SOCIAL STUDIES PROGRAM BICENTENNIAL SCHOOL STUDENT: _______________________ CLASS:______ EDUCATOR: R.HERRITT DATE: _________________ ACTIVITY 1: CLASS EXERCISES - CASE STUDY AS A MODEL OF LEARNING TOPIC: CONFEDERATION BRIDGE - TEXT: PAGES 216-218 NOTE OF INSTRUCTION: PLEASE CONSULT YOUR TEXT AS INDICATED ABOVE TO COMPLETE CORRECTLY THE ACTIVITY PROVIDED. A WORD BANK (OR PHRASE BANK) IS SUPPLIED TO GUIDE YOUR CHOICE OF ANSWERS. ********************************************************* By examining the process of bridge-building that linked PEI to (1) _______________________, we glimpse a little of Canadian (2) ____________________ history, as well as the modern day global economic links that made the (3) _______________ possible. We are informed about a (4) ______________ that occurred in deciding to build the bridge; we are asked to consider its (5) ____________ benefits and see the basic (6) ___________________ that are employed in the construction process. Through the Exploration Activities (p. 218) we are invited to reflect on the (7)_________________ the bridge, and then broaden the picture to look at other changes occurring in (8) ______________ and the ways we are linked to the rest of Canada and the (9) ________________. The Confederation Bridge was built by an (10) ____________ consortium. We have learned earlier that our (11) _____________, Atlantic Canada In The Global Community, was also "built" by a (12) __________________ that included Breakwater Books of Newfoundland and Prentice Hall Ginn Canada, a Toronto based educational publisher. In such consortiums, each partner brings a specific (13) ________________ to the project. Because of its location, Breakwater Books has particular expertise about the (14) _______________ provinces. Prentice Hall Ginn Canada specializes in developing textbooks for the (15) ______________ market. These two (16) ________________ worked with the (17) ______________________________, a group which includes educators from each of the four Atlantic (18) ___________ with particular expertise regarding the school (19) ___________________ and the activities that are needed to meet the demands of that curriculum. Our text tells us that considerable (20) _________________ surrounded the building of the Confederation Bridge. Some people asked about (21) ___________ concerns and whether such concerns are being addressed. To what extent do (22) _______________ not know the long-term effect of placing such a bridge in Northumberland (23) ___________? Are construction decisions made without (24) ___________________ of long-term results? Another concern of (25) ______________ of the bridge was (26) _________________ disadvantages that would result from the fixed link, especially the loss of jobs by 600 ferry workers. As we learned earlier on page 5 of our text, (27) ___________, a recent locator technology, helped with the building of the Confederation Bridge. Based on information on page 39 we are able to determine that the builders had to consider as easterly (28) ___________________. We also learn from the case study that the (29) _____________________ design is often used for bridges with long spans. Modern bridges using this design are frequently mounted on cement piers that act as (30) ___________________. The first span or (31) _________________ rests on the shore at one end and a pier at the other. The second span or (32) _______________ is balanced by the anchor arm. The middle span called the (33) _________ is supported by the tension caused by the anchor arm holding the cantilever arm in place. Amidst the political decisions made, the public opinion generated, and the technological capabilities to build it, the (34) ________________ of Prince Edward Islanders supported the building of the bridge and it was (35) _________________ opened in June 1997. And yes a student and teacher group represented (36) __________________ on that occasion. WORD(PHRASE) BANK: 1. Anchor Span 2. Atlantic 3. Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation (APEF) 4. Bicentennial School 5. Bridge 6. Canadian 7. Cantilever 8. Cantilever Arm 9. Confederation 10. Consortium 11. Controversy 12. Curriculum 13. Debate 14. Economic 15. Environmental 16. Expertise 17. Fulcrums 18. GPS 19. Impact 20. International 21. Knowledge 22. Mainland Canada 23. Majority 24. Officially 25. Opponents 26. Partners 27. Potential 28. Provinces 29. Scientists 30. Strait 31. Suspended Span 32. Technology 33. Textbook 34. Transportation 35. Water Current 36. World “Bridges…” are intriguing to me. There are real bridges we cross and there are bridges we build in our mind to allow us to cross into new learning. So there are London Bridges and Learning Bridges. R.Herritt