2008 Annual General Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2008

University of Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society
Annual General Meeting
Thursday April 10th, 2008 BioSci G-217
1) Review of Agenda and Approval; attendance
-> 2:13 start, opportunity to add items to agenda presented
-> passed attendance sheet around
-> Amy Darling requested motion to accept agenda, Joy voted and Matt seconded,
motion passed.
-> We are still looking for people interested in open postions
2) Minutes of 2007 Annual General Meeting
-> Amy read the minutes, requested motion to adopt minutes as read, Joy motioned, Liv
Vors seconded.
3)2007/2008 Financial Statement- Stuart Morrison
-> ~$5500 revenue, total expenses ~over $4000 (Robert Eation seminar etc.); $1804.97
currently in the bank, $36.45 in the cash box.
-> made some $ from memberships, ~$600 from game dinner, also some from improve
night, seminars and telemetry workshops.
-> Stu requested that a motion that financial statement be adopted as read, Joy motioned,
Carmen von Conrad seconded.
4) Event reports
a. Beaverhill Bird Observatory Banding trip – Amy Darling
-> occurred in Oct. which was late for owl migration
-> caught one this year, took some feathers fro DNA tests, banded owl, then released.
b. Cake Raffle – Amy
-> small event, Liv made the cake.
c. Game Dinner – Joe Northrup/Carmen von Conrad
->Joe was coordinated , sold out
-> held at the Sherwood Park fish and game association, had band, good networking
event, also held silent auction.
-> for next year try and get more game dishes, possibly longer event, or overnight
-> Matt suggested for next year to announce/introduce sponsors and thank
-> Jen Jung volunteered for next years game dinner coordinator
d. Improv Night – Amy/Carmen
-> big hit this year, had teams with profs and students.
-> went well this year and think it was due to teams being more comfortable with having
a partner
-> Matt suggested having a 5/10 s delay between partners, Carmen suggested having a
theme in place
-> holding event at the same time as winter general meeting got more people interested in
-> bring back Heather, Ande Deroshier
e. Seminars – Liv Vors
-> had twice as many than last year + CaPS presentation, then UDP seminar
-> 1 in November: Parrot Conservation
-> 1 in early December: conservation in developing areas
-> Robert Eaton moved to May 7th and 8th, should maybe have it on one day grad at
lunch then same night could be big public seminar, then Robert would only be on campus
for one day.
-> Liv suggested having a club credit card, since she used her personal one for the
Robert’s plane ticket.
-> 1 in March: Bears in Whistler, B.C
-> any suggestions about seminar topics should be directed toward Liv
f. Workshops
- Telemetry and GPS – Ian Levitt
->had an extensive one in Sept, short one in Jan but still good, people who attended
seemed to enjoy, generated a lot of interest
- Deer trapping – Ian/Rob Found
-> ~14 volunteers attended workshop
-> Matt suggested having traps ready during workshop next year
- Snow-tracking – Amy/Ashley Tuckwood
-> lead by Don Meredith, and presented with a $60 honorarium
-> had a good turnout, was a really nice day, everyone had lots of fun, found lots of
-CaPS Presentation/TWS Certification – Amy
-> talked about services available to bio students, with follow up e-mails
g. ACTWS Conference in Red Deer, AB – Amy
-> got a $150 grant from UASUS, 6 attended, Fri-Sat
-> good networking opportunities
h. Bison BBQ – Stu/Josephine Wong
-> sold out in 1 ½ hrs.
-> Stu could only get 96 from supplier, try to get more for next year, and try to get elk
meat/deer sausages
-> get table and BBQ’s for next year so we don’t have to rent
i. Year-end Outing reminder – Amy
-> going to Whitemud park, lots of animals such as birds/coyotes
 Amy requested a motion to adopt event reports as read, Liv passed motion, Joesephine
seconded, motion passed
5) Project reports
a. Urban Deer Project – Ian Levitt/Rob Found
i. Urban Deer Project Future Directions/Needs – Ian/Rob
-> it’s a student run project designed to give students experience; had 4 collared, 1
casualty, 1 dead battery, 2 other casualties,
-> collected lots of data, Rob is doing research project
-> this Feb, tried trapping for 4-6 weeks, had bad weather conditions; did not catch any
-> trying to get grant for next year
b. Student Chapter of the Year Award and Conclave – Carmen/Amy
-> awarded to best student chapter in Canada and US from TWS
-> Amy is just finishing up the application
-> prize is money available for TWS conference in Miami, more people could go and we
can do fundraising; also get a plaque in Maryland, and one for us.
-> maybe work with historical society to scan old pictures for archives.
 Amy requested a motion to adopt project reports as read, Carmen motioned, Matt
seconded, motion passed.
6) Open discussion
a. 1st Canadian Section of The Wildlife Society conference in Gimli, MB
-> on Aug 14th, would be good to go too for networking
b. TWS 15th Annual Conference in Florida, 2008
-> parent society conference in Miami
c. Promoting student involvement – Biol and ENCS courses, etc.
-> can attend Biol and ENCS courses at the beginning of the year to promote club
-> also, important to have table during week of wow, get lots of members this way
d. Suggestions for future events/project/objectives
i. Wetland Monitoring – UACTWS, or join Big Lakes Society?
-> anyone who is interested can just e-mail
ii. Student Conservation Committee
-> Katy and Carmen will work on getting this started
iii. Get involved with Edmonton groups
-> did not do this last year
-> land stewardship group, Edmonton nature club, reach out to similar groups
-> federation of Alberta naturalists
-> anything wildlife conservation and science based
e. e-newsletter
-> nobody reads minutes so make a newsletter with important news and events
highlighted etc.
7) 2007/2008 Executive Officers
a. President -> Carmen von Conrad
b. Vice-President -> Cory Scobie
c. Secretary -> Ashley Tuckwood
d. Treasurer -> Aaron Cameron
e. Webmaster -> Joy and Jenna
f. Urban Deer Project Director
i. UDP Coordinator -> Randy Newton
ii. UDP Coordinator -> Jason Calvert
g. Education coordination -> Liv Vors
h. Events/fundraising committee leader -> Jen Jung
 had a vote to accept above as new executive members
 let the records show that a unanimous vote occurred to accept above as new
executive members
8) Closing Remarks
-> conservation committee leader -> Katy Pagnucco
-> busy but fun year, should repeat events for another good year
-> think next year will be just as good
end meeting 3:22
 Amy requested motion to end meeting, Ashley passed motion, Carmen seconded,
motion passed.