Windy Ridge Volunteer Handbook 2015-2016 A volunteer is a person who can see what others cannot see; who can feel what most do not feel. Often, such gifted persons do not think of themselves as volunteers, but as citizens – citizens in the fullest sense: partners in civilization. George Bush Windy Ridge School 3900 Beech Tree Drive Orlando, FL 32835 Main Office: 407-296-5100 Website: PTA Website: Windy Ridge Volunteer Handbook Contents: I. Principal’s Message 1 II. Introduction to the ADDitions Program 2 III. Important Windy Ridge Information 3 Key Contacts 5 IV. Volunteer Needs 6 V. OCPS Volunteer Guidelines 11 Contact Information Administration Principal ................................... Tracy Webley Assistant Principal ................... Nicole Jefferson .............................. Assistant Principal ................... Noreen Hoffman ............................. ADDitions Coordinator: OCPS ADDitions Coordinator School Personnel: PTA ADDitions Volunteer Coordinator: I. Laura Matthews Linda Smith Principal’s Message Welcome Volunteers! You have taken a step towards making a significant impact at Windy Ridge. Whether you spend one hour a week, one day a week, or one day on a special project, your efforts will make a difference for our students. We sincerely appreciate those of you who contribute your time and talent. We know your involvement with us will greatly enhance our school program and we trust it will be a satisfying and inspirational experience for you as well. On behalf of the Windy Ridge PTA, staff and students, we welcome you and thank you for caring about our school. Tracy Webley Windy Ridge Principal 2015-2016 1 II. Introduction to the ADDitions Program What is ADDitions? ADDitions is the Orange County Public Schools program for school volunteers. Anyone who wishes to volunteer in any capacity MUST fill out an ADDitions application. How Do I Register? All volunteers need to register at: (Click on “School Volunteers” on the left hand side of the page.) (If you do not have internet access or a social security number, please contact one of the ADDitions Coordinators.) The registration process ensures that potential and existing volunteers are screened through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and the FDLE Sexual Offender and Predators Internet database. It can take a week for the county to run a background check and get your approval processed, so register as soon as possible. Field Trip Chaperones are now included in ADDitions and are required to select Opportunity 48 hours in advance every time they wish to chaperone, since they are serving in a custodial role. A more comprehensive background check needs to be done on field trip chaperones, so please select your Opportunity in plenty of time to get this process completed. How Do I Sign In? Volunteers should sign in on the computer at the front desk every time they work at the school. Every volunteer must swipe Driver License or Photo ID and select Opportunity you are volunteering with that day. Someone behind the front desk will provide you with name tag sticker. You must wear this sticker at all times while you are at school. This will enable staff to recognize you as a registered volunteer. When you are finished, please sign out on the computer and remove your sticker so we can keep an accurate record of volunteer hours and volunteers on campus. If you perform volunteer work outside of school, please enter these hours at Why do I need to sign in as a Volunteer and track my hours? Volunteers registered with the ADDitions program are covered by Orange County Public Schools’ general liability insurance program. A record of our volunteers’ hours enables us to evaluate our volunteer program and to recognize volunteers for their contribution of time. The number of hours spent volunteering exemplifies the commitment to quality education in our school. Certain levels of volunteer hours are necessary for Windy Ridge to qualify for awards, certain grants, and state recognitions, such as the Five Star and the Blue Ribbon awards. Dress Code Please wear comfortable clothes, but be sure to adhere to the school dress code, with nothing revealing or distracting. Clothing may not advertise alcohol or contain obscenities or suggestive logos. No tummies please, and remember the rule about the length of your shorts: drop your arms at your side and if your shorts go above your fingertips, they are too short. Tank top straps should be “4 fingers” wide, and undergarments must be worn at all times. 