p<0.001 Comparison between: Group I and Groups II, III, IV Group IV and Groups V, VI, VII, VIII & IX IA IB IC ID IE II III IV V VI 12.06 0.08 11.96 0.11 12.03 0.12 11.82 0.16 11.88 0.13 9.01 0.08† 6.71 0.15† 4.68 0.10† 6.94 0.10† 11.17 0.12† 10.85 0.13† 11.13 0.17† 12.06 0.07† Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 222 Chinoy, Patel Phosphorylase Activity In Muscle: Activity of phosphorylase declined significantly (p<0.001) with NaF, AlCl 3, and their combined treatments (Groups IIIV). NaF+AlCl3 treatment bought about a highly significant (p<0.001) decline. After withdrawing the treatment, the enzyme recovered significantly (p<0.001) in comparison to Group IV. Administration of vitamin C, calcium, or vitamin E alone or in combination (Groups VI-IX) brought about a significant (p<0.001) recovery. The combined treatment of antidotes (Group IX) caused a more pronounced recovery (Table 3). Table 3A. Source of Variation Liver phosphorylase Between Groups Within Groups Muscle Phosphorylase Between Groups Within Groups SS df MS F-cal F-tab 2124 25.4483 12 117 177 0.217507 813.7674 1.835815 757.2165 16.65053 12 117 63.10137 0.142312 443.4009 1.835815 SDH Activity In Liver: Oral administration of NaF, AlCl 3, or NaF+AlCl3 (Groups II-IV) for 30 days caused a significant (p<0.001) decline in the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in liver. In the withdrawal animals (Group V) the recovery of enzyme activity was not very significant (p<0.01). The treatments of vitamin C, calcium, or vitamin E alone restored the enzyme activity significantly (p<0.001). The values were comparable to controls (Groups IAIE) after the combined treatment (Group IX) with all three antidotes (Table 4). Table 4. SDH activity (µg formazan formed/15 min/mg protein) in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of control and treated mice. Group Treatment Liver Control + Distilled water 5.46 0.15 Control + Olive oil 5.06 0.05 Control + Ascorbic Acid 4.98 0.06 Control + Calcium 5.07 0.03 Control + Vitamin E 5.05 0.05 NaF 3.53 0.05* AlCl3 2.85 0.11* NaF+AlCl3 2.18 0.05* Treatment withdrawal of Group IV 3.09 0.03* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Ascorbic Acid 4.17 0.03* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Calcium 4.29 0.11* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Vitamin E 4.17 0.02* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + AA + Ca2+ 5.02 0.05* + Vitamin E Values are mean ± S.E. *p<0.001 Comparison between: Group I and Groups II, III, IV Group IV and Groups V, VI, VII, VIII & IX IA IB IC ID IE II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 Muscle 19.50 0.21 19.02 0.17 19.51 0.22 19.31 0.17 19.28 0.31 15.80 0.17* 12.86 0.10* 10.69 0.13* 14.96 0.28* 17.21 0.21* 17.58 0.20* 17.02 0.15* 18.88 0.10* F and Al toxicity in mice liver and gastrocnemius muscle 223 SDH Activity In Muscle: On administration of NaF, AlCl 3 alone, or combined (Groups II-IV), the muscle SDH activity was reduced significantly (p<0.001). Here also, the combined treatment (Group IV) was most effective. Withdrawal of NaF+AlCl3 treatment did not bring about complete recovery in the enzyme activity, although it was significant (p<0.001) as compared to the treated Group IV. AA, Ca2+, or vitamin E alone and in combination (Group VI-IX) resulted in nearly complete recovery of the enzyme activity (Table 4). Table 4A. Source of Variation Liver SDH Between Groups Within Groups Muscle SDH Between Groups Within Groups SS df MS F-cal F-tab 126.8855 6.07714 12 117 10.5738 0.051941 203.5718 1.835815 928.4478 44.21072 12 117 77.37065 0.377869 204.755 1.835815 Cholinesterase Activity In Liver: All three treatments of Groups II, III, and IV brought about a significant (p<0.001) decline in the activity of cholinesterase in liver. The combined treatment of NaF and AlCl 3 reduced the enzyme significantly (p<0.001). Withdrawing treatment caused a significant (p<0.01) recovery in the enzyme activity. Administration of ascorbic acid, calcium and vitamin E alone or in combination resulted in a significant (p<0.001) recovery. Recovery was maximum with the combined treatment of antidotes (Table 5). Table 5. Cholinesterase (ChE/mg protein) in liver and muscle of control and treated mice. Group Treatment Liver Control + Distilled water 4.92 0.28 Control + Olive oil 4.65 0.24 Control + Ascorbic Acid 4.28 0.16 Control + Calcium 4.68 0.13 Control + Vitamin E 4.34 0.15 NaF 3.75 0.10† AlCl3 2.87 0.05† NaF+AlCl3 2.31 0.09† Treatment withdrawal of Group IV 3.06 0.06* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Ascorbic Acid 4.04 0.06† Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Calcium 3.90 0.13† Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Vitamin E 3.91 0.08† 2+ Treatment withdrawal of group IV + AA + Ca 4.29 0.08† + Vitamin E Values are mean ± S.E. *p<0.01 †p<0.001 Comparison between: Group I and Groups II, III, IV Group IV and Groups V, VI, VII, VIII & IX IA IB IC ID IE II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Muscle 6.31 0.23 6.28 0.21 6.25 0.16 6.33 0.18 6.06 0.20 4.20 0.16† 3.62 0.16† 2.98 0.17† 3.82 0.21* 5.66 0.28† 5.75 0.29† 5.70 0.23† 6.17 0.23† Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 224 Chinoy, Patel Cholinesterase Activity In Muscle: The activity of gastrocnemius muscle cholinesterase declined significantly (p<0.001) after 30 days of NaF, AlCl 3, or NaF+AlCl3 treatments (Groups II-IV). Upon withdrawal of Group IV treatment (Group V), there was a significant (p<0.01) recovery which was greater with the treatment of antidotes (Group VI-IX). Combined treatment of vitamin C, calcium, and vitamin E resulted in a synergistic effect for the complete recovery of the enzyme activity (Table 5). Table 5A. Source of Variation Liver Cholinesterase Between Groups Within Groups Muscle Cholinesterase Between Groups Within Groups SS df MS F-cal F-tab 65.71029 21.37496 12 104 5.475858 0.205528 26.64282 1.846427 173.4157 52.63648 12 117 14.45131 0.449884 32.12227 1.835815 Activities of SGPT and SGOT: The activities of SGPT and SGOT were elevated significantly (p<0.001) following NaF, AlCl 3, or NaF+AlCl3 treatments. Combined treatment of NaF and AlCl 3 caused a maximum increase in these enzyme activities. Withdrawal of the combined treatment and administration of ascorbic acid, calcium, and vitamin E alone or in combination brought about a significant (p<0.001) recovery. The combined treatment with antidotes brought about a complete recovery of both enzymes in serum (Table 6). Table 6. SGPT and SGOT activities (mu/ml) in serum of control and treated mice. Group Treatment SGPT Control + Distilled water 12.2 1.20 Control + Olive oil 13.6 1.80 Control + Ascorbic Acid 13.8 1.56 Control + Calcium 13.6 0.68 Control + Vitamin E 12.8 1.32 NaF 23.8 1.50* AlCl3 34.4 1.66* NaF+AlCl3 45.0 2.73* Treatment withdrawal of Group IV 32.0 2.49* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Ascorbic Acid 15.2 1.53* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Calcium 16.6 1.96* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + Vitamin E 14.4 2.46* Treatment withdrawal of group IV + AA + 13.4 0.68* Ca2+ + Vitamin E Values are mean ± S.E. *p<0.001 Comparison between: Group I and Groups II, III, IV Group IV and Groups V, VI, VII, VIII & IX IA IB IC ID IE II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 SGOT 21.4 3.15 23.2 3.00 22.2 2.26 20.6 3.67 22.0 1.87 35.4 1.40* 38.8 3.70* 41.4 2.54* 34.2 2.05* 21.2 2.39* 25.6 3.79* 22.2 2.76* 22.0 1.00* F and Al toxicity in mice liver and gastrocnemius muscle 225 Table 6A. Source of Variation SGPT Between Groups Within Groups SGOT Between Groups Within Groups SS df MS F-cal F-tab 6608.554 793.2 12 52 550.7128 15.25385 36.10321 1.943619 3436.954 1928.8 12 52 286.4128 37.09231 7.721623 1.943619 DISCUSSION Aluminium and fluoride are reported to cause altered protein levels in various tissues of treated animals independently or in combination 12,14,20,21,30,31 probably by forming complexes with proteins or by inhibiting its synthesis or due to alteration in protein metabolism. 19,32 It is known that aluminium and fluoride individually alter carbohydrate metabolism.33 Reports from our laboratory have also revealed that a significant accumulation of glycogen occurred in liver, gastrocnemius muscle, vas deferens, and uterus concomitant with a significant decline in phosphorylase activity in mice after treatment with sodium fluoride (NaF) or aluminium chloride (AlCl3).11,20,31 In the present study, the glycolytic pathway in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of NaF, AlCl 3, and NaF+AlCl3-treated mice was also altered thus disturbing their carbohydrate metabolism. Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) is a mitochondrial enzyme, which catalyses reversible oxidation of succinate to fumarate. A reduction in activity of SDH occurred in liver and gastrocnemius muscle of treated mice. The decline was most significant with the combined treatment of NaF and AlCl 3. Similar results have been reported in mice gastrocnemius muscle and liver from our laboratory and the results have been correlated with alteration in mitochondrial structure.11,30 Severe structural alterations in mitochondria of guinea pig liver as well as in fluorotic mice ovary and uterus were also reported. 