ANNEX 3 - Simplified TD for Works Negotiated Procedure:> €10.000 and < €50.000 Contents Section I Simplified Tender Dossier Works under the negotiated procedure: > €10.000 and < €50.000 Letter of Invitation to Tender Annex 1: Simplified Technical Specifications for Works Annex 2: Simplified contract for Works < €50.000 Annex 3: Simplified Works Tender Submission Form Annex 4: Financial Identification Form Annex 5: Legal Entity File Annex 6: Simplified Evaluation Grid for Works tender Annex 7: Grant of Facilities Section II Standard Forms for the Evaluation Committee Nomination of an Evaluation Committee Declaration of impartiality and confidentiality Simplified Evaluation Report (works / supplies) Simplified Evaluation Report (services) Section III Letter to unsuccessful tenderers for supply/works/services. Section I LETTER OF INVITATION TO TENDER <Grant beneficiary’s headed notepaper> INVITATION TO TENDER Project Title and Contract Number :................................................................................ To: [All the firms of your choice] Contract Name: [Construction, refurbishment of………] Contract Number: [You give a progressive number for each tender, i.e. SB/01 Dear <Contact name> INVITATION TO TENDER FOR < Contract title >, < Location > I am pleased to inform you that your firm is invited to take part in the negotiated tender procedure for the above contract. The complete tender dossier is attached as Annex 1 to his letter. This provides you information on the following items to allow you to submit you a tender. 1. General Description 2. Technical Specifications A- Civil B- Mechanical C- Electrical 3. Accessories 4. Tools or Other Required Items 5. Maintenance Requirements 6. Environmental Requirements 7. Labour Law 8. Law 9. Visibility Requirements 10. Origin of Goods and Supplies 11. Eligibility of the Tenderer You must tender for the whole of the works required by the dossier. Tenders will not be accepted for incomplete offers. With the technical and financial offers you should provide: - a photocopy of the registration of your company - a photocopy of your Tax number Payments shall be made in EURO or Dinar as an equivalent to the EURO calculated at the exchange rate of the bank from which payments are made to the amount value of the works accomplished. Further information can be obtained from: [The person in charge in your project] [Address] Telephone: Fax: We look forward to receiving your offer, in one original and one copy at the address < specify address> before < date & time of deadline >. Your quotation should be valid for a period of 30 days from the date of your quotation submission. If you decide not to submit a tender, we would be grateful if you could inform us in writing, indicating the reasons for your decision. Yours sincerely, <Name> Annex 1 Simplified Technical Specifications for Works TECHNICAL SPECİFİCATİONS Project Name : ............... Contracting Authority (Legal Name of Grant Beneficiary): ............... 1. General Description a) Scope of the work b) Office building is located at ……………… c) Description of the area to be renovated ……………………………. d) The gross area to be renovated is …….m2 e) Information on renovation works (External and internal) f) Payment conditions 2. Technical Specifications A- Civil a) Sills, Thresholds and Copings b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z) Steel, Laminated, aluminum and PVC doors, windows and louvers Flue works Suspended ceilings Partition walls Floor covering Heating insulation Waterproofing Painting Balustrade Stair covering Leveling Demolition work Walls Roofing Building pavements Shutters Auto sliding door Fire resistant door Marble threshold Door handle Granite Works Fence Cubicle (Toilet Partition) Pillar Covering Ceramic Wall tiles B- Mechanical a) Sanitary Installations b) Heating Installations c) Piping Installations d) HVAC Installations C- Electrical a) Cabling infrastructure b) Cabling c) Lighting system d) Grounding and lightning protection system e) Power sockets/switches f) Uninterruptible power supply g) Data and telephone distribution system h) CCTV Security system i) TV distribution system 3. Accessories and Attachment The design documentation (drawings) 4. Tools or Other Required Items a) b) c) Work Plan and Programme Quality Assurance System Design Revisions 5. Maintenance Requirements I. The Contractor shall be responsible for making good any defect in, or damage to, any part of the works which may appear or occur during the maintenance period and which arises either from: a) The use of defective plant or materials or faulty workmanship or design of the Contractor; and/or b) Any act or omission of the Contractor during the maintenance period; c) In the course of an inspection made by, or on behalf of, the Contracting Authority. II. The Contractor shall at his own cost make good the defect or damage as soon as practicable. The maintenance period for all items replaced or renewed shall recommence from the date on which the replacement or renewal