Metal foams for structural applications: design and manufacturing MASSIMILIANO BARLETTA§*, STEFANO GUARINO§ and ROBERTO MONTANARI§, VINCENZO TAGLIAFERRI§. § University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Department of Mechanical Engineering, Via del Politecnico, 1 – 00133 Rome (I) Correspondence *Corresponding author. Email: Abstract In this paper, the design and manufacture of metal foams, by using the powders compact melting method (PCMM) , is investigated. Experimental tests were performed to study the influence of several process parameters, that is, compaction pressure, foaming time, temperature and amount of foamable precursor material, on the kinetics of foaming process. Because of the large number of experimental factors involved in metal foams manufacturing it is very difficult to obtain products with repeatable characteristics. For this reason an experimental approach based upon DOE techniques was employed to reduce the trials need for individuating the best process windows. Hence, in such operative ranges, further experimental tests were carried out to trace the full trends of foaming efficiency according to leading parameters, thereby laying the basis to support manufacturers on how to deal with the operative troubles and process settings. Keywords: Aluminum, Foaming, Process Parameters 1 Introduction Aluminium foams are a recent class of materials that for their unique characteristics have been stimulating great interest in several technological domains. They combine part of characteristics of a bulk metal with the structural advantages of foams. In the field of metal foams, aluminium foams have been creating particular interest due to their light weight structure and good physical, chemical and mechanical properties as, which make them suitable for a range of industrial applications (Hong-Wei Song et al. 2005, K. Boomsma et al., 2003, Banhart J. 2001, J. Baumeister et al. 1997). Specifically, an aluminium foam possesses high specific stiffness, it has good energy-absorbing properties (A. Czekanski et al. 2005, C. Motz and R. Pippan 2001) making it good for crash-protection and packaging and it has attractive heat-transfer properties (C.Y. Zhao et al. 2004, K. Boomsma et al. 2003), hence allowing its employment to cool electronic equipment and as heat exchangers in engines (open cells structures). In the light of growing industrial interest towards metal foaming as manufacturing technique, different foaming processes have been developed and reported in literature (Maxime Gauthier et al. 2004, Banhart 2001, Duarte and Banhart 2000, Ma L. et al. 1999, Kathuria 2003). Each method can be used just with selected metals, if a porous material with monitored density and cell size is desired. Unfortunately, as few efforts were already done to study the correlations between process parameters and the characteristics of the end-product, a full knowledge of foaming process and its implications in manufacturing still misses, thereby limiting, at large extent, the employment of such materials in large classes of industrial application (Baumeister et al. 1997., Yang and Nakae 2000). Besides, several drawbacks like the low foaming process repeatability, its unsuitability in manufacturing of complex shapes and high associated running and plant costs constitute an additional limit to the ultimate development of such technology. The PCMM process consists of mixing and, then, compacting, metal powder and a powdered blowing agent in a closed crucible to achieve a dense semi-finished product, namely, foamable precursor material, by hot pressing, extrusion, powder rolling or other methods. Once achieved, the foamable precursor material is subsequently expanded by heating it up its melting point (Banhart 2001). The heating process takes the metal into a semi-liquid viscous state and, concurrently, makes the blowing agent decompose, thus releasing gas and creating a highly porous structure. Such foaming process was found to be particularly successful upon low density and not susceptible to oxidation alloys like the aluminium. Besides, being the foaming process developed in a well-confined mould, the end-product is better finished, hence limiting the need for further machining or reprocessing. Under the new push exerted by the alternative foaming technology, several analysis have been developed to thoroughly study the physical, thermo-mechanical and chemical properties of foamed structures as well as the leading phenomena of foaming kinetics for potential applications (Banhart 2001, Baumeister et al. 1997, Yang and Nakae 2000, Belkessam and Fritsching 2003). However, a systematic approach to the influence of leading process parameters on foaming efficiency, the analyses to reduce the number of trials to start up the manufacturing of new foamed components and the codification of experimental data in process map useful both for process control and automation still miss. In this context, our work is focused to investigate the closed cell metal foam process from metal powder. Experimental tests, based upon design of experiment, DOE, were scheduled and performed with the aim of understanding the influence of the process parameters (pressure, foaming temperature, treatment time and amount of powdered blowing agent) on the foaming efficiency. In particular, a Taguchi’s reduced experimental plan was first developed to identify the best operative windows. Next, based upon the first experimental findings, further experimental tests were performed and, consequently, 3D process maps of foaming efficiency according to operative parameters were traced. Accordingly, from the development of the systematic experimental analysis, new elements in setting operative parameters and in choosing best process condition arose, thereby laying the foundation for the definition of a first instrument to support producers on how to deal with the design and manufacturing of metal foamed components. 