STANDARDS-BASED CLASSROOM OBSERVATION INSTRUMENT This instrument is designed to assess the extent to which teachers engage in classroom practices consistent with “standards-based” teaching. Part 1: Check the specific behaviors you see during an observation period, making note of specific examples for review. Check as many as apply. Communicating what is to be learned Makes clear to students what they are expected to learn using the language of the standards (1F) Organizes and sequences content to increase student learning (5E) Makes clear to students the level of performance expected and their ability to achieve it (2A) Clearly conveys to students the importance of the content to be taught --------------------------------------------------------Students specifically reference standards and essential questions Students utilize organization tools to guide how they think about content Aligning and varying instructional activities Clearly aligns instructional activities to GPS (1F, 5B) Adjusts and varies instruction to meet students’ needs, i.e. learning progress, strengths, styles (3F) Designs instruction and performance tasks to ensure higher order thinking of students (2A) Adaptations are evident for exceptional learners (5D, 2B, 2E) ---------------------------------------------------------Students practice skills and procedures they are expected to demonstrate Students use new words and concepts in reading, writing and conversations Delivering and varying content Communicates content accurately and effectively, specifically referencing standards and essential questions (5B, 3G) Connects content to real-life situations (3E, 2D, 1D) Connects content to other concepts already learned and other content curriculum (1D) Presents new vocabulary in context of the standard and concept being taught (5b, 1F) Identifies and addresses misconceptions (1A) -------------------------------------------------------Students explain standards in their own words Students can apply content to new learning and relate it to real-life applications Assessing student learning and progress Determines what students already know with respect to the lesson or activity (4B, 4C) Uses a variety of ways to regularly check students’ understanding during teaching (4D) Shares examples to let students know what is expected in their work (4F) Evaluates students’ work in a consistent manner (4E) Gives clear, direct feedback as to how students are doing and how they can improve (teacher commentary) (4D) ---------------------------------------------------------Students are engaged in self- and peer- assessment and feedback Students identify how their work meets standards, identifying next steps Creating a classroom environment for learning Provides a positive, learning focused classroom environment (3E) Utilizes strategies that reinforce appropriate behavior (3C, 3A) Articulates procedures and expectations clearly (3C) Monitors and manages individual and group behavior to maximize learning for all students (3C) Manages time and resources to maximize learning (3B, 3C) Resolves conflicts quickly and effectively(6F) -------------------------------------------------------Students utilize procedures effectively Students manage their behavior consistent with expectations Engaging students in learning Varies instructional delivery modes, i.e., whole group, small group, paired and independent (5E) Groups and regroups students based on understanding of content and/or to support cooperative learning (3A, 2E) Arranges classroom space in order to provide a supportive, inviting context for learning (3B) --------------------------------------------------------Students are engaged in self-directed learning Students identify personal learning goals and assess progress in achieving them Students ask clarifying questions Students help other students with their learning and assist their teacher as needed or requested Teacher Observed _____________________________________________ Observer ____________________________________________ Class Observed ___________________ Course/Grade ____________________ Date _______________ Time_______________ GPS Standard: Instructional Delivery Mode(s) Observed □ Whole group □ Small group □ Paired □ Independent Other: Notes: What went well? Instructor’s Role(s) Observed □ Facilitator □ Lecturer □ Monitoring student progress □ Modeling or demonstrating Other: Post Observation Conference Identified areas improvement Student Engagement Observed □ Textbook/worksheet activities □ Higher order responses □ Performance tasks □ Recall activities □ Discussions □ Listening Other: Actions to be taken Planning Execution Results Teacher _________________________________________ Teacher’s Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________ Observer ________________________________________ Observer’s Signature ____________________________________ Date __________________ STANDARDS-BASED CLASSROOM OBSERVATION INSTRUMENT Summative Classroom Observation Form Observations Date/Time (3 required*) * Course/Content/Topic Observation Record Post Observation Conference Date/Time Actions * * Part II: Based on a minimum of three classroom observations, provide a rating on each of the dimensions listed below: Guiding Questions for Standards-based Teaching Observations 1. How well did this teacher communicate to all students what was to be learned? (1F, 5E, 2A) 2a. How well did this teacher align instruction and activities with communicated outcomes? (1F, 5B) 2b. How well did this teacher vary strategies, activities, and/or material for students? (3F, 2A, 5D, 2B, 2E) 3. How well did this teacher promote understanding and exploration of meaning within or across disciplines? (5B, 3G, 3E, 2D, 1D, 1F, 1A) 4a. How well did this teacher assess/monitor student progress in learning and adapt instruction accordingly? (4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F) 4b. How well did this teacher provide feedback to students about their work? (4D, 4F)) 5. 