New Contact 5 Two-in-one -- TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPICS & MAIN VOCABULARY FIELDS UNIT 1 (p. xx-xx) EXT 1 (p. xx-xx) UNIT 2 (p. xx-xx) EXT 2 (p. xx-xx) - migration - Ellis Island - immigration into the US - the American Dream GRAMMAR, SPELLING & FUNCTIONS - the tenses (revision) - phrasal verbs - cruises - cruise ships - gender - gender stereotyping - gender-neutral parenting - arranged marriages - my ideal partner - love poetry - the passive (revision) - complex passive structures - gender stereotypes at work - hotels - deal with complaints New Contact 5 Two-in-one – Table of Contents READING COMPREHENSION VIEWING & LISTENING COMPREHENSION ORAL PRACTICE WRITING PRACTICE understand - an article about the Triangular Trade - an article about convict transport to Australia - an article about the Great Famine - a TripAdvisor review - an article about chasing the American Dream - understand extracts from a brochure understand - the song An Emigrant's Daughter - a video about Ellis Island - Nada Kiblawi's life story - a video about the US Diversity Visa Lottery - talk about migration - give a speech about migration throughout history - talk about immigration into the United States - discuss the concept of the American Dream - comment on a video - reply to a forum question about the DV Lottery - understand a promotional video about Quantum of the Seas - conduct a telephone conversation in which enquiries are made - pronunciation: silent letters - answer a question on Yahoo! Answers about the appeal of going on a cruise understand - an article about the male and female brain - a newspaper article about gender-neutral parenting - Raziye Akkoç' point of view on arranged marriages - what different people are looking for in a partner - various love poems - the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet - understand a newspaper article about gender stereotyping at work understand - an extract from a radio programme about gender-neutral attitudes in Sweden - Sabatina James' TED talk - a video about Shakespeare's play Much Ado About Nothing - the trailer for the 2013 film of Romeo and Juliet talk about - gender differences - love and marriage - the qualities of your ideal partner - love poetry - Shakespeare as a playwright - comment on a Facebook post regarding gender stereotyping - post a comment on - understand a voicemail message - talk about gender stereotypes - deal with a guest's complaint - pronunciation: the /th/sound - comment on a newspaper article - write an e-mail UNIT 3 (p. xx-xx) EXT 3 (p. xx-xx) UNIT 4 (p. xx-xx) EXT 4 - deceptive advertising - complaint e-mails - lying - The Picture of Dorian Gray - genres in literature - write a complaint e-mail - reported (or indirect) speech: statements, questions and imperatives - malvertising - anti-malware software - incarceration - crime - punishment - the Stanford Prison Experiment - Alcatraz - Amnesty International - drones (p. xx-xx) New Contact 5 Two-in-one – Table of Contents - if or when (revision) - the conditionals (revision) - time clauses (revision) - linking words and phrases - wish clauses understand - some advertisements - complaint e-mails - an article about lying - children's letters sent to the American president - some information about Oscar Wilde - some extracts from Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray understand - a radio news item about a class-action lawsuit against Nutella - a video about digitally altered photographs - a report about lies told by various American presidents - P!nk's song Dear Mr President - people talking about (not) lying about your age - talk about deceptive advertising - discuss digitally altered photographs - talk about lying - discuss a brainteaser - discuss book covers of The Picture of Dorian Gray - talk about genres in literature - write a complaint e-mail - answer a Facebook question - write a reply for Teen Life understand - an article about malvertising - a review about Malwarebytes: AntiMalware Premium - understand a video about Sweetie - discuss Malwarebytes: Anti-Malware Premium's main pros and cons - pronunciation: the letter "r" - reply to a video on a YouTube forum understand - a newspaper article about the pros and cons of prison sentences - various real-life court cases - a classified ad - a newspaper article about the escape from Alcatraz - articles about imprisoned people understand - a news item about the high incarceration rate in the United States - a video about the Stanford Prison Experiment - a radio news item about the famous Alcatraz escape - an Amnesty International video - comment on a newspaper article understand - an article about commercial drones - reviews of three popular drones understand - a report about drones - a video about the TechJect Dragonfly Robot - talk about incarceration around the world - discuss the pros and cons of imprisonment - discuss alternative sentences - talk about crime and punishment - talk about various court cases and give your own verdict - discuss a classified ad - discuss an Amnesty International e-mail - discuss an Amnesty International advertisement - discuss newspaper headlines regarding drones - present a drone model - pronunciation: the /ə/- sound UNIT 5 (p. xx-xx) EXT 5 (p. xx-xx) UNIT 6 (p. xx-xx) EXT 6 - life after secondary school - student life - a gap year - starting work - at work - the future (revision) - phrasal verbs - participate in a debate - finding a job - job ads - an application letter - a CV - shopping - personal shoppers - e-commerce - household appliances - telephone enquiries - the mall of the future - the zero-waste lifestyle - sustainability (p. xx-xx) New Contact 5 Two-in-one – Table of Contents - adverbs of frequency (revision) - make telephone enquiries understand - a questionnaire about your future - a newspaper article about the life of a student - an infographic about gap year travellers - a newspaper article about finding work without a degree - someone's life story - a blog entry understand - a newspaper article about Adam Pacitti's attempt to find a job - job ads - an application letter and CV understand - various students' plans for the future - a news item about student protests - someone talking about his gap year - the song A Hard Day's Night by The Beatles - discuss the pros and cons of a college or university degree - talk about a gap year - talk about a person's life story - comment on a result on Facebook - reply to a message - participate in a debate - comment on a blog entry - understand someone talking about her attempt to find a job - talk about different ways of finding employment - pronunciation: a poem - write an application letter - create a CV understand - an article about the impact of (online) shopping on the environment - information on the Debenhams website - a user manual for a toaster - information on the websites of Asos and Liberty - an article about the shopping mall of the future - an article about a supermarket that does not use packaging understand - a video about London department store, Harrods - an interview with a personal shopper - a video about the evolution of e-commerce - a telephone conversation making an enquiry - a video about a zerowaste family - talk about shopping habits - conduct a telephone conversation making an enquiry - answer a question on Yahoo! Answers regarding online shopping - comment on CNBC's Facebook status - comment on a video - understand a newspaper article about understand - a video about - pitch a project - take part in a debate - reply to a video on a YouTube forum responsible tourism - understand a blog entry about clothes libraries - research different ways of being sustainable at school New Contact 5 Two-in-one – Table of Contents sustainability at a London farm - different presentations regarding sustainability at school - create a project for a sustainability project - pronunciation: word stress - write an e-mail to your headteacher