A survey of the microbiological water quality of coastal and fresh waters in the Dublin area Yuliya Shakalisava, Christina Doherty, Wojciech Hahnel, Dermot Diamond Marine Institute Beaufort Sensors Initiative1 Adaptive Sensors Group National Centre for Sensor Research Dublin City University May 2010 1 This work was supported under the Marine Institute Beaufort Sensors Initiative. For more information see www.ncsr.ie/Beaufort/index_home.html Table of contents ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... 3 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS ..................................................................................................... 7 2.1 WATER SAMPLES ...................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 COLIFORM ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 7 2.3 PHOSPHATE ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................. 7 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 8 3.1 URBAN WATER QUALITY .......................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 POINT OF SOURCE CONTAMINATION ....................................................................................................10 3.3 RURAL CONTAMINATION .......................................................................................................................12 3.4 PHOSPHATE AND MICROBIOLOGICAL WATER QUALITY ....................................................................13 3.5 NORTH DUBLIN COASTAL AREA............................................................................................................14 4. CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................................15 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................................16 APPENDIX I. E. COLI AND TOTAL COLIFORMS (TC) COUNTS IN WATER SAMPLES..17 APPENDIX II. MAPS OF THE INVESTIGATED AREA. ............................................................ 35 APPENDIX III. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SITES. ......................................................................43 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................50 2 Abstract The microbiological pollution of water is a serious global environmental issue. The pollution of water with human and animal waste is a source of hazardous pathogens and, unfortunately, contamination of natural water bodies poses a serious health risk. The acceptable microbiological quality of water (inland, coastal and transitional) is directed by the European Union (EU) and Ireland must be compliant with the good water quality criteria by 2015. The aims of this study were to (1) survey pollution levels in rivers, canals and coastal waters under varying conditions, (2) to identify where possible the causes of the contamination, and (3) to compare the findings with the limits as set out in the relevant EU directive. A total of over 100 water samples have been analysed for the presence of total coliforms and E. coli. The sampling locations were selected in the rivers and canals of the urban Dublin area, in the local rural environment, and along the North Dublin seashore. The additional analysis of water samples for the content of phosphate was performed for background information. The results of this study show the presence of high levels of faecal contamination in the majority of the water samples taken. The Canals of inner Dublin city area were shown to have the best microbiological water quality. Dangerously high counts of faecal coliforms were detected at several sampling points in the Irish Sea coastal area. 1. Introduction The pollution of water is a serious environmental issue on an international scale. The aquatic environment has to be protected by legally enforceable quality stantards. In the European Union, the Water Framework Directive (WFD)1 requires the Member States to make sure their waters achieve and maintain at least ‘good water quality’ status by 2015. The following EU regulations2 were directed in order to achieve this: Bathing Water Directive, Drinking Water Directive, Environmental Impact Assessment Directive, Sewage Sludge Directive, Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, Nitrate Directive, Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Directive, etc. Some other basic measures include cost recovery for water use, measures to promote efficient and sustainable use, 3 protection of drinking water sources, authorisation of discharges to groundwater, control of point source discharges and diffuse source pollution, prevention or reduction of accidental pollution, etc. According to the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)3 not all Irish waters sampled meet the good water quality status. Eutrophication is one of the main threats to the water quality, arising from the discharge of fertilisers, sewage and detergents. The unsatisfactory microbiological condition of private group water schemes and groundwater is a major issue for Irish drinking water, with up to 30 times the UK E. coli level in some cases, according to an EPA report4. Only 40% of estuarine and coastal areas are classified as unpolluted. Up to 52% of all monitoring locations for ground water confirmed bacteriological pollution at some stage. The overall prognosis predicts that ‘good water status’1 might not be achieved by 2015 for 64% of rivers, 64% of lakes, 53% of estuarine waters, 27% of coastal waters and 62% of groundwaters3. In order to successfully accomplish the measures for improvement of water quality it is necessary to know the sources of the pollution. Depending on the nature chemical contamination, it can be easily attributed to the industrial or domestic discharge from the compositional ‘fingerprint’ obtained from analytical measurements. However, in the case of