6. How well did this teacher create a classroom environment to maximize learning? (3A, 3B, 3C, 3E, 6F) How well did this teacher engage students in classroom learning? (5E, 3A, 2E, 3B) Needs Improvement Emerging Proficient Exemplary Continuum of Teaching Practices Domain 1: Content & Curriculum: Teachers demonstrate a strong knowledge of content area(s) appropriate for their certification levels. Attribute 1A. Demonstrates content knowledge in teaching area Needs Improvement Does NOT demonstrate content knowledge in teaching area Attribute 1D: Applies and connects curriculum to related subjects and students’ lives. Attribute 1F: Aligns content and curriculum with state and national content area standards Does NOT apply and connect curriculum to related subjects and students’ lives. Does NOT align content and curriculum with state and national content area standards Emerging utilizes assigned text in lessons. addresses content prescribed in state standards during lessons. activities appropriate to the grade level and content area. emphasizes the content contained in the course syllabus. lesson content rarely integrated with other subjects. connects lessons to other subjects when guided by colleague/trainer. lesson plan content is aligned with state and national standards lesson content implemented consistently with state and national content standards for overall class. Proficient supplements current text based on understanding of the content needed for overall class success prioritizes state standards to focus on content needed most by students adapts curriculum content to provide enhanced opportunities for class occasionally adapts curriculum materials based on the needs of individual students occasionally seeks materials in response to own or students’ needs. lesson plan content is aligned with state and national standards and accounts for group needs lesson content implemented consistently with state and national content standards for group needs Exemplary adapts planning to address individual student content learning needs. adapts instruction dynamically to address individual student content learning needs. demonstrates advanced, in depth content knowledge implements novel approaches to lesson content demonstrates deep understanding of curriculum materials in professional practice routinely integrates content across subject areas routinely integrates related content relevant to individual students develops curriculum materials that are aligned with state and national standards implements lesson content aligned with state and national standards to address individual student content needs Domain 2: Knowledge of Students & Their Learning: Teachers support the intellectual, social, physical, and personal development of all students. Attribute 2A: Supports all students in attaining challenging achievement goals. Does NOT support all students in attaining challenging achievement goals. sets achievement goals for all students activities emphasize similar approaches across class. Attribute 2B: Supports student development based on readiness. Does NOT support student development based on readiness. Attribute 2D: Accesses and uses student data and related information about the students’ lives both inside and outside of class. Does NOT access and use student data and related information about the students’ lives both inside and outside of class. planning reflects readiness attributes (intellectual, social, physical, and personal) typical of overall class or grade level. Activities consistent with overall class/grade development assessment. Accepts responsibility for class performance lesson plans include age/grade-appropriate approaches to instruction implements instruction consistently to the class as a whole rarely incorporates class interests or cultural heritage for the class as a whole Revises achievement goals based on overall class performance Occasionally demonstrates multiple activities to support attainment of established goals. Occasionally encourages and sustains individual student motivation to accomplish challenging goals occasionally demonstrates adaptations of planning based on exceptions to readiness assessment. Occasionally implements alternative approaches for students based on individual student differences Provides activities that promote student success occasionally utilizes individual student data for general planning purposes occasionally utilizes anecdotal records to establish positive rapport with a student or family occasionally adapts planning and instruction based on individual and class student data establishes individual achievement goals based on individual student progress and needs Achievement goals reflect student initiative and input Modifies achievement goals based on individual student progress Routinely encourages and sustains individual student motivation to accomplish challenging goals routinely demonstrates adaptations of planning based on exceptions to readiness assessment. routinely implements alternative approaches to accommodate individual student differences provides both activities that promote student success and activities that challenge students to excel to their individual potential routinely plans for alternative approaches based on individual student differences or needs. routinely implements alternative approaches to address individual student differences. routinely incorporates individual student interests or cultural heritage in planning and instruction. routinely adapts lessons based on individual Attribute 2E: Adapts instruction based on individual student development, readiness, learning styles, and special needs. Does NOT adapt instruction based on individual student development, readiness, learning styles, and special needs. lesson plans include age/grade-appropriate approaches to instruction implements instruction consistently to the class as a whole rarely incorporates class interests or cultural heritage for the class as a whole occasionally plans for alternative approaches based on group differences or needs. occasionally implements alternative approaches based on group differences or needs. occasionally incorporates group interests or cultural heritage in planning and instruction. differences and needs to meet the needs of individual students routinely plans for alternative approaches based on individual student differences or needs. routinely implements alternative approaches to address individual student differences. routinely incorporates individual student interests or cultural heritage in planning and instruction. routinely adapts lessons based on individual differences and needs to meet the needs of individual students Domain 3: Learning Environments: Teachers create learning environments that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Attribute 3A: Establishes a participatory, democratic learning community. Does NOT establish a participatory, democratic learning community. Attribute 3B: Engages students in learning tasks through the effective management and allocation of classroom resources. Does NOT engage students in learning tasks through the effective management and allocation of classroom resources. rarely plans for student participation in class activities or decision making. learning environment addresses the common needs of students in class. supports student learning tasks using provided/required resources. uses the same classroom resources for entire class. occasionally plans for student participation in class activities or decision making. learning environment occasionally addresses the needs of individual students. occasionally varies the learning tasks and resources. occasionally modifies learning tasks and resources