2015-2016 2 Sibling Policy No one is allowed to accompany volunteers in the classrooms or on field trips, including older and younger children. Children may only accompany you to school as a visitor for performances or to attend a scheduled conference or meeting. Attendance/Punctuality Students look forward to seeing you and the staff and other volunteers are counting on you. If you are unable to volunteer or will be late, please contact the front office as soon as possible. Assignment Changes If for some reason the volunteer assignment is not what you expected or you are not comfortable with the assignment, please contact one of the ADDitions Coordinators right away. There are many volunteer opportunities at Windy Ridge and we will be more than happy to find one you will enjoy. III. Important Windy Ridge Information ADDitions Emails: How school lets us know it needs volunteers This is a great tool! Once your application for the ADDitions volunteer program has been processed, you will receive an e-mail from that you have signed up for selected Opportunities and the school’s coordinator has been notified of your submission. This is the county email system that lets ADDitions coordinators select registered volunteers for an upcoming volunteer need called Oppoutunities. Please pay careful attention to the contact person for each volunteer activity, as you should not reply to the county address but rather to the person coordinating that particular activity. Don’t assume someone else will volunteer. We need you! If they do not need anyone else, they will let you know. Parking Locations You may park in the lot across the street in the areas that have been covered in gravel. This will prevent anyone from getting stuck in the sand. You may also park in the side lot in any space marked “Visitor”. Please do not park in any spaces marked specifically for a school official. Also, do not park in the bus loop in front of the school. All visitors/volunteers must enter the building through the front door (by the front office), sign in on the computer and wear a name badge. Administrative Offices Please do not use the Administration hallway (past the Principal’s office) as a thoroughfare, use the main hallways only. Restrooms You may use the restrooms located in the main hallway just before the Media Center or the one in the back of the Media Center. Of course, if you are working in a classroom with a restroom, you may use that one as well. 2015-2016 3 Food/Drink If you are volunteering (or visiting) over lunch, you may purchase an adult lunch from the cafeteria for $3, which includes iced tea. The adult checkout line is on the right as you face the food service area in the cafeteria. There is also a soda/water machine in the teacher’s lounge (door to the left of the food service area in cafeteria). It’s always a good idea to bring a water bottle with you if you will be at school for the day. Supplies/Resources There are PTA supplies in the small PTA cabinet located next to the copier near the front office. Ask anyone behind the desk if you are unable to find it. You are also welcome to use the Ellison die cut machines, paper cutters, spiral binder, and paper rolls (all of which are located in the Resource Room in the back left corner of the Media Center). Flyers Distributed in School All flyers MUST be approved in advance of distribution. Give flyers to the PTA President who will forward them on to Administration for approval. Windy Ridge is working on becoming a green school so we would like to minimize the number of flyers that are sent home. Whenever possible, use email to communicate your message, or print 4-5 flyers on each piece of paper and cut. Send email requests to Teachers’ Mail If you have mail for teachers or any other items that need to be delivered to their classrooms, please give them to someone at the front desk who will make sure the items are delivered. Copy Machines Volunteers can make copies for teachers, staff or PTA. To make copies for a teacher, consult directly with that teacher. To get copies made for PTA, consult the PTA President. Requesting a Reimbursement (from the PTA) Reimbursement forms are available in the PTA cabinet located next to the printer near the front office. Please attach receipts and leave the form in the PTA box for the treasurer to collect. He/she will provide a reimbursement check for your budgeted/approved expenditures. Remember, the PTA is a Tax-Exempt organization, so you should use the Tax-Exempt number for purchases to avoid paying sales tax. Copies of the sales tax exemption form are also available in the PTA cabinet. Reserving a Room at School If you are planning a committee meeting or scheduling an activity or special event and you need to reserve a room, coordinate with the PTA President. 