Name: ___________________________ Week of: __________________________ 2nd Grade Speller’s Choice Welcome to Speller’s Choice. This is where YOU get to choose your homework assignments for the week! You will be responsible for doing one activity each night on Monday thru Thursday in order to prepare for the spelling test on Friday. Each written activity will need to be done on a sheet of paper in YOUR SPELLING NOTEBOOK. Write the name of the activity and the date at the top of the page. Don’t waste paper! Please use the back of the pages, too. If it is a verbal activity, please have your parent initial the box. When you complete an activity, add the date in the line provided in the box. You need to complete 4 in a row--vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. You can do one per night or more if you want a “free night” of spelling. Have fun!! ABC Order Write your spelling words in alphabetical order. (A – Z) Date: ___/___ Magazine Words Cut letters out of a magazine and glue them onto a sheet of paper to spell ten of your words. “Hangman” Quiz Play the game “hangman” with a parent, using your spelling words. Date: ___/___ Parent Initials: ______ Silly Sentences Use all of your words in only 7 sentences. Date: ___/___ Pyramid Words Write all your words adding one letter at a time. You will wind up with a pyramid shape. c ca cat Date: ___/___ UPPER and Lower Write your spelling words 2x each. First, write each word in UPPERCASE letters. Second, write each word in lowercase letters. Example: SLIDE slide Date: ___/___ Date: ___/___ Computer Fun Use a computer to type your words. Use different fonts and make it fun! Print it out. Staple or glue it to your notebook page. Blue Vowels Write each of your spelling words. Trace over the vowel(s) in each word using a blue crayon or blue colored pencil. Vowels = a, e, i, o, u Date: ___/___ Practice Quiz Have someone quiz you on your words on paper. Write the words in your notebook and mark the ones that are incorrect. Date: ___/___ Reversed Words Write the spelling list in ABC order BACKWARDS! (Z – A) Date: ___/___ Date: ___/___ Parent Quiz Quiz your parents on your spelling words!! Date: ___/___ Spelling Math Write a math word problem using at least two spelling words. Be sure to solve the problem!! Date: ___/___ Practice Quiz Have someone quiz you on your words verbally. (You spell them out loud!!) Date: ___/___ Parent Initials: ______ Spelling Flower Draw a picture of a great big flower. Write each of your spelling words on one of the flower petals or on a leaf. Draw extra flowers if you need to. Parent Initials: ______ Date: ___/___ Word Search Make a word search using your spelling words. Use the Discovery School’s online Puzzle Maker Print it out. Then find your words! Consonant Circles Write your words once, and circle the letters that are consonants. Date: ___/___ Date: ___/___ Weekly Spelling Words 1. ______________________ 6. _______________________ 11. _____________________ 2. ______________________ 7. _______________________ 12. _____________________ 3. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 13. _____________________ 4. _______________________ 9. _______________________ 14. _____________________ 5. _______________________ 10. _______________________ 15. _____________________ Weekly Vocabulary Words (Extra Credit on Spelling Test) 1. ______________________ 4. _______________________ 2. ______________________ 5. _______________________ 3. ______________________ 6. ________________________ Second Grade Spelling Homework Dear 2nd Grade Parents and Guardians, In order for your child to improve their reading skills, spelling practice is a very important part of the process. Spelling practice assists children in their ability to decode words, recognize prefixes and suffixes, and develop word meaning based on root words. This year, spelling homework will be assigned each night Monday through Thursday, with a spelling test given each Friday. You and your child can decide how you want the homework completed each night. A Speller’s Choice board will be provided each week with options for homework completion. Your child can complete one assignment each night or can complete more than one when a “free night” is needed. All homework will be completed in an assigned spelling notebook, unless stated otherwise on the Speller’s Choice board. On the back of the board will be a place for your child to copy and keep a list of the weekly spelling and vocabulary words. An example of the Speller’s Choice board is attached for you to keep at home for reference. Thank you in advance for assisting your child in this homework process! Second Grade Teachers