based on emergent opportunities. routinely plans for student participation in class activities or decision making. routinely adapts learning environment to address the needs of all students. routinely provides varied learning tasks and resources based on individual student interests and needs. routinely varies the classroom management approach based on emergent opportunities and classroom activities. modifies approaches and resources based on individual student interests and needs. Attribute 3C: Demonstrates effective classroom management. Does NOT demonstrate effective classroom management. Attribute 3E: Establishes and maintains a culturally responsive classroom reflecting differences in student backgrounds. Does NOT establish and maintain a culturally responsive classroom reflecting differences in student backgrounds. classroom management aligned with school/district policy. communicates expected student behaviors and consequences. organizes the learning environment according to her/his preferences. applies classroom management rules and guidelines consistently uses the same classroom management for entire class. lesson plans rarely include evidence of diverse cultural, religious heritage associated with the school and community. activities rarely reflect differences in cultural, religious heritage associated with the school and community. occasionally adjusts planned teaching activities appropriately to address disruptive behavior. .occasionally modifies the learning environment based on students’ needs. occasionally applies classroom management rules differently based on individual student needs. lesson plans occasionally include evidence of diverse cultural, religious heritage associated with the school and community activities occasionally reflect differences in cultural, religious heritage associated with the school and community. Attribute 3F: Utilizes resources to support students’ academic, emotional and physical learning needs. Does NOT utilize resources to support students’ academic, emotional and physical learning needs. lesson plan identifies provided/required resources available to support students’ emotional and physical learning needs. activities rarely incorporate supplementary resources to support students’ emotional and physical learning needs lesson plan occasionally identifies supplementary resources to support students’ emotional and physical learning needs. activities occasionally incorporate supplementary resources to support students’ emotional and physical learning needs routinely adjusts planned teaching activities appropriately to address disruptive behavior. designs and manages the learning environment to optimize individual student learning. routinely applies judgment to classroom management decisions to address individual student needs. lesson plans routinely incorporate evidence of diverse cultural, religious heritage associated with individual students. activities routinely reflect differences in cultural, religious heritage associated with individual students. routinely initiates community participation in class activities to reflect different cultural, religious heritage routinely demonstrates respect for cultural, religious diversity in instructional activities lesson plan routinely identifies both provided/required and supplementary resources to support students’ emotional and physical learning needs. activities routinely incorporate supplementary resources to support students’ emotional and physical learning needs Attribute 3G: Demonstrates effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication to promote interaction in the classroom. Does NOT demonstrate effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication to promote interaction in the classroom. class verbal communications comply with school/district guidelines. class nonverbal communications comply with school/district guidelines. class use of media in communications complies with school/district guidelines. occasionally utilizes standard and alternative or supplementary verbal communication with individual student. occasionally utilizes standard and alternative or supplementary nonverbal communication with individual student. occasionally utilizes standard and alternative or supplementary mediated communication with individual student. Domain 4: ASSESSMENT: Teachers understand and use a range of formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous Does NOT use assessment data to Attribute 4B: Uses uses year-end, state differentiates instructional assessment data to plan plan mandated assessments to grouping plans based on instruction. instruction. plan whole class instruction uses year-end, statemandated assessments uses mandated local class assessment data school/district-adopted assessments to plan whole differentiates instructional class instruction grouping plans based on mandated local allocates instructional time school/district adopted and activities based on class assessments assessment results plans instructional time and uses assessment data to activities differentially based determine whole class on class assessment results instructional goals Does NOT apply classroom-based Attribute 4C: Applies Uses adopted/required occasionally customizes classroom-based assessments to plan, teach, and classroom assessments to classroom assessments to assessments to plan, teach, and provide student teach whole class plan group or individual provide student feedback. activities provides feedback on class feedback. performance based on occasionally customizes adopted/required classroom classroom assessments to assessments teach groups and individual students occasionally provides feedback on group or individual student performance based on customized assessments routinely utilizes standard and alternative or supplementary verbal communication with the class and individual students. routinely utilizes standard and alternative or supplementary nonverbal communication with the class and individual students. routinely utilizes standard and alternative or supplementary mediated communication with the class and individual std. development of all learners. plans instructional activities to address the needs of students based individual assessment data uses assessment data to plan integrated learning activities for the class and each student uses assessment data to develop class as well as individual student learning goals routinely uses adopted/required and customized classroom assessments to plan group and individual activities routinely uses both adopted/required and customized classroom assessments to teach groups & individual stds. routinely provides feedback based on adopted/required and customized classroom assessments Attribute 4D: Monitors student progress and encourages students to monitor their own progress. Does NOT monitor student