Position Title: Senior Program Coordinator: Community

Rainbow Centre: Coordinator Positions 2011
Position Title: Administration Coordinator, Rainbow Centre
*(Paid Position: 5-7 hours/week, Sept. 2011 – Apr. 2012)
Department: Diversity & Equity Office, Student Affairs
Reports to: Manager, Diversity & Equity Office
The Administration Coordinator is responsible for all administrative tasks associated with the
Rainbow Centre. This includes, but is not limited too, volunteer and coordinator management;
managing the website, mailing list & email account; taking minutes at meeting; and maintaining
the Rainbow Centre budget.
Rainbow Centre Coordinators are responsible for the day to day operations and program
development of the Rainbow Centre. As such, each coordinator within the Rainbow Centre is
expected to be involved in maintaining the safe atmosphere of the Centre.
Coordinators are expected to make a commitment for one full academic year (September to
April), although there will be some summer responsibilities. All coordinators are expected to
maintain a high standard of professionalism both within the Rainbow Centre and in the broader
community. Coordinators hold the same responsibilities as general volunteers in addition to their
coordinator duties and must adhere to Rainbow Centre policies at all times. The Rainbow Centre
coordinators are expected to work in collaboration with each other to address the needs of the
Wilfrid Laurier Campus and, specifically, the Rainbow Centre. This includes the development and
enhancement of campus services, programs and events.
 Knowledge and understanding of the issues, needs and experiences of LGBTQ individuals in
the post-secondary setting
 Experience with the LGBTQ community at Laurier and local community
 A professional attitude and strong sense of responsibility
 Provide full administrative support to the centre
 Responsible for training session sign-up, event booth sign-up and facilitating Laurier Day
booth hours
 Develops operational budget in collaboration with Manager, Diversity & Equity Office
 Works with the Volunteer Coordinator to establishes schedules for volunteers and assigns
 Assists Events & Discussion Coordinator with facilitation of weekly discussion groups and
other activities or events
 Responsible for taking minutes during coordinator meetings and general volunteer
 Responsible for maintaining the Rainbow Centre blog
 Responsible for answering Rainbow Centre related communication (email, web and phone)
 Attend weekly coordinator meetings
 Assist the other Coordinators in various projects and events
 Ensure a safe, positive, professional and comfortable space
 Assist in maintaining cleanliness and organization within the Rainbow Centre at all times
 Hold office hours for a minimum of two hours a week, attend weekly Coordinator meetings
 Works on registering and facilitating the annual CUQSC conference
 Other duties as assigned
Rainbow Centre: Coordinator Positions 2011
Position Title: Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator, Rainbow Centre
Department: Diversity & Equity Office, Student Affairs
Reports to: Manager, Diversity & Equity Office
The Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator is responsible for maintaining community relations
and the marketing of the Rainbow Centre.
Rainbow Centre Coordinators are responsible for the day to day operations and program
development of the Rainbow Centre. As such, each coordinator within the Rainbow Centre is
expected to be involved in maintaining the safe atmosphere of the Centre.
Coordinators are expected to make a commitment for one full academic year (September to
April), although there will be some summer responsibilities. All coordinators are expected to
maintain a high standard of professionalism both within the Rainbow Centre and in the broader
community. Coordinators hold the same responsibilities as general volunteers in addition to their
coordinator duties and must adhere to Rainbow Centre policies at all times. The Rainbow Centre
coordinators are expected to work in collaboration with each other to address the needs of the
Wilfrid Laurier Campus and, specifically, the Rainbow Centre. This includes the development and
enhancement of campus services, programs and events.
 Knowledge and understanding of the issues, needs and experiences of LGBTQ individuals in
the post-secondary setting
 Experience with the LGBTQ community at Laurier and local community
 A professional attitude and strong sense of responsibility
 Acts as a liaison between the Rainbow Centre and campus community
 Establishes and maintains various community contacts and partnerships
 Collaborates with the other coordinators to develop consistent marketing materials for the
 Organizes yearly marketing campaigns
 Works with the Administrative Coordinator to maintain website, including the development
of new web resources in collaboration with the Literature & Resource Coordinator
 Attend weekly coordinator meetings
 Assist the other Coordinators in various projects and event
 Ensure a safe, positive, professional and comfortable space
 Assist in maintaining cleanliness and organization within the Rainbow Centre at all times
 Hold office hours for a minimum of two hours a week, attend weekly Coordinator meetings
 Other duties as assigned
Rainbow Centre: Coordinator Positions 2011
Position Title: Events & Discussion Coordinator, Rainbow Centre
Department: Diversity & Equity Office, Student Affairs
Reports to: Manager, Diversity & Equity Office
The Events & Discussion Coordinator is responsible for supporting Campaign Working Group in
planning and implementing Rainbow Centre events and activities. This individual is also
responsible for planning and facilitating bi-weekly discussions.
Rainbow Centre Coordinators are responsible for the day to day operations and program
development of the Rainbow Centre. As such, each coordinator within the Rainbow Centre is
expected to be involved in maintaining the safe atmosphere of the Centre.
