DOC - Europa

Brussels, 23 July 2004
The EU Descartes Prize Finalists 2004
To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Descartes Prize, on July 12th, the
European Commission staged an event in Brussels, with former winners, the
Grand Jury and other members of the Descartes community. The aim was to
look at the story of the winning teams since receiving their awards, and also
to announce this year’s finalists. During the anniversary event, two
Descartes laureates from 2002 and 2003, Prof. Lars Fugger (Denmark) of the
University of Oxford and Prof. Véronique Dehant (Belgium) of the Royal
Observatory of Belgium, shared their personal experiences and explained
how the Prize helped them in their research on respectively multiple
sclerosis and the positioning of Earth in the universe. The anniversary event
also revealed the best submissions for this year’s Descartes Prize. The 2004
finalists comprise eight research teams, made up of researchers from 20
countries across the EU, plus Bulgaria, Switzerland and non-European third
countries such as the US. The finalists have addressed some of the most
fundamental challenges of our time in key life sciences and technology
Five years of rewarding scientific excellence
Prize laureates have developed key technological applications: one of the first
projects awarded in 2000 in the field of electronics has resulted in 7 patent
applications. Others have started collaborating actively with private companies. For
instance, one of the 2001 winning teams is now marketing new asymmetric catalysts
for chemical manufacturing thanks to the collaboration with a major pharmaceutical
The 2004 EU Descartes Prize Ceremony
The work of the eight short-listed teams is evaluated by the Descartes Grand Jury,
bringing together renowned personalities from various academic disciplines,
industrial and public life. The Jury is chaired by Prof. Ms. Ene Ergma (Estonia), Vicepresident of the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Chairperson of the Estonian
This year’s Descartes Award Ceremony will take place on 2 December in the
prestigious surroundings of the famous Prague Castle (Czech Republic). The
ceremony will provide an outside view of European research and will look at
comparing research priorities in Europe and key markets in North and Latin America
and Asia.
The 2004 Descartes Finalists
Field of research:
Project coordinator:
Prof Vincenzo BALZANI
Università di Bologna
Selmi 2
40126 Bologna - Italy
Prof. Fritz Vögtle, Rheinische-Friiedrich-Wilhems-Universität Bonn, Germany
Prof. Luisa De Cola, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Objectives of the project:
The aim of the project was to design, construct and operate phototonic molecular
devices based on dendrimers. Dendrimers are a new class of well-defined
macromolecules, exhibiting a tree-like architecture of nano dimension: they are
currently attracting great attention because of their unusual chemical and physical
properties. The project has led to novel concepts and ideas for the development of
the important areas of chemistry and nanoscience.
2. Project CSNM
Field of research:
Project co-ordinator:
Center for Computational Materials Science, CMS,
PO BOX 134
Getreidemarkt 9
A-1060 Vienna - Austria
Dr. Vaclav Drchal, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
DR. Laszlo Szunyogh, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Objectives of the project:
Novel materials and their physical properties play a crucial role in high technology
industry and its future development. The research team is specialised since almost
15 years on developing quantum mechanically based approaches and ab-initio
computational schemes in order to described and evaluate not only the electronic
and magnetic structure of novel materials but also their physical properties such as
electric and magneto-optical transport, relevant for practical applications.
3. Project IST-QuComm
Field of research:
Project coordinator:
Prof Anders KARLSSON
Kungl Tekniska Högskolan
Valhallavaegen 79
100 44 Stockholm - Sweden
Prof. Harald Weinfurter, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
Prof. Anton Zeilinger, Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Artur Ekert, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Prof. Nicolas Gisin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Richard Hughes, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US
Dr. Thierry Debuisschert, Thales, France
Prof. John G. Rarity, QinetiQ, United Kingdom
Objectives of the project:
The IST-QuComm project took quantum technologies outside the laboratory with a
number of breakthroughs that may shape communication technology not only in the
future, but also in the shorter term with the promise of a global network for secure
communications. The project demonstrated that quantum cryptography for
fundamentally secure communications could be used in practice, such as in the very
first bank transfer guaranteed by quantum technologies done at a public
demonstration in Vienna.