microbiological or faecal contamination of water, it is often difficult to pinpoint the origin; expensive and very sophisticated sampling and analysis methods are required for this. Faecal pollution commonly arises from human or domestic and feral animal faecal materials. Since many water bodies, such as rivers, would have the access to both source types (i.e. passing through urban and rural areas), it is a difficult task to absolutely identify sources and take measures for improvement, and take successful legal action against those responsible for the pollution. Sewage treatment utilities and animal processing plants discharge wastewater and have the potential to adversely affect the bacterial quality of receiving5. Soil and water percolating through soil can also be contaminated if the effluent is discharged onto the land, and will eventually reach surface and ground waters6. It has been shown previously7 that grazing livestock cause faecal bacterial contamination of streams. Through this source, faecal material is delivered both by overland8 and subsurface9 flows to a waterbody. Direct evidence of faecal material can be found where animals are in close proximity to a water body10. Niemi and Niemi11 showed that wild animals also have to be taken into consideration when considering faecal pollution of natural waters. 4 Pathogenic microorganisms can cause a serious health risk even at low levels and therefore must be controlled for safety and health. Faecal pollution can also degrade the aquatic environment for shell-fishing or shell-culturing. The pollution of water by human and animal waste is a primary source of hazardous pathogens. Pathogens may be rare, difficult to culture and erratic in distribution, and therefore it is common to monitor specific bacteria that are accepted general indicators of faecal contamination. According to the guidelines and standards for water quality of World Health Organisation (WHO)12 organisms that indicate the presence of faecal contamination are the thermotolerant coliforms, collectively known as E. coli. WHO recommends analytical methods for the bacterial enumeration based on cell growth, such as the most probable number (MPN) and membrane filtration (MF) methods13. These require at least 24 hours to generate preliminary data, and 48-72 hours to confirm the results. Delays of this magnitude are obviously an issue in an emergency situation, in which decisions regarding the management of the public water supply or bathing areas have to be taken quickly in order to minimise the public health risk. Unfortunately, delays in decision making can result in situations such as occurred during the 2007 Cryptosporidium outbreak in Galway (Ireland), when the bacteria in water supply were detected after 24 hours, by which time 250 people and 900 households had been affected14. Microbiological standards of water bodies in Ireland are a subject of concern for the general public and the scientific community as cases of elevated quantities of indicator bacteria of faecal contamination have been registered in bathing, ground and drinking water. Over 8% of public water supplies were contaminated with E. coli in 2006-2007 according to an Irish EPA report, and a survey by the Food safety authority of Ireland recently revealed E. coli in 1% of Irish bottled drinking water. The main reason for non-compliance of Irish bathing water with the guide limits was elevated faecal and total coliform counts5. When considering statistics from such reports it should be appreciated that, in general, monitoring of water and air quality is done by taking 3 or 4 samples per year at a relatively small number of locations, a reflection of the labour intensive, and consequently expensive nature of environmental sampling. Given such low levels of sampling, it is a cause for concern that compliance is not being properly policed, and there could be many instances of breaches of the regulations going unnoticed. Clearly, it is important to study the contamination of water and indentify its sources in order to take the most efficient corrective actions. Cost and time, required for 5 the sampling of water and culture based methods themselves, obviously do not allow continuous monitoring of bacteriological quality of water at multiple locations. Thus, according to the latest EPA water quality report in Ireland, only 3 samples per each established location per year are being analysed (ground water)15. While monitoring of this kind is useful in establishing general information about the water quality at these locations, there are obviously large gaps in our knowledge, as bacterial numbers can vary significantly within these sampling instances, and outside of the sampling locations. With the implementation of Directive 2006/7/EC by 201516, the EU is in the midst of a radical change in the way the microbiological contamination of waterways is measured, interpreted and classified. The directive includes a change of faecal indicator bacteria to Intestinal Enterococci and E. coli and an associated adjustment to differing indicator bacteria levels for inland waters and coastal/transitional waters and water classification into 3 health risk categories (Table 1). Important environmental factors such as physical characteristics of a catchment, land management strategies within it, rainfall, stream flow and recent climatic conditions affect the impact of each source of faecal pollution17. However, the interaction between the above factors is not yet understood, and it is difficult therefore to decide specific actions that will minimise faecal contamination. Table 1: Health risk classification of bathing water according to EU directive 2006/7/EC16. * Based on 95 – percentile evaluation. ** Based on 90 – percentile evaluation Inland Water Excellent Good Sufficient Intestinal Enterococci 200* 400* 330** E. coli 500* 1000* 900** Excellent Good Sufficient Intestinal Enterococci 100* 200* 185** E. coli 250* 500* 500** Coastal Transitional Water The survey summarised in this report was conducted in an attempt to obtain a better picture of the microbiological water quality in the Dublin area and deepen the understanding of its correlation with different environmental parameters and sources of the pollution. For this study, over 100 samples were taken from various locations and 6 water bodies in and around Dublin. Urban, rural and estuarine water samples were analysed for E coli and total coliform content and the results linked where possible to the surrounding area in order to understand the possible reasons for the presence of the pollution. 2. Materials and methods 2.1 Water Samples Water samples were collected from the rivers Liffey, Dodder and Tolka, Grand Canal and Royal Canal in Dublin (Ireland) as well as coastal waters in North Co. Dublin at different times over the period November 2008 - September 2009. Maps showing the locations of all sampling points are supplied in Appendix II. The samples were collected into 500 mL sterile plastic bottle, shielded from the exposure to light, cooled with the ice packs and transported to the laboratory within a maximum of 4 hours, where they were refrigerated or analysed immediately. 2.2 Coliform analysis E.coli and total coliforms were analysied using 3 MTM PetrifilmTM, manufactured by 3M Microbiology, USA, and purchased from Reagecon, Shannon, Ireland. A 1 mL water sample was added to the Petrifilm and spread evenly over the agar area. Petrifilms were incubated at 37ºC for 24 h. Blue colonies with entrapped gas were counted as E. coli and a summary of blue colonies with gas and red colonies associated with gas - as total coliforms. Each dilution was performed in duplicate, and each experiment accompanied by a control test. Correlation of petrifilm results with the standard membrane filtration method has been reported in the literature18,19 and we have used these protocols to validate our methods through work completed in our laboratory previously20. 2.3 Phosphate analysis Phosphate analysis of water samples was performed using an in-house developed phosphate analyzer, using procedures described elsewhere21,22. 7 3. Results and discussion 3.1 Urban water quality In the urban Dublin area, samples were taken from the rivers Tolka, Dodder, and Liffey, and The Royal and Grand Canals and analysed for E. coli and total coliform counts. The resulting data is presented in Appendix I. Separately, E. coli levels in samples taken from the river Tolka near Griffith Park were measured on various days within a year (Figure 1). The average count (Table 2) was above 5000 CFU/100 mL with samples varying from 350 CFU/100 mL to over 16,000 CFU/ 100 mL. The horizontal line in Figure 1 represents the 500 CFU/ 100 mL threshold for “excellent” water quality in terms of E. coli according to the Directive 2006/7/EC for bathing water quality16. While the river Tolka is not recognised as a location for public bathing, wherein this threshold applies legally, the levels found were disturbingly high, as Griffith Park is a popular recreational area and the river Tolka is easily accessible for public at this location E. coli count CFU/100 mL (Photo 1 in Appendix III). 12000 E. coli 500 CFU / 100 mL * 8000 4000 10 th N 11 o v th '08 12 No v th '08 N 19 ov th '0 8 N 24 o v th '08 N 1s o v'0 tD 8 2n e c'0 d 8 D e c 3r d '08 D 4t ec'0 h De 8 8t c'0 h 8 De c'0 7t 8 h Ju l ' 09 8t h Ju 9t l'09 h J 22 u l'0 9 st J 24 ul'0 9 th J 27 ul'0 9 th J 29 ul'0 9 th 11 Jul ' 0 th Au 9 g' 09 0 Date Figure 1. E. coli concentration in samples of water from river Tolka taken on different dates at Griffith park. For the exact location see Map 1, Appendix II. *The line indicated corresponds to “excellent” water quality for E. coli according to EU Directive 2006/7/EC for bathing water quality. 8 The average E. coli data for sampling locations in Dublin are presented in Table 2. It can be seen that faecal coliforms in the River Liffey were generally in the range 2000 and 6000 CFU/100 mL, depending on the location, with disturbingly excessive levels recorded (24000 CFU/100 mL) at the Parliament Bridge sampling location. While it is only possible to compare the obtained microbiological counts to the inland water quality requirements for bathing water (Table 1), it is noticeable that in general water samples from the rivers (Liffey, Dodder and Tolka) contain significantly higher levels of E. coli than Dublin city canal waters. The faecal coliform content of Grand canal (Kilmainham) and Royal canal (Phibsboro) was on average 20-30 CFU/ 100 mL and was on all occasions no more than 50 CFU/100 mL. While these urban water bodies are not generally used for swimming, some social activities, such as the “Liffey swim” take place in the urban area of the river Liffey, including Parliament Bridge. In addition, numerous recreational parks are situated along the river Tolka and Dodder, where the water is easily accessible for children and their parents, pets and their owners. Table 2. Average E. coli count in the investigated inner city Dublin water bodies. Sampling locations are on Map 1, Appendix II. Sampling location CFU/100 mL StDev n Liffey Tall Bridge 2157 2246 7 Liffey Parliament Bridge 6361 10021 9 Liffey Islandbridge 6467 8746 6 Grand Canal Kilmainham 36 24 7 Royal Canal Phibsboro 14 24 7 5137 4869 18 Tolka Griffith Park From the detailed data in the Appendix I it can be seen that extremely high levels of faecal coliforms were detected in rivers after a strong rainfall event. For example, E. coli levels in the River Liffey in all three sampling locations on August 31st were about 1 order of magnitude higher than on August 27th. Remarkably, the samples from both