Biology 30 Module 1 Lesson 2 Cell Physiology: Homeostasis Copyright: Ministry of Education, Saskatchewan May be reproduced for educational purposes Biology 30 47 Lesson 2 Biology 30 48 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Cell Physiology Directions for completing the lesson: Text References for suggested reading: Read BSCS Biology 8th edition Sections 5.6 - 5.11, 7-8 OR Nelson: Biology Chapter 1, pages 40-46 Chapter 4, page 117 Chapter 22, page 532-537, 544-545 Study the instructional portion of the lesson. Review the vocabulary list. Do Assignment 2. Biology 30 49 Lesson 2 Vocabulary active transport isotonic anaphase metaphase cell plate mitosis cleavage furrow osmosis cytokinesis passive transport cytolysis permeable diffusion phagocytosis endocytosis physiology eukaroyotes pinocytosis exocytosis plasmolysis gradient prokaryotes homeostasis prophase hypertonic Ringer's solution hypotonic selectively/differentially permeable impermeable telophase interphase turgid Biology 30 50 Lesson 2 Cell Physiology: Homeostasis Introduction In any studies relating to what life is or what actions are involved in living, it is often difficult to give precise definitions without coming up with some exceptions. A method of trying to overcome this has been for science to establish a number of general characteristics which could be applicable to as many organisms as possible. A considerable number of these characteristics have to do with specific actions designed to maintain life. Thus, we may say a living organism is one which ingests (food and other necessary materials), transports (these to various body parts), assimilates, excretes, is sensitive or responsive to external as well as internal changes, as well as carries out other important actions. In our introductory lesson, these were seen to be performed at the multicellular level or by an entire organism as well as by individual cells. The actions of ingestion, excretion and irritability are as important to a cell as they are to the entire organism. Complete stoppages of such actions at either level could mean eventual death for both cells and organism. The actions just mentioned, in addition to others, will be examined more closely in the following lessons. Studying how cell parts or, on a larger scale, body parts actually function is part of physiology. When individual body parts or processes are studied, it should be kept in mind that an organism's well-being depends on a proper functioning of all parts or systems and not just a single one. Biology 30 51 Lesson 2 After completing this lesson you should be able to: Biology 30 • explain homeostasis and discuss its importance in maintaining life. • give examples of homeostasis occurring internally, or carried out by organisms to maintain certain external conditions. • understand the importance of movements of substances in and out of bodies or cells. • explain diffusion and factors affecting diffusion. • explain osmosis and factors affecting osmosis. • distinguish between passive and active transport. • give some examples of active transport. • explain the general effect cell size has on homeostasis. • relate cell size to the cell cycle and describe the cell cycle in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. • describe what generally happens to result in cancerous developments and the effects these could have on a body. 52 Lesson 2 Homeostasis If you have ever tried, or were to try, to walk a rail fence or a narrow plank some distance off the ground, you would know the importance of maintaining a proper balance. The acts of walking, running and even remaining standing upright are other balancing actions which are not even noticed by most of us, after learning or developing these abilities early in life. Proper balancing in each instance is necessary in maintaining that action. Failure to do so could result in embarrassing or even painful consequences. Balancing of a slightly different nature is also crucial on cellular and organism levels. by Robert Lawton Homeostasis: the processes by which organisms try to maintain the most suitable conditions possible for the functioning of its cells and body Living organisms or cells function under certain kinds of conditions and may not be able to do so or do so properly if those conditions are not met. Freezing temperatures can slow down many plant processes or stop them entirely by killing plant parts or making them go into dormancy. A lack of water can be a limitation to both plants and animals. While temperature and water are initially part of external conditions, they (and others) lead to internal body states in organisms which eventually affect the functioning of individual cells. External controls: These examples illustrate some deliberate and controlled reactions to external temperatures and relative humidities. Other behaviors or responses could be made to such things as available food supplies, water conditions and (sun)light levels or intensities. Some plant leaves develop fine, hair-like structures to reduce wind velocities and drying actions near their surfaces. Some animals can move into