2008-2009 TCC Year-End Report 1 San Francisco State University Report of the Teacher Credential Committee (TCC) AY 2008-2009 I. Executive Summary The San Francisco State University Teacher Credential Committee (TCC) is responsible for making recommendations regarding existing and proposed University teacher credential programs. In addition, it has the responsibility for implementing University policy as it relates to teacher credentialing. Finally, it serves as a forum for on-going information exchanges between faculty in the subject areas and faculty in the College of Education (COE). TCC meets twice a semester, usually on Thursdays from 10:00-11:30. The primary business of the Committee for this academic year was to discuss applications for subject matter competency programs, alternative credential programs, and heard updates from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. II. Charge to the Committee Responsibilities and Functions A. The TCC shall make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education regarding all existing and proposed University teacher credential programs. B. The TCC shall have the responsibility for implementing the All University Teacher Education Committee (AUTEC) policies that relate to teacher credentialing. This responsibility shall include but not be limited to the review and approval of courses and procedures proposed by departments and colleges to meet AUTEC guidelines for: early field experience units certification of subject matter competency joint supervision of candidates for teaching credentials multicultural knowledge and skills recruitment of racial and ethnic minority students into teaching credential programs implementation of computer literacy requirements C. Any action or decision of the TCC relating to AUTEC policies shall be subject to appeal by program, to AUTEC. Committee Membership One member from each college (total of 8): Only 4 attended the meetings Elementary Education (and Liberal Studies) Representative (1) Secondary Education Representative (1): On Maternity Leave Special Education Representative (vacant) Administrative and Interdisciplinary Studies Representative (vacant) Student Representative from Elementary Education* Student Representative from Secondary Education* Office of Credential Services and Data Management Representative (1) AUTEC Representative (chair of TCC)** 2008-2009 TCC Year-End Report 2 * It remains difficult to achieve student representation on this committee. **With the change in TCC Chairs, it was unclear whether or not, the TCC Chair was to attend the AUTEC meetings. III. Activities of the Year TCC met four times during the AY 2008-2009. We began in the fall with Maika Watanabe as the chair and we spent the meetings in the fall brainstorming about TCC’s role and purpose. This is still a bit unclear as to what TCC’s future purpose or charge should be. Maika Watanabe went on maternity leave at the end of the fall 2008 semester. In the spring 2009 semester Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales became the chair. During the TCC meetings we received CCTC updates from Myla Marcelino-Adeva from the Credential Analyst Office. The following are the reported updates: Implementation of Senate Bill 1104 Pertaining to Designated Subjects Career Techinical Education Teaching Credentials Approval of Amendments to Title 5 Regulations Pertaining to the Single Subject Credential Authorization in Foundational-Level General Science Approval of Amendments to Title 5 Regulations Pertaining to the Extensions of Preliminary Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credentials for Applicants Prepared in California Implementation of Assembly Bill 1871 concerning Bilingual and English Learner Authorizations TCC also reviewed to proposals. Bay Area Teacher Training Institute (BATTI) The Bay Area Teacher Training Institute (BATTI) began in 2002 as a program sponsored by the SF State Department of Elementary Education to train teachers who are working as assistant teachers at non-public schools, primarily those in a group of 25 California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) in five Bay Area counties. The EED has an internship program for public school interns, but found it difficult to support non-public assistant teachers because of the very different educational circumstances at those schools. The department contracts with BATTI to coordinate a credential program for this unique group of pre-service teachers, and refers all applicants in this category to BATTI. The proposed SF State/BATTI Professional Clear Program (hereafter, the program) is specifically designed to encourage teacher growth and achieve higher retention rates through high-quality mentoring and thoughtful group seminars. The program, a member of the New Teacher, Center (NTC) at the University of California, Santa Cruz, will provide Mentor training in partnership with the NTC. These Mentors will establish good 2008-2009 TCC Year-End Report 3 working relationships with participating teachers before school begins in August. The Individual Learning Plan (ILP) each participating teacher creates will guide his or her learning that year. Monthly Advanced Professional Seminars (see Appendix A) led by three well-qualified Instructors will help the participating teachers accomplish their professional development goals and introduce them to experts in educational fields such as English language acquisition and teaching children with special needs. The program aims to produce teachers that reflect upon and apply the guidelines in the CSTP. In order for participating teachers to complete their Professional Clear Credential through BATTI/SF STATE they must be employed lead teachers in a non-public school or a school district that does not offer a BTSA program. The participant’s employer must fill out form CLL55 as evidence of their need for an induction program. TCC is planning on approving the BATTI proposal contingent on the following two clarifications that we hope will be included in a revised proposal. 1. Connecting the mentors to the seminars that you are providing to the students: What is the relationship between the mentors and instructors? How will the mentors be connected to the curriculum in the seminars? 2. Connecting the ILP to seminar topics? How is the ILP reflected in the topics and assignments in the seminars? How will the mentors and instructors of the seminars assist the students to complete their ILP? Teacher Preparation in Latin at San Francisco State University The Classics Department drafted a single subject teaching credential document for submission to the teacher credential committee and the state of California. The current certification is due to expire in 2010, so they would like to submit our document and have the approval process begin before this semester is over. TCC reviewed the overview of the detailed proposal and agreed to approve the Latin single subject proposal. IV. Agenda for the Coming Year TCC recommended the following items of business for the 2007-2008 academic year: Recruitment in general and of candidates of color Integration of pre-service preparation and induction Revisiting the stalled change in membership Role of TCC in the new assessment system and consideration of assessment results Role of TCC in approval of course proposals and program changes for teacher preparation programs TCC recommends that we continue to discuss the able items of business for the 20082009 academic year, along with the following: 2008-2009 TCC Year-End Report The procedures and role of TCC in making decisions about proposals. TCC’s relationship to AUTEC. This report was compiled and submitted by Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, chair. 4