canals in Dublin maintained the same low levels of bacteria regardless the weather conditions, because these water bodies are not subject to the same ‘washout’ phenomena experienced with rivers. In fact the main water source for the Grand Canal is a pristine aquifer located in County Kildare23. Usually rain raises 9 the faecal coliform levels in water bodies24 as it washes the contamination from soil and soil waters in rural areas into rivers and streams. Dublin Bay is the estuarine area of the Rivers Liffey, Tolka and Dodder, and the quality of the water in these rivers will contribute to the overall marine water quality in the bay. The River Liffey was sampled at the three locations within the estuarine area in Dublin city centre (Map 1, Appendix II). On average, the sample collected at the location nearest to the sea had significantly lower levels of faecal coliforms (Table 2), and typically total coliforms and E. coli were found in significantly less quantities in seawater than in fresh water25. Levels can also vary significantly throughout an estuary due to dilution of fresh water by seawater through tidal fluctuations. However, from the results in Appendix I (Data 3- Data 9) on every sampling day there were different scenarios of bacterial count distribution along the river. Thus, on some occasions (Data-3 and 7) the E. coli levels at Tall Bridge and Parliament Bridge on the River Liffey (Map 1, Appendix II) did not vary significantly and were low in comparison to other days (between 1000 and 1500 CFU/100 mL). Conversely, on other occasions (Data-4 and 5), the E. coli levels in samples from Parliament Bridge were nearly 5 times higher than those at Tall Bridge, at 24000 CFU/100 mL. Considering the locations, it was our opinion that this large difference in pollution is arising from a point source between the sampling locations, but this was difficult to verify due to the limitations of this study. This was also true for the River Dodder samples (Data-1 and Data-2, Appendix I). 3.2 Point of source contamination 3.2.1 Tolka pollution In the period of the early December 2008 the level of faecal contamination of the River Tolka in the location of Griffith Park was incredibly high, reaching in excess of 10,000 CFU/ 100 mL (Figure 1), which was a cause for concern. A detailed investigation was therefore initiated to identify the possible pollution source. The river and surrounding area, the sampling locations are shown on the map in Figure 2. 10 Figure 2. River Tolka (Dublin, Ireland) map and the location of the sampling points. In an attempt to locate possible sources of the high levels of contamination, a portion of the river was visually inspected. This led to the discovery of a pipe source that was discharging raw sewage into the river. Definitive photographic evidence of the direct sewage pollution arising from this pipe is shown in Photo 2, Appendix III. In order to confirm the source of the pollution, several samples of water were taken from locations along the river, upstream and downstream the source (Figure 2). Location 1 is upstream from the pipe, in the vicinity of the Botanic gardens, whereas location 2 is within several meters downstream from the pipe. It was thought to be unreasonable to undertake sampling at the pipe itself for safety reasons, as it was out of reach and the river flow was very high at that time. Two other locations (3, 4, Figure 2) were selected further downstream from the pipe. The counts obtained for E. coli and total coliforms are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen that the number of bacteria sampled within proximity of the pipe and further downstream were at least twice those obtained upstream from the pipe. It should be noted that even at the sampling point upstream the values of E. coli and total coliforms were 3550 and 6000 CFU/100 mL, respectively, which is alarmingly high and significantly in excess the national bathing water guide limits mentioned previously. These results confirm that this pipe outlet is one of the sources of the seriously high levels of contamination of the River Tolka, and that additional contamination is happening further upstream from as yet unidentified sources. It should be noted that these samples were taken after a period of heavy rainfall had occurred in the area. 11 E. coli Bacterial count CFU / 100 mL 20000 Total coliforms 15000 10000 5000 0 1 2 3 4 Location Figure 3. Microbiological count in water according to different sampling locations on the River Tolka. Locations correspond to the map in Figure 2. Error bars indicate the maximum and minimum values on duplicate measurements. 3.2.2 Canal water quality Samples taken from Kilmainham on the Grand Canal suggested excellent water quality, with very low levels of microbiological contamination. Later, a second location on the Grand Canal was added to this study in order to investigate the effect of a floating restaurant located on a barge, on the Grand Canal in the Dublin 6 area (location 8 in Map 1, Appendix II). The results can be found in Data 6 – Data 9, Appendix I. The study showed the levels of E. coli varied from being slightly elevated (100 CFU/ 100 mL) to 700 times greater than the levels measured at the Kilmainham sampling location. In Data 8 and 9, Appendix I, an even more detailed examination of the effect of the barge was conducted, with samples being taken within several hundred meters of each other, directly upstream and downstream of the barge. On one occasion the faecal coliform count in the water sample downstream of the barge (in the direction of the flow) was 3550 CFU/100 mL while upstream it was 250 cfu/100 mL. Taking into the account that the rest of Grand Canal and Royal Canal does not show signs of any significant pollution, this particular dining unit is the most likely source of the sewage discharge into the Grand Canal. 