areas of shade or sunlight while others can move into deeper or shallower waters; these actions are attempts to keep the temperatures on their body surfaces about the same. Ants and termites build piles or mounds having fairly uniform internal humidities and temperatures. Worker bees or wasps "fan" at their hive entrances to create cooling drafts in high temperatures. Biology 30 53 Lesson 2 In our own situations, we can put on or take off clothing or we can turn up heating or cooling units, to establish temperatures that we like. If we don't like carrying out these actions or if we still don't like the conditions, we can carry out a behavior common to some other animals and birds – migration. Internal controls: There are other homeostatic actions which occur without organisms being able to control them consciously or, for that matter, without even being aware of many of them. These commonly occur at the organ, tissue or cellular levels. The internal human body temperature normally fluctuates two or three degrees Celsius around an average of 37.5 C. There are several ways to maintain this balance. If a warmer body temperature than this is sensed by the hypothalamus of the brain, a "command" is sent to sweat glands to produce more perspiration. The evaporation of sweat from the skin has a cooling effect. Dilation of blood vessels and moving more blood closer to the skin surface results in "flushing" and exposing that blood for faster cooling at the surface. If body temperature is cooler than the average, blood is moved away from surface areas to conserve heat. Rapid muscle contractions and relaxations (or shivering) can also occur in order to generate body heat. Other examples of homeostasis occur during exercises or higher levels of body actions which lead to higher heart and breathing rates as attempts are made to balance oxygen, carbon-dioxide and glucose levels in the blood. Homeostasis involving internal body conditions generally revolves around a number of types of body receptors and feedback principles. That is, some part of the body is responsible for monitoring or checking on a particular body condition and then regulating it through hormone or nerve messages. The hypothalamus, which was mentioned as being an important body temperature regulator, is also sensitive to levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Proper glucose levels are very important in the functioning of body cells, especially those of the brain. A high blood glucose level will cause the hypothalamus to send a message to the liver to cause that organ to slow down its release of sugar. pancreatic cells called islets of Langerhans are also affected by glucose levels. These cells secrete the hormone insulin which causes body cells to absorb more glucose, thereby reducing its levels in the blood. If the blood sugar level falls below normal, a third control center is activated. The medulla of the adrenal gland will signal the liver to release larger than normal amounts of glucose. (This becomes the source of strength or speed for some people in unusual situations – such as lifting a heavy weight which had accidentally pinned someone else, or running faster or jumping higher in front of spectators at a track meet.) Biology 30 54 Lesson 2 The feedback mechanism for all three control centers is the amount of blood glucose. It could be compared to temperature levels and a thermostat in a home. Low temperatures cause a thermostat to activate furnace and fan to release more heat. At a certain level or temperature feedback, the thermostat will then shut down furnace and fan. To a certain extent, homeostasis can also be more generally applied on a larger scale than a single organism. In studies of ecology and population, observations commonly illustrate actions which tend to promote stability. An increase in Saskatchewan's rabbit population leads to predator increases which bring rabbit numbers down. Population numbers could also be related to food and water supplies. Corrective measures of some type are common occurrences when organisms or conditions go above or below certain numbers or states. However, for the most part, homeostasis should be regarded as any actions relating to attempts to maintain uniform internal conditions of individual organisms. Movements and Homeostasis The significance of movements to homeostasis was probably noticed for both external and internal levels of organisms. Organisms could actually move about seeking favorable external conditions. Movements of substances or messengers also take place within bodies between certain receptors, organs or tissues, to try and maintain stable internal conditions. Cells are really the fundamental units of both structure and function of living organisms. Therefore, movements of substances in and out of cells are of prime importance in maintaining all life-sustaining actions. Proper cell functioning is dependent on receiving nutrients or messengers from outside the cell and sending out substances which could be used by other cells, or wastes which could be harmful in higher concentrations. Some of the ways in which substances