2015-2016 4 Key Contacts: Administration Tracy Webley, Principal Noreen Carvalho, Dean of Students Nicole Jefferson Assistant Principal Vonda Meyer, Secretary Noreen Hoffman Assistant Principal Kerri VanSickle, Guidance Other Key Contacts Maggie Stewart Front Desk Cari Dee Media Specialist 2015-2016 Dani Rodriguez, Front Desk Holli Kennedy Media Clerk Diane Simonson, Front Desk Loretta Garrison School Nurse 5 IV. Volunteer Needs There are many different ways that we can use your help at Windy Ridge. We have opportunities both in and outside of the classroom, some of which are one-time needs and others that are ongoing. The right fit depends on which will fit in best with your interests and schedule. Help in the Classroom Classroom Assistant Volunteers work closely with classroom teachers and staff, assisting with various projects, keeping records, preparing instructional materials and interacting with students. Duties in elementary schools may include telling stories, reading with children, making instructional materials, and preparing bulletin boards. Please note that many teachers prefer not to have volunteers in the classroom during the first several weeks of school since they are working hard to establish routines and help the students adjust to their new class. Homeroom Representative The homeroom representative works closely with the classroom teacher, planning activities and celebrations throughout the school year. These events may include a fall festival, holiday and end-of-year celebrations, and coordinating Teacher Appreciation Week activities. The homeroom representative position may be shared with another person, and additional parent help from the classroom is always welcome. As a homeroom representative you will be a tremendous asset to your child's teacher, along with building special memories with the children in the class. Help Outside the Classroom Parent Teacher Association (PTA) The PTA is an association led by parent volunteers who provide programs, social events, recognitions, etc. for the students and faculty. They also organize fundraising to support educational programs for the school, to purchase necessary items for the classroom, and to provide programs that will bring families and school staff together. The Windy Ridge PTA welcomes you and would love to have your help this year. Whether it's for a one-time event or an ongoing committee, everyone is welcome. Our school is a very diverse group of students, teachers and staff and we think our PTA should reflect that diversity. Please take the time to visit the Windy Ridge PTA website at and peruse the many volunteer opportunities available. Contact this year’s President, Cari Diez at, or any other board member and let them know what sparks your interest. By working together, we can make this year outstanding! PTA Meetings: There are two types of PTA meetings: general meetings and board meetings. General Meetings: It is mandated that there be at least three general meetings per school year. These are meetings to which the entire PTA membership is invited and can vote. One was at the Welcome Back Breakfast. The other two occur throughout the year and usually include something fun and informative. This year we plan to do one in Feb/Mar and one in Apr/May. 2015-2016 6 Board Meetings: There is a PTA board meeting on the first Thursday of every month at 9:15am, usually in the Media Center. All PTA Board Members are required to attend these meetings and may vote. Other PTA members are welcome to attend, but cannot vote. In these meetings, board members plan events, organize committees, give updates, brainstorm and make decisions. Ms. Webley serves as liaison to the PTA. She attends the on-campus meetings and gives updates on what is going on in the school and what she needs from the PTA. She also takes questions and input. If you have ideas you want to share or wish to get involved, come to one of these meetings and see what it’s all about! PTA Executive Board (and Homeroom Rep Coordinators) President Cari Diez VP Communications Yulia Meusel VP Programs Terri Hrynyk VP Fundraising Brooke Benson Treasurer Gary Clute Recording Secretary Theresa McNeil Parliamentarian Nanette Campbell 2015-2016 Corresponding Secretary Jayme Fairhurst Homeroom Rep. Co-Chairs Shannon Abayasekera Karen DePriest 7 PTA 2015 – 2016 Executive Board Position Executive Committee Principal President 1st Vice President (Communications) 2nd Vice President (Programs) 3rd Vice President (Fundraising) Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Parliamentarian 1st VP - Communications Advisor to President Directory Chair Directory Co-Chair ESE Liaison Chair Gifted Liaison Chair Membership Chair MS Liaison Chair Nominating Committee SAC Liaison Chair Website Chair Welcoming/Kindergarten Committee Chair Welcoming/Kindergarten Committee Co-Chair 2nd VP - Programs ADDitions Chair ADDitions Co-Chair Book Fair Chair Book Fair Co-Chair Hospitality Chair Dads' Committee Chair Moms' Committee Chair Moms' Committee Co-Chair Mom's Committee Co-Chair Homeroom Rep Chair Homeroom Rep Co-Chair Mascot Coordinator Chair Grounds/Beautification Chair Grounds/Beautification Co-Chair Family Event (Father/Daughter), (Mother/Son) Chair Family Event (Father/Daughter), (Mother/Son) Co-Chair Family Event (Father/Daughter), (Mother/Son) Co-Chair Reflections Chair 3rd VP - Fundraising Fun Run Chair Fun Run Co-Chair Fun Run Co-Chair Partners in Ed Chair Partners in Ed Co- Chair Box Tops Chair T-Shirts Chair T-Shirts Co-Chair 2015-2016 Name Phone Email Tracy Webley Cari Diez Yuliya Meusel Terri Hrynyk Brooke Benson Gary Clute Theresa McNeil Jayme Fairhurst Nanette Campbell Yuliya Meusel Kim Richard Kory Reichert Linda Smith 