Udder Perfection
– Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2008
Next Meeting: Feb 27 th , 12:30pm Redneck Gormet
All team members must be signed up no later than March 1 st . Go to http://08.the3Day.org
to register. You will have to pay a $90.00 registration fee- we decided last night that this will be refunded to each team member out of funds raised at certain events.
Here are some promotional/fundraising ideas we came up with:
Kick-off party at the Alamoooo (everything has a cow/moo theme!):
Get with Amy Murphey (owner of Alamo and currently battling Breast
Cancer); propose a 5-8 pm, invitation party for local merchants, sponsors, potential sponsors, friends and family. We’re looking at May 8 th . Perhaps a $3 entry fee that goes to us. We’d like Jason to make a special shot to sell that night with proceeds going to our fundraising efforts.
Shot name: Udder Sucker!
Silent Auction at the Train Depot:
Mid-July or so
Get auction items donated/ or reasonably purchased to be auctioned off- all proceeds going to us and items purchased by us will be reimbursed plus some
They host cookout jam session in the Spring and perhaps some money could be donated to our funds.
Kelly on our team works there… we’ve got connections!
Getting restaurants on board:
Chick-fil-A: Udder Perfection night; maybe help be waitresses or each sandwich that’s bought we get $1.00 to our funds, etc. 2 or 3 of us are going to talk with Allen Queen next week and make a proposal on this.
Fabiano’s Pizzeria- each time a “Cowzone” (calzone) is ordered, we get
$1.00 of the proceeds.
The Half Shell- downtown hot dog and oyster restaurant. Put a “Holy Cow
Hot Dog” on their menu- each time one is ordered with a portion.
Espresso Lane and/or Starbucks:
“Moooolatte” ordered, we get portion of proceeds.
Dynasty: “Moooo Goo Gai Pan” ordered, we get a portion of proceeds.
Hooters: Suck it up ladies!!! We’re calling on Hooters!
What’s The Scoop: limited time ice cream mixture… any ideas?
Pink Cow: Breast Cancer Pink M&M’s??
Five Guys Burgers: “Cow Patties”
“Feed the Cash Cow” stuff money jar, stuffed animal, etc
“Come Graze with Us” advertising at the restaurants
“We need Moooolah”
These are just some ideas we came up with- anymore are appreciated and welcome!
Market Days, First Sat. of each month from 10-2 ; April – October in
Downtown Newnan:
April 5 th volunteers: Pam Ford, Alise Cartledge (as needed, there anyway!), Amber Steele (if you can), Laurie Williams (if you can), Helen
Rivers (if you can) Please let us know if you’re available.
In the Team Captain packet Mary Ann received, there is a breast cancer ribbon mold to make suckers, cookies, etc. Pam Ford has offered her house to make these that week and sell at Market Day. There is no entry and no profits taken out by Main Street. We’d also like to sell Udder
Perfection temporary tattoos to kids for donation. Looking online for these. Any other ideas are welcomed.
Laurie- we thought your homemade dog biscuits would be perfect, too.
J 93.3 Radio Station will be there each month and put us on the air- they want to follow us at the walk as well.
Udder Perfection labels on water bottles for sale at Market Day and Taste of Newnan
Taste of Newnan in Downtown Newnan:
April 17 th 5-8:30
Everyone needs to be here- this is about a 6,000 person event and it’s so fun!! We’d like to hook up with Chick-fil-A and piggy back with them at their booth- we’ll talk more about this after we meet with Allen Queen.
High School Concession Stands:
One home game, we could probably work at local high school concession stands for a portion of the proceeds.
Amber- can you check on Northgate?
The idea of doing a “Kick-off Lap” at each of the school’s tracks during halftime or before the game in our pink attire could raise awareness and we could get donations that way.
We need more info on if this is allowed by the Booster Clubs
Yard Sale/Drop off Junk Location:
Get with Newnan Lofts and residents to host a large Spring yard sale.
Advertise a junk drop off location- people give us their donated items and we sell them taking the profits.
T-Shirts, Props, Logos:
Pam Burrus has great logo ideas and brought them last night. She will email it out so we can use it on letterhead for donations, thank you notes, etc .
We thought white t-shirts tie-dyed hot pink would be really cute with black lettering.
Put on a shirt:
“If you’re reading this, you owe me $5! Support Udder
Perfection in the 3-
Day Breast Cancer Walk” These would be great
Market Day shirts.
Hot Pink shirts with iron on Logos… this way, once we get sponsors we can just iron their logos on.
Iron on sheets available at Michael’s.
Pam Burrus ordered cow ribbon and put it on top of hot pink ribbon to wear every day. We’ll need to help make more. Just to create a buzz.
Cow Bells- anyone know where we can get cheap cow bells?
Start collecting fun cow stuff now for the Walk to decorate our tents, cars throughout the year, etc.
Chalk our car windows with walk dates, “Donate Here for the 3-Day,” etc
This was one of the biggest concerns/questions people had last night.
Here’s how it works:
Each team member needs to work really hard on raising their own
$2200.00 through family, friends, contacts, etc.
Say we receive $2000 from Newnan Utilities. If everyone is under their
$2200 goal, the $2000 will be divided up among the group evenly. Say if
Diana has already reached $2200, she would forgo her portion of the donation and give it to me who only had $1000. This ensures that everyone has their money at the Walk.
If 5 people work Market Day in April, those 5 people will get to divide the funds raised between themselves. If you help, you get the donations. We thought this would be the most fair way. With those not walking but helping, your portion can be divided out.
Asking for Donations:
It’d be a good idea to make a list of people that we are planning on contacting for funds within the community and divide them out so 5 of us don’t ask Dennis McEntire for $500. Please bring your prospective list to the next meeting.
On the 3-Day website, there are pre-made forms/emails/letters to use when asking for donations.
The best way for us to get group donations will be Market Day, Taste of
Newnan, restaurants, etc… we all need to try and volunteer.
We’ll have a promotional value sheet ready for you to give your prospective sponsors by Monday or Tuesday… this will be available on our website.
Memory Board
There will be a memory board in the Pilates Loft/Synergy Fitness studio up soon for us to keep a running list of people we’re walking in memory or in honor of. Anyone you hear of you know, write them down!
Next Meeting:
Wed, February 27 th at 12:30 at Redneck Gourmet.
Most of us felt we could lunch meetings well- if you have to miss, we’ll keep all updates on our website.
There will be an 8 month training calendar at the next meeting and posted on the website. This will let you know that on August 14 th , you need to be able to walk 13 miles (just an example). It will help us who need additional walk schedules to meet with others and plan.
Pam Burrus is going to update our website and give all info there with a message/forum board so we don’t have to bog down email so much.
Currently, it’s linked to our team page.