move in and out of bodies or cells will be examined more closely. Biology 30 55 Lesson 2 Movements of Molecules Passive Transport In passive transport, no energy is expended by the cell. Substances are moved down a concentration gradient, that is, from areas of high to low concentration. There are two forms of passive transport: diffusion and osmosis. Diffusion Diffusion – the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration. The random motions and collisions, especially of liquids and gases, eventually tend to distribute molecules fairly evenly within any confining space. For example, a drop of ink placed in water, a sugar cube in water, an air freshener hung somewhere, will all eventually result in an even distribution of molecules in the containers or room. The above diagram illustrates a small cube of sugar, as it dissolves in water. As the sugar cube dissolves, it will experience more collisions between its molecules at its initial source. This causes the sugar molecules to spread outward, into areas where they are not as concentrated.Eventually, the sugar molecules will become evenly distributed in the water. After this occurs, it does not mean that the molecules will stop moving. Random collisions and movements still take place, but net movements in various directions are about the same. One molecule leaving an area would soon be replaced by one entering that area. Biology 30 56 Lesson 2 Factors Affecting Rates of Diffusion Movements or rates of diffusion can vary and a number of factors can be responsible for this. 1. Concentration: The higher the concentration of molecules in an area, the greater the frequency of collisions between them. This causes them to spread out more. The difference in molecule concentrations between two areas is sometimes known as a concentration gradient or a diffusion gradient. A large difference in molecule concentrations between two areas means that there is a high or a steep diffusion gradient. A higher or steeper gradient will increase the rate of diffusion. 2. Temperature: Molecular motion increases as temperature rises. Faster movements of molecules increase the frequency of collisions and also the forces of the collisions, increasing diffusion rates. 3. Size of molecules: Larger molecules move more slowly and diffusion rates will be slower. 4. Pressure: Increasing the pressure on molecules, particularly gases, moves them closer together and, in effect, increases their concentration and tendency to move out. Barriers to Molecular Movement Diffusion of substances or their molecules can occur up to a point with little hindrance other than collisions with other molecules, which is really part of the process anyway. Many molecular movements, however, eventually encounter some forms of barriers. These barriers can be classified into three categories: permeable, impermeable and selectively permeable. Biology 30 57 Lesson 2 Permeable membrane: A membrane which allows a substance to pass through. The above illustration shows a membrane that is permeable to both sizes of molecule. After a time, diffusion occurring in both directions will establish fairly equal concentrations of sugar and water. Impermeable membrane: A membrane which prevents the passage of a substance. The pore size of the membrane is not large enough to permit the passage of a particle. The above illustration shows a membrane which is permeable to the smaller sized molecules but impermeable to the larger particles. The smaller molecules move from left to right, since their concentration is greater on the left. The larger molecules, despite their higher concentration on the right, remain there. The initial net movement of smaller particles to the right creates a pressure against the membrane from the right side. Eventually, this pressure becomes too great for any additional net movements to the right. Biology 30 58 Lesson 2 Selectively permeable or a differentially permeable membrane: A membrane that allows some substances to pass through but not others. It could be called semi-permeable as well. Cell walls, which are just on the outside of cell membranes of plants, tend to be permeable as they usually allow for relatively free movements or diffusions of most substances. Other than for movements of oxygen, carbon-dioxide and a few other substances, cell membranes do not allow such easy passages for all molecules. Selectively permeable membranes around cells or their organelles such as nuclei, mitochondria and others, play key roles in what passes through them. Particles must be dissolved before they can move through plant and animal membranes. The usual dissolving agent or solvent is water, but there could be other solvents such as ether, chloroform and alcohol. Once substances are dissolved, they can then attempt to move through the membranes. Selective absorption is the process whereby some cell membranes have an ability to regulate movements of some substances through them. Factors affecting membrane permeability 1. The size of membranes' pores 2. Electric charges on some dissolved particles could attract or repel them to or from membranes, since membranes are often charged themselves. 