407-296-5100 321-662-8729 415-307-9995 321-287-6281 407-965-9705 407-399-5552 267-474-4983 407-538-7511 407-864-8540 415-307-9995 407-521-0564 970-556-4805 407-453-4888 Karen DePriest Jaqueline Calle Bethany Narzissenfeld TBD Joanna Bradford Michelle Dietrich 636-587-2575 321-247-1459 407-286-3113 407-291-6077 817-312-1375 Molly Smiley 860-302-5953 Theresa McNeil Terri Hrynyk Linda Smith Jeanette Drewes Billie LaVerdi Theresa McNeil Billie LaVerdi Deborah Armitage Rebecca Martin Linda Smith Billie LaVerdi Shannon Abayasekera Karen DePriest Jacque Modlin Terri Hrynyk Linda Smith 267-474-4983 321-287-6281 407-453-4888 407-298-0306 918-200-5574 267-474-4983 918-200-5574 407-353-8963 305-903-9087 407-453-4888 918-200-5574 407-592-5270 636-587-2575 407-2472-6978 321-287-6281 407-453-4888 Reema Hayden 407-286-5287 Cari Diez 321-662-8729 Yuliya Meusel Mary Perez Brooke Benson Sally Anthony Brooke Benson Jennifer Stoetzer Jennifer Stoetzer Sally Anthony Angelika Knight Sorrow Jenny Hewitt Bethany Narzissenfeld 321-402-9393 407-970-0779 407-965-9705 407 353 1833 407-965-9705 386-569-8626 386-569-8626 407 353 1833 407-883-9348 407-608-9819 407-286-3113 8 School Advisory Council (SAC) The SAC is an advisory board for the principal. It consists of representatives elected from parent, teacher, and community groups. Each member must commit to attend a minimum of eight out of the 10 scheduled evening meetings (usually the 2 nd Tuesday of each month). Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have a concern or question, this is the place to address it. Each year the SAC develops goals and activities to meet the needs and concerns of our school community, and the result is our annual School Improvement Plan. The SAC functions as a resource to the principal, as members work as a team to accomplish school improvement goals. If interested in being on this committee this year, please Contact Principal Tracy Webley at Partners In Education Partnerships match community resources to identified needs of the school district or individual schools. Schools in turn provide resources to meet identified needs of a particular partner such as a business or community group. Partners often contribute more than money to the program. They donate time and expertise, send tutors and mentors to volunteer in the classroom, speak to classes about their business or organization, and invite students on field trips. For more information on this program or to find out how to become a Partner, Contact Sally Anthony at or Laura Matthews at Additional Volunteer Opportunities Media Center Assistant: This may include working at the circulation desk, cataloguing and shelving books, using a computer, mending books, and/or operating audiovisual equipment. Contact the Media Center at 407-296-5100 ext. 410-2227. Teach In (Career Day) Teach In brings business and civic leaders into the classrooms in a fun and engaging way to talk with students about academics, careers and the future. You can read a book, talk about your career, your travels, your hobby, your culture, your life experiences, etc. Contact Mary Beth Smoot at or Laura Matthews at Mentor Program The Mentor program matches volunteering staff members or community volunteers with students who may benefit from a mentor. The purpose of the Under Our Wing program is to provide role models who will build relationships with students by providing care and support in order to improve academic performance and character development to support success in life. Research regarding resiliency and children shows that if a child at risk has one positive adult relationship during his/her childhood, the likelihood that the child will become a successful adult is far greater. Come be a part of this phenomenal program that is positively impacting the lives of kids! Contact Guidance Counselor, Ms. Van Sickle at 2015-2016 9 August 24 28 September 2 3 4 7 9 14-18 15 17 18 24 29 October 1 8 15 16 21 22 23 26 29 30 November 2 3 5 7 10 13 17 23-27 December 1 3 3 15 16 17 21-31 January 1 5, 12 6 7 14 15 18 27 29 2015-2016 2015-2016 WR PTA Community Calendar First Day of School/Welcome Breakfast, PTA Gen. Mtg. 8:45 Spirit Night: Let's Skate 3:30-10pm HR Rep Training 9:30-10:30, Media Center PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:30am School Picture Day Labor Day-No School ADDitions Training 9:30-11am Media Center, light refreshments served Book Fair K-2 Open House, and Ice Cream Social/Partners Night 5-6:30pm 3-5 Open House, and Ice Cream Social/Partners Night 5-6:30pm Dads & Donuts, 7:30-8:15am, Cafeteria Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night (drivethrough included) 5:30-7:30 Fun Run Pep Rally PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:45am Fine Arts Showcase, 6pm Middle School Open House, and Ice Cream Social/Partners Night 5:00-6:30pm Fun Run Event (money due) Final Fun Run prizes go home End of Q1 No School No School Flippers Spirit Night, 4:00-8:00pm Prize drawing and Top 10 prizes awarded 8:45am Media