Transition from School to Community Based

Transition from School to Community Based Employment
for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Name of Grant: __Project EARN______________________________________________________
Contact’s Name:______Brenda Hartman_____________________________________________
Contact’s Email Address:___bahartman@iu12.org_____________________________________
Number of Students Targeted:___20___
Students with Employment Outcomes___17_____
Students with Post Secondary Outcomes ___3_____
Students Participating in Community Based Assessment _16____
Students Participating in Community Based Vocational Training__18___
Students Participating in Community Based Work Experiences __0__
Prioritize and list 2 -3 implementation goals:
Goal: Cross-Systems Trainings: Presentations on Autism Spectrum Disorder to school district and
alternative education personnel through organizations such as the York County Alliance for Learning
(YCAL) and the York and Adams County Transition Coordinating Councils.
Goal: Employer Outreach: Development of community-based vocational training/employment
experiences based on assessment information gathered.
Project EARN staff will travel to observe Project SEARCH in order to gather necessary information for
replication. The goal for students is to obtain competitive employment within the setting upon graduation.
List assessments used and recommended:
Reading Free Vocational Interest Inventory
My Career Journey
Community Based Work Assessments
Project Discovery Functional Work Sample Kits (Education Associates) – Entry level skills kits are not
highly recommended. Also, as of completion of our project, standards are not yet aligned with PA Career
Education and Work Standards.
List curriculum used and recommended:
Stepping Out In the Community
Social Skills Training – Jed Baker
Navigating the Social World
Autism & PDD – Adolescent Social Skills Lessons
Thinking of You, Thinking of Me
Teach Me Language
LinguiSystems Autism and PDD: Things I can Say and Do
5 Is Against the Law
Comic Strip Conversations
Hidden Curriculum – Brenda Smith Myles
Building Social Relationships – Scott Bellini
List web resources used and recommended: a comprehensive website containing information on PA Career Education
and Work Standards, curricula, resources, career planning, post-secondary school information, etc. contains extensive information on careers, labor market, workplace competencies, skills
assessment, lesson plans, etc. contains various career development activities, teacher handouts, career research for
students of all grade levels, etc. contains student self- assessment, occupational information, and videos of
various careers (Videos are also close-captioned and youth-oriented) student self assessments, crosswalk of skills to occupations, labor market
information PA’s Career Guide online. This is also
available through the PA Career Standards website under resources. Job Accommodation Network’s list of simple, low-cost and nocost accommodations for individuals with Asperger Syndrome. articles by Temple Grandin and various publications on
functional programming for people with ASD
Grant Title:_Project EARN _
Curriculum/Career Development/Instructional Strategies
Video Modeling
Role Play
Visual Supports
Task Analysis
Portfolio Development
Career Assessment/Indicator 13/Social Skills/Work Related
Scott Bellini’s Social Skills Checklist
My Career Journey
Career Quest Portfolio
In-School Functional Work Assessments
Community-Based Work Assessments
Family/Caregiver Engagement/Trainings
Parent training was provided by Parent Education Network, OVR and PASSABCO (The PA Social
Security Administration Benefits Counseling and Assistance Project) as part of a collaborative effort
between Lincoln Intermediate Unit and MH/MR for a multi-county Autism Awareness Spring Fling.