2 Experimental apparatus and procedure 2.1 Experimental apparatus Three different types of powder were employed to prepare the foamable precursors: Powder of aluminium AlSi7 (i.e., 7% wt as Si) as basic metal, Titanium hydride TiH2 as foaming agent, The first phase of the foaming process was the preparation of foamable precursors. For this purpose, all the powders were first accurately weighted by using a digital scale Sartorius Model BP 211-D with a resolution of 0.01 mg and then inserted in proper amounts into an electrical tumbler. In such way, they were thoroughly mixed for one hour so as to reach a uniform distribution of the basic constituents in the mixture. After that, the compaction of the mixture to a dense semi-finished product (foamable precursor material) was operated by cold pressing the powders into a stainless steel cylindrical mould, 10 mm as diameter, by using a counteracting stainless steel piston. As press, a static test machine, MTS Alliance RT/50, with a maximum applicable load of 50 kN was employed. In such way, the evolution of the load according to the piston displacement into the mould during the compaction process could be recorded. The precursor obtained during the pressing process was measured by using a Mitutoyo digital palmer (± 1 mm, as accuracy), inserted into a stainless steel crucible, 200 mm in length and 10 mm as diameter, and then baked in an electrical oven (1200 °C as maximum temperature) under different temperature-time process conditions. During the baking, the titanium hydride was supposed to rapidly decompose at about 450°C (Guarino and Tagliaferri 2004), that is, below the aluminium alloy melting point (~ 600°C). Next, the further increase in temperature was expected to cause the expansion of the gas and the contemporary reduction of the metal resistance to the growth of the gas bubbles by plastic deformation and semi-solid slide. At last, when the baking process elapsed, the foamed precursor was extracted from the crucible and, once more, measured by using the digital palmer so as to asses the foaming process efficiency. However, the whole experimental apparatus and a sketch of all the phases involved during the foaming process are reported in Figure 1. 2.2 Experimental procedure The first part of experimental tests was focused in determining the best amount of titanium hydride for foaming process. The behaviour of different amounts of titanium hydride in the range of 0.2% to 0.8 % were examined in terms of foaming efficiency , which is defined as ratio of the end volume of the foamed sample to the starting volume of its precursor. A standard test condition of 400 MPa as compaction pressure, 800 °C as foaming temperature and 8 min as foaming time was employed. Then, based upon first cues coming from the previous tests, a first reduced Taguchi’s design was employed to study the influence on foaming efficiency of compaction pressure, foaming time and temperature. In such case, powders mixture with a fixed weight composition (0.5 % wt as TiH2), found to be the better for foaming process, was used. However, Table 1 summarizes the experimental plan developed. In Taguchi’s reduced experimental plan three process parameters were considered: compaction pressure p varying in the range of 300 to 500 MPa, foaming temperature T varying in the range of 700 to 900 °C, and the foaming time t varying in the range of 5 to 15 minutes. All the tests reported in Table 1 were repeated four times to assure process repeatability and reproducibility. An ANOM was developed to evaluate the influence of operative parameters on foaming efficiency in the range investigated. Experimental data were reported in terms of average with variability expressed in terms of standard deviations. Based upon experimental findings deducted from the development of Taguchi’s experimental campaign, the best process conditions for each experimental factor were inferred. Accordingly, a full factorial campaign aimed at tracing the 3D experimental maps of foaming efficiency according to operative parameters was developed. For this purpose, firstly, the compaction pressure was fixed at 400 MPa, being found to be the best choice for foaming efficiency, and foaming time and temperature varied according to the experimental levels reported in Table 1 for a total amount of 25 tests, four times repeated. Lastly, foaming time and foaming temperature were, respectively, kept fixed at their best operative values, 8 min and 800 °C, concurrently varying the other two experimental factors according to operative levels reported in Table 1. Accordingly, a total amount of 50 tests, 25 for foaming temperature and 25 for foaming time, four times repeated were carried out. All the foaming efficiencies were collected as average of the repeated tests, with standard deviations accounting for process variability. 