Dr Evans, Dr Thomas, Dr Percival, Dr Ford, Dr Nixon, Dr Berry, Dr Slater, Dr Sword & Mrs. C. Tilley Whitecliff Surgery, Whitecliff Mill Street Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7BH Child Okeford Surgery, Upper Street Child Okeford, Dorset, DT11 8EF WHITECLIFF GROUP SURGERY NEWSLETTER Summer 2013 I that hope you enjoy reading the summer edition of the Whitecliff Group Practice newsletter. If there are any topics or questions that you would like to see covered in the next newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone or via our website. GOOD NEWS The Whitecliff Group Practice based in Child Okeford and Blandford Forum, is committed to continuing to improve local GP services by listening and acting on local feedback. Our recent patient survey (with 252 responses) showed: 92% of patients who did require an appointment on the same day got one (either by telephone or with a subsequent appointment). 89% of patients thought that our reception services had improved a result of staff training. 86% of our patients thought that our telephone system has improved. Average waiting time for patients in the waiting room has reduced from 20 minutes to 12 minutes. Carol Tilley, Practice Manager CHANGES TO OUR TEAM 2013 is turning out to be a very exciting year for the Whitecliff Group Practice. We are very pleased to announce that from March, Dr Slater and Dr Sword become partners in the Practice. Mrs Carol Tilley (Practice Manager) has become a nonclinical partner. Dr Nankervis will also be joining the Practice as a full time salaried GP. DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN NOW BOOK APPOINTMENTS ON LINE? Please contact our reception team who will give you further information. We hope you can see the improvements we are making to your GP services, based on your feedback. The GPs and practice staff would like to thank you for your on-going support of the practice over the past years. If you have any feedback or comments, please do contact Carol Tilley, Practice Manager at the above address or email us using the ‘contact us’ icon on our surgery website: www.whitecliffpractice.co.uk. We also welcome patients to become part of our patient participation group to help shape things for the future. DISPENSARY SERVICES Our dispensaries have now established a delivery service to many of the village shops, so that patients can pick up their medication in their local community and do not have to travel into the surgeries and we also provide home deliveries for housebound patients. We have an on line ordering system for repeat prescriptions and can manage repeat prescriptions on patient’s behalf for most medication, so their orders are automatically repeated each month. If you wish to use any of these services, please come into the surgery and speak to one of our dispensary team who will help you find the best option for your circumstances. Whilst it is not safe practice to repeatedly interrupt the dispensers through the day to answer the telephone; if you do need to speak to the dispensary team by telephone, please give your name to our receptionist who will leave a message for a dispenser to telephone you back that day. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: In this section we have tried to answer some of the questions that we get asked most frequently by our patients: Why is the surgery so busy? The number of patients that the surgery is looking after has remained fairly constant over the last four years. However, doctor’s surgeries across the country are increasingly busy. The reasons for this are: An ageing population and people living longer. More people are living with chronic long term conditions that consequently require more ongoing monitoring and treatment (e.g. diabetes, chronic heart disease, etc). People are discharged from hospital sooner. Therefore the care and treatment that was previously received in the hospital is now delivered by your GP. Do I have to see the doctor I am registered with? For administration purposes, all patients have to be registered with a doctor who is Partner of the Practice. Patients do not have to see the doctor they are registered with and can choose to see another doctor on a regular basis; or to see a different doctor each visit if this it what they prefer to do. Where you are likely to be having multiple appointments for the same illness, we usually recommend that you continue to see the same doctor for that episode of care as this gives you continuity of care. However, if you require urgent attention, are worried, or your usual doctor is not available in an appropriate timescale; we always recommend that you do not delay seeking medical advice and take an earlier appointment with an alternative doctor. All the doctors have access to all your patient notes and medical history. Why do I find it difficult to get an appointment with my preferred doctor? The surgery is open on average 58 hours a week. Doctors also have to complete paperwork after the surgery is closed. Therefore a doctor’s day is a very long and it is not safe for a doctor to work all day everyday. Many doctors work part time as they have family commitments. As well as holding surgeries doctors have to do hours of follow up paperwork, undertake training to maintain their skills and attend GP meetings. Doctors also have annual leave and occasionally do become unwell themselves and have to take sick leave. How many appointments do you offer? 01 January to 31 March 2013, The Whitecliff Group Practice provided 18,438 appointments at Blandford and 5459 at Child Okeford with either a doctor or a nurse. Why do you use telephone appointments? Using telephone appointments enables the doctors to respond very quickly to patients who require urgent medical advice. They can diagnose and treat some conditions very easily by phone. This can save some people who are unwell from having to travel into the surgery. If the doctor does need to see you they will arrange an appointment to see you in an appropriate timescale. Why do I have to telephone the doctor for my results? Doctors receive thousands of result each week. They review each of these results and will contact a patient if the result shows that the patient needs follow up treatment or advice. The doctors cannot advise patients of results that do not require following up as this is not practical. If a patient has a test, then it is ultimately the patient’s responsibility to contact the surgery for the results. Why can’t I telephone the dispensary any more? The dispensaries dispense up to 21,000 items per month. This equates to around a 1000 items a day that have to be printed off from the computer, selected correctly from the shelf, labelled and then double checked by another dispenser. To dispense safely it has been necessary to remove the direct dispensary phone as the constant interruption meant that this was increasing the risk of dispensing errors for our patients. Why am I kept waiting in the waiting room? A standard appointment is 10 minutes. Doctors run late for many reasons: They get called away to deal with a patient emergency. Patients arrive late disrupt the schedule. Patients sometimes need more than 10 minutes if they have a difficult problem, or if they are distressed. and Please be understanding – you may benefit from this yourself when if you have an emergency or need a bit of extra time with the doctor!