Support for Spelling - Links and supports Year 2 Term Spelling Objective 1 i. To secure the reading and spelling of words containing different spellings for phonemes 2 3 Support for Spelling p13-16 ii. To understand and begin to learn the conventions for adding the suffix -ing for present tense and -ed for past tense i. To split compound words into their component parts and to use this knowledge to support spelling p16-19 ii. To learn how to add common inflections (suffixes) to words i. To add common prefixes to root words and to understand how they change meaning ii. To discriminate syllables in multisyllabic words as an aid to spelling p23-26 Letters and Sounds Y2/3 Spelling Programme Phase 5 Phoneme spotter p145 Rhyming word generation p146 Best bet p 147 Alternative spellings for each phoneme p 156 Phoneme spotter stories p160-165 Phase 6 Using familiar texts p170 Phoneme frame p171 Word sort p172 Add race p173 Y2, term 1, unit 1 p40 p20-22 Phase 6 Word sort p172 Add race p173 p26-28 p29-31 Rotherham Primary Strategy Literacy Team 1 Y2, term Y2, term Y2, term Y2, term Y2, term Y2, term Y2, term Spelling Bank 1, unit 2 p40 1, unit 3 p41 1, unit 4 p41 1, unit 5 p41 2, unit 1 p42 2, unit 2 p42 2, unit 3 p43 Y3, term 2, objective 12 p12 Y4, term 3, objective 11 p38 Y2, term 3, unit 3 p45 Y3, term 2, objective 13 p13 Y2, term Y2, term Y3, term Y2, term Y2, term Y2, term Y3, term 1, objective 10 p6 2, unit 4 p43 3, unit 1 p44 1, unit 4 p47 3, unit 1 p44 3, unit 3 p45 3, unit 5 p45 Support for Spelling - Links and supports Year 3 Term Spelling Objective 1 i. To consolidate knowledge of adding suffixes and to investigate the conventions related to the spelling pattern -le ii. To spell regular verb endings and to learn irregular tense changes (e.g. go/went) i. To know what happens to the spelling of nouns when s is added ii. To understand how words change when the suffixes are added 2 3 i. To embed the correct use and spelling of pronouns (n.b. phonemic and morphological) ii. To develop knowledge of prefixes to generate new words from root words Support for Spelling p33-36 Letters and Sounds Y2/3 Spelling Programme Spelling Bank Y3, term 1, unit 2 p46 p36-37 Y3, term 1, unit 4 p47 Y4, term 1, objective 7 p23 Y4, term 1, objective 8 p24 p40-42 Y3, term 2, unit 3 p49 Y3, term 2, objective 9 p10 p43-46 Y3, term 2, unit 2 p48 Y3, term 2, unit 4 p49 Y3, term 2, unit 5 p49 Y3, term 2, objective 8 p8/9 Y3, term 2, objective 13 p13 Y3, term 2, objective 14 p14 p46-49 spelling in tricky words Phases 2-5 p49-51 Y5, term 2, objective 7 p50 Y3, term 1, unit 5 p47 Rotherham Primary Strategy Literacy Team 2 Y3, term 1, objective 11 p7 Y3, term 3, objective 10 p18 Support for Spelling - Links and supports Year 4 Term Spelling Objective 1 i. To distinguish between the spelling and meaning of homophones ii. To investigate, collect and classify spelling patterns related to the formation of plurals i. To investigate and learn to spell words with common letter strings ii. To understand how suffixes change the function of words i. To understand the use of the apostrophe in contracted forms of words ii. To revise and investigate links between meaning and spelling when using affixes 2 3 Support for Spelling p53-55 Letters and Sounds Y2/3 Spelling Programme Spelling Bank Y4, term 1, objective 6 p22 Y5, term 2, objective 6 p49 p56-59 Y4, term 2, objective 5 p28 Y5, term 1, objective 5 p41/42 p59-62 Y4, term 2, objective 6 p29 Y4, term 3, objective 6 p33 p62-65 Y4, term 3, objective 8 p35 Y4, term 3, objective 9 p36 Y4, term 3, objective 10 p37 p65-67 p67-70 Y4, term Y4, term Y4, term Y5, term Rotherham Primary Strategy Literacy Team 3 3, objective 7 p34 3, objective 8 p34 3, objective 12 p39 1, objective 6 p43 Support for Spelling - Links and supports Year 5 Term Spelling Objective 1 i. To spell unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words ii. To spell words with common letter strings and different pronunciations i. To explore the spelling patterns of consonants and to formulate rules ii. To explore less common prefixes and suffixes i. To investigate and learn spelling rules for adding suffixes to words ending in e or words ending in -y and words containing ie ii. To identify word roots, derivations and spelling patterns as a support for spelling 2 3 Support for Spelling p71-73 Letters and Sounds Y2/3 Spelling Programme Spelling Bank Y5, term 3, objective 4 p52 p74-76 Y5, term 2, objective 5 p48 Y5, term 2, objective 8 p51 p77-79 Y5, term 2, objective 4 p46 p79-81 Y5, term 3, objective 6 p56 Y5, term 3, objective 7 p57 Y5, term 3, objective 5 p53-55 p82-85 p85-87 Y5, term 1, objective 6 p43 Y5, term 1, objective 8 p44 Y6, term 1, objective 5 p58 Rotherham Primary Strategy Literacy Team 4 Support for Spelling - Links and supports Year 6 Term Spelling Objective 1 i. To embed the use of independent spelling strategies for spelling unfamiliar words ii. To investigate the meaning and spelling of connectives (e.g. furthermore, nevertheless i. To revise and extend work on spelling patterns, including unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words ii. To use what is known about prefixes and suffixes to transform words (e.g. negation, tense, word class) i. To spell unfamiliar words by using what is known of word families and spelling patterns ii. To revise and use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a support for spelling 2 3 Support for Spelling p89-92 Letters and Sounds Y2/3 Spelling Programme p92-94 Spelling Bank Y6, term 1, objective 6 p59 p95-97 p97-100 Y5, term 3, objective 6 p56 p100-102 p102-104 Y6, term 1, objective 5 p58 Rotherham Primary Strategy Literacy Team 5