Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Ukraine of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Surname: KOLIABINA 2. Name: IRYNA 3. Date and place of birth: 19.01.1964, Azerbaijan 4. Nationality: Ukrainian 5. Civil Status: married 1. Education: School: Date: From (months/year): To (months/year): Degree: Secondary schools N177 and N178, Kyiv, Ukraine Institutions: Date: From (months/year): To (months/year): Degree: Kyiv Polytechnical Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine 2. 09.1971 06.1981 General secondary education 09.1981 02.1987 Engineer (Cybernetics of Chemical-Engineering Processes) Language skills: Language Ukrainian Russian English Level Mother Tongue High Good Passive 5 5 4 Spoken 5 5 3 Written 5 5 3 3. Membership of Professional Bodies: No 4. Other skills: computer literacy: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, software Statistica, CorelDRAWI, Program Code GEMS (user) 5. Present Position: Senior researcher, Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Ukraine of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe 6. Years of professional experience: 24 (total), including 14 (in the field of radioactive waste management) 7. Key qualifications: “Geochemistry of technogenic radionuclides and trace elements of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems”, Kiev (Ukraine), 2006 - 2010. Client: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Position: Researcher. Load: 50 % of working time. “Selection of stable blocks of the Precambrian basement to create a geological repository for radioactive waste on geological and geochemical data”, Kiev (Ukraine), 1 Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Ukraine of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe 2009-2010. Client: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Position: Researcher. Load: 25 % of working time. “Investigation of the distribution of the natural radionuclides of the uranium series in the tailings of productions for the uranium ore processing”, Kiev (Ukraine), 2009. Client: SSC “Barrier” Position: Project Manager. Load: 25 % of working time. “Theoretical and experimental simulation of long lived radionuclides behavior in the fracture systems of geological environment”, Kiev (Ukraine), 2007 – 2008. Client: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Position: Principal Researcher. Load: 25 % of working time. “Investigation of strength of long-term cesium-137 fixation on organic-mineral soil complex”, Kiev (Ukraine), 2005 – 2006. Client: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Position: Researcher. Load: 25 % of working time. “Development and application of methodology of barriers safety estimation during siting for LLW geological repository in Ukraine”, Kiev (Ukraine), 2005 – 2006. Client: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Position: Researcher. Load: 25 % of working time. “Development and application of the technology of physico-chemical and tectonophysical barriers for radionuclide in a crystalline rocks to choice the site for the LLW geological repository in Ukraine”, Kiev (Ukraine), 2004 – 2006. Client: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Position: Researcher. Load: 10 % of working time. Estimation of the Inventory of Radionuclides in Radioactive Waste Storages and Landscapes within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl (Ukraine), 2004. Client: Administration of the Exclusion Zone. Position: Expert. Load: 25 % of working time. Development of the National Program for Creation of Geological Storage for RW, Kiev (Ukraine), 2001 – 2002. Client: Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine. Position: Expert. Load: 25 % of working time. SIP, Package D: "Fuel Containing Materials", Task 19: "FCM Retrieval and RW Management Strategy", Slavutich (Ukraine), 1999 – 2000. Client: Shelter Object. Position: Expert. Load: 50 % of working time. Carrying out of Georadar Investigations of RW Storages in the Exclusion Zone, Chernobyl (Ukraine), 1998 – 2004. Client: Administration of the Exclusion Zone, Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine. Position: Expert.. Load: 25 % of working time. Development of Monitoring Program and Carrying out of Environmental Monitoring for Vector RW Storage Site, Chernobyl (Ukraine), 1996 – 2004. Client: Administration of the Exclusion Zone, Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine. Position: Expert. Load: 25 % of working time. 2 Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Ukraine of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe 8. Professional experience: Date: from (months/year) to (months/year) Location Company/organisation Position Job Description Date: from (months/year) to (months/year) Location Company/organisation Position Job Description Date: from (months/year) to (months/year) Location Company/organisation Position Job Description Date: from (months/year) to (months/year) Location Company/organisation Position Job Description 09.2004 – up to now Ukraine, Kiev Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Ukraine of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe, Kyiv, Ukraine Senior researcher, researcher of department of ecosystems radiogeochemistry Physical and chemical modelling of the radionuclide behaviour in the natural and technogenic media. Organizing and implementation of environmental projects. 