was made to the satisfaction of the Supervisor. If the contract provides for partial acceptance, the maintenance period shall be extended only for the part of the works affected by the replacement or renewal. III. If any such defect appears or such damage occurs, during the maintenance period, the Contracting Authority or the Supervisor shall notify the Contractor. If the Contractor fails to remedy a defect or damage within the time limit stipulated in the notification, the Contracting Authority may: a. Carry out the works itself or employ someone else to carry them out at the Contractor's risk and cost, in which case the costs incurred by the Contracting Authority will be deducted from monies due to, or from guarantees held against, the Contractor, or from both; or b. Terminate the contract. IV. If the defect or damage is such that the Contracting Authority has been deprived substantially of the whole or a part of the benefit of the works, the Contracting Authority shall, without prejudice to any other remedy, be entitled to recover all sums paid in respect of the parts of the works concerned together with the cost of dismantling such parts and clearing the site. V. In emergencies, where the Contractor cannot be reached immediately or, having been reached, is unable to take the measures required, the Contracting Authority or the Supervisor may have the work carried out at the expense of the Contractor. The Contracting Authority or the Supervisor shall as soon as practicable inform the Contractor of the action taken. VI. If any unplanned remedy or maintenance works should be required due to normal wear and tear during the maintenance period it shall be deemed to be due to defective work, such work shall be paid for from a provisional sum. Deterioration resulting from the circumstances provided for from abnormal use shall be excluded from this obligation unless it reveals a fault or defect justifying the request for repair. VII. The maintenance obligations shall be stipulated in the Special Conditions and technical specifications. If the duration of the maintenance period is not specified, it shall be 365 days. The maintenance period shall commence on the date of provisional acceptance VIII. After provisional acceptance the Contractor shall no longer be responsible for risks which may affect the works and which result from causes not attributable to him. However, the Contractor shall be responsible from the date of provisional acceptance for the soundness of the construction, as laid down in the Special Conditions. The Contractor shall be responsible in accordance with Serbian law. 6. Environmental Requirements The construction works shall be carried out with a view to minimize the likely adverse impacts on both the physical environment and the nearby settlement areas. The current environmental regulations shall be obeyed by the Contractor. During the construction activities the following mitigation measures shall be taken for the main issues specified below. However, if required, these measures might be subject to revision/ modification. No payment shall be made to the Contractor for the mitigation measures to be taken on site since it is deemed to be included in the overheads of the Contractor. Dust To prevent the dust raised from the roads in the construction sites, the roads shall be sprinkled with water during dry periods. The material transporting trucks shall be covered with nylon blankets or with the material with mesh size greater than 10 mm in accordance with the Regulation on Air Quality Control. Noise The noise levels specified in the Noise Control Regulation shall not be exceeded, and the working hours shall be in accordance with the above stated regulation unless special permission is obtained from the municipalities. Protective equipment shall be provided for the workers in accordance with the Labour Law. Waste water For the collection of waste water from the construction sites, septic tanks shall be constructed in sufficient capacity, and periodically evacuated. The necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent the pollution of the nearby water courses by the waste water resulting from construction activities. Traffic disruption The designated traffic routes shall be used to prevent overloading of the existing roads, and appropriate signs, such as "Danger", "Entrance Prohibited", etc. shall be placed. 7. Labour Law Particular attention is drawn to the conditions concerning the employment of labour in Serbia and the obligation to comply with all regulations, rules or instructions concerning the conditions of employment of any class of employee. 8. Law By submitting their tenders, tenderers are deemed to know all relevant laws, acts and regulations of Serbia that may in any way affect or govern the operations and activities covered by the tender and the resulting contract. 