USC/WPS SIPT Certification

12 Brewery Business Park, Ardee Road. Dundalk, Co. Louth. Ireland (042) 9351777
Unit C3 Santry Business Park, Swords Road, Dublin 9 (01) 8625257
Advance Therapy systems, Ltd., supported by University College Cork (UCC), has become
a provider for the
USC/WPS SIPT Certification for Therapists in Ireland
The format and schedule of the courses has been established to facilitate clinicians actively
assessing and treating children. Therefore, the order of courses is set as follows:
1: Course 1: The Sensory Integration Perspective Instructor: Dr. Erna Imperatore Blanche,
PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, May 18-22, 2015
2: Course 4: Sensory Integration Intervention Instructor: Dr. Gustavo Reinoso, PhD,
OTR/L, TBD, tentatively September 28- October 2, 2015
3: Course 2: Specialized Techniques for Measure Sensory Integration Instructor: TBD
Dates: February/March 2016
4: Course 3: From Interpretation to Intervention Instructor: TBD Dates: September 2016
The four course series is designed for individuals seeking in-depth knowledge in sensory
integration theory and practice. The courses follow a logical progression, and participants are
advised to take them in sequence, from 1 to 4. Upon completing all four courses, within 5 years,
participants are eligible for Certification in Sensory Integration, including Administering and
Interpreting the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test™. This certificate, issued by the USC
Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy and Western Psychological
Services, acknowledges competency in several areas:
The theoretical foundations of sensory integration
Clinical reasoning strategies for using SI in practice
Identifying the contributions of sensory integration to development
Administering the SIPT, the Sensory Processing Measure, clinical observations and related
Interpreting evaluation results from research findings from SIPT and related measures
Planning intervention strategies
Implementing intervention using sensory strategies in various contexts
Benefits of the four-course series include:
World-renowned instructors
The USC/WPS courses were developed by eminent leaders in the field of occupational therapy
who studied directly with Dr. A. Jean Ayres, founder of the sensory integration frame of
reference; Ayres Sensory Integration®. All instructors are occupational therapy scholars,
researchers or master clinicians with expertise in sensory processing and sensory-related deficits.
Comprehensive training
Each five-day course provides 30 contact hours of opportunity for continuing education credit.
Practical knowledge
Learn clinical reasoning and practical intervention techniques that you can immediately
implement in practice and daily life.
Live, hands-on demonstration
Observe classic sensory integration assessment and intervention demonstrated by master
clinicians with children with identified needs.
Acquire Certification in Sensory Integration including the SIPT
Sensory Integration Certification Program sponsored by USC/WPS is the most highly regarded
post-graduate pathway to advanced competency in sensory integration theory and intervention.
Course 1: The Sensory Integration Perspective
May 18-22, 2015
Advance Therapy Systems, Ltd.
Unit C3 Santry Business Park, Swords Road,
Dublin 9
Course Cost: €800
€750 per course when total of 4 courses
purchased together
Lunch provided
Closing date: Friday April 24th, 2015
Course 1 is open to Allied Healthcare and Educational
professionals including Speech and Language Therapists,
Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists,
Course 1 provides both an overview of sensory integration and
in-depth information on its theoretical foundations, basic science
supporting the theory and evidence supporting the evolution of
theory for practice. The theory is broken down into the
functional contributions of the individual sensory systems,
praxis and their impact on everyday activities. This information
is used to identify an individual’s deviations from typical
sensory integration and praxis abilities and provide insight into
methods and procedures used in sensory integrative intervention
Learning Objectives
Following this course, participants will be able to:
• Identify the different sensory systems and their contributions to
daily life
• Identify the basic principles of sensory integration
• List several sensory strategies that can be used at home, at
school, and in the community to enhance function
• Explain to clients the relationship of sensory integration to
typical and atypical development
• Describe the roles of the individual sensory systems in human
• Discuss praxis and its role in performance and behavior
• Relate the spectrum of sensory integrative functions to
Course 2: Specialized Techniques for Measure
Sensory Integration
Advance Therapy Systems, Ltd.