3. The nature of the plasma membrane itself may be another determining factor. Osmosis Osmosis: The movement of water (or solvent) through a selectively permeable membrane from an area of higher to lower concentration Movements of any particles, whether they are dissolved in a solvent or not, are usually regarded as diffusions. Therefore, it could be said that the diffusion of water into or out of organisms' cells is osmosis. The movements of other molecules such as gases, salts and minerals are said to occur by diffusion (although selective absorption may be involved as well.) Biology 30 59 Lesson 2 Osmosis and Solution Concentrations The direction in which water molecules move through a selective membrane depends on water molecule concentrations on either side of that membrane. If a cell is placed into a solution, that solution is classified according to a comparison between the concentrations of water molecules in the cell and water molecules in the solution. The presence of other molecules or solutes really determines the water molecule concentrations of cells or solutions. The presence of more solutes lowers water molecule concentrations. There are three commonly used classifications of solutions: hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic. Diagrams of Osmosis Hypotonic solutions This is a solution that has a higher water concentration than the cell. Distilled water is usually a good example of such a solution. The higher water molecule concentration in a hypotonic solution would result in water moving into cells. Intake of water by plant cells results in their cytoplasm pressing against the cell walls. The pressure against cell walls is commonly referred to as turgor pressure and a cell which is firm is said to be turgid. Animal cells, surrounded only by a plasma membrane (which is not as strong as a cell wall), could actually burst from an intake of water. The bursting of a cell, or cytolysis, kills it. A hypotonic solution has a higher water molecule concentration, so the net movement of the water molecules is into the cell. This would cause an animal cell to swell – eventually to burst. Hypertonic solutions This is a solution that has a lower water molecule concentration than the cell. Sugars or salts, for example, added to water could create hypertonic solutions. The sugar or salt molecules (solutes) occupy areas that would normally be occupied by water so the water molecule concentration is lower. Plant cells in hypertonic solutions would experience plasmolysis where, as water molecules leave the cells, cytoplasm shrinks away from the cell walls. Loss of turgor pressure causes drooping or wilting of stems and leaves and, if prolonged, can cause death. Loss of water from animal cells causes the entire cells to shrink and shrivel and could be fatal as well. Biology 30 60 A hypertonic solution has a lower concentration of water molecules compared to the cell. The net movement of the water would be out of the cell. An animal cell would shrink. In plant cells plasmolysis would occur. Lesson 2 Isotonic solutions These are solutions which have the same concentrations of water molecules as inside the cells. The usual salt concentration of cells is about 0.9%. Therefore, water which has a salt-mineral concentration of approximately 0.9% should be about isotonic with most cells. Immersing cells in isotonic Isotonic solutions have approximately the solutions would not mean that there would be no same water molecule concentration. The net osmosis or diffusion. Molecules still move through the movements in both directions is about equal. membranes, but net movements in both directions are about equal. Cells in such solutions would retain their firmness. In laboratories and hospitals, isotonic solutions are prepared to match the water-salt concentrations in animal and human tissues. Amphibian Ringer's solution is isotonic with amphibian (such as frogs') cells. Human Ringer's solution matches the water-salt concentration in human cells and tissues. Bathing tissues or organs with these solutions or immersing them right in the solutions keeps cells alive longer enough to perhaps complete laboratory studies or hospital operations. Osmosis and Homeostasis The process of osmosis could upset the homeostasis or balance within cells, depending on the external conditions Lower external water molecule concentrations could result in plasmolysis and possible deaths of cells. To try and prevent this: animals (such as ourselves) have slightly salty or isotonic solutions surrounding their body cells. The external surfaces of the bodies also have fairly water-resistant coverings of scales or skins. Plants also have outer coverings of closely spaced epidermal cells and sometimes waxy cuticles over these. Biology 30 61 Lesson 2 Higher external water molecule concentrations could cause the cells to explode as water enters. To try and prevent this: Some one-celled organisms have special contractile vacuoles which collect excess water and then force it out. Plants have fairly rigid cell walls which limit the outward expansion