9. Visibility Requirements Infrastructure-related projects funded by the EU must be clearly identified as such by means of display panels describing the project. The number and size of display panels must be commensurate with the scale of operation and must be clearly visible so that those passing are able to read and understand the nature of the project. Display panels must visibly carry the EU and DPT logos and the mention “This project is co-funded by the European Union” 10. Origin of Goods and Supplies The tender is equally open to all legal and real persons from EU member states and countries and regions covered by the Regulations on access to Community external assistance. All supplies must originate from one of the following countries or territories: Member States of the European Union and Accession Countries (Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia), MEDA Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Serbia) and Member States of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway). 11. Eligibility of the Tenderer Your tender should include: a photocopy of the registration of your company to the Chamber of Commerce (or another official document showing the tenderer’s name and address and the registration number given to it by the national authorities a photocopy of your Tax number Bill of Quantities This should be drawn up by the Contracting Authority Example: An example is shown below for your guidance. The column “Rate (EURO)” should be completed by the company tendering for the works contract. No Item No DESCRIPTION 1 DEMOLITION Unit Quantity 1 2 3 4 Specif. 20 Specif. 20 Specif. 20 Specif. 20 Removing existing plaster (interior) Removing existing plaster (exterior) Removing existing walls and floors Removing windows. doors & doors frame m2. m2. m2. no 1500 1000 2000 193 5 6 7 2 14.012/1 15.140/2 17,136 EARTHWORK Manual Excavation Manual Sand Laying (thickness=15cm) Hardcore (thickness=15 cm) m3 m3 m3 200 41 41 8 3 INFRASTRUCTURAL WORK 18.460/1 150 mm diameter PVC pipe m 74 m2 190 m2 395 9 10 4 INSULATION WORK 18.466/3 2 layers of bituminous membrane water insulation.1st layer 3mm glass fiber, 2nd layer polyester reinforced 19.050/3 Heat insulation on the roof slab 10 cm (fixing wooden lathes and nails are included Total Rate (EURO) 1.1. Simplified Contract for Works < €50.000 Annex 2 <Grant beneficiary’s letterhead> Contract for Works [Contract Title] [The name of Grant Beneficiary organisation] represented by Mrs./Mr. [the person authorised to sign a contract] from now on called “The Contracting Authority” of the one part, and [the firm which has won the works contract] represented by Mrs./Mr. [the legal representative of the firm] from now on called “The Contractor” of the other part, have agreed on the conditions stipulated below. Subject of the Contract: Works and installation of the equipment (if any) mentioned in Article 1 below in conformity with technical specifications, (annexed to this contract) art. 1 a),and on the basis of the prices of the Contractors quotation. 1. REQUESTED WORKS Information of the technical requirements for the requested works and goods (if any) is contained in Annex 1 -Technical Specifications 2. AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT The amount of the contract is fixed at ............... Euro/ DINAR) and will be finalised based on the unit prices and amount delivered at the conclusion of the contract. 3. TIME LIMIT AND PLACE OF DELIVERY The time limit for the delivery of works and goods (if any) is set for .................(days, weeks or months) from the date of the signature of this contract by both parties. The works will be delivered at [destination]. 4. PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE Provisional Acceptance will be issued upon completion of all works requested and upon delivery, installation, putting into operation, inspection, testing, of all the equipment to be supplied (if any) and if required, training of operators. 5. MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS The deadline for the warranty period is set for (12) months from the issuance of provisional acceptance certificate. The Contractor shall be responsible for making good any defect in or damage to any part of the works which may appear or occur during the maintenance period and which arises either from: a) the use of defective plant or materials or faulty workmanship or design of the Contractor; and/or b) c) any act or mission of the Contractor during the maintenance period; in the course of an inspection made by, or on behalf of, the Contracting Authority. 6. FINAL ACCEPTANCE The final acceptance will be issued at the end of the maintenance period. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES In case of delay during the performance of contract within the period specified in the contract, the contractor is subject to a penalty of (0.1%) of the contract price of per calendar day of delay. However, the ceiling of these penalties is 10 % of the total amount of this contract. In case the 10 percent ceiling is exceeded, the contracting authority reserves the right to terminate this order/contract. 8. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT Payment for the contract value will be made 100% to the contractor’s account within 30 days from the provisional acceptance. 9. PAYMENT Payments shall be authorized and made by the Contracting Authority in EURO or DINAR as an equivalent to the EURO calculated at the exchange rate of the bank from which payments are made to the amount value of the works accomplished at the Contractor's request. For the Contractor Name: Function: Signature: Date: For the Contracting Authority Name: Function: Signature: Date: Simplified Works Tender Submission Form Annex 3 This template will be completed by the tenderer providing information on his/her organisation. General expressions non specific to the organisation or the contract cannot be altered. Contracting Authority may alter the criteria or delete them altogether. Ref: < as per letter of invitation to tender > Contract title: < Contract title > <Place and date> One signed tender submission form must be supplied for each Lot. SUBMITTED by (i.e., the identity of the Tenderer) Name(s) and address(es) of legal entity 2 CONTACT PERSON (for this tender) Name Organisation Address Telephone Fax e-mail 3 DECLARATION(S) As part of their tender, the legal entity identified under point 1 of this form, must submit a signed declaration using the attached format. 4. STATEMENT To be completed and signed by the tenderer(s) I, the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the above tenderer, hereby declare that we have examined and accept without reserve or restriction the entire contents of the tender dossier for the tender procedure referred to above. We recognise that our tender will be excluded if we propose key experts who have been involved in preparing this project or engage such personnel as advisers in the preparation of our tender and that we may also be subject to exclusion from other tender procedures and contracts funded by the EC. Signed on behalf of the tenderer Name Signature Date FORMAT OF THE DECLARATION REFERRED TO IN POINT 3 OF THE TENDER SUBMISSION FORM (To be submitted on the headed notepaper of the legal entity that is tendering) <Date> <Name and address of the Contracting Authority > Your ref: < Date of invitation > Dear Sir/Madam TENDERER'S DECLARATION In response to your letter of invitation to tender for the above contract, we <Name(s) of legal entity> hereby declare that we: are submitting this tender on an individual basis led by ourselves for this contract. We confirm that we are not participating in any other tender for the same contract, whatever the form of the application; are not in any of the situations excluding us from participating in contracts which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (available from the following Internet address: agree to abide by the ethics clauses in Section 2.4.11 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions and, in particular, have no potential conflict of interests or any relation with other short-listed candidates or other parties in the tender procedure at the time of the submission of this tender; and have only included data in the application form concerning the resources and experience of our legal entity; will inform the Contracting Authority immediately if there is any change in the above circumstances at any stage during the tender procedure or during the implementation of the contract; and fully recognise and accept that any inaccurate or incomplete information deliberately provided in this tender may result in our exclusion from this and other contracts funded by the European Communities. In the event that our tender is successful, we undertake, if required, to provide the proof usual under the law of the country in which we are established that we do not fall into the exclusion situations listed in section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions. The date on the evidence or documents provided will be no earlier than 180 days before the deadline for submission of tenders and, in addition, we will provide a sworn statement that our situation has not altered in the period which has elapsed since the evidence in question was drawn up. We agree to provide supporting evidence, if requested, for your satisfaction of the selection criteria including our financial and economic standing and the technical and professional capacity. The supporting documents are defined in sections and of the PRAG. We are aware that the contract decision will be void if we cannot provide the evidence documents within 15 calender days of the notification of contract or provide incomplete or false information. Yours faithfully <Signature of authorised representative of the legal entity > < Name and position of authorised representative of the legal entity > Financial Identification Form Annex 4 FINANCIAL IDENTIFICATION ACCOUNT HOLDER NAME ADDRESS TOWN/CITY POSTCODE VAT NUMBER COUNTRY CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE FAX E - MAIL BANK BANK NAME BRANCH ADDRESS TOWN/CITY POSTCODE COUNTRY ACCOUNT