HIGHCROFT JUNIOR SCHOOL POLICY FOR SECURITY RATIONALE The following policy outlines the measures that the school will undertake to secure the school building and the people who use the school building and grounds. The Governors, Head teacher and Caretaker are designated key holders and are responsible for the security of the building. A site security assessment based on the information contained in the H&S Manual has been undertaken and is updated annually by the Governors. Using this assessment the following measures have been agreed. SCHOOL INCIDENTS – School incidents refer to the risk of trespassers entering the site during the school day, out of hours, gaining access to the roof, damaging the building and pupils leaving the school site. The following measures have been implemented to minimise these risks – CCTV cameras installed and offering 24 hour surveillance Installation of signs explaining trespassers will be prosecuted and property security marked. Anti climb paint, painted onto the school roof Alarm used at night time, weekends and during school holidays. High level fence installed (front boundary, rear boundary and from front boundary to school building to create a sterile area). Entrance gates locked at night time, weekends and during school holidays. Playground gates locked all day except when children are arriving or leaving school. Outside lighting installed around school site. Additional doors and welcome hatch in reception to create a sterile waiting area for visitors. LOCAL INCIDENTS Local incidents refer to the type of area the school is located in and the incidents of crime in that area. In light of this information the School feels that the above measures minimise the risk adequately. SECURITY PROVISION The following section outlines the measures that the school takes to secure its building, grounds and equipment (as stated in the Security Risk Assessment Checklist contained in the H&S Manual) Boundary High level fence installed Access points in Boundary Entrance gates locked at night time, weekends and during school holidays. Bottom gate – always locked Side gates – always locked Access to buildings (school day) All visitors are required to report to the Main Office and wait in the sterile waiting area. All visitors will be allowed on to site by a member of staff using the release button system. In the morning and afternoon parents will drop off and collect their children from the playground. At all other times parents and children access the school through the main entrance with a member of staff using the release button system e.g. late children, dropping off forgotten equipment, collection for appointments. Any parent or visitor who is staying on site will wear a yellow visitor sticker and will sign in using the Visitors Book. On a parent or visitors first visit they will be taken to where they need to be by a member of staff. No children are to open the main entrance to visitors, they must always find a member of staff. These points must be adhered to, but in no way detract from the open door policy of the school. All staff are encouraged to question anyone on site that they do not recognise. Access to buildings (outside of school day) All outside doors in the main building and class 5 are locked at 4.00pm by the caretaker Any parent or visitor is welcome in school but would have to report to the office first. All visitors will be allowed on to site by a member of staff using the release button system On a parent or visitors first visit they will be taken to where they need to be by a member of staff All staff are encouraged to question anyone on site that they do not recognise. After school clubs – parents collecting children from after school clubs are requested to wait outside the main entrance where the children will be taken at the end of the club. Access onto buildings Anti climb paint, painted onto the school roof Wire has been placed on low level wall to discourage accessing the roof. Valuable and Portable items of equipment Valuable items in class are locked in the class teachers cupboard ICT suite has blacked out windows, is locked and laptops locked in a laptop trolley. Cash and any other small items of value are locked away in the Secretary’s office. Waste Bins Are stored away from the school building In the school holidays are pad locked to a large unmoveable container In addition to this the Caretaker checks daily that: All locks and catches are in working order. The emergency lighting is working. The fire alarm has no faults. The security system is working properly. Before leaving the premises the Caretaker checks: All the windows are closed. The doors are locked and secure. The security alarm is set. All gates are locked. FIRE PRECAUTIONS The school has undertaken a fire precaution risk assessment (carried out by LA) using the information contained in the Guidance Note for Schools on Complying with Fire Precautions Legislation. For more information refer to the Fire Procedures Policy. SECURTIY ARRANGEMENTS In addition to assessing the physical arrangements, the school also has in place a number of arrangements which will reinforce the security message and emergency arrangements identified in case of foreseeable events. The Security arrangements we have in place are – Contacting parents should a pupil not arrive at start of the day of the school has not already been notified (as part of attendance policy) A procedure is in place for what to do if a pupil runs away/goes missing from the site (call parents, call police if parents are unavailable – Do not follow the child but keep an eye on from the school’s main gate). A procedure is in place so that staff can contact the office and summon assistance in an emergency – (red card) Staff know how to report violent incidents and support is offered to staff who have been subjected to violence – (as part of Health and Safety Policy) Visitors know to report to reception to sign in and are either accompanied by staff or given a visitors badge (see appendix) Pupils are told never to open external doors or use them to gain access or leave the school building without the permission of an adult (discussion in assembly) This policy is to be reviewed annually Agreed by staff: Agreed by Governors: Review date: 18.11.10 15.11.10 Autumn 2011