Center Hearing Screenings Fun Run Chick-Fil-A lunch for $200+ prize winners PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:45am Mother-son Multi-Sport Picnic, 11am-1pm Windy Ridge Pavilion Fun Run Limo ride to Menchies for $350+ prize winners Fun Run Pizza party for winning grade level Firehouse Subs Spirit Night, 5:00-8:00pm Thanksgiving Break Band Concert, 6pm PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:30am, 11:30am PTA Board Holiday Luncheon Orchestra Concert, 6pm Chorus, Recorder, and Drama Performance, 6pm Holiday Parties Holiday Parties Winter Break Winter Break Elementary Honors Strings Orchestra Rehearsal, 4pm Talent Show Auditions, 2-5pm, café (by appointment) PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:45am End of Q2 No School Martin Luther King Bday- No School Talent Show Dress Rehearsal Talent Showcase 10 February 4 6 15 15 19 22-26 25 March 3 3 17 18-25 April 7 7 15 May 2-6 4 5 6 10 12 17 19 20 23 30 June 3 3 3 6 7 8 2015-2016 PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:45am Orlando Solar Bears Spirit Night President's Day, No School Spirit Day: Fun Spot, 10am-8pm (No School) Father-daughter dance, 6-8pm, café Book Fair Reading Night Program, PTA General Meeting PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:45am Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night (drivethrough included) 5:30-7:30 End of Q3 Spring Break, No School PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:45am Camp Night Expo, Last PTA General Meeting, 6-7:30pm, café Firehouse Subs Spirit Night, 5:00-8:00pm Teacher Appreciation Week Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, 2:15, café PTA Board Mtg., 9:15-10:45am, End of Year Board Luncheon Moms & Muffins, 7:30-8:15am Band Concert 6:00 Orchestra Concert 6:00 Middle School Drama 6:00 Middle School Drama 6:01 Jeremiah's Spirit Night 3:00-8:00pm Chorus/Recorder Concert 6:00 Memorial Day-No School 5th grade celebration, 11-2, café 8th grade celebration, 6:00pm Let's Skate Spirit Night, 3:30-8:00pm End of Year Parties End of Year Parties Last Day School, End of Q4 11 V. OCPS ADDitions Volunteer Guidelines OCPS ADDitions Volunteer Guidelines Volunteers must MAINTAIN STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY concerning information they see and hear concerning students and staff, including students' grades, records, and abilities. Volunteers DO NOT discipline students. Please report discipline problems to the teacher. Volunteers must always be supervised when working with students. They may not supervise a classroom or give permission for a student to leave a classroom. These are the teachers' responsibilities. Volunteers agree to abide by School Board Policy: ADC, Tobacco-Free Schools & Facilities Volunteers agree to report Child Abuse or Suspected Abuse to site administrator and the Department of Children and Families at 1.800.96ABUSE (1.800.962.2873). Volunteers may not give any medication to students. Volunteers do not diagnose student weaknesses and strengths, prescribe activities for students, or evaluate student progress. Volunteers' discussions with teachers should not interrupt class time. Volunteers are not to bring preschool children into the classroom during instruction time. Volunteers' comments should not be written on student papers that are to be sent home. Volunteers should not laugh at or belittle student answers or efforts. Volunteers should contact ONLY school staff members with any concerns regarding students. Volunteers are assigned only to staff members who request their services. Volunteers should set a good example for students by their manner, appearance, and behavior, and should be well groomed and appropriately dressed. Comparing and criticizing teachers and students are not acceptable volunteer behaviors. Volunteers should be in good physical and mental health. Volunteers may not hold informal parent/teacher conferences or leisure conversations with staff members or other volunteers during volunteer time. Volunteers may not conduct personal business at school. Volunteers should never touch students in any way that is aggressive, disciplinary or sexual in nature. All volunteers must Sign In and Out at a location designated by the principal before proceeding to their volunteer site during and after school hours. All volunteers or visitors MUST WEAR AN IDENTIFYING NAMETAG approved by the school’s administration. 2015-2016 12 ADDitions School Volunteer Code of Ethics ADDitions School Volunteers are to observe all rules that students are asked to obey. (Refer to Student Code of Conduct). ADDitions School Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves as professionals. ADDitions School Volunteers should refrain from using first names in the presence of students. Mutual respect for students and fellow workers shall be shown. In a professional environment certain phrases will not be tolerated, i.e. “shut up”. 