Religious Education Program - St. Thomas & St. Anne Churches

Saints Thomas and Anne Religious Education
Our Religious Education Program at Saints Thomas and Anne Church provides an
organized, structured environment in which the teaching and tradition of our Catholic
faith is passed to our children.. Classes are for children in grades one through ten. We
prepare second graders for First Reconciliation, third graders to receive First Holy
Communion, and tenth graders for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our parish program
offers many opportunities for our youth to grow in their knowledge, understanding, and
practice of our Catholic Christian faith.
The Religious Education Program runs from September through May, meeting promptly
at 8:50 AM in church for Sunday mass, ending at 11:00 AM in the parish center.
An exact schedule of meeting days and vacation days is distributed early each year and
also available on our web site. In addition to the student’s involvement in a once-weekly
catechetical program, it is important that religious education is supplemented by a strong
Christian family life that is marked by weekly Mass attendance, faith sharing, prayer,
sacrifice, and participation in the life of the Church.
We encourage you to work with your children on their Religious Education lessons. Let's
all work together to help our youth learn more about our wonderful Catholic faith that has
been handed down to us from Jesus.
All children and teenagers who are not attending a Parochial school from First to tenth
grade are encouraged to register for this program. Students attending Parochial School
may join our program and participate in all actives as well.
Registration forms are available in the Parish Center and also available online in the
downloadable forms page.
Any child registering for the first time for religious education MUST present at the time
of registration their child’s Baptismal Certificate, or make preparation for this sacrament
before the student can receive Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
The registration fee for the religious education program will be $50.00 per child or
$75.00 per family for two or more children which also include the cost of the books. The
registration fee for Confirmation I, (usually grade 9) will be $60.00 and Confirmation II,
(usually grade 10) will be $60.00 per candidate.
Confirmation II may have an additional cost for the retreat, unless fundraising efforts can
Please make checks payable to “Saints Thomas and Anne Parish”. This fee will enable
each child to have Youth Faith Formation textbooks and assist in defraying some of the
administrative costs of the program for the parish.
PLEASE NOTE: Fees may be waived or adjusted due to financial hardship at the
discretion for the DRE. No student will be denied Religious Education due to finances.
All inquires are held in the strictest confidence.
A certificate of Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Communion are needed if not
received at Saint Thomas.
It is important for students to attend all classes. Any student with 2 consecutive absences
will be required to make up work. It is the parent’s obligation to obtain any missed
material (and complete it with their children) to keep their child (ren) current.
Attendance is taken in each class.
.More than 3 unexcused absences may result in the student losing credit, thereby
requiring the student to repeat the year.
Sacramental Preparation
First Reconciliation is part of our second grade curriculum. Students will receive this
sacrament two times before they receive first Holy Communion.
First Holy Communion is part of our third grade curriculum, which includes a
mandatory meeting with all parents. Children will be receiving first Holy Communion in
Candidates considering preparation for Confirmation need to carefully and
prayerfully decide whether they are ready make the commitment needed to prepare
for the Sacrament of Confirmation at this time in their lives.
Confirmation: consists of a two year preparation program; (Grade 9 is Confirmation I
and Grade10 Confirmation II).
Confirmation is administered in tenth grade.
New Students will need to show they attended an equivalent program elsewhere to move
to Confirmation II, if they can not, they need to attend Confirmation I...
Students also may not have more than 3 unexcused absences to advance.
All Confirmation candidates will need to complete 10 hours per year of community
service, 5hrs of which will be at the parish each year.
Mass: Mass attendance is required by church precept for every Catholic, each weekend
and on Holy Days. (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1389, 2042&2180) and a
requirement of our program.
Confirmation Candidates are required to attend one retreat each year (to be announced.)
that is specific for Confirmation I or II..
Each candidate and parent/s will need to attend a meeting and the candidate will sign a
covenant of commitment to the program .
Classroom: Attendance is extremely important. Students will need to makeup missed
assignments within one week. If more than 3 classes are missed the students desire for
reception of the sacrament of confirmation and commitment to the program will be
More Confirmation information will be forthcoming at start of classes
Location and time:
Classes will start in September ending in May.
All grades will meet in the Church at 8:50 prompt for mass in reserved setting, ending
11:00 in parish center.
Calendars are handed out at the beginning of year and available on web site.
News and Events are posted in the churches bulletin. Notices are sent home with the
student. Cancellations due to weather are announced on WFSB Channel 3 and on their
web site.
Safe Environments
All teachers and volunteers have completed Safe environment training and consented to
background checks, as mandated by the Diocese of Norwich. In compliance with the
“Pastoral Code of Conduct “set forth by the Diocese of Norwich and the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Our parish is involved in continuing training for our children, teachers and all
Once a year parental notification and materials will be sent home for parent review.
Class review follows parental review.
Added notes
1. Attendance at Sunday Mass is required.
2. All children will have instruction, and be required to actively participate in the
Mass. (greeters, lectors, readers, bringing up gifts) Proper dress is required.
3. Attendance will be taken in each class.
4. Two unexcused absences will require a student to have make-up work.
Tardiness and continued absenteeism will require a phone call to the student’s
parents inquiring about the student’s attendance at Religious Education.
. This Handbook needs to be read and the acknowledgement signed before second
For more information please Contact the Director of Religious Education
Cathy Becotte 376-8665
Ss Thomas and Anne Parish
Religious Education Handbook Acknowledgement Form
I have reviewed and read the Ss Thomas and Anne Parish
Religious Education Handbook and will make every effort to
follow its provisions.
Signature of parent___________________________________
Student(s) name______________________________________
Student(s) signature____________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________