Unit C3 Santry Business Park, Swords Road,
Dublin 9
Course Cost: €800
€750 per course when total of 4 courses
purchased together
Lunch provided
Course 2 is open to Allied Healthcare professionals including
Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists
and Physiotherapists
Course 2 provides in-depth training in using and understanding
measures of sensory integration. Emphasis is place on learning
to administer the SIPT, clinical observations and related
measures. These measures are discussed relative to the
individual functions they assess and their relevance to presenting
problems and intervention.
Learning Objectives
Following this course, participants will be able to:
• Demonstrate basic competency in administering the Sensory
Integration and Praxis Tests
• Identify a variety of tests and observations that can be applied
in diverse settings to assess sensory integration
• Describe the functional implications of the abilities assessed by
the SIPT and related measures
Course 3: From Interpretation to Intervention
DATES: 2016
Advance Therapy Systems, Ltd.
Unit C3 Santry Business Park, Swords Road,
Dublin 9
Course Cost: €800
€750 per course when total of 4 courses
purchased together
Lunch provided
This course is open to Allied Healthcare professionals
including Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational
Therapists and Physiotherapists
Course 3 provides information necessary for interpreting
assessment data, and for using this data to plan intervention
strategies. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis and
interpretation of SIPT results. The use of case studies
demonstrates the clinical reasoning process in interpreting
assessment results and using this information to plan and
implement intervention. This course trains participants to use
and understand the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test™ and
other related measures of sensory functions so that clients with a
variety of diagnoses and referring problems can be assessed
using the SIPT as the “gold standard.” The use of case studies
demonstrates the clinical reasoning process in interpreting
assessment results and using this information for intervention
planning and implementation.
Learning Objectives
Following this course, participants will be able to:
• Analyze and interpret measures of sensory integration, with
particular emphasis on SIPT results
• Describe patterns of sensory integrative dysfunction by placing
individual test results within the framework identified
through research
• Plan intervention programs in a variety of settings for children
identified as having sensory integrative dysfunction
• Describe the relationship between assessment results and the
functional performance at home, at school, and in the
• Identify the ways in which research supports assessment and
Course 4: Sensory Integration Intervention
DATES: May 18-22, 2015
Advance Therapy Systems, Ltd.
Unit C3 Santry Business Park, Swords Road,
Dublin 9
Course Cost: €800
€750 per course when total of 4 courses
purchased together
Lunch provided
This course is open to Allied Healthcare professionals
including Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational
Therapists and Physiotherapists
Course 4, provides clinical reasoning strategies for designing
and implementing intervention using a sensory integration frame
of reference.
Learning Objectives
Following this course, participants will be able to:
• Use clinical reasoning skills to interpret behaviors that might
have a sensory integrative basis
• Plan and provide intervention programs for children with
sensory integrative dysfunction
• Explain the rationale behind the use of an activity to facilitate
adaptive responses
• Explain the relationship of an adaptive response to a child’s
occupational engagement
• Implement intervention with a wide variety of pediatric
disabilities from a sensory integrative frame of reference
• Implement sensory strategies in various settings, including
home, school, and community
• Implementing intervention using sensory integration strategies
in a variety of contexts
NAME/S (Block Capitals)
Phone No.
Circle and/or specify
Single Course Name
Course series
Course 1-4
Work Address
Home Address
E-mail address
Emergency Contact
(Name and tel. number)
Payment type
(circle one)
Visa Debit
If preferred contact
office and pay by
Bank Draft
Name on card
Expiry date:
Card no:
CCV(on back of card):
Total Amount enclosed
circle one
Return completed registration forms with payment to:
Advance Therapy Systems Ltd
12 Brewery Business Park, Ardee Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Ireland