6B-1.06 Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. The following disciplinary rule shall constitute the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida. Violation of any of these principles shall subject the individual to revocation or suspension of the individual volunteering status or the other penalties as provided by the law. 1. Obligation to the student requires that the individual: and/or physical health and/or safety. Shall not unreasonably deny a student access to diverse points of view. aragement. nic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition, sexual orientation, or social and family background and shall make reasonable effort to assure that each student is protected from harassment or discrimination. n or advantage. disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by the law. 2. Obligation to the public requires that the individual: organization with which the individual is affiliated. ional matter in direct or indirect public expression. or to obtain special advantages. 3. Obligation to the profession of education requires that the volunteer: nic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition if otherwise qualified, or social and family background deny to a colleague professional benefits or advantages or participation in any professional organization. dual’s exercise of political or civil rights and responsibilities. performance of professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of education or which creates a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive environment; and, further, shall make reasonable effort to assure that each individual is protected from such harassment or discrimination. cious or intentionally false statements about a student or teacher. teachers. hall not submit fraudulent information on any document in connection with professional activities. 4. Self-report Offenses (adopted from OCPS Management Directive A-10) The security and safety of our employees, students and guests is of paramount importance. To this end, all volunteers shall adhere to the following guidelines. All arrests and convictions (with the exception of minor traffic offenses) of all volunteers shall be self-reported within 48 hours to Orange County Public Schools Community Resources department. Such notice shall not be considered an admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial. The appropriate authority to self-report arrests and convictions is the Community Resources. A phone message can be left 24 hours a day at (407) 317-3323, and the volunteer must provide a written follow-up statement within five business days of leaving the message. Failure to self-report may result in dismissal. 2015-2016 13 ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHAPERONE GUIDELINES FOR FIELD TRIPS The field trip supervisor must be a faculty member of the institution taking the trip. All chaperones must be at least 21 years of age and a member of the school faculty/staff or a district registered volunteer. Overnight chaperones must assume a 24-hour day responsibility for students from the time they leave until the time they return. The level of student supervision of students while on a field trip is no less than the level of supervision of students required when students are on campus, participating in class, or participating in other school or school board activities. Chaperones are expected to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline, the Civility Policy and shall report all suspected violations to the field trip supervisor immediately. Chaperones may not discipline a student, staff member and another chaperone. Drinking of alcoholic beverages by a chaperone at any time during a field trip is prohibited. Chaperones must actively supervise and keep an accurate check on members assigned to them. Overnight chaperones may not retire until all students are in their rooms, all visiting between rooms has stopped, and the chaperones are sure the students are secure. Gender of the group members shall be considered when assigning chaperones and floor assignments. Chaperones will not be permitted to bring siblings of participating students or other persons on a field trip. Parents or student relatives who are not chaperones or student participants in a field trip will not be permitted to join a field trip at its destination unless they are approved volunteers by OCPS. Such individuals will be assigned a specific group of students in addition to their child/relative to supervise. Chaperones must wear appropriate clothing at all times. Appropriate clothing is defined as being dressed from neck/shoulder area to mid-thigh or knee area. Medical release waivers for each student shall be carried on all field trips. In case of an accident, the medical release waivers shall be presented to the treating physician. A student’s permission slip shall be attached to the student injury incident report which is required with an accident. Chaperones are required to report any illness of students to the field trip supervisor/sponsor immediately. THANK YOU 2015-2016 14