Publications for Tom Quinn Koizumi, N., T.W. Quinn, M. Park, J. Fike, K. Nishida, T. Takemura, K. Watabe and A. Mori (In Press) Isolation and characterization of 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis) Conservation Genetics Resources. Oyler-McCance, S.J., and T.W. Quinn (In Press) Molecular insights into the biology of Greater Sage-grouse. Studies in Avian Biology. 34pp. Ransler, F.A., T.W. Quinn and S.J. Oyler (2011) Genetic consequences of trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) reintroductions. Conservation Genetics 12: 257-268. Oyler-McCance, S.J., J. St. John, and T.W. Quinn (2010) Rapid evolution in lekking grouse: Implications for taxonomic definitions. Ornithological Monographs 2010(67): 114-122 St. John, J., and T.W. Quinn (2008) Identification of novel CR1 subfamilies in an avian order with recently active elements Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49: 1008–1014. St. John, J. and T.W. Quinn (2008) Rapid Capture of DNA Targets. BioTechniques 44:259-264. St. John, J. and T.W., Quinn (2008) Recent CR1 non-LTR retrotransposon activity in Coscoroba reveals an insertion site preference. BMC Genomics 2008, 9:567 Oyler-McCance, S.J., F. A. Ranlser, L.K. Berkman, and T.W. Quinn (2007) A rangewide genetic survey of trumpeter swans. Conservation Genetics 8: 1339-1353. St John J., Ransler F.A., Quinn T.W., Oyler-McCance S.J (2006) Characterization of microsatellite loci isolated in trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) Mol Ecol Notes. 6, 1083-1085. St. John, J., J-P. Cotter and T.W. Quinn. (2005) A recent chicken repeat 1 retrotransposition confirms the Coscoroba – Cape Barren goose clade. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37: 83-90. Oyler-McCance, S.J., J. St. John, S.E. Taylor, and T.W. Quinn (2005) Population genetics of Gunnison Sage-Grouse: Implications for management. Journal of Wildlife Management 69: 630-637. Oyler-McCance, S.J., S.E. Taylor, and T.W Quinn (2005) A multilocus population genetic survey of greater Sage-Grouse across their range. Molecular Ecology 14: 1293-1310. Quinn Oyler-McCance, S.J., J. St. John, F.L. Knopf, and T.W. Quinn (2005) Population genetic analysis of mountain plover using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Condor 107:353-362. Tserenbataa, T., R.R. Ramey II, O.A. Ryder, T.W. Quinn, and R.P. Reading (2004) A population genetic comparison of Argali sheep (Ovis ammon) in Mongolia using the ND5 of mtDNA; implications for Conservation. Molecular Ecology. 13:1333-1339. Benedict, N.G., S.J. Oyler-McCance, S.E. Taylor, C.E. Braun and T.W. Quinn (2003) Evalutation of the Eastern (Centrocercus urophasianus urophasianus) and Western (Centrocercus urophasianus phaios) subspecies of Sage-Grouse using mitochondrial control region sequence data. Conservation Genetics 4: 301-310. Taylor, S.E., S. J. Oyler-McCance and T.W. Quinn (2003) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 262-264. Cotter, J-P., J. St. John, and T. W. Quinn (2001) Primers to the avian Z-linked growth hormone receptor gene. Conservation Genetics 2: 73-75. Young, J.R., C.E. Braun, S.J. Oyler-McCance, J.W. Hupp and T.W. Quinn (2000) A new species of sage-grouse (Phasianidae: Centrocercus) from Southwestern Colorado. Wilson Bulletin 112: 445-453. Quinn, T.W (1999) Sex and the single chromosome. In: Adams, N.J. and Slotow, R.H (Eds.) Proc. 22 Int. Ornithol. Congr. Durban: 434-449. Johannesburg: BirdLife South Africa. Sorenson, M.D., A. Cooper, E. Paxinos, T.W. Quinn, H.F. James, S.L. Olson and R.C. Fleischer (1999) Relationships of the extinct moa-nalos, flightless Hawaiian waterfowl, based on ancient DNA. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 266: 2187-2193. Kahn, N.W. and T.W. Quinn (1999) Male driven evolution among eoaves? - A test of the replicative division hypothesis in a heterogametic female (ZW) system. Journal of Molecular Evolution 49: 750-759. Oyler-McCance, S.J., N.W. Kahn, K.P. Burnham, C.E. Braun and T.W. Quinn (1999) A population genetic comparison of large and small-bodied sage grouse in Colorado using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Molecular Ecology 8: 14571466. Kahn, N.W., C. Braun, J. Young, S. Wood, D. Mata, and T.W. Quinn (1999) Molecular analysis of genetic variation among large- and small-bodied sage grouse using mitochondrial control-region sequences. The Auk 116: 819-824. 2 Quinn Kahn, N.W., J. St. John and T.W. Quinn (1998) Chromosome-specific intron size differences in the avian CHD gene provide a simple and efficient method for sexing birds. Auk 115: 1074-1078. Sorenson, M.D. and T.W. Quinn (1998) Numts: A challenge for avian systematics and population biology. Auk 115: 214-221. Quinn, T.W (1997) Molecular evolution of the avian mitochondrial genome. In “Avian Evolution and Molecular Characters” (D.P. Mindell, ed.) Academic Press, Orlando pp. 3-28. Dores, R.M., D.A. Rubin and T.W. Quinn (1996) Is it possible to construct phylogenetic trees using polypeptide hormone sequences? General and Comparative Endocrinology 103: 1-12. Quinn, T.W. and D.P. Mindell (1996) Mitochondrial gene order adjacent to the control region in crocodile, turtle and tuatara. Mol. Phyl. and Evol. 5: 344-351. Zimmer, R., B. Erdtmann, W.K. Thomas and T.W. Quinn (1994) Phylogenetic analysis of the Coscoroba coscoroba using mitochondrial srRNA gene sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 3: 85-91. Quinn, T.W. and A.C. Wilson (1993) Sequence evolution in and around the mitochondrial control region in birds. J. Mol. Evol. 37: 417-425. Quinn, T.W (1992) The genetic legacy of mother goose: phylogeographic patterns of lesser snow goose Chen caerulescens caerulescens maternal lineages. Mol. Ecol. 1: 105-117. Quinn, T.W., G.F. Shields and A.C. Wilson (1991) Affinities of the Hawaiian Goose based on two types of mitochondrial DNA data. Auk 108: 585-593. Quinn, T.W., F. Cooke and B.N. White (1990) Molecular sexing of geese using a cloned Z chromosomal sequence with homology to the W chromosome. Auk 107: 199-202. Quinn, T.W., J.C. Davies, F. Cooke and B.N. White (1989) Genetic analysis of offspring of a female-female pair in the Lesser Snow Goose (Chen c.caerulescens) Auk 106: 177-184. Quinn, T.W., J.S. Quinn, F. Cooke and B.N. White (1987) DNA marker analysis detects multiple maternity and paternity in single broods of the Lesser Snow Goose. Nature 326: 392-394. 3 Quinn Quinn, T.W. and B.N. White (1987) Identification of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in genomic DNA of the Lesser Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) Mol. Biol. Evol. 4: 126-143. Quinn, T.W. and B.N. White (1987) Analysis of DNA sequence variation. In “Avian Genetics - its application to ecological and evolutionary theory” (eds. F. Cooke and P. Buckley) Academic Press, New York. pp. 163-198. 4 Quinn Invited presentations Oyler-McCance, S.J. and T.W. Quinn. When Morphology Matters Most: Assessing the Importance of Morphological Differences in Grouse. AOU 125th meeting, Oregon 2008) Oyler-McCance, S.J., F.A. Ransler, L. K. Berkman, and T. W. Quinn. A rangewide genetic comparison of trumpeter swans using mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Western Field Ornithologist’s Annual Conference, September 2006. Oyler-McCance, S. J, F.A. Ransler, L.K. Berkman and T. W. Quinn. A rangewide genetic Survey of trumpeter swans. Pacific Flyway Symposium, Oregon. March 2006. Oyler-McCance, S. J., S. E. Taylor, and T. W. Quinn. Using molecular genetic data to guide greater sage-grouse management. Sage-Grouse Symposium at the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta. September 2004. Oyler-McCance, S. J, S. E. Taylor, and T. W. Quinn. Genetic survey of greater sagegrouse. Annual meeting of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Sun Valley, ID. July 2004. Oyler-McCance, S. J, S. E. Taylor, S.M. Pearson, and T. W. Quinn. Applying genetic data to sage-grouse management. Third International Wildlife Management Congress. Christchurch, New Zealand. December 2003. Oyler-McCance, S.J. and T. W. Quinn. Comparison of trumpeter swan populations using nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers. Trumpeter Swan Society Meeting, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. February, 2003. Oyler-McCance, S. J., S. E. Taylor, and T. W. Quinn. Genetic characterization of sagegrouse populations throughout their range. Sage-grouse symposium at The Wildlife Society's 8th Annual Conference. Reno, Nevada. September, 2001. Oyler-McCance, S. J., N. Benedict, S. Taylor, and T. W. Quinn. A mulitlocus genetic survey of sage grouse across their range. 22nd Western States Sage & Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop, Redmond, Oregon. July, 2000. Quinn, T.W. Sex and the single chromosome. XXII International Ornithological Congress. Durban, South Africa. August, 1998. Quinn, T.W. (Plenary speaker), N.W. Kahn, J. Young, N. Benedict, S. Wood, D. Mata and C.E. Braun. Probing the evolutionary history of sage grouse populations using mitochondrial DNA sequence and nuclear microsatellites. Seventh International Grouse Symposium. Fort Collins, Colorado. August, 1996. 5 Quinn Fleischer, R. and T. W. Quinn. Ancient DNA analyses of anthropogenically impacted avifauna on Pacific islands. American Association of Anthropological Genetics Workshop. Denver, Colorado. June, 1996. Quinn, T.W. Molecular evolution in and around the avian mitochondrial control region. American Ornithologist’s Union. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1995. Quinn, T.W., N.W. Kahn, J.R. Young and C.E. Braun. Biogeographic distribution of mtDNA control region haplotypes in Sage Grouse. XXI International Ornithological Congress. Vienna, Austria. 1994. Quinn, T.W. and B.H. Bowman. Conveners of special symposium in memory of Allan C. Wilson. The Society for the Study of Evolution. Berkeley, California, 1992. Quinn, T.W (Chairman of session on populations and evolution) Birds of a feather. Genetics Society of Canada. Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 1991. Quinn, T.W. and A.C. Wilson. Differential gene flow between mtDNA and nuclear DNA among colonies of Lesser Snow Geese. XX International Ornithological Congress. Christchurch, New Zealand. 1990. Quinn, T.W. The use of DNA markers for family and population studies in the Lesser Snow Goose. Founding meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Basel, Switzerland. 1987. Quinn, T.W. and F. Cooke. The use of recombinant DNA probes for exclusion analysis. Round table discussion on "Genetic analysis of mating systems". 19th International Ornithological Congress. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 1986