
Neelkanth Publishers (P) Ltd.
B – 117 B, Mangal Marg Bapu Nagar,
Jaipur– 302015, INDIA
Phone: +91-0141-2702517, 2712098, 4022517
Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Authors
Authoring a book essentially means presenting the subject in such a fashion as to make it
intelligible to the average readers. N.K has formulated some guidelines for preparing
manuscripts. The aim of these guidelines is to assist the authors in following certain
internationally accepted, standard conventions and procedures for preparing manuscripts.
Adherence to these guidelines will go a long way in the proper organization of the manuscript
and making the presentation more accessible to the reader and the style consistent throughout
the manuscript.
The most crucial factor in making the book acceptable is undoubtedly its quality, both from the
content and presentation angles. While the manuscript has to be comprehensive to cover the
syllabi (in the case of text books), it should have the desired quality.
Though the manuscript should be comprehensive, it should not be voluminous as today readers,
particularly students in some frontline areas like management and computer science have a
heavy load in terms of their studies (many may also be pursuing other professional courses
parallely), and they simply do not have time to go through a very thick book. Please remember
thick size also means higher price, and higher the price, the less willing are students to buy the
book. This will certainly affect the sale of your book.
Author’s Background/Personal Information
Please provide us your latest curriculum vitae describing your educational background, relevant
professional activities, number of times you taught this course and other writing or publishing
experience. If you have any other writing plans after the completion of this project, that may
also be mentioned. Here, we would like to know you as a person and as a professional. So kindly
mention whether you are a member of any association/professional body, related to your
About the Book/Overview
The subject of the book, its title, completion date, number of pages, the number diagrams,
photographs, type of software used, etc. need to be mentioned. Do you plan to provide
supplementary materials such as Instructors/Solutions Manual, Study Guide, CD, Answer
Book/Work Book, or any other material? The information provided can be used for the back
cover/publicity brochure of the book. So please include details such as the intended audience,
course title, and purpose of the book, general content and approach.
Contents and Outline of the Book
A voluminous manuscript will divert your attention from the original plan of the book. While
preparing the manuscript, you may overwhelm the manuscript with details and, in the final
analysis; the main purpose of the book is not served.
A carefully constructed Table of Contents and Outline—which include all the chapters, sections,
appendices, etc. will solve the problem. Referring to this outline frequently and revising it will
help you considerably. While writing, check each chapter against the proposed contents to
ensure proper development of the manuscript.
Organization of the Manuscript
Organization of a manuscript in a consistent style is so important for a manuscript, especially
for a text/reference book. This basically means that the proposed book should have,in every
chapter, proper Introduction, Learning Objectives (particularly for management books),
consistently numbered sections and subsections, Worked-out examples, Problems/Exercises,
Solutions to Problems, detailed References/Bibliography at the end of the book, and finally, the
Index. Besides, depending on the subject, the manuscript should have figures/photographs,
tables, exhibits and case studies (especially for management books).
Target Audience
What made you feel the book is worth publishing? What is the level of your book? Who are its
intended readers? Is the book to be used as a text? Which course is it designed or intended for?
Please mention the following also: .
Whether your book is suitable for any particular training course, (short-term courses,
MDP/executive programmes in the case of management books, libraries, or any special
Whether you have any knowledge of how the competing titles have sold through various
channels, for example, retail stores, book clubs, societies, and university/institute
If you have done any market research, we would appreciate receiving a brief summary of
your findings.
Here, please describe, in one or two paragraphs, the approach and aim of the book and its
outstanding features.
Market Analysis/Competition
Kindly give an analytical study of your book and its competitors. At least three books in the
same subject or topic with a different approach to content, technology, organisation of topics,
and so on are to be considered.
While comparing and contrasting with each title, please point out the special features of your
book over the competing ones. Each book is to be discussed in separate paragraphs and should
give details such as the title, author, publisher, edition, publication date, and the retail price.
The discussion points are: topical coverage, content organisation, level (UG/PG, Technical)
writing style, pedagogy, features such as number of tables, figures, exhibits, Case Studies as well
as similarities and differences between your book and the competing books.
Please try to be frank on details. This information is written for reviewers, providing them with
a comparative frame work and has to accurately reflect your views.
It is important to mention if there are many books on the subject, especially well-established
ones, what is the need for publishing your book, and the edge your book may have over others.
Sample Chapters for Evaluation
Provide at least two representative sample chapters which illustrate the strong and striking
aspects of the book. Introductory chapter is to be avoided. The chapters need not be in a
sequence, but it is so important to have the suggested illustrations, tables/exhibits, integrated
with the manuscript. If the manuscript features equations, worked-out examples, exercises or
problems, then the samples of these also need to be included.
If there are Case Studies, a few of these also may be sent.
The detailed Table of Contents should be submitted along with the sample chapters so that one
can have an overview of the whole manuscript.
Submitting the Whole Manuscript
While in certain cases we may give the sample chapters along with the table of contents for
review, most often the reviewer requires the entire manuscript so that he/she gets a holistic
view of the manuscript. While sending a properly spaced hard copy (preferably double/1½
spaced), kindly check it thoroughly from all angles, especially for contents, organization,
presentation, and uniformity of style.
Other Information
Please go through the following:
What schedule of completion do you have in mind for the book?
What will be the approximate width of your work (No. of pages)?
What is the software being used for typing the manuscript?
What kind of art work is needed?
What is the estimated number of line drawings and tables? (Please refer to competing
books also.)
List of names and affiliations of qualified reviewers who are considered experts in the field
(with their telephone numbers).
Please mention whether this or any portion of this material (including figures, tables, etc.)
was published earlier and who holds the copyright. Do we require any further permission?
Please put forward your suggestions, comments and questions.
Where to send :
The Chief Editor
The Editorial Division
Neelkanth Publishers (P) Ltd.
B – 117 B, Mangal Marg Bapu Nagar,
Jaipur– 302015, INDIA
Phone: +91-0141-2702517, 2712098, 4022517