Postgraduate Student Engagers

UCL Public and Cultural Engagement
Postgraduate Student Engagers
Salary: £19,050-£20,447 per annum, pro rata. (Grade 3, salary inclusive of London
weighting) This is equivalent to £10.01-£10.74 an hour.
Would you like more people to connect with your research? Could you entice museum
visitors into conversation about it? Would you like to work with a team of postgraduate
students committed to developing innovative new approaches to public engagement?
We are looking for people who would like to work in UCL Museums to share their
knowledge, engaging the public in dialogue and enhancing their experience of UCL.
Student Engagers spend time engaging with museum visitors, both individuals and
groups, talking with them about their current research activity and about subjects
connected to the museums. They also spend some time engaging with the public
online through making regular contributions to the group blog and the Twitter feed
Student Engagers are good communicators who can listen to visitor feedback, and use
established evaluation procedures to record engagement experiences. Engagers also
contribute to additional UCL Museums events and exhibitions.
This job is open to UCL Postgraduate students on research degrees in their first or
second year. Appointments will be made on an as-and-when contract.
We will be recruiting 3-4 Student Engagers at this time. We aim to recruit 2/3
Engagers per School.
Application procedure
A full job description and person specification and application form are available on our
web site here
Please return your completed form (including the completed Equal Opportunities form)
to Celine West, via email or post.
Celine West
Room 224 Wilkins Building
Gower Street
Closing date for applications: Thursday 2nd October at 12pm.
Short, informal interviews will be held on 14th and 15th October.
For further information/queries please contact
Celine West, Head of Learning & Access, UCL Public and Cultural Engagement
email: tel 020 7679 2151