NUMBER IBAN REMARKS : BANK STAMP + SIGNATURE of BANK REPRESENTATIVE DATE + SIGNATURE of ACCOUNT HOLDER : (Both Obligatory) (Obligatory) Legal Entity File Annex 5 LEGAL ENTITIES PRIVACY STATEMENT PRIVATE COMPANIES TYPE OF COMPANY NGO YES NO (Non Gouvernemental Organisation) NAME(S) ABBREVIATION ADDRESS OF THE HEAD OFFICE POSTAL CODE P.O. BOX CITY COUNTRY VAT PLACE OF REGISTRATION DATE OF REGISTRATION D D M M Y Y Y Y REGISTRATION NR PHONE FAX E-MAIL THIS "LEGAL ENTITY" FORM SHOULD BE FILLED IN AND RETURNED TOGETHER WITH: * A COPY OF ANY OFFICIAL DOCUMENT (E.G. OFFICIAL GAZETTE, REGISTER OF COMPANIES, ETC.) SHOWING THE CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS AND THE REGISTRATION NUMBER GIVEN TO IT BY THE NATIONAL AUTHORITIES; * A COPY OF THE VAT REGISTRATION DOCUMENT IF APPLICABLE AND IF THE VAT NUMBER DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE OFFICIAL DOCUMENT REFERRED TO ABOVE. DATE AND SIGNATURE Simplified evaluation grid for Works tender Annex 6 (negotiated procedure without publication) (Your Project Title) Tender Nr. Title: Nr. _____________________ ______________________________________________ Name of the bidder Administrative Evaluation Cert. Signature Chamber of legal of repres. Commerce (yes/no) (yes/no) 1 2 3 4 5 Date Signatures of the Evaluation Committee: Technical Evaluation Origin compliant (yes/no) Technical specificati ons compliant (yes/no) BoQ complete (yes/no) Completion requirement s compliant (yes/no) Financial Evaluation Validity of the offer (yes/no) Price without VAT Rank Section II STANDARD FORMS FOR THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE (COMMON FOR SERVICES, SUPPLIES AND WORKS) Nomination of an Evaluation Committee Nomination of Evaluation Committee (Title of your Project) TENDER nr. _____________ LAUNCHED ON: _____(date)___ FOR: (Contracting <works/supplies/services> for < the title of the tender >) TYPE OF PROCEDURE: Simplified procedure For the above mentioned tender the Evaluation Committee will be composed as follow: Chairperson: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(non voting member) First member: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(voting member) Second member: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(voting member) Third member: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(voting member) Secretary: Mr./Mrs.___________________________________(non voting member) (If desired) Invitation to participate as an observer was sent to the LIU, Date:____________________ The Project Coordinator _________________________ Signature Declaration of impartiality and confidentiality To be completed by all persons involved in an evaluation process (including members of the Evaluation Committee, whether voting or not-voting and any observers) Publication ref:____________________ I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to participate in the evaluation of the abovementioned tender procedure. By making this declaration, I confirm that I have familiarised myself with the information available to date concerning this [tender procedure / call for proposals]* including the provisions of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for external actions relating to the evaluation process. I shall execute my responsibilities impartially and objectively. I hereby declare that I am independent1 of all parties which stand to gain from the outcome of the evaluation process2. To the best of my knowledge and belief, there are no facts or circumstances, past or present, or that could arise in the foreseeable future, which might call into question my independence in the eyes of any party; and, if I discover or should it become apparent during the course of the evaluation process that such a relationship exists or has been established, I will declare it immediately and cease to participate in the evaluation process. I declare that I have not been employed by any of the tenderer, their consortium members or subcontractors within the previous 3 years.3 I further declare that to the best of my knowledge, I am not in a situation that could cast doubt on my ability to evaluate the tenderer(s). I agree to hold in trust and confidence any information or documents ("confidential information") disclosed to me or discovered by me or prepared by me in the course of or as a result of the evaluation and agree that it shall be used only for the purposes of this evaluation and shall not be disclosed to any third party. I also agree not to retain copies of any written information or prototypes supplied. Confidential information shall not be disclosed to any employee or expert unless they agree to execute and be bound by the terms of this Declaration. Name Signed Date Taking into consideration whether there exists any past or present relationship, direct or indirect, whether financial, professional or of another kind. 2 i.e., all [candidates/applicants/tenderers]* who are participating in the [tender/call for proposals]*, whether individuals or members of a