3.3 Rural contamination Further sampling locations on the River Tolka were chosen that were further upstream in Co. Meath, before the river enters the city (Map 2, Appendix II). The faecal and total coliform counts found at the sampled locations are presented in Data 12 10 and 11, Appendix I. E. coli levels were above 1000 CFU/ 100 mL at all locations sampled, except for the Lismahon road sample, which was 350 CFU/ 100 mL. The river was very low at the time of sampling, and in some cases, it wasn’t possible to collect the required 500 mL of sample. In Co. Meath 70% of economic activity arises from farming26. At the time of sampling, there was clear evidence of animal faecal contamination at the river. For example, at the sampling location in Ashtown, grazing horses were noted within several meters of the river (Photo 2, Appendix III). In Photo 3, Appendix III, footprints from cattle can be seen in the river near Batterstown (location 10 in map 2, Appendix II). It is also obvious that this particular part of the river was being used as a regular drinking source by the animals. The E. coli level in the sample from this location was particularly high compared to samples taken from other locations on the same day (Data 10, Appendix I). According to the Map 2 (Appendix II) the River Tolka emerges from several streams in Co. Meath that combine into one river-body in the vicinity of the Damastown Industrial Estate. It is also evident from the bacteriological count at all rural sample locations, that the contamination of the individual streams together contribute to the relatively high levels of faecal coliforms found downstream in the direction of Dublin city. 3.4 Phosphate and microbiological water quality On some occasions during this study, the faecal coliform count was compared to the phosphate concentration in the same water sample. The results for the rivers in the urban area of Dublin city are shown in Data 12, Appendix I. Overall, the concentration of phosphate in the samples varied over a narrow range above 0.1 mg/L and did not exceed 0.3 mg/L. The faecal coliform numbers in the same samples are in excess of 1,000 cfu/100 mL (Data 1, Appendix I). The relative number of faecal coliforms and relative phosphate concentration correlate in 3 out of 4 investigated samples on this occasion. Only one sample from river Tolka at Griffith park showed higher phosphate content when the E. coli count was low in comparison to other samples. Data 13, Appendix I shows the E. coli and phosphate levels in the samples taken from the rural part of the river Tolka in Co. Meath. The phosphate concentration in all samples was above 0.2 mg/L and at Griffith park, and Damastown (Map 2, Appendix II), they were considerably higher at 0.6 mg/L. At sampling locations 8-11 13 (Map 2, Appendix II) sited at small streams that feed into the Tolka, the phosphate levels were found to be quite low, below 0.3 mg/L, and at locations further downstream, higher levels of phosphate were found. As with the faecal coliform data, the concentration of phosphate in the main river body was found to be generally higher than in the individual feeder streams. It would therefore appear that contamination occurs along the main river course. In general, the results of this study are in accordance with the faecal coliform distribution in the same water samples (Data 11, Appendix I), supporting the view that contamination in the main tends to arise from multiple diffuse sources rather than a single point. 3.5 North Dublin coastal area Microbiological pollution of a coastal area is mainly caused by contributions from polluted rivers and direct sewage discharge from Waste Water Treatment Plants. This area is particularly popular with the public for bathing and recreation due to the numerous beaches. The map of the sampling locations is shown in Map 3, Appendix II. Balbriggan and Portrane were the main focuses of the sampling expeditions. In the Balbriggan area, the River Bracken outlets directly into Balbriggan Harbour. Photo 5 in Appendix III shows a satellite picture of Balbriggan Harbour at high and low tide. It is seen that mixing of water from the river and the seawater is extensive due to the tidal movements. Photo 6 (Appendix III) shows the disturbing state of the sewage pipe leading to the river. Further south towards Dublin, Portrane is the site of a Waste Water Treatment Works. The outfall of this plant goes directly to the Irish Sea. Maps 4 and 5 (Appendix II) show the exact location of the treatment plant and the outfall pipe. The data in Appendix I (Data 14) shows the Total and E. coli counts for the river Bracken in Balbriggan and Portrane outfall water samples. While the results for later showed increased 8500 CFU/ 100 mL of E. coli, the most shocking levels of E. coli and total coliforms were for samples taken from the Bracken river, at over 50,000 CFU/ 100 mL. It should be appreciated that these values are for water samples taken from the river that goes directly into Balbriggan Harbour and they exceed the criteria for excellent water quality (Table 1) by over 100 times. Data 15 and 17 (Appendix I) shows the results for water samples of various locations along the Balbriggan River and harbour. These samples were taken on different days and although the faecal coliform count wasn’t as high as in samples from the previous day (Data 14, Appendix I), they are still very elevated at up to 6000 CFU/ 100 mL. 14 The outfall pipe from the Portrane Waste Water Treatment Works was visually inspected. The Photos 7-9 (Appendix III) represent the frightening conditions of the pipe delivering the sewage to be discharged in the sea at the beach area (Maps 4, 5, Appendix II). Large cracks and holes were clearly evident within first 70 m of the 600 m outfall, corresponding with the region