3 Results and discussion 3.1 The influence of titanium hydride on foaming efficiency Figure 1 reports the trend of foaming efficiency according to percentage of titanium hydride. As can be seen, the amount of titanium hydride percentage was found to generate the best foaming efficiency was worth about 0.5%. Besides, a significant growth in foaming efficiency could be expected if, starting from titanium hydride percentage values as low as 0.2%, progressively higher amounts of foaming agent were used. Nevertheless, if higher titanium hydride amounts than 0.5 % were employed, a subsequent worsening of foaming efficiency occurred. This peculiar behaviour can be attributed to the size distribution of rising bubble inside the foam structure. When low amount (< 0,4-0,45 %) of titanium hydride was employed, a foamed structure characterized by just a few of small bubbles arose. This was due to the lack of foaming agent in the foaming precursor. Going towards higher amounts (0.45 – 0,45 %), an uniform distribution of a higher number of small bubbles all over the foam structure was observed (Figure 3) and was found to cause the better foaming efficiency. In fact, if further amounts of foaming agent were added to the mixture, the small bubbles coalesced in a lower number of big bubbles (Figure 3), thereby decreasing the foaming efficiency. This decreasing in foaming efficiency was inferred to be caused both from the peculiar bubble distribution and to the collapse phenomena, which could affect such kind of foamed structures, characterized by large bubble with a weak structure due to the very low ratio between bubble exterior surface and bubble volume. 3.2 The analysis of process parameters: Taguchi’s reduced experimental design Experimental tests planned according to Taguchi’s reduced experimental findings allowed studying the influence of the process parameters on the evolution of the foam component expressed in terms of foaming efficiency according to foaming temperature, foaming time and compaction pressure. The results of ANOM are reported in Figure 4. As can be seen, three different trends characterized the experimental factors in the range investigated. As regard foaming time, it can be noted that value of 8 min could allow the best foaming efficiency. This trend can be attributed to the peculiar behaviour of foamed structure during the foaming process. During the first minutes of the foaming process (< 5 min), the titanium hydride start decomposing in according with indications provided in literature (Duarte and Banhart 2000). However, to properly activated the foaming process, temperature as large as 600 °C, close to the aluminium alloy melting point, must be waited for. This phenomenon was found to happen in the range of 5 to 8 min, where the largest values of foaming efficiency could be found. In fact, at such a temperature, the endurance of the foaming mixture to the growth of the bubble was very low, being in a sort of semi-liquid state and, consequently, the material was submitted to large plastic deformation, to the development of the gas bubbles and to the a concurrent remarkable increase of the foaming efficiency. Nonetheless, if the foaming mixture was submitted to too longer foaming time, such bubbles kept on growing until a collapse of the entire or part of foamed structure occurred, thereby decreasing the end-volume of the foamed structure and worsening the foaming efficiency. This phenomenon was found to characterize the foaming process, when foaming time higher than 8 min were employed. Examining the second diagram in Figure 4, compaction pressure was found out to guarantee the best foaming efficiency starting from 400 MPa. This value was in accordance with several experimental findings reported in literature. However, values of compaction pressure of, at least, 400 MPa, was found to cause the minimum compaction of foaming mixture need for assuring enough fast heat transfer phenomena during the foaming process so as to allow the foaming process to properly occur. If lower value of compaction pressure (less than 400 MPa) were employed, the compaction process was too scant to produce an enough continuous structure to permit to the heat to diffuse rapidly during the heating phase of the foaming process, hence inhibiting the production of the foamed structure. To the contrary, even if compaction pressure higher than 400 MPa were used, no further improvement to the foaming process can be conferred. In fact, for compaction pressure higher than 400 MPa, just slight differences in relative density of foaming mixture occurred (significantly less than 1%) and, so, no significant improvement to heat transfer phenomena and, subsequently, to the foaming process can be expected. At last, if the foaming efficiency according to foaming temperature is considered, similar considerations to those performed for foaming time can be repeated. Going towards higher values of foaming temperature meant to significantly increase the kinetics of foaming process. Therefore, if low values of foaming temperature were used, higher foaming efficiency could not be expected as a result of the incomplete development of the bubble inside the foaming mixture. To the contrary, if too high values were employed, a remarkable risk of a collapse of the foamed structure arose, with consequent lowering of the foaming efficiency. However, as the third diagram reported in Figure 4 shows, ANOM was not able to accurately take into account the kinetics of foaming, being all results averaged on the other experimental factors. As can be seen, the third diagram went flat for foaming temperature higher than 800 °C, hence suggesting the need for further experimental tests. 