progress and encourages students to monitor their own progress. Attribute 4E: Uses valid, equitable grading procedures to assess student learning. Does NOT use valid, equitable grading procedures to assess student learning. Attribute 4F: Interprets and communicates assessment data to students, colleagues and parents. Does NOT interpret and communicate assessment data to students, colleagues and parents. uses adopted/required assessments to document class progress provides class feedback based on adopted/required assessments on performance provides assessment criteria used to evaluate class progress utilizes adopted school/district grading policies and procedures grading system aligned with state performance standards grading system applied uniformly across class grading system identifies class progress towards meeting state performance standards demonstrates basic understanding of assessment data communicates assessment results to students and parents communicates assessment data to colleagues when prompted or required. occasionally customizes assessment to monitor class or individual student progress occasionally provides class and individual students with results from customized assessments occasionally provides students with assessment criteria to monitor their own work adopted school/district grading policies and procedures occasionally adapted by the teacher occasionally differentiates grades based on individual student differences occasionally indicates class and individual student progress towards meeting state performance standards occasionally provides class and individual student performance progress reports to students parents and appropriate school personnel interprets assessment data for class instruction occasionally interprets and communicates assessment results to students and parents occasionally interprets and communicates assessment data to colleagues for purposes routinely provides student performance assessment criteria to support students self assessment of learning progress routinely customizes assessments to monitor class and individual student progress routinely provides class and individual students with results from customized assessments grading system developed in collaboration with students, conforms to district policy and is accessible in writing. routinely indicates class and individual student progress towards meeting state performance standards routinely provides class and individual student performance progress reports to student parents and appropriate school personnel routinely identifies limitations of and alternatives to given assessment data. routinely interprets assessment data to support individual student instruction routinely interprets and communicates meaning of assessment data to students and parents routinely interprets and communicates meaning of assessment data to colleagues for instructional purposes Domain 5: Planning & Instruction: Teachers design and create instructional experiences based on their knowledge of content and curriculum, students, learning environments, and assessment. Does NOT develop and implement Attribute 5B: Develops and lesson plans aligned with modifies lesson plans to lesson plans anticipate implements standards appropriate standards appropriate instruction state performance strengthen focus on diverse activities to instruction plans. plans. standards. standards based knowledge strengthen focus on or skill to address class standards-based knowledge implements strategies needs. or skill of individual students. suggested/recommended to implement state modifies strategies implements a range of performance standards. suggested/recommended in planned activities to address state performance standards individual student needs. implements standards-based to address class needs. instruction as lesson plans integrate suggested/directed by standards-based with lesson plans include colleagues/trainers. standards-based activities school/districts instructional with school/districts priorities to address instructional priorities to individual student needs. address class needs. Does NOT modify instruction Attribute 5D: Modifies instruction plans instruction based adjusts subsequent lessons identifies and implements based on learner performance based on learner performance primarily on when students do not multiple instructional and/or feedback. and/or feedback. adopted/required curriculum. perform as alternatives to address expected/required individual performance utilizes primarily differences. adopted/required includes both instructional materials during adopted/required and related routinely adjusts lesson instruction resources in lesson planning planning and practices in and during instruction response to differences in lesson plan modifications individual student learning or based on class-wide solicits input from students feedback. performance. to increase interest and relevance. Does NOT implement instruction Attribute 5E: Implements includes student learning objectives consistent with objectives consistent with instruction appropriate to appropriate to outcomes/expectations in learning needs of the class. learning needs of the class instructional goals and instructional goals and lesson plans. and individual students. classroom instruction at student needs. student needs. appropriate level for class. lesson plans aligned with classroom instruction school/district instructional differentiated to address occasionally varies goals for grade/subject. class and individual student instructional practices for needs. classroom instruction given objectives to aligned with identified accommodate class needs. routinely clarifies the student learning outcomes. relevance of instructional goals to individual students, the class and community. routinely varies instructional practices for given objectives to accommodate individual student needs. Domain 6: PROFESSIONALISM: Teachers recognize, participate in, and contribute to teaching as a profession. Does NOT advocate solutions that Attribute 6F. Advocates implements basic lesson solutions that address address plan as designed. student needs and expectations. . student needs and rarely seeks outside expectations. . resources to address student needs implements solutions that address the needs and expectations of class as a whole. adapts lesson plan and instruction to address class needs and expectations. occasionally identifies outside resources to address student needs routinely adapts lesson plan and instruction to address individual student needs and expectations. routinely identifies outside resources to address individual student needs serves as outside resource among peers to address individual student needs serves as advocate for addressing student needs and interests. challenges negative attitudes to help ensure that all students are served.