crossing the beach. Data 16 (Appendix I) shows the extremely high total coliform and E. coli numbers obtained in samples taken from several pipe cracks; they were above 700,000 and 140,000 CFU/ 100 mL, respectfully. These levels of faecal coliforms present in sewage that goes directly into the sea adjacent to the beach area certainly represent serious health risk for those who might be in contact with the water. Map 4 (Appendix II) shows the locations of the Portrane and Donabate bathing water quality monitoring points. It can be seen that these are quite distant on either side of the Waste Water treatment Works outfall, and samples from these locations would not necessarily detect the very high contamination due to the damaged outlet pipe, giving the impression that no pollution exists in the area. 4. Conclusions This work investigated the faecal contamination of numerous water bodies in Dublin area, including rivers and canals, spanning the urban and rural environment. The results showed that the poor quality of the rivers in Dublin city is strongly related to human activity. Direct sewage contamination of the river Tolka from a sewage pipe beside the Botanic Gardens was discovered and reported through local media to Dublin City Council, who investigated the situation, and claim to have rectified matters. The water quality of the canals in the Dublin area was excellent, except for a point source of contamination of the Grand Canal, apparently due to a floating restaurant. In rural areas outside Dublin, the evidence suggests that human sewage contributes to a lesser extent to the high levels of microbial contamination in the River Tolka compared to farming activities in the area. The extremely high faecal coliform counts that were registered coastal waters in North County Dublin appear to arise from point sources associated with sewage treatment at Balbriggan and Portrane. These are potentially a threat to human health and action should be taken to remediate and improve the manner in which discharges are made into local river and coastal waters that are accessible to the public. 15 5. Acknowledgments Our thanks to Dr. John Cleary for the analysis of phosphate in water samples. This work was supported by Beaufort Marine Research Award, Marine Institute, Ireland, the National Centre for Sensor Research, the SFI-funded CSET CLARITY and the Adaptive Sensors Group (all based at DCU). For more information visit; www.dcu.ie/chemistry/asg www.ncsr.ie/beaufort www.clarity-centre.org 16 Appendix I. E. coli and Total Coliforms (TC) counts in water samples E.coli Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL July 29th, 2009 TC 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Dodder Irishtown Bridge Dodder Beaver Row Liffey Parliament Bridge Tolka Griffith Park Sampling location Data1. E. coli and TC count from the samples of Dublin rivers. Sampling locations according to Map1, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week 18˚C yes yes yes Dodder Irishtown Bridge Flow rate stagnant Water level very low Dodder Beaver Row Liffey Parliament Bridge Tolka Griffith Park fast slow medium low Comments Water was very dark and turbid, petrol-like film on the surface Water was red in colour Water was dark Low turbidity 17 E.coli August 11th, 2009 Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL TC 12000 9000 6000 3000 0 Dodder Irishtown Bridge Dodder Beaver Row Liffey Parliament Bridge Tolka Griffith Park Sampling location Data 2. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers. Sampling locations according to Map1, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week Dodder Irishtown Bridge Dodder Beaver Row Liffey Parliament Bridge Tolka Griffith Park Flow rate slow fast 18˚C no yes yes Water level low low low Comments petrol-like film on the surface Water was red in colour Water appeared green Low turbidity 18 E.coli August 27th, 2009 Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL TC 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Liffey Tall Bridge Liffey Parliament Bridge Grand Canal Kilmainham Royal Canal Phibsboro Sampling location Data 3. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers and canals. Sampling locations according to Map1, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week Flow rate 17˚C no yes yes Water level Liffey Tall Bridge Liffey Parliament Bridge Grand Canal Kilmainham Royal Canal Phibsboro Comments Sample was taken from the side of the river Extremely low Very littered site Foam noticed downstream, littered 19 E.coli Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL August 31st, 2009 TC 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Liffey Tall Bridge Liffey Parliament Bridge Liffey Islandbridge Grand Canal Kilmainham Royal Canal Phibsboro Sampling location Data 4. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers and canals. Sampling locations according to Map 1, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week Liffey Tall Bridge Liffey Parliament Bridge Liffey Iselandbridge Grand Canal Kilmainham Royal Canal Phibsboro Flow rate medium medium 18˚C yes yes yes Water level high high high high high Comments Water appeared dark green in colour Water appeared green in colour Very littered site Some litter 20 E.coli September 3rd, 2009 Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL TC 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Liffey Tall Bridge Liffey Parliament Bridge Liffey Islandbridge Grand Canal Kilmainham Royal Canal Phibsboro Sampling location Data 5. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers and canals. Sampling locations according to Map 1, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week 14˚C yes yes yes Water level Liffey Tall Bridge Flow rate fast Liffey Parliament Bridge fast Very high Liffey Iselandbridge Very fast high Grand Canal Kilmainham Royal Canal Phibsboro still still high high Comments Water seemed very rough and dark in colour Water very brown and turbid, foam beginning to appear from upstream Water appeared brown in color, very turbid, foam on the surface (to North bank) Overflow pipe (origin was not investigated) hidden between bushes and discharging into the river. On the North bank another pipe noticed, but no discharge at the time of sampling Very littered site Water was quite clear, debris present, but mostly vegetation 21 E.coli TC 12000 9000 6000 Royal Canal Phibsboro Grand Canal The Barge Grand Canal Kilmainham Liffey Islandbridge 0 Liffey Parliament Bridge 3000 Liffey Tall Bridge Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL September 7th, 2009 Sampling location Data 6. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers and canals. Sampling locations according to Map 1, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week Liffey Tall Bridge Flow rate medium Liffey Parliament Bridge Liffey Iselandbridge Grand Canal Kilmainham Grand Canal The Bardge Royal Canal Phibsboro 18˚C no yes yes Water level high low slow slow Comments Water seemed slightly green in colour “normal” Some foam on top was noticed, “normal” water colour Water was very clear Water was very clear Water was very clear 22 E.coli TC 10000 8000 6000 4000 Royal Canal Phibsboro Grand Canal The Barge Grand Canal Kilmainham Liffey Islandbridge 0 Liffey Parliament Bridge 2000 Liffey Tall Bridge Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL September 9th, 2009 Sampling location Data 7. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers and canals. Sampling locations according to Map 1, Appendix II. 23 E.coli TC 8000 6000 4000 Royal Canal Phibsboro Grand Canal after The Barge Grand Canal before The Barge Grand Canal Kilmainham Liffey Islandbridge 0 Liffey Parliament Bridge 2000 Liffey Tall Bridge Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL September 14th, 2009 Sampling location Data 8. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers and canals. Sampling locations according to Map 1, Appendix II. 24 E.coli TC 16000 12000 8000 Royal Canal Phibsboro Grand Canal after The Barge Grand Canal before The Barge Grand Canal Kilmainham Liffey Islandbridge 0 Liffey Parliament Bridge 4000 Liffey Tall Bridge Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL September 23rd, 2009 Sampling location Data 9. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of Dublin rivers and canals. Sampling locations according to Map 1, Appendix II. 25 E.coli July 14th, 2009 TC Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL 20000 15000 10000 5000 Batterstown "stream" Dunboyne roundabaout Damastown M50 at Castelnock Ashtown Glasnevin Woods Botanic gardens 0 Sampling location Data 10. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of river Tolka in Dublin and Co. Meath. Sampling locations according to Map 2, Appendix II. 15˚C yes yes yes Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week Botanic gardens Flow rate Very fast Very fast Glasnevin Woods fast Ashtown slow M50 at Casteklnock Slow/stagnant Damastown medium Dunboyne roundabout stagnant Batterstown "stream" Water level high Comments Water visibly turbid, dumping evidence along the river, dogs walk along the park area, industrial estate on the side of the river Horses on the riverbank, livestock had been grazing in field continuous with river bank, car wrecked in the river, turbid water Foam was noticed on the surface, greasy look, discharge flowing form pipe into the river, “portaloo” on site of construction staff, very turbid water Water appeared eutrophic, river was used for the equipment washing, very turbid water Turbid water, private dwelling was noticed immediately beside river Water was very shallow, very little sample was collected, stream was very overgrown 26 E.coli July 23rd, 2009 12000 9000 6000 Culcommon road Batterstown Lismahon road Comelstown road Dunboyne roundabout Damastown Ashtown Glasnevin Woods 0 M50 at Casteklnock 3000 Griffith Park Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL TC Sam pling location Data 11. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples of river Tolka in Dublin and Co. Meath. Sampling locations according to Map 2, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week yes yes yes Flow rate Griffith Park Very fast Glasnevin Woods fast Ashtown slow M50 at Casteklnock Slow/stagnant Damastown Dunboyne roundabout Comelstown road stagnant Water level Comments Turbid water dumping evidence along the river, dogs walk along the park area, industrial estate on the side of the river Horses on both river bank, livestock had been grazing in field continuous with river bank, faeces, car wrecked in the river Grey-brown discharge flowing form pipe into the river, “portoloo” on site of construction staff, turbid water Water appeared eutrophic, pipe discharging into river from direction of industrial estate Construction work being done on new road: building a septic tank to hold run-off from road; pipe pumping water from works into river; area of stagnant water between river and septic tank construction House stable/ ship farm 27 stagnant Lismahon road - Batterstown "stream" Batterstown Culcommon road area, water appeared to be used for animals Water was very shallow, very little sample was collected, stream was very overgrown, single dwelling, pipes are directed onto river Water was very turbid, footprints of the cattle in the river – cattle grazing adjacent River adjacent to single dwelling, sheep grazing on crops beside river, Oily film on the surface of water, strong “chemical” smell – sheep dip or creosote 28 Phosphate concnetration, mg/L July 29th, 2009 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Dodder Irishtown Bridge Dodder Beaver Row Liffey