03.1997 – 09.2004 Ukraine, Kiev SSC "Technocentre" Senior researcher, Senior engineer of the Department of Monitoring, Geological and Geochemical Researches and Modelling Physical and chemical modelling of the radionuclide behaviour in the natural and technogenic media, research activities on Vector Site, development of the national program for creation of geological repository, georadar investigation of RW temporary storages in the Exclusion Zone 10.1992 – 03.1997 Ukraine, Kiev Institute of Problems of Mathematical Machines and Systems, NAS of Ukraine Engineer-Programmer Physical and chemical modelling of the radionuclide behaviour in the soils of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone 04.1987 – 10.1992 Ukraine, Kiev Special Design Bureau of Mathematical Machines and Systems of Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine Engineer-Programmer, Engineer 2 categories, Engineer Physical and chemical modelling of the radionuclide behaviour in the soils of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone 3 Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Ukraine of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe 14a. Publications and Seminars: more then 30 science publications 14b. References (selected): Koliabina I., Marinich O. Kinetics of cesium-137 absorption on granitoids of the Ukrainian shield (on geological repository of radioactive waste safety) / V International Scientific Conference “Ecological Safety: Problems and Solutions”: Coll. Sciences. Art. in 2 volumes: Volume 1: Rider, 2009. - p. 167-172. I.Koliabina, V M.Makarenko, Shumlyansky. Modeling the dynamics of self-purification of groundwater production horizon after the extraction of uranium underground leaching / Abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference “On the evolution of the mineral resource base of uranium Ukraine, its extraction and refinement” (Uranium – 2009), Kyiv, 15-17 October, 2009. pp.87-88. Koliabina I., Synytsyn V., Shurpach N., Koliabina D. Clay minerals in waste isolation technologies: modeling solubility of natural clays and verification of thermodynamic models for Illite and Montmorillonite / Geochemistry and Ore Formation, - 2009, v.27, pp. 124-127 (ukr). Koliabina I.L., Synytsyn V.О., Subbotin A.G., Marinich О.V., Shurpach N.О. Influens of physico-chemical conditions of crystalline rocks fracture waters of the Ukrainian shield on initial concentrations of formation of long-live radionuclide solids // Proceedings of the institute of fundamental studies. – K, 2008, N13, pp. 120-128 (ukr). Koliabina I.L., Kononenko L.V., Synytsyn V.О. Modelling of cesium sorption on illite // Proceedings of the institute of fundamental studies. – K, 2007, N12, pp. 145-155 (ukr). V.Shumlyansky, M.Makarenko, I.Koliabina, A.Subbotin, V.Synchuk, O.Synyuk, A. Bakarzhiev, V.Davydov, O.Aleksandrov. Nature environmental monitoring after the uranium in situ leaching completion. K., - 2007. P.212 (ukr). Koliabina I.L. Modeling of U(VI) and Sr sorption on silicon oxide // Collected papers of Institute of Environment Geochemistry. – K., 2006, N 13, pp.45-55 (ukr). Koliabina I., Shumlyanskyy V.O. Mathematical simulation of casing pipes refinement from radioactive scales // Proceedings of the international workshop in geoenvironment and geotechnics (GEOENV 2005). Milos, Greece, 12-14 September. 2005. pp177-182. Sinitsyn V.A., Koliabina I., Samchuk B. Application of thermodynamic modeling for the assessment of natural clay performance in engineered barriers of a surface nuclear waste repository // Abstracts of International Meeting. Clays In Natural And Engineered Barriers For Radioactive Waste Confinement.. Reims, France, December 9-12. 2002. pp.439-440. Yu.Shybetskyy, V.Chernjak, I.Koliabina. A method for assessment of cement matrix stability to 137Cs leaching by the example of complex “Vector” repositories. - Collected papers of Institute of Environmental Geochemistry. – Kiev, 2002. – Issue 3-4. – p.118. (rus) Yu.Shybetskyy, I.Koliabina. Modelling of sorption layer’s protective property for the Vector Complex repositories. - Collected papers of Institute of Environmental Geochemistry. – Kiev, 2000. – Issue 1. – p.78. (rus) Kulik D., Sinitsyn V.A., Abramis A., Proskura N., Kolyabina I. Stability of mineral matter in aqueous media of the chernobyl unit-4 shelter: thermodynamic evaluation // Mat.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.v.465, 1997, pp.1327-1331. Kulik D., Sinitsyn V.A., Abramis A., Kurepin V. Kolyabina I. Modeling inorganic speciation in waters interacting with fuel-containing masses within the Chernobyl “Sarcophagus” // Extended Abstracts. 4th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry. StMalo, France, 8-13 September, 1996, v2. 4