Sessions were conducted on Parent/Professional Collaboration, Accessing OVR Services, and Social
Security Work Incentives. In addition to these parent seminars, agencies also had information tables at
a general resource fair as a part of the day’s events. Transition consultants provided training on
transition planning for parents affiliated with the local Autism Society of America York chapter. In
addition, MH/MR provided information regarding their Autism Case Management Unit and MH/MR
Employer and Community Partnerships
Brethern Home
Diehl Collision
ForSight Visions and Industries
Gettysburg College
Giant Foods
TJ Maxx
York Chrysler/Kia
York College of Pennsylvania
York Country Day School
Glatfelter Memorial Library
Hanover Church of the Brethern
Hollywood Video
Kinsley Properties
Luther Memorial Church
Memorial Hospital
Saubels Market
Shrewsbury Lutheran Retirement Home and Village
Spring Grove H.S. Cafeteria
Stewartstown U.M. Church
Zion Lutheran Church
Interagency (Stakeholder) Collaboration
Interagency collaboration was a major emphasis of Project EARN. Various partnering activities
occurred involving collaboration with OVR, MH/MR, Penn Employment Services, AHEDD, Parent
Education Network, the York County Alliance for Learning, York and Adams Transition Coordinating
Councils, PASSABCO, the local chapter of the Autism Society of America, and the Philadelphia
Children’s Hospital, The following activities occurred:
Cross Systems Trainings
Job Coaching Supports
( Provided by Penn Employment Services to LIU Paraprofessionals)
Accessing the OVR System
(Provided by OVR to Parents at the Annual Autism Awareness Spring Fling coordinated by LIU and
Parent/Professional Collaboration
(Provided by Parent Education to Parents at the Annual Autism Awareness Spring Fling coordinated
by LIU and MH/MR)
Social Security Work Incentives
(Provided by PASSABCO to Parents at the Annual Autism Awareness Spring Fling coordinated by
LIU and MH/MR)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
(Provided by LIU to Job Coaching Agencies)
Parent Issues in Transition
(Provided by parents at the York County Transition Coordinating Council)
Transition Planning
(Provided by LIU to Asperger Parent Support Group)
Community Based Work Assessments
Provided by Penn Employment Services and AHEDD, job coaching agencies, for identified students in
LIU Autistic Support and Emotional Support classes.
Employer Brochure
Collaboration with OVR on development of an employer brochure.
Project SEARCH Replication Visit
In collaboration with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, LIUtransition Consultants and the
Assistant District Administrator of the York District OVR visited Philadelphia Children’s Hospital
Project Search to explore potential for replication.
Students on public bus routes received training on the rabbittransit system. This involved reading bus
schedules, scanning tickets, following “social hidden curriculum” practices of using the public bus,
making transfers, and identifying when to get off of the bus. In addition, students received instruction
on pedestrian safety skills.
Staff/Professional Development
Teachers received training on Indicator 13 and OVR services. Paraprofessionals were trained by Penn
Employment Services, a job coaching agency under the Arc of York County. This training included
information on the concept of supported employment, qualities of effective job coaching, consumer
assessment, job analysis, task analysis, instruction, and fading. Staff attended all PaTTAN sponsored
trainings including sessions on sustaining and enhancing grant practices, systematic career assessment
process, Labor Laws, and Guiding Youth with ASD through the transition process. In addition, staff
attended the PA Transition Conference, Penn State National Autism Conference, and the “Everybody
Works Conference” held in Columbus, OH. Staff also attended the National Standards Project webcast.
Transition consultants visited Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Project Search to explore
replication potential.
Marketing and Outreach
An employer brochure was developed to increase employer awareness of persons with Autism
Spectrum Disorder. The brochure includes information on strategies to assist the employee with ASD
to experience success, what a person with ASD brings to the work place, employer supports, and tax
incentives for employers.
Next Steps
LIU and OVR are currently collaborating on seeking grant funding through OVR to conduct a Project
Search model in York County for students with ASD. Philadelphia Project SEARCH staff have
volunteered to travel to York County in order to meet with interested employers.
In-School Functional Vocational Assessments will continue using functional work sample kits.
Staff development will continue pertaining to Indicator 13, inclusion of vocational evaluation results in
evaluation reports, present levels, and development of measurable post-secondary goals.
Middle School staff will receive training on requirements for Transition Planning.
Development of portfolios, beginning in Middle School, will be systematically implemented.
Interagency collaboration will continue.
Employer Brochure will be distributed to: OVR, Penn Employment, AHEDD, Parent Groups (Local
ASA and Parent Ed. Network), Transition Conference attendees, Autism Conference attendees,
Employers, District Advisory Council Representatives, Autistic Support staff, Emotional Support Staff,
Parents of students in the AS program. **Electronic version is available for posting on