EPSC 549 Hydrogeology Winter, 2005 Lab 9: Geochemistry of the West Camp Extraction Well Background: The West Camp Extraction Well is located near the bottom of Missoula Gulch. It pumps groundwater out of the flooded “West Camp” mine workings on Butte Hill. Table 1 gives a complete chemical analysis of West Camp water, collected in September of 2000. Table 1. Chemical analysis of West Camp Pumping Well. PARAMETERS MEASURED IN THE FIELD T = 13.2C pH = 6.81 SC = 1296 S/cm Eh = +65 mV a, -180mV b alkalinity = 270 mg/L CaCO3 total dissolved sulfide = 0.093 mg/L turbidity = 0.78 NTU flow rate ~ 200 gallon/minute PARAMETERS MEASURED IN THE LABORATORY analyte ppm analyte ppb +2 + Ca 167 Ag <2 Mg+2 48.3 Al+3 < 30 Na+ 45.8 As 109 + K 6.91 B 225 Fe+2 1.21 Ba+2 24.3 +2 +2 Mn 4.64 Be <2 +2 SiO2(aq) 17.9 Cd <2 H2CO3(aq) 88.2 c Co+2 <2 c +2 HCO3 326 Cu <2 CO320.11 c Li+ 34.7 SO42391 Ni+2 5.58 +2 Cl 40.8 Pb <2 H2S(aq) 0.059d Sr+2 1790 HS0.034 d Zn+2 9.07 a b measured Eh (corrected to SHE); calculated Eh (based on H2S/SO42-) c calculated from pH, temperature, and alkalinity, using MINTEQ; d calculated from pH, temperature, and total S2-, using MINTEQ Assignment: 1) Calculate the TDS (total dissolved solids) of this water, using ppm units. Do this by summing up the ppm columns for all analytes. (Don’t worry about the trace analytes). A general rule of thumb given in class is that TDS (ppm) = SC (S/cm)*0.6. How well does this relationship hold in this case? (+/- 10% is good for this type of ballpark calculation). EPSC 549 Hydrogeology Winter, 2005 2) Create a new column that lists each analyte and its concentration in millimolal units. To convert from ppm to mmol, divide each analyte by its GFW. To convert from ppb to mmol, divide by (1,000*GFW). 3) Create a new column that lists the milli-equivalents (meq) of charge for each analyte. To do this, multiply your mmol concentration by the charge of the ion. (+3, -2, etc..). Keep track of positive or negative charges. 4) Sum up all of the positive charges (cations, in meq), and compare to the negative charges (anions, in meq). Perform a charge balance calculation, using the following equation: charge imbalance (%) = sumcations sumanions 0.5 sumcations sumanions x 100 Note that the brackets, denote absolute value. A good analysis should have a charge imbalance less than 10%. Is this true in this case? 5) Another general rule of thumb is that the measured specific conductance is roughly equal to 100 x ( meq cations ). How well does this approximation hold for the present case? Compare to your answer for #1. 6) Calculate the ionic strength of this water. You can do this fairly quickly using your spreadsheet. Just calculate miZi2 for each ion, sum them up, and divide by 2. 7) Use your answer for #5 and the extended Debye-Huckel equation to calculate individual ion activity coefficients for Mn2+, Ca2+, SO42- (sulfate ion), and CO32(carbonate ion). Assume T = 15C. (See p. 351-353 of Fetter). 8) Calculate ion activities for Mn2+, Ca2+, SO42-, and CO32-. Recall that ai = mi x i 9) Calculate the ion activity product (IAP) and saturation index (SI) of this water with respect to the minerals rhodochrosite (MnCO3), calcite (CaCO3), and gypsum (hydrous CaSO4). Use the following equation: SI = log (IAP/Ksp) Where IAP is the observed “ion activity product”, and Ksp is the experimentallydetermined solubility product for each mineral. Assume that the solubility product (Ksp) of rhodochrosite is 10–10.39, of calcite is 10–8.48, and of gypsum is 10-4.58. Is this water super-saturated, under-saturated, or close to equilibrium with these 3 minerals? (“Close to equilibrium” means that that the saturation index is within +/- 0.3 log units of zero). 10) Calculate the partial pressure of CO2 for West Camp water. Use the following relationship: EPSC 549 Hydrogeology Winter, 2005 KCO2 = mH2CO3/PCO2 where PCO2 is the carbon dioxide partial pressure, in bars. Use data in Table 9.4 to get KCO2 at 15C. Is your calculated PCO2 of the groundwater less than or greater than the partial pressure of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere? (roughly 0.0002 bars). EXTRA CREDIT (0.5 pts.): If the sample of West Camp water is left in a bucket and allowed to equilibrate with air, will the pH of the water go up or down with time? Briefly explain your answer. 11) Calculate the “total hardness” of this water. From Drever (p. 13): hardness (in mg/L CaCO3 eq.) = 2.5(ppm Ca2+) + 4.1(ppm Mg2+) Classify this water as “soft”, “moderately hard”, “hard”, or “very hard”: Hardness range (mg/L CaCO3) 0-60 61-120 121-180 More than 180 Classification (Hem, p. 159) Soft Moderately hard Hard Very hard 12). For certain divalent metals, the Montana State WQB-7 standard for aquatic life is referenced to total hardness. In the long version of WQB-7, you will find the following information. Chronic regulatory standard (ppb) = exp{mc[ln(hardness)]+bc} Zn2+ Aquatic life, chronic exposure mc bc 0.8473 0.884 Use this equation to calculate the regulatory standard for chronic exposure of aquatic life to Zn, for the actual hardness of MSD water. [NOTE: the maximum hardness that WQB7 will allow you to input is 400 mg/kg. If your calculated hardness is greater than this, then enter 400 mg/kg). Does this water exceed the State standard? 13) The new EPA arsenic standard for human health is 10 ppb. Does West Camp water exceed this standard? How many grams of As are pumped out of the West Camp flooded mine workings in 1 day?