Adolescent Health Check Website

Adolescent Health Check
Please bring this leaflet to your appointment
Adolescent Health Check
Before coming for your FREE adolescent health check, please read through this leaflet and tick all the
boxes that apply. During your appointment, the nurse will go through the checklist and answer any
questions which may arise.
1. Eyes
Eyes should be clear & bright, with no redness, dryness or discharges
Has your pet experienced any eye problems?
Do you routinely clean your puppy’s eyes?
2. Ears
Ears should be clean, with no smell, discharge, itching, head shaking or redness.
Has your pet experienced any ear problems?
Do you routinely clean your puppy’s ears?
3. Teeth
Your puppy’s teeth should be in the process of falling out & being replaced with adult teeth.
Are there any retained teeth?
Have you noticed any drop in appetite with your pet?
Have you noticed any offensive mouth odour from your puppy?
Are you brushing your dog’s teeth? If so, what
4. Nails
Puppies normally keep their nails short by walking on hard surfaces, such as pavements .
Do your puppy’s nails need clipping?
5. Nutrition
Nutrition is the key to successful development. Are you concerned about any aspect of your
puppy’s nutrition?
Poor appetite.
Excessive appetite.
Loose, smelly, bloody or abnormal faeces.
Excessive flatulence.
Poor coat condition.
6. Weight
We will weigh your puppy at the health check - how do you feel your puppy’s weight is?
Just right
Under weight
7. Exercise
All puppies should enjoy exercise and play. Have you experienced any of the following?
Does your dog dislike exercise?
Is your puppy lame before, during or after exercise?
Does your puppy get out of breath easily?
8. Worming
When was your puppy last wormed and which product was used?
9. Flea Control
All puppies are likely to encounter fleas as they go through life. Has your puppy got any signs of a
flea infestation?
Excessive scratching/
Flea dirt through their coat
We can show you how to test for fleas and discuss your requirements.
10. Vaccination
By now your puppy should have had a full vaccination against Distemper, Canine Infectious
Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis.
Is your puppy’s vaccination complete?
Does your puppy require protection against “Kennel Cough”?
11. Neutering
Do you wish to breed from your puppy in the future?
Do you intend to get your dog / bitch neutered?
12. Behaviour / Training
Did you attend a puppy socialisation class?
Do you attend any classes now?
Does your puppy have any undesirable habits?
Are you having any problems in training your puppy?
13. Microchip
A microchip allows you and your dog to be reunited should they get lost. It is a small implant that is
“injected” under the skin, between the shoulder blades. It has a unique code, which belongs to your pet
14. Collar and Tag
It is a legal requirement for your puppy to wear a collar and tag when outside the garden.
15. Pet Insurance
Having pet insurance allows you to choose the best veterinary care for your pet without having to worry
about the cost.
Do you have your pet insured for veterinary care?
If so, with whom?....................................................................
We are an Appointment Representative of Petplan, which means all our staff have been trained in the
promotion of Petplan insurance. This means we can:
Contact Petplan to discuss cases,
Query a claims decision on behalf of a client,
Complete all sections of a Petplan claim form,
Complete the veterinary section of other insurance forms
We cannot give advice on other insurer’s policies or discuss claims with other insurance companies.
16. A+ Plan – Pet Care Health Plan
Since September 2010, we have been promoting the A+ Plan, our preventative health care plan. For a
monthly Direct Debit, you will receive all the preventative treatment required to keep your pet happy and
healthy, allowing you to budget throughout the year.
This would include –
Annual vaccination booster.
Annual Infectious Bronchitis booster (KC Vaccine)
Year round worm treatment
Year round flea treatment
Two full clinical exams per year
Additional discounts within the practice, including 10% off operations, radiography, fluid therapy
& shop sales.
Optional Accidental Injury Cover
Extended payment scheme
If the A+ Plan would be of interest to you, please ask for more details at your Adolescent Health Check
or sign up the next time you come into the surgery.
Tel – 01324 815888