consortium, or any of the partners or subcontractors proposed by them. 3 if you cannot declare this, please indicate the name of the employer, the duration and your position 1 Simplified Evaluation Report (negotiated procedure without publication) TENDER Nr. : SIMPLIFIED EVALUATION REPORT ……………………………….. TENDER TITLE : ……………………………….. Procedure: Value of the tender: Negotiated Procedure without publication - < Works / Supplies > ……………………………….. For the above mentioned tender, the following firms were invited to tender: Nr. Name of the firm Town 1 2 3 4 5 The following firms presented offers that were delivered to us in duly time: Nr. Name of the firm 1 2 3 4 5 Town The Evaluation Committee examined all the offers using the “Simplified evaluation grid for < works / supplies > tender” annexed to this document. The following offers were disqualified for being not compliant with the requirements: Nr. Name of the firm Reason <Examples> 1 <origin of the company not compliant> 2 <technical specification not compliant> 3 <document not signed> 4 <period for completion not compliant> 5 <BoQ not completed> The final ranking of the tenders which were not excluded during the evaluation is as follows, in order of the arithmetically corrected financial offers: Nr. Firm Price offered Consequently, the Evaluation Committee recommends that the contract is awarded as follows: <Firm name> for a total value of____________________. Signatures of the Evaluation Committee members: Section III Letters to unsuccessful tenderers (I) For Service Tenders < Letterhead of Contracting Authority > < Contract title >, < Location > < Date > < Address of tenderer > Our ref: < Publication reference > / < Letter number > Dear < Contact name > Thank you for participating in the above-mentioned tender procedure. I regret to inform you, however, that the tender submitted by you was not successful for the following reason: [Delete rows not applicable] your tender did not arrive before the deadline your tender was not administratively compliant The technical offer was not considered to meet the award criteria sufficiently closely (see table below) The financial offer exceeded the maximum budget available for the contract your tender was not the most economically advantageous of those tenders which were technically compliant (see table below) < to be specified > For your information, the Evaluation Committee recommended that the contract should be awarded to <name of selected tenderer>. Your average scores awarded by the evaluators according to the award criteria, as well as those for the selected tender, were as follows: Org & methodoly Key exp 1 Key exp 2 Key exp 3 … Technic al score x 0.80 Financial score x 0.20 Overall score Your tender Selected tender Although we have not been able to make use of your services on this occasion, I trust that you will continue to take an active interest in our initiatives. Yours sincerely < Name > (II)Letter to unsuccessful tenderer (for supply / works tenders) < Letterhead of Contracting Authority > < Date > < Address of tenderer > Our ref: < Publication reference > / < Letter number > Dear <Contact name> < Contract title >, < Location > Thank you for participating in the above-mentioned tender procedure. I regret to inform you, however, that the tender submitted by you was not successful for the following reason(s): [Delete rows not applicable] your tender did not arrive before the deadline your tender was not properly sealed the declarations required with your tender form for a works contract were altered or were missing your tender included a firm whose nationality is not that of one of the EU Member States or the countries and territories of the regions covered and/or authorised by the Regulation or other specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is to be financed no tender guarantee was provided with your tender the proportion of sub-contracting foreseen in your tender exceeded the maximum allowed in the tender dossier your (consortium's) economic and financial standing was not considered to satisfy criterion <a/b/…> specified in the tender dossier your (consortium's) professional capacity was not considered to satisfy criterion <a/b/…> specified in the tender dossier your (consortium's) technical capacity was not considered to satisfy criterion <a/b/…> specified in the tender dossier your technical offer was not considered to respect the rules of origin specified in the tender dossier your technical offer was not considered compliant on the following aspects of the technical specifications: your financial offer exceeded the maximum budget available for the contract your tender was not the least expensive of those tenders which were technically compliant For your information, the contract has been awarded to <name of successful tenderer> for an amount of <amount euro/TRY>. Although we have not been able to make use of your services on this occasion, I trust that you will continue to take an active interest in our initiatives. Yours sincerely < Name >