flood risk information request for insurance purposes

Mr. Vic Medhurst
Hanbury Park Action Group
Our ref:
04 September 2012
E: vicmedhurst@sky.com
Dear Mr Medhurst
Thank you for your enquiry regarding the above location. Information on flood risk in
the area relating to the above addresses is shown below:
1 Our most recent National Flood Risk Assessment (carried out in 2008), which
takes account of the location, type and condition of flood defences, classified the
flood risk for this area as: Flood Zone-3 Significant – greater than 1.3% (1 in 75)
chance in any year. Flood Zone-2 Moderate – the chance of flooding in any year is
1.3% (1 in 75) or less but greater than 0.5% (1 in 200).
2 Flood Defences – There are no Environment Agency maintained flood defences
in the area and no information is available for the standard of protection offered by
other flood defences or natural channels to this area.
3 Historic Flood Events – We are aware that parts of this area suffered from
flooding during the 2007 summer floods in Worcestershire.
4 Improvement Works that have Reduced Flood Risk – Since 2007, works have
been undertaken by British Waterways (now the Canal and River Trust) to restore
the Droitwich Canal. Part of these works invoved the canalisation of a stretch of the
River Salwarpe (from upstream of Swan Drive to Vines Park) that runs along the
Southern boundary of the estate off Hanbury Road (Swan Drive). The capacity of the
channel was increased as part of the canalisation works. We have been given sight
of post-canalisation flood levels for the 100 year (1% annual probability) plus climate
change (20% allowance) event, undertaken by Halcrow on behalf of British
Waterways. We have reviewed the levels and can confirm that the reductions in
flood levels calculated post-canalisation works are considered reasonable. The
information provided by Halcrow suggests that the levels have been reduced by
approximately 650mm during a 100 year event and by 790mm during a 100 year
plus climate change (20% allowance) event.
The Environment Agency, Riversmeet House, Newtown Industrial Estate, Northway Lane, Tewkesbury,
Gloucestershire, GL20 8JG
Customer services line: 03708 506 506
Email: enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk
We have also received an ‘as built’ survey provided by Persimmon Homes (drawing
no. S219/165, dated June 10) showing post-development ground and finished floor
levels for the properties off Hanbury Road (listed above). The information provided
confirms that the finished floor levels of all the properties are above the postcanalisation 1 in 100 year plus climate change flood levels with an element of
General Information
The attached fact sheet gives general information on flood risk and insurance.
The properties at these addresses are located in an area that could be flooded from
rivers. The scale of the risk will vary according to how far each property is away from
the rivers, the height of the property above the ground, and as a result of other
factors such as any flood defences in the area.
Water causing flooding can come from different places, for example: from rivers or
the sea; surface water (i.e. rainwater flowing over or accumulating on the ground
before it is able to enter rivers or the drainage system); overflowing or backing up of
sewer or drainage systems which have been overwhelmed; or from groundwater
rising up from underground aquifers.
Currently the Environment Agency can only supply flood risk data relating to the
chance of flooding from rivers or the sea. However you should be aware that in
recent years, there has been an increase in flood damage caused by surface water
flooding or drainage systems that have been overwhelmed. Local Authorities and/or
Water Companies may be able to provide some knowledge on the risk of flooding
from other sources and we are working with these organisations to improve
knowledge and understanding of surface water flooding.
Use of information provided
Please note:
 We use the best information available to provide an indication so that people and
insurers can make informed choices about living with or managing the risks.
 As our information relates to an area rather than a specific property, not all
properties within that area (e.g. a street or a postcode) will necessarily be at the
same risk of flooding. This might be the case if the property is on higher land or
the floor levels are high.
 Any flood risk information provided relates to flooding from rivers and does not
cover other sources of flooding such as from local drains. However our records
on historic flooding can include flooding from groundwater.
 Any information provided in respect of proposed improvements to flood defences
or natural river channels should be considered as general information for the area
in which your property/site is located and is not specific to individual
Attached is a copy of the Environment Agency's Copyright Statement and Disclaimer
which sets out our terms and conditions associated with use of our data.
Environment Agency, Hafren House, Welshpool Road, Shelton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8BB.
Customer services line: 03708 506 506
Email: enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk
Flood Warning Service
The area is covered by the Environment Agency’s Flood Warning Service. We
recommend that all properties listed above register for this free service. Please
contact Floodline on Telephone: 0845 988 1188.
I hope that the above information, together with the enclosed information sheet, is
helpful. You may also wish to contact your Local Authority to see if they have other
relevant local flood information.
Yours sincerely
Matthew Weston
External Relations Officer
For further information please contact External Relations on 01743 283412
Direct e-mail midswest@environment-agency.gov.uk
Standard Notice
EA / ABI Joint Fact Sheet
Environment Agency, Hafren House, Welshpool Road, Shelton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8BB.
Customer services line: 03708 506 506
Email: enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk