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Breast Care At KP: The Pathway to Personalized Care
Find It, Treat It, Beat It
Kaiser Permanente National Breast Care Conference
San Francisco Airport Marriott
May 16-17, 2011
Posterboard Title
The Global Journey of the Breast Cancer
Research Stamp
KPHC Beacon Oncology Treatment Module
NCAL - Central Valley’s Calendar of Care
Core Needle Biopsy Demo
Adjuvant Endocrine Therapies: Tracking &
Intervention to Increase Adherence and
KPNC Division of Research Comprehensive
Clinical Research Unit (CCRU) – Optimizing
Clinical Research Operations and Research
Kathy’s Camp for Kids
Posterboard Description
Addresses the success of the Breast Cancer Stamp in fundraising, education, treatment
Demonstration of Beacon treatment module
Calendar of Care (CoC) is a one-page monthly calendar, developed in KPNC Central
Valley, that helps coordinate the treatment pathway for breast cancer patients and
facilitates timely work-up, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. It assists patients as
they navigate a treatment journey that involves multiple specialties over many
months. Breast care leaders in KP-NC would like to understand the impact of CoC as
they consider extending its use to KP-NC San Jose, and integrating its functionality
into Beacon, KP HealthConnect, and kp.org.
Using core needle biopsy , Janice Greenberg, RN FNP will demo and teach core
needle bx of palp lumps using chicken breast and Olives for training. This course is a
brief introduction and should not be considered qualifications for doing core needle
biopsy unless further mentoring is planned.
Summary of research on compliance & adherence by patients to post treatment
adjuvant endocrine therapies; Results of Northern California 2010 pilot to identify
patients overdue for refill and interventions to encourage taking medications as
prescribed; Implementation of region-wide program in 2011 to track and intervene.
The purpose of this poster presentation is to showcase CCRU’s services, among
them, Clinical Research and Clinical Trial Design; Targeted Biostatistical, Data, and
Analytic Support; Project Budget Planning; and Quality Control and Assurance
A promotional booth for Kathy’s Camp for Kids (Sonoma County Based non-profit)
that benefits the children of cancer patients. Will distribute flyers, answer questions
about our support model and provide information on our programs
Presenter Name
Ernie Bodai, MD
Therese Nakata
Pamela J Judd, Pharm.D
Grace Yee
Grace Tay, MD
Janice Greenberg, RN,
Lou Fehrenbacher, MD
Elaine Eastman, RN,
Mary Callahan, RN,
Julia Herzenberg
Nannette Hock, RN,
Marc VanRiper
Sharon Ryan
Updated: 5/3/11
Breast Care At KP: The Pathway to Personalized Care
Find It, Treat It, Beat It
Kaiser Permanente National Breast Care Conference
San Francisco Airport Marriott
May 16-17, 2011
Posterboard Title
Breast Cancer Lymphedema Knowledge,
Awareness, and Care: Results from the KPNC
Oncology Breast Cancer Care Plan
NCAL Santa Clara Comprehensive Cancer
Care Website
Treatment with Antidepressant and AntiAnxiety Medications in a Large Cohort of
Breast Cancer Survivors
Posterboard Description
The Breast Cancer Lymphedema Information and Knowledge Study (BC LINK) is a
research study funded by the California Breast Cancer Research Program from
September 2009 to March 2011 with the objective to examine the clinical
management of breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) after a breast cancer
diagnosis within KPNC. The study has two aims: 1) Assess the knowledge and
treatment referral of patients with BCRL among all active primary care physicians and
nurse practitioners, oncologists, and surgeons and 2) Determine the knowledge and
treatment referral experience of BCRL among a sample of breast cancer patients seen
for BCRL in the recent past. A total of 887 clinicians and nearly 400 breast cancer
patients at KPNC participated in the study by completing a questionnaire on BCRL
education and care. Study results will be used to guide the development of effective
BCRL educational interventions for patients and clinicians.
Portable document created in Kaiser Colorado by the oncology department that has all
surgery, pathology , radiation oncology and chemotherapy information on patients
diagnosed with breast cancer. Available to view in the patients HC record. Printable
and visible on my chart to the member.
State –of –the art patient friendly web site that encompasses all aspects of a patient’s
diagnosis, treatment, support care, follow -up care, and survivorship, including long
term effects of treatment and ways to minimize risk of recurrence. Also included is
information regarding clinical trials and services that are available at Kaiser
Permanente Santa Clara to help the patient through their treatment and beyond
The Institute of Medicine report, Cancer Care for the Whole Patient, highlighted the
need for treatment of psychosocial distress among breast cancer survivors. We
identified all women diagnosed with breast cancer between 2000 and 2006 who had
not been treated for depression/anxiety in the year before diagnosis (n=10,408) in
Kaiser Permanente Southern California. We examined patient, health care, tumor, and
treatment characteristics associated with new use of antidepressant and anti-anxiety
medications in the year following diagnosis. We compared use of these
Presenter Name
Marilyn Kwan, PhD
Julie Hughes, RN, OCN
Minggui Pan, MD
Anita Lee, MD
Virginia P. Quinn, PhD
Joanne Schottinger, MD
Reina Haque
Updated: 5/3/11
Breast Care At KP: The Pathway to Personalized Care
Find It, Treat It, Beat It
Kaiser Permanente National Breast Care Conference
San Francisco Airport Marriott
May 16-17, 2011
Posterboard Title
Development of A Multidisciplinary Breast
Cancer Care Clinic
KPCO Multi-Disciplinary Consults for Breast
Cancer Patients
Proactive Imaging Review in the Newly
diagnosed Breast Cancer Patient
Bisphenol A: From Evidence to Action, A
Case Study in Breast Cancer and
Environmental Exposures
Posterboard Description
pharmacotherapies among women without breast cancer matched on age and
To enhance a patient’s understanding of the full spectrum of treatment for recently
diagnosed breast cancer and in turnallay many of her fears, a post-biopsy
Multidisciplinary Breast Care Clinic was developed to include the departments of
surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology and radiology.
A multi-disciplinary approach to reduce multiple visits, “making it easy” for the
patient with improved coordination of care and patient shared-decision making
resulting in higher patient/family/provider/staff satisfaction.
A need was identified by breast cancer surgeons for comprehensive imaging
evaluation prior to definitive surgery. The Breast Program instituted weekly image rereview by radiologists and breast surgeons for newly diagnosed cancers as identified
high risk group. Additional imaging and biopsies resulted in identification of more
extensive disease in a significant percentage of this population with less delay of
surgery and more coordinated approach to surgical management of this population.
This poster explores the evidence linking BPA to breast cancer and other health
concerns. It also reports on our peer-reviewed study that demonstrated a 66% drop, on
average, in BPA levels in people’s bodies during a three day dietary intervention to
provide fresh, unpackaged foods. The advocacy and market-based implications of this
research will be illustrated as well.
Presenter Name
Victoria Alberti, RN
Peter Burns, MD
Stefanie Kolpak, MD
Eileen Heronema
Jacqueline Redeemer,
Dianne Hunter, RNP
Jeanne Rizzo, RN
Connie Engel
Updated: 5/3/11