3.3 The built-up of 3D process maps As described in previous section, in the light of experimental findings coming from the execution of Taguchi’s reduced experimental design, further tests were performed aimed at tracing 3D process maps of foaming efficiency according to foaming time and temperature as well as compaction pressure. The results of experimental analysis, carried out as scheduled in the experimental procedure, are reported in Figure 5-6. Figure 5 reports the foaming efficiency according to foaming time and temperature with different compaction pressure of the precursors. As can be seen, in agreement with previous experimental indications, an increase of compaction pressures over 400 MPa does not influence the foaming efficiency. In fact, as said, to such pressure value, the precursor reaches a relative density not so far from the unit values. This allows to have a precursor with thermal properties similar to the bulk material. In such way, the thermal exchange during the treatment in oven results optimal and no further improvement can be expected if higher compaction pressures are used. Figure 6 reports the influence of time-temperature relation upon the foaming efficiency. This time seems very clear how the best results can be achieved both using lower foaming time joined with higher foaming temperature or higher foaming time with lower foaming temperature. This is the results of foaming kinetics. At lower temperature, the foaming process was found to be very slow, hence requiring maximum foaming time to occur. To the contrary, if higher foaming temperature were chosen, the foaming phenomena happened very fast. In such case, very low foaming time had to be set in order to avoid the detrimental effect of a too high foaming temperature with consequent collapse of the foamed structure connected to the development of too large gas bubbles in the foamed structure. Therefore, as the green zone on the top of the map reported in Figure 6 states, if lower foaming temperature, close to 700 °C, were used during experimental trials, foaming time as large as 15 min allowed obtaining the best foaming efficiency (close to a factor of 5). Vice versa, if foaming temperature as large as 900 °C were used during experimental trials, foaming time as low as 5 min allowed achieving the best foaming efficiency. 4 Conclusion In this paper, the influence of operative parameters upon manufacturing of metal foam was studied. In particular, an attempt to associate the mechanisms of foaming process based upon the decomposition of foaming agent with gas release in semi-solid state to foaming efficiency according to operative parameters was operated. First, the influence of foaming agent amount on foaming efficiency was studied, stating that a value of 0.5 % allowed attaining the best foaming efficiency with best distribution of small gas bubbles all over the foamed structure. Besides, lower values of foaming agent should be avoided in order to stay away from a too massive slowing down of the foaming kinetics, hence producing a too scant distribution of gas bubbles all over the foamed structure. Lastly, higher value of foaming agent should be avoided in order to not cause the collapse of the foamed structure due to the too rapid development of few but big gas bubbles during the decomposition of the foaming agent in the foaming mixture. Once set the best composition for foaming mixture, the foaming process parameters, that is, foaming time and temperature as well as compaction pressure of foaming precursor were investigated. From the development of the Taguchi’s reduced experimental trials, foaming was found to be strongly governed by compaction pressure and foaming time-temperature relation. Optimal choices for all operative parameters were proposed: 400 MPa for compaction pressure, 8 min for foaming time and 800 °C for foaming temperature. Next, a full factorial experimental campaign allowed tracing several process maps, first useful support instrument to metal foam manufacturers. Several further experimental results arose. Specifically, if higher foaming efficiencies were sought, compaction pressure of, at least, 400 MPa had to be employed in order to assure higher relative density (close to 1). Subsequently, enough fast heat transfer phenomena inside the foaming mixture (like the analogous bulk material) during the heating process were activated, thereby promoting the proper reactive phenomena and allowing the correct development of the foamed structure. Besides, the kinetics of foaming was found to be severely influenced by both foaming time and temperature. In particular, lower foaming time coupled with higher foaming temperature or higher foaming time coupled with lower foaming temperature should be used to attain the best foaming efficiency. In fact, if too low foaming time and temperature were employed, scant foaming efficiency occurred as a result of the poor foaming kinetics. To the contrary, if too high foaming time and temperature were used, poor foaming efficiency occurred as a result of the too fast foaming kinetics with consequent development of too bug gas bubbles, hence causing the collapse of part or all of the foamed structure. 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Figure Caption Figure 1 – Foaming experimental apparatus Figure 2 – Foaming efficiency vs. TiH2 weight percentage Figure 3 – Bubble size according TiH2 weight percentage Figure 4 – ANOM on foaming efficiency Figure 5 – 3D process maps of foaming efficiency according to: (a) compaction pressure and foaming time; (b) compaction pressure and foaming temperature Figure 6 – 3D process maps of foaming efficiency according to foaming time and temperature Table Caption Table 1 – Table of experiments Table 1 – Table of experiments Experimental Factors Experimental Compaction Foaming time, Levels pressure, min MPa I 300 5 II 350 8 III 400 10 IV 450 12 V 500 15 Foaming temperature, °C 700 750 800 850 900 Figures Figure 1 – Foaming experimental apparatus Figure 2 – Foaming efficiency vs. TiH2 weight percentage.[5] Figure 3 – Bubble size according TiH2 weight percentage Figure 4 – ANOM on foaming efficiency Figure 5 – 3D process maps of foaming efficiency according to: (a) compaction pressure and foaming time; (b) compaction pressure and foaming temperature Figure 6 – 3D process maps of foaming efficiency according to foaming time and temperature