4. Project APLOMB
Field of research:
Project co-ordinator:
University of Sussex
BN1 9RH Falmer – Brighton - UK
Prof. Gines Lifante, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Dr. Ronald MacAlpine, ElectronTubes Limited, United Kingdom
Dr. Jonathon Howorth, Photek Limited, United Kingdom
Dr. Thorsten Bauer, Laser Zentrum Hannover, Germany
Dr. Bojan Erjavec, Institute of Metal and Technology, Slovenia
Dr. Latchezar Avramov, Optella LTD, Bulgaria
Dr. Lorenzo Costa, Novara Technology, Italy
Dr. Maria Gonzales, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Mediaambientales
y Tecnologicas, Spain
Objectives of the project:
The key objective of the project is the development of efficient photon detectors to
measure low intensity luminescence. The approach started with detailed theoretical
modelling of cathode performance, using data from new experimental methods to
derive the dielectric constants of cathode materials. Theoretical modelling of
structured cathodes and optical interactions indicated methods to improve sensibility.
5. Project MAFTIA
Field of research:
Information Sciences
Project coordinator:
Dr Robert STROUD
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
7 Kensington Terrace
NE1 7RU Newcastle upon Tyne - UK
Dr. David Powell, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Délégation
Midi-Pyrénées, France
Prof. Paulo JE Veríssimo, Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Dr. Christian Cachin, International Business Machines Corp, Zurich Research
Laboratory, Switzerland
Dr. Sadie Creese, QinetiQ, United Kingdom
Andre Adelsbach, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Objectives of the project:
Large network infrastructures such as the Internet are vital for citizens to benefit from
the services provided by the Information Society. However users must be able to
trust services offered to them. MAFTIA investigated the use of fault tolerance
techniques to build dependable systems that are intrusion tolerant, i.e. able to
continue providing a secure service, despite the presence of malicious faults
(deliberate attacks on the security system). The project’s major innovation was a
comprehensive approach for tolerating both accidental faults and malicious attacks
in large-scale distributed systems.
6. Project MBAD
Field of research:
Life Sciences
Project coordinator:
Prof Howard Trevor JACOBS
University of Tampere
FIN-33014 Tampere - Finland
Prof. Nils-Göran Larsson, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Dr. Ian J. Holt, Medical research Council, United Kingdom
Dr. Massimo Zeviani, Istituto Nazionale Neurologico “Carlo Besta”, Italy
Dr. Pierre Rustin, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche médicale,
Objectives of the project:
The research tem contributed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying
mitochondrial disease and ageing, and the core functions of the mitochondrial
genetic systems. Mitochondrial diseases are now recognised as one of the most
important classes of inherited neurological disease.
7. Project Local Therapy
Field of research:
Life Sciences
Project coordinator:
Prof John Francis MARTIN
University College of London
Gower Street
WC1E 6BT London - UK
Prof. Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, University of Kuopio, Finland
Prof. Georg Breier, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany
Prof. Rodolfo Paoletti, University of Milan, Italy
Objectives of the project:
The research team contributed to discover new methods of local delivery of drugs in
the body and to understand the pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system. In
particular a reservoir for the delivery of drugs allowed an understanding if a novel
role of vascular endothelial growth factor as an arterioprotective agent in vessels.
8. Project uPAR
Field of research:
Life Sciences
Field of research:
Prof Francesco BLASI
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Via Olgettina 58
20132 Milan
Prof. Keld Dano, Finsen Laboratory, Rigshospitalet, Denmark
Objectives of the project:
The research team has worked in the field of extracelullar proteolysis, cell migration
and cancer, working on the urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen
receptor (UPA/uPAR). The collaboration has led to important discoveries like the
molecular structure of uPAR, the identification of a variety of UPA and UPAR
interactors, the mechanisms through which uPA/uPAR influence cell migration, the
importance of this system in this cancer phenotype and its use in predicting disease
outcome and response to therapy.