Health and Safety Check List

University Safety Office
Laboratory Checklists
Safety Office
February 2012
This laboratory health and safety checklist is not exhaustive – and is provided as a general guide
only for Schools / Services to follow during their own internal inspections of facilities. It is
strongly recommended that inspections are carried out on a quarterly basis as a minimum and are
recorded on the following form. Schools / Services should make a plan as a result of complet8ing
this checklist to ensure any recommendations are implemented.
If you want a specific list to be generated for any given area of activity please contact the University
Safety Office with your specific requirements.
Health and Safety Check List
Risk Assessments and SOP’s
Risk Assessment:
Have risk assessments been
carried out and implemented
for your school activities?
SOP’s, protocols.
General Activities
Are standard operating procedures
and risk assessments identified and
available where required?
Do assessments identify emergency
Are SOP’s available and
communicated to all laboratory
Are staff consulting and following
SOP measures?
General Section
Display Screen Equipment.
Are arrangement in place to ensure
that regular DSE users receive
instruction on the safe set up, use and
assessment of their workstation, and
that the information required by the
USO website are met?
Are workstations set up correctly
with adjustable chair and space to
carry out desk based activities?
Health and Safety Check List
Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health.
Are arrangements in place to ensure
that any hazardous substance is
assessed correctly and all necessary
controls are put in place, including
emergency information, e.g. spillage
clean up, first aid, etc.
Are arrangements in place to ensure
that hazardous substances are handled
Are storage facilities suitable and are
the controls employed adequate?
Are chemicals labelled?
Are chemicals being stored
Are toxins stored in a toxins
cupboard separate to flammable
Are flammable chemicals stored in
fire bins/cabinets?
Manual Handling.
Is equipment provided to assist
Lifting, carrying and supporting people moving significant loads?
of loads.
Is equipment, e.g. trolleys, in good
working order?
Are they stored appropriately?
First Aid.
Are first aid contacts known to staff
Not every School has to have a and available?
trained first-aider, but there
Is suitable first aid equipment in
should be ready access to
equipment and trained staff – Is the first aid equipment in date and
see the "Emergency
maintained in an accessible form?
Arrangements posters.
Are First aid boxes checked by first
Welfare Facilities.
Is drinking water available?
Is soap available at hand wash sinks?
Are towels available at hand wash
Are restrictions in place for food and
drinks within the laboratory and are
these being followed by users?
Are separate towels provided for
cleaning and spillage?
Are emergency hoses at sinks
routinely inspected?
Health and Safety Check List
Personal Protective Equipment Are arrangements in place to ensure
that the correct type and standard of
PPE is selected?
Are sufficient numbers provided?
Machinery and Equipment:
Are arrangements in place to
ensure that potentially
hazardous machinery and
equipment is safe?
Are there arrangements in place to
ensure that employees know which
type of PPE to use and how to use it?
Are arrangements in place to ensure
that PPE is cleaned by the School and
kept in good condition?
Are users using the correct PPE
including gloves and lab coats?
Do people dress appropriately, e.g.
flat and covered footwear, legs and
arms covered?
Is PPE being stored appropriately on
hooks and not on chairs?
Are they maintained?
Are safety guards in place?
Are fail to safety controls in place?
Are demonstrations provided and
operatives trained in use?
Are arrangements in place to ensure
students are adequately supervised
while using hazardous equipment?
Are manufacturer instructions
Are written instructions available for
Are clear warning notices in place?
Are all sharps single use?
Are sharps being stored in the correct
location/container, e.g. tray in draw?
Are tools easy to reach?
Are handling devices such as forceps
available for holding materials?
Health and Safety Check List
Fire Safety
Are ALL occupiers, including
visitors, aware of the actions to take
in the event of fire?
Are staff aware of the assembly point
and is a fire evacuation notice
Are the evacuation routes clear?
Are ALL doors on escape routes
unlocked and unobstructed?
Are fire doors closing properly?
Are fire doors being wedged open?
Are fire blankets available where
Are appropriate fire extinguishers
Have extinguishers been maintained
and inspected?
Are sharps containers in close
proximity to activities undertaken?
Are sufficient containers available?
Are sharps containers over filled?
Are lids locked in place?
Statutory Inspections
Are the necessary specific
statutory inspections / test
arrangements to be carried out
by specialist contractors in
place for the following
equipment where installed /
used in the premises?
Fixed and mobile lifting equipment,
e.g. passenger lifts, mechanical
Pressure Systems, e.g. steam heating
systems, autoclaves, compressed air
systems / air receivers?
Has all Local Exhaust Ventilation
(specialist ventilation systems to
remove hazardous substances such as
gases or dusts) been tested?
Notices and Signs.
Are they clear and unambiguous?
Are suitable fire action signs located
adjacent to red-break glass alarm
point explaining contacts, exits and
assembly points?
Health and Safety Check List
Means of Access:
Ladders and stepladders.
Has the laboratory got appropriate
signage on the entrance, e.g.
chemicals, biohazards, radiation and
Are emergency laboratory contacts
available on the access door?
Is the containment level of the
laboratory displayed on the door?
Is it subjectively acceptable?
Note DSE assessments also include
notes on the quality as well as
quantity of lighting.
Is it a subjectively acceptable and a
"reasonable" temperature?
Is it subjectively acceptable?
In some areas there is a need for
quantitative testing of ventilation as a
risk management precaution.
Is the area suitably clean, free of
obstructions, damaged carpets and
other tripping hazards?
Are the flooring surfaces suitably
non-slip for the activities (bearing in
mind the foresee-ability of spills and
wet surfaces etc)?
Is storage an issue leading to safety
problems? (Overhead, obstructing
routes, causing clutter under desks,
Are the means of access in a suitable
condition for the workplace
Are stepladders / ladders of industrial
/commercial specification and not for
domestic use?
Are the means of access subject to an
inspection programme which is
documented and available?
Is use limited to authorised staff
having received appropriate
instruction and / or training?
Are hop up stools in good condition?
Health and Safety Check List
Gas and Gas Cylinders.
Are hoses to Bunsen burners free
from defect such as splits and
Are hose lengths appropriate, e.g.
Are connections tight and secure at
the tap and burner?
Are gas isolations easily available?
Are manufacturers instructions used
for the day to day use of gas
appliances and cylinders?
Are cylinders secured in storage?
Are cylinder valves and regulators in
good condition?
Are regulators:
The correct specification;
Less than 10 years old;
Have maximum pressure markings
Are gas detection monitors in place
where required?
Hoses checked, in good condition and
Flashback arrestors checked and
Pressure Systems.
Are pressure systems current
condition satisfactory?
Are manufacturer instructions
available and used?
Are all portable equipment PAT
Are cables in good condition?
Are extensions in use and are they
daisy chained?
Emergency Procedures.
Have the worst reasonably
Do you need additional
foreseeable contingencies been
Emergency Procedures beyond identified for worst case scenario?
those operating at the
Are plans in existence for such
University level?
(e.g. Specific Chemical or
Has a drill of emergency procedures
Biological Hazards, specific
been carried out?
Health and Safety Check List
fire / explosion risks.)?
Are emergency procedures available
and known amongst staff and
Training and Competency
Are staff and students trained Have they completed the training
and competent to carry out their required by the Faculty Training
Policy and Matrix
Have they been provided with
additional training specific to their
work environment and activity
Have they been provided with
supervision where required
Other Health and Safety Risks
Are arrangements in place to
manage other significant health
and safety risks not covered in
this checklist?