of cell membranes as turgidities increase. Transport of Molecules Passive Transport Osmosis or diffusion occur as a result of the motions or energies of the molecules themselves. Cells or cell membranes have nothing to do in actually creating molecular motions or movements (although they can regulate them to an extent). For this reason, osmosis and diffusion are regarded as forms of passive transport, where cells themselves do not expend energy. Pores or spaces in the membranes are sometimes large enough to allow some molecules (water molecules) through by simple diffusion. Channel proteins allow small, dissolved particles (ions) to diffuse through their openings. There also appear to be certain pore-like protein molecules at various points in a membrane which allow facilitated diffusion. This is a process in which carrier proteins aid large molecules in passing through. Note: the movement of molecules is from high concentration on the exterior to low concentration in the interior. The cell does not use energy for this process to occur. Active Transport There are situations where movements occur in directions opposite to normal diffusion. This is done by active transport. Biology 30 62 Lesson 2 Active transport: movement of molecules against a diffusion gradient or from an area of lower concentration to one of higher concentration. The cells are actually involved and must use energy. Following are two examples of active transport: 1. Plants growing in prairie soils may show concentrations of manganese many times that which is found in the soil. 2. Salt water organisms, such as some forms of algae, show levels of iodine sometimes a million times higher than that in the water. More evidence that the cells are using energy is indicated by their high respiration rates, as respiration is the source of energy release in organisms. (Respiration rates themselves can be measured by such things as temperatures or movements of oxygen and carbon-dioxide.) Movements of Molecules by Active Transport By means of active transport, substances can move across a membrane against the concentration gradient. Energy in the form of ATP is needed to do this. Active transport involves special transporter protein molecules scattered across a membrane's surface. Other molecules which become attached to these, either on the inside or on the outside of the membrane, can then be transported through the protein molecules. A protein molecule uses energy to do this and commonly gets the energy from ATP, which will be described later. Note: the movement of molecules is from low concentration on the exterior to high concentration in the interior. Energy must be used by the cell to move molecules against the concentration gradient. This is Active Transport. Biology 30 63 Lesson 2 Active transport has an important survival value for many organisms. Prairie plants or salt water organisms having concentrations of substances in their cells many times that of their external environments probably point this out. Ordinarily, some essential nutrients or substances would not be able to enter bodies by diffusion or osmosis against a diffusion gradient. The following diagram illustrates the differences between passive and active transport. A T P P A D P (b) active transport (a) passive transport In passive transport (a), substances move through membrane proteins down their concentration gradient. Active transport (b) requires the use of ATP energy as well as membrane proteins. Endocytosis Endocytosis is the process of substances entering cells. Two other transport mechanisms are pinocytosis and phagocytosis. These processes require energy. 1. Pinocytosis - the idea of special carrier molecules which attach to lipids, proteins or other organic molecules too large to pass through a membrane's pores. These then attach to a membrane's surface. A pocket or infolding of the membrane causes a particle to become embedded in the membrane with the "pocket" eventually pinching off and being released into the cytoplasm. This is commonly referred to as cell drinking. 2. Phagocytosis – the process by which organisms or cells (such as Amoeba and white blood cells) will flow around particles and enclose them in vacuoles. This is a more active process of engulfing food particles and is often referred to as cell eating. Biology 30 64 Lesson 2 The following diagrams illustrate the process of pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Pinocytosis by a cell Phagocytosis in Amoeba Exocytosis Exocytosis is the process by which cells release substances. These can be particles which cannot be digested, waste matter or cell secretions intended for other areas of the body. This process works in reverse to pinocytosis. Cell Size and Homeostasis Movements of substances in and out of cells must be able to keep up to cells' metabolic rates. Shortages of nutrients or excesses of wastes could lead to cellular deaths. Since materials must go through the cell membrane, the size or area of the membrane in relation to a cell's volume determines just how well the cytoplasm is served. When a cell increases in size, the area of its surface membrane and its internal volume also increase. However, the increase in the internal volume is much greater than the increase in surface area. This may be easier to see if you can imagine a cell having 1 cm dimensions doubling in size. Total Surface Area 6 cm2 24 cm2 (Area increased four times) Total Volume 1 cm3 8 cm3 (Volume increased eight times) Biology 30 65 Lesson 2 In the illustration, you can see that if a cell was to double in size, its total surface area would increase by four times and the internal volume has increased by eight times. The differences between surface areas and internal volumes become even more pronounced in continuing size increases. Disadvantages of large cell size: makes it more difficult for enough substances to enter or to leave its inner area may not receive enough nutrients or get rid of all wastes. the cell becomes less efficient. Generally, the most efficient animal cells are those which are small in size, such as liver cells. Muscle cells and nerve fibers, although they may be longer than most cells, are thinner than normal so that substances can leave or enter more efficiently. A cell will grow in size until there is too great an internal volume for the external surface area. At this point, two things can happen. The cell will stop growing while continuing to function; or, the cell can divide into two smaller cells. With the exception of some major nerve and muscle cells, most body cells are capable of going through repeated divisions. In the last lesson, it was briefly mentioned that in order for division of cells to be successful, two conditions had to be met. A cell's genetic material had to be duplicated and then the genetic material and the original cell contents fairly equally divided among daughter cells. The process of going through these actions form part of a cell's cycle. The Cell Cycle There are three common factors which initiate a division process in a particular cell. 1. nutrient shortages and waste excesses within the cell. 2. removal of contact inhibition between cells. Whenever the protein molecules of two adjacent cell membranes contact each other, the cells seem to be inhibited in dividing. If some cells, of a group of cells, are separated from each other by physical forces, injuries or deaths, that point contact could be lost. The remaining cells then have a tendency to begin dividing. 3. chemical growth factors within plant and animal bodies can inhibit or promote cell divisions. Biology 30 66 Lesson 2 Cell Division In Prokaryotes Cells without distinct nuclei still have DNA or nuclear material scattered throughout the cell matter. Some of this nuclear material is attached to the cell membranes at various points. Division of a cell follows an action where invaginations occur at opposite sides of the cell and continue across until they meet. The entire process could be called binary fission. Each "new" cell will end up with some of the original cell's nuclear and cytoplasmic content. Sometime before the next divisions, cells will duplicate or replicate their inner contents. In Eukaryotes All cells come from existing cells. If new cells are to have similar characteristics and function in much the same manner as the original cells, they must have similar DNA and cytoplasmic contents. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, makes up the chromosomes and genes of cells. These transmit the genetic information from parent to daughter cell. The genetic "instructions" are largely responsible for the manners in which proteins are synthesized. This is very important to a cell. Types of proteins not only affect the general structure of a cell, but also the nature of its enzymes and hormones. These affect the cell's functioning. The division of a eukaryotic cell appears to be a more visibly complex process than that of a prokaryote. Certain actions occur with respect to the nucleus and its chromosomes; other actions involve the rest of the cell. The life of a eukaryotic cell is a continuous sequence of events, primarily cell division and interphase. Cell division can be subdivided into two stages: Mitosis and Cytokinesis. Mitosis: the division or reproduction of the nucleus which is followed by Cytokinesis: the division of the rest of the cell or its cytoplasm and organelles. Biology 30 67 Lesson 2 After cell division, that is, mitosis-cytokinesis is complete, the cell is in a stage termed interphase. Although the cell may appear inactive during interphase, many activities necessary for maintaining life within the cell that are occurring. These activities during interphase can be broken down. Interphase G1 (Growth) Phase - the cell grows -proteins are synthesized S (Synthesis) Phase -DNA replicates in preparation for mitosis. This ensures that a complete and identical set of genes are available for each new offspring cell. G2 (Growth) Phase -cell growth continues, involving organelles and cytoplasm -proteins are synthesized -cell synthesizes a substance to trigger the beginning of cell division Some cells may not go beyond the G1 phase (if they are not genetically "programmed" to go