Biology 202: Animal Biology

Biology 202: Animal Biology
Winter 2011
Instructor: Dr. Ken Gobalet, 205 Science I, 654-3038,
Office Hours: You are welcome in my office any time I am available.
Laboratory Instructors: Adriana Treviño, Brock Genter
Text: Hickman, C.P., et al. 2011. Integrated Principles of Zoology. 15th edition. McGraw Hill
Additional Required Materials are available through Dr. Gobalet’s Faculty web site or via the
CSUB Walter Stiern Library “Course Reserves.”
Grades will be based on points accumulated with scores scaled against the top cumulative
point total. Your instructor will determine the percentage applied to the top score. Grades
will be determined by the following:
94-100 = A
90-93.9 = A87-89.9 = B+
83-86.9 = B
80-82.9 = B77-79.9 = C+
73-76.9 = C
70-72.9 = C67-69.9 = D+
63-66.9 = D
60-62.9 = D< 60 = F
Notes: All assignments are to be turned in at the start of class on the due date. A minimum 10% penalty
is applied to late assignments. For students with concerns relating to the use of animals in
assignments (e.g. insect collection), alternate means of satisfying the assignments may be
arranged with Dr. Gobalet.
Bonus Opportunity Animal Biology (Bio 202):
By turning in a review (critique or summary) of one of the books listed under “Bonus Bio 202 W
2011” on the Web Site, up to 25 bonus points will be added to the final point total. Another
book may be acceptable, but only with Dr. Gobalet’s approval. The responsibility for locating the
book is up to the student. The number of points awarded will depend on the length, and difficulty
of the book and the quality of the paper. A printed copy and an electronic version (to must be submitted by 9:30 am Feb. 7, 2011.
Reading: Hickman et al. (2011)
Jan 5-6
Nature of Zoology
Chemistry and Cell Metabolism
Labs: Th-Literature Assignment on Evolution
Jan 10-13
Animal Ecology
Biosphere and Animal Distribution
Due Jan 11: Lit. Assignment (15 points) and presentation
Labs: Tu-Human Ethology
Th-Human Ethology project time
Jan 17 (MLK Holiday)-20
Labs: Tu-Natural Selection, Data collection
Th-Natural Selection, Chi Square
Due Jan 20: Human Ethology Paper (15 points)
Jan 24-27
Support, Protection, Movement
Due Jan 24: Insect Observation (10 points)
Lab: Tu-Examination Jan 25 (70 pts): Insect Keying
Lab: Th-ESA Excavation, Mammalian Skeleton
Jan 31-Feb 3
Internal Fluids and Respiration
Due Jan 31: Natural Selection Paper (50 points).
Printed copy.
Due Feb 3 ESA skeletal unknown
Labs: Tu-Egg Strength, Gradients: Crickets, Pill Bugs,
Lady Bugs, or Snails
Th-Insect and Nematode Anatomy, Termite Gut
Feb 7-10
Digestion, Nervous, and
Chemical Coordination.
Due Feb 7: Bonus Book Review (electronic and printed)
Due Feb 8: Egg strength (10 points)
Labs: Tu-Dichotomous Key
Th-Dichotomous Key other students work
Feb 14-17
Reproduction, Development,
Architectural Pattern of an Animal
Due Feb 14: Dichotomous Key (15 points)
Lab: Tu Examination Feb 15 (70 points)
Lab: Th-Crayfish and Squid Dissections
Feb 21-24
Classification, Phylogeny of Animals
Protists, Porifera, Cnidaria, Acoelomates
and Pseudocoelomates
Due Feb 21: Insect Collection (25 points)
Labs: Lab: Th- Biomechanics
Th-Biomechanics/ Project time
Feb 28-Mar 3
Labs: Tu- Project Time
Th- Project time
Due Mar 1: Biomechanics (15 points)
Mar 7-10
Deuterostomes (Echinoderms, Chordates) 472-646
Labs: Tu- Animal Diversity
Th-Fetal Pig Anatomy
Due Mar 7: Research Paper (75 pts): Printed copy.
Mar 14-17
March 16, 2011 (Wed.)
Lab Tu-Fetal Pig Anatomy
Final Examination 2:00-4:30 pm (100 points)
Papers: Natural Selection (50 pts), Research Report (75 Pts)
Papers must follow “Format for Research Papers.” A sample paper and “Format for
Laboratory Reports” can be found on the Web Page or through Course Reserves on the
Stiern Library home page.
The first page page of the paper should have the title at the top with the author name,
course, and date below. Do not include a cover or folder. Write the paper with the
Biology 202 class as your audience. A minimum of six cited references are required for
the paper on Natural Selection and eight for the Research Report. Secondary sources,
like newspapers, encyclopedias and lay readership - based national magazines are not
acceptable. Use original journal articles and cite the sources but do not quote them.
Textbooks can only be used in addition to the minimum number of references. Three
pages (1.5-spaced, excluding figures, tables and literature cited) are required for Natural
Selection and four pages for the Research Report. Literature cited sections should be
single-spaced with gaps between entries. On-line web sites are not acceptable unless they
are for peer-reviewed journals.
Grading will be based on integration (not regurgitation) of material and quality of writing
and references. An “A” paper should include supported original ideas while a “C” paper
will only report information. Failure to include the required components (# citations,
figure, Chi squared etc.) will result in at best a C grade.
Although you will be working on your experiments in groups, submitted reports must be
individual efforts. Any use of the work of others submitted as your own (without
appropriate citation) is plagiarism and is academically dishonest (2009-2011 CSUB
catalog pg. 82). Consult with others, but write your own paper based on the common
data. Figures, tables, and literature should be all independently generated. Papers that do
not conform to “Format for Laboratory Reports” will be docked a 10% penalty. Critical
to quality work are revision and rewriting. Strive for professionalism.