34,35 In female albino mice, Singh36 found a dose-dependent reduction in SDH activity in liver and kidney with sodium fluoride. Ultrastructural studies are called for in the future. Cholinesterases are enzymes which hydrolyze esters of choline. The reduced enzyme activity in serum and liver is an index for recognizing liver damage and neuronal activity and reflects on the metabolic rate of an animal. In the present study, a decrease in activity of cholinesterase in gastrocnemius muscle and liver was observed with NaF, AlCl 3, or NaF+AlCl3 treatments. The combined complex of aluminium and fluoride (AlF 3) is also known to inhibit the activities of key synaptosomal enzymes, viz., ATPase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which are involved in transmission of nerve impulses. The toxic effect may lead to altered utilization of acetylcholine thus affecting the transmission of nerve impulses in liver and muscle tissues. 37 In vitro stud- Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 226 Chinoy, Patel ies by Cimasoni38 revealed inhibition of cholinesterase with fluoride ions. Considerable evidence indicates that aluminium alters the second messenger system of c-AMP and G-protein. Increased c-AMP concentration in brain results in hyperphosphorylation of proteins. The abnormal change in phosphorylation may impair the axonal transport of cytoskeletal proteins. Aluminium also causes alteration in transport systems of the blood-brain barrier increasing the permeability of a number of peptide and steroid hormones. 19 These mechanisms need further study in liver and muscle. SGPT and SGOT are markers of liver function. NaF, AlCl3, or NaF + AlCl3 treatments caused an increased activity of both transaminases, suggesting hepatic damage and changes in its function. Other reports corroborate our findings.9,11,31 In the present study, the combined treatment of NaF+AlCl 3 caused more toxicity than the individual treatments in all the parameters studied in liver, gastrocnemius muscle, and serum. However, muscle glycogen and activities of SDH and cholinesterase were affected more severely than in liver, but the liver protein levels declined comparatively more than in muscle. Thus, the NaF+AlCl3 treatment caused severe toxicity to liver as well as muscle. Upon withdrawal of the combined treatment, some recovery occurred in most of the parameters of liver, muscle, and serum, but none of the values returned to those of the control. The activities of cholinesterase in liver, gastrocnemius muscle as well as liver phosphorylase also recovered partially. Previous studies in our laboratory on male and female rodents treated with sodium fluoride or aluminium chloride or their combination and withdrawal of treatment thereafter showed a non-significant recovery.10,12-14,31 The induced effects of NaF+AlCl3 on all the parameters of liver, gastrocnemius muscle and serum were partially reversed by the administration of ascorbic acid, calcium, or vitamin E alone. However, with the combined treatments, complete recovery from the induced toxicity occurred in all the parameters of liver, muscle, and serum, and the values were comparable to control. Ascorbic acid is known to be an antioxidant and has active detoxification properties.39 It activates adenyl cyclase but inhibits phosphodiesterase (PDE), which will result in an increase in c-AMP levels and cause activation of several enzymes, viz., SDH, phosphorylase, 3β-HSD, 17-βHSD, etc.40 Calcium is also known to act in a similar manner. Earlier work from our laboratory has revealed that supplementation with calcium brought about significant recovery in several enzyme activities in fluoride-intoxicated mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs.8,9,41,42 The reversal of NaF-induced toxicity in soft tissues of mice with the combined treatment of AA and Ca2+ has also been reported in other studies.11,34 Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, exerts its protective effect primarily through destruction of cell-damaging free radical oxygen species. Significant recovery of the reproductive functions of fluorotic male mice treated with vitamin E was reported previously. 14 In the present study, vitamin E also helped to reverse NaF+AlCl 3-induced toxicity in liver and gastrocnemius muscle. Fluoride 32 (4) 1999 F and Al toxicity in mice liver and gastrocnemius muscle 227 The combined administration of antidotes is more beneficial. As reported elsewhere, the possible explanation for this effect might be that both AA and Ca2+ act synergistically to activate several enzymes.12,30 Together with AA and Ca2+, vitamin E provides an additional antioxidant effect, since tocopherol interacts non-enzymatically with ascorbic acid. Furthermore, it is known that, in microsomal membrane preparations, the radical scavenging activity of tocopherol is enhanced in the presence of ascorbic acid.43 Hence, it is clear that ascorbic acid and vitamin E together have an additive or synergistic effect. 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