further, or if factors mentioned earlier do not initiate division). Other cells spend varying amounts of time in this phase – from several hours to days, weeks or months. However, once it seems to have committed itself to synthesizing additional proteins, a cell will eventually undergo mitosis. Biology 30 68 Lesson 2 Stages of Mitosis The following graphic shows a very simplified version of mitosis-cytokinesis. Although mitosis is a continuous process, it can be broken down into a series of stages. The process of mitosis is a continuous one and occurs in all cells. We can take a “freeze frame” of each stage to see what is happening. Each stage is briefly described below. Interphase - growth stage. Cell makes new molecules, increasing volume and mass consists of 3 phases: G1, S, G2 DNA is duplicated in the S phase. In an animal cell, the centriole pair duplicates in the G2 phase of Interphase. They begin to move to opposite sides of the cell and prepare to form the mitotic spindle. Prophase - Biology 30 Spindle fibers (microtubules) develop near centrioles and extend across the cell. Nuclear membrane begins disintegrating. Chromosomes become more distinct. 69 Lesson 2 Metaphase - Chromosomes (each actually 2 chromatids) line up near the middle and become attached to spindle. this ensures each daughter cell will contain one of each of the chromatids Anaphase - Paired chromatids break apart and are “pulled” to opposite sides by the spindle fibers. Cytokinesis usually occurring simultaneously. Telophase - Reverse actions to prophase: nuclei re-form, chromosomes disperse into nucleoplasm. Plant and animal cells follow relatively similar patterns during mitotic actions with two exceptions. 1. The presence of centrioles (centrosomes) in animal cells and their apparent absence in plants. The mitotic spindle seems to be associated with the centrioles of animal cells. However, despite the centrioles' absence in plant cells, spindles still form and still function. 2. Cytokinesis: In an animal cell, indentations or cleavage furrows begin at the sides and gradually move across the cell to meet one another. This results in complete separation into two cells. In plant cells, a cell plate gradually forms across the original cell. Completion of this plate and the addition of cell wall material completely around each cell results in two new cells which are still joined together. Biology 30 70 Lesson 2 Cancer Normal mitosis or cell divisions are initiated and regulated by one or more body conditions or controls. Occasionally, bodies seem to lose control over the regulation of the rates of divisions and how cells eventually differentiate or specialize. Cells can begin to be formed which no longer perform any useful function. This usually continuous reproduction of abnormal cells is cancer. Such cells not only use up nutrients, but their continuing growths or tumors can be harmful in other ways. They can displace normally functioning cells or they can eventually begin pressing against the normal cells with enough force to impede proper functioning of organs. Possible treatments can include removing these cancerous cells completely or killing them with radiation and chemotherapy. Summary Cell physiology involves studies of how cells and their parts function. Proper functioning of individual cells is extremely important to the proper functioning and survival of entire organisms. Maintaining balanced conditions which are best for an organism or its cells is part of homeostasis. One aspect of homeostasis involves movements of substances in and out of living cells. Passive transport, or the purely physical process of diffusion or osmosis, is responsible for many of these movements, but doesn't account for all of them. Active transport is necessary to carry certain molecules across selectively permeable membranes against diffusion or concentration gradients. A point which had not been mentioned in the lesson pertains to the selectivity of membranes and the living condition. When organisms or cells die, cell membranes lose much of their selective ability. Molecules which are normally unable to enter or leave a living cell, may be able to do so after its death. The nature of membranes and the movements of substances are therefore quite important to the processes of homeostasis and continued survival of cells and organisms. Continued survival also requires that cells operate in effective or efficient manners. In order to do this, cells or cell parts must be repaired or replaced on a continuous basis. In addition, cell sizes must not become so large as to make movements of substances in and out difficult. These factors make it necessary that cells establish and maintain cycles, where a series of actions results in the formation of new cells. It is important during these reproductive actions that fairly accurate duplication of genetic and cytoplasmic matter takes place, followed by relatively equal apportionment of this matter into new cells. This ensures new cells functioning in similar manners as the "parent" cells, maintaining the well-being of an entire organism. Biology 30 71 Lesson 2