Parliament Bridge Tolka Griffith Park Sampling location Data 12. Phosphate concentrations in samples from the Dublin Rivers. Sampling locations according to Map 1, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week 18˚C no yes yes 29 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 Da m as to wn ne ro un da Co bo m ut el st ow n ro ad Li sm ah on ro ad Ba tte rs to Cu w lco n m m on ro ad Du nb oy no ck n as te kl at C As ht ow M 50 ith G Pa la rk sn ev in W oo ds 0.00 G rif f Phosphate concentration, mg/L July 23rd, 2009 Sampling location Data 13. Phosphate concentrations in samples taken from the River Tolka in Co. Dublin and Co. Meath. Sampling locations according to Map 2, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week yes yes yes 30 Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL September 8th, 2009 E.coli TC 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Balbriggan river Portrane outfall site Sampling location Data 14. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples in North Co. Dublin. E.coli and TC in the water sample of Balbriggan River was too numerous to count in 10-1 dilutions, the estimated number exceeds 50,000 CFU/100 mL. Sampling locations according to Map 3, Appendix II. Air temperature Heavy rain in the last 24 hours Heavy rain in the last 48 hours Heavy rain in the last week 16˚C yes yes yes Water level Balbriggan river Portrane outfall site Comments Sample is taken at green bridge before harbour. Water very clear, biofouling near blocked pipe. Site is to rear of St. Ita’s Hospital Pipe covering in very poor condition, extensive biofouling, foam build up on rocks 31 E.coli TC 20000 15000 10000 5000 Toilet Beach Low Tide Toilet Beach High Tide Harbour Entrance Ship Harbour Bridge Harbour Bridge Green Bridge 0 Lawlwss Bridge Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL September 15th, 2009 Sampling location Data 15. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples in North Co. Dublin, Balbriggan area. Sampling locations according to Map 3, Appendix III. 32 E.coli Bacterial count, CFU/100 mL September 17th, 2009 TC 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Beach River Incoming Pipe Incoming Pipe Crack 1 Low Tide Pipe Crack2 Low Tide Sampling location Data 16. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples in North Co. Dublin, Portrane area. E.coli in the samples from the pipe cracks was above 140,000 CFU/100 mL. TC in the samples from the pipe cracks was above 700,000 CFU/100 mL. Sampling locations according to Map 3, Appendix II. 33 E.coli September 22nd, 2009 TC Bacterial count 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Lawless Bridge Car Park Bridge River Pipe Sampling location Data 17. E. coli and Total Coliform (TC) count from the samples in North Co. Dublin, Balbriggan area. Sampling locations according to Map 3, Appendix II. 34 Appendix II. Maps of the investigated area. Map 1. Dublin inner city Liffey Tall Bridge Liffey Parliament Bridge Liffey Iselandbridge Dodder Irishtown Bridge Dodder Beaver Row Tolka Griffith Park Grand Canal Kilmainham Grand Canal The Bardge Royal Canal Phibsboro Site# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 35 36 Map 2. Co. Dublin and Co. Meath Griffith Park Botanic Gardens Glasnevin Woods Ashtown M50 at Castelnock Dumastown Dunboyne roundabaout Cowelstown road Lismahon road - Batterstown "stream" Batterstown Culcommon road Site # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 37 38 Map 3. North Co. Dublin. Balbriggan river Portrane outfall site Balbriggan Lawlwss Bridge Green Bridge Harbour Bridge Harbour Bridge LightHouse Ship Harbour Entrance Beach Wall High Tide Mid Beach High Tide Toilet Beach High Tide Mid Beach Low Tide Toilet Beach Low Tide Portrane Beach River Incoming Pipe Incoming Pipe Crack 1 Low Tide Pipe Crack2 Low Tide Balbriggan Lawless Bridge Car Park Bridge River Pipe Beach Wall Site# 1 2 1 2 1 39 40 Map 4. Portrane Waste Water Treatment Works and nearby area (Provided by Fingal County Council). Waste Water Treatment Works Portrane Bathing Water Quality Sampling Point Donabate Bathing Water Quality Point Site# 1 2 3 41 Map 5. Portrane waste Water Treatment Works, detailed view (Provided by Fingal County Council). Waste Water Treatment Works Pumping station Site# 1 2 42 Appendix III. Photographs of the sites. Photo 1. River Tolka in Griffith Park, easily accessible to the public. Location 6 on Map 1, Appendix II. 43 Photo 2. The pipe discharging raw sewage waste into the river Tolka. 44 Photo 3. The horse and the faeces near the river Tolka, Ashtown, Dublin. Sampling location 4 on Map 2, Appendix II. 45 Photo 4. Animal footprints in the River Tolka, Batterstown, Co. Meath. Sampling location 10 on Map 2, Appendix II. 46 Photo 5. Balbriggan Harbour showing path of River Bracken at low tide (above) and high tide (below). Location 1 in Map 3, Appendix II. 47 Photo 6. Pipe leading to Bracken River in Balbriggan. Location 1 in Map 3, Appendix II. Photo 7. Outfall pipe in Portrane. Location 2 in Map 3, Appendix II. 48 Photo 8. Exposed cracked sewage pipe, Portrane. Location 2 in Map 3, Appendix II. Figure 9. Gaping holes in sewage pipe, Portrane. Location 2 in Map 3, Appendix II. 49 References 1 www.euwfd.com 2 www.europa.eu 3 www.epa.ie 4 Irish EPA report “The Provision and Quality of Drinking Water in Ireland - A Report for the Years http://www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/water/drinking/name,25872,en.html. 2007-2008”, Acsessed 25 May 2010. 5 Smith, J.H., Wickham, J.D., Norton, D., Wade, T.G., Jones, K.B. (2001). Utilization of landscape indicators to model potential pathogen impaired waters. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 37(4), 805-814. 6 Trevisan, D., Vansteelant, J.Y., Dorioz, J.M. (2002). 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