Coordinators are expected to make a commitment for one full academic year (September to
April), although there will be some summer responsibilities. All coordinators are expected to
maintain a high standard of professionalism both within the Rainbow Centre and in the broader
community. Coordinators hold the same responsibilities as general volunteers in addition to their
coordinator duties and must adhere to Rainbow Centre policies at all times. The Rainbow Centre
coordinators are expected to work in collaboration with each other to address the needs of the
Wilfrid Laurier Campus and, specifically, the Rainbow Centre. This includes the development and
enhancement of campus services, programs and events.
 Knowledge and understanding of the issues, needs and experiences of LGBTQ individuals in
the post-secondary setting
 Experience with the LGBTQ community at Laurier and local community
 A professional attitude and strong sense of responsibility
 Plan and facilitate a bi-weekly discussions
 Support Campaign Working Groups in the organization and execution of campaign and
special events - including marketing for events in collaboration with the Public Relations &
Marketing Coordinator
 Establishes events schedule and assists with the development, implementation and
evaluation of various events and activities
 Managers the finances appropriately for each event in collaboration with the Administration
 Update Rainbow Centre and community calendars
 Attend weekly coordinator meetings
 Assist the other Coordinators in various projects and event
 Ensure a safe, positive, professional and comfortable space
 Assist in maintaining cleanliness and organization within the Rainbow Centre at all times
 Hold office hours for a minimum of two hours a week, attend weekly Coordinator meetings
 Other duties as assigned
Rainbow Centre: Coordinator Positions 2011
Position Title: Literature & Resource Coordinator, Rainbow Centre
Department: Diversity & Equity Office, Student Affairs
Reports to: Manager, Diversity & Equity Office
The Literature & Resource Coordinator is responsible for the organization, maintenance and
collection of literature and resource materials for the Rainbow Centre.
Rainbow Centre Coordinators are responsible for the day to day operations and program
development of the Rainbow Centre. As such, each coordinator within the Rainbow Centre is
expected to be involved in maintaining the safe atmosphere of the Centre. Each coordinator
reports to the Coordinator of Student Diversity and is supervised by the Senior Program
Coordinators are expected to make a commitment for one full academic year (September to
April), although there will be some summer responsibilities. All coordinators are expected to
maintain a high standard of professionalism both within the Rainbow Centre and in the broader
community. Coordinators hold the same responsibilities as general volunteers in addition to their
coordinator duties and must adhere to Rainbow Centre policies at all times. The Rainbow Centre
coordinators are expected to work in collaboration with each other to address the needs of the
Wilfrid Laurier Campus and, specifically, the Rainbow Centre. This includes the development and
enhancement of campus services, programs and events.
 Knowledge and understanding of the issues, needs and experiences of LGBTQ individuals in
the post-secondary setting
 Experience with the LGBTQ community at Laurier and local community
 A professional attitude and strong sense of responsibility
 Collects and organizes resource material for the centre
 Maintain and update Rainbow Centre Resources including the library, media materials and
other additional resources
 Maintain the resource database, including web content in collaboration with the
Administration Coordinator
 Research materials and resources related to the programming and activities of the Centre
 Work with the WLU Library to provide additional resources to the campus community
 Attend weekly coordinator meetings
 Assist the other Coordinators in various projects and event
 Ensure a safe, positive, professional and comfortable space
 Assist in maintaining cleanliness and organization within the Rainbow Centre at all times
 Hold office hours for a minimum of two hours a week, attend weekly Coordinator meetings
 Other duties as assigned
Rainbow Centre: Coordinator Positions 2011
Position Title: Volunteer Coordinator, Rainbow Centre
Department: Diversity & Equity Office, Student Affairs
Reports to: Manager, Diversity & Equity Office
The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for creating a positive atmosphere within the Rainbow
Centre, and providing support & team-building opportunities to all volunteers. It is expected that
the Volunteer Coordinator be visible within the Rainbow Centre, and at the majority of Rainbow
Centre events.
Rainbow Centre Coordinators are responsible for the day to day operations and program
development of the Rainbow Centre. As such, each coordinator within the Rainbow Centre is
expected to be involved in maintaining the safe atmosphere of the Centre.
Coordinators are expected to make a commitment for one full academic year (September to
April), although there will be some summer responsibilities. All coordinators are expected to
maintain a high standard of professionalism both within the Rainbow Centre and in the broader
community. Coordinators hold the same responsibilities as general volunteers in addition to their
coordinator duties and must adhere to Rainbow Centre policies at all times. The Rainbow Centre
coordinators are expected to work in collaboration with each other to address the needs of the
Wilfrid Laurier Campus and, specifically, the Rainbow Centre. This includes the development and
enhancement of campus services, programs and events.
 Knowledge and understanding of the issues, needs and experiences of LGBTQ individuals in
the post-secondary setting
 Experience with the LGBTQ community at Laurier and local community
 A professional attitude and strong sense of responsibility
 Provide support and team-building opportunities for all Rainbow Centre volunteers
 Represent the specific concerns and needs of all Rainbow Centre volunteers
 Works with the Administration Coordinator to recruit, train, and manages volunteers
 Works with the Administration Coordinator to establishes schedules for volunteers and
assigns tasks
 Attend weekly coordinator meetings
 Assist the other Coordinators in various projects and events of the Rainbow Centre
 Ensure a safe, positive, professional and comfortable space
 Assist in maintaining cleanliness and organization within the Rainbow Centre at all times
 Hold office hours for a minimum of two hours a week, attend weekly Coordinator meetings
 Other duties as assigned