Miracle Water

Miracle Water – The Rest Of The Story
We thought it timely to cover this story on our free report for two reasons
1. In case you had not heard about it
2. If you had, to give you the rest of the story
The Story Thus Far – Briefly
An article appeared in the April 6th edition of the Sunday Morning Herald
Good Weekend Magazine called Miracle Water? The story was also featured on radio and T.V.
It tells of people achieving very good results with their health problems including
arthritis – when they drink this water.
The water contains magnesium bi-carbonate which combines with the carbon dioxide in
the body thus minimizing its degenerative effects. Carbon dioxide is supposed to contribute to
many problems in the body. The “Magic Water” helps offset this effect.
It is our view that this is just one of the many problem areas for us. That’s why it will
work for some but not for others. How can you tell if the Magic Water will help? Either try it or
get tested in the clinic. Now for the rest of the story.
Miracle Water’s Other Secrets Revealed
There are other reasons for the success of “Miracle Water” Magnesium Bicarbonate is
only part of the story. There is more! The other secrets can be discovered by looking at the health
and longevity of at least five human cultures found in different parts of the world. It’s the same
explanation for the virility and longevity of cattle and sheep on farms near the Snowy Mountains.
“Water contains many secrets which we have known about for some time,” says Bill
Davison, Chiropractor, Naturopath and one of the nations leading Wholistic Health Practitioners.
“There are other magic ingredients which can be used to treat many health problems
especially arthritis and brain function (including ADD and ADHD)”
The good news is that these other ingredients are now available in a liquid supplement
which can be added to your water or daily regime.
Health, Virility And Longevity Secrets Revealed.
There are five well known human cultures whose people routinely live to their maximum genetic
potential of 120 to 140 years.
These are:
1) The Tibetans of NorthWestern China,
2) The Hunzakut of Eastern Pakistan.
3) The Russian Georgians and others in The Caucasus Mountains and Turkey.
4) The Vilcabamba in the Andes in Ecuadour
5) The Titicaca in the Peruvian Andes.
They not only live long lives but are extremely healthy and “productive” - and they do it without
the blessings of modern hi-tech medicine, vaccines, antibiotics, steroids, or transplants.
The common denominators of these cultures are:
1) They live at elevations of 8,500feet to 14,000feet. In sheltered mountain valleys.
There is no heavy industry to pollute air, water or food.
Only natural fertilizers are used.
Western Medicine was previously not available to them.
Their water sources for drinking and irrigation comes from melting glaciers and is known
as ‘Glacial Milk’.
How can we benefit from this knowledge?
Obviously we most likely don’t want to give up our “mod-cons” and go and live there.
It would also be diffficult to reproduce their lifestyle in modern suburbia.
One Thing We Can Do!
We can get the benefits of Glacial Milk.
Glacial Milk’s magic lies in a number of things.
One is the minerals it contains which makes it opaque and whitish in colour.
Glaciers scrape, grind and pulverise from two to six inches of parent rock from the mountain
surface each year into a fine dust or rock flour. This is carried from under the glaciers by water
melted from the glacial ice by the frictional heat of the moving glacier.The glacial mud and
gravel collect in the valleys at the foot of the mountains and the glacial water irrigates the same
land. Not all glacial milk is the same, apart from that in these named cultures. Their glacial milk
contains most, if not all the 60 minerals required for optimal health.
The Real Secret Revealed.
Although they drink the glacial milk, the real magic is in the plants which use the glacial sludge
and glacial water, This makes the minerals 98% available for absorbtion and biological use by
animals and people.
So how do we get these plant derived colloidal minerals? From humic shale.
Humic shale is a deposit of ancient plant material entombed under the ground from thousands of
years ago. Humic shale is a unique source of plant derived colloidal minerals.
Through a special process of grinding, then soaking in filtered spring water, we can now get
plant derived colloidal minerals in a supplement form.
Why can’t we get these minerals from our regular diet.
In 1936 a U.S. Senate document #264 said. “Do you know that most of us today are suffering
from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from
which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance”.
In other words, if it’s not in the soil, it’s not in our food, if it’s not in our food , it’s not in us.
Consequently our quantitiy and quality of life will suffer.
But I take supplements – shouldn’t that be enough? Unfortunately no! Not unless your program
contains plant derivided colloidal minerals.
We need about 90 essential nutrients. Essential means that our body cannot manufacture them –
They must be in our diets or supplements.
Around 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids.
Our supplements may not be derived from plants, which means we don’t absorb and use them
very well. Calcium is a good example. The most difficult nutrients to get usually are trace
minerals. Trace means that “only a trace present.” Very small amounts, but very important and
often not in the soil and thereby our food
Examples of trace minerals are:BORON- Necessary for calcium utilisation and prevention of arthritis, hormonal deficiencies and
CHROMIUM – Deficiencies can cause diabetes and low blood sugar levels.
COPPER - Deficiency can cause aneurisms (Artery blowouts), premature grey hair, arthritis and
many other conditions.
TIN – Deficiency can cause premature baldness.
One of the most common deficiencies in brain function is trace minerals. Learning dificulties –
ADD – ADHD – often respond well to a supplement of colloidal minerals.
You may be already aware, or can easily accept the fact, that utilisation of one nutrient requires
the presence of others.
Quite a challenge if you don’t take the right supplement that has it all.
The form of nutrient also effects its usage whether it be a macro mineral like Calcium or a
micro-mineral (trace) like boron.
What Does “Colloidal” Mean?
At the risk of complicating the discussion, it means a substance that exists as ultra-fine particles
that are suspended in a medium of different matter. Simply put it is the suspension of particles
in a solution but which are not actually dissolved. It is the ideal way of supplementing the body
with its mineral requirements, both micro and macro.
Colloidal minerals also carry a negative electrical charge. Many of the body’s pathogens and
impurities carry a positive charge. Thus a colloidal mineral supplement can combine with these
unwanted items and help the body eliminate them.
So if you want the benefits of those healthy long-lived cultures, one of the simplest, easiest
things to do is to supplement with a good quality colloidal mineral mixture.
Don’t ignore other important health practices though especially the right WATER.
Bill Davison.
REF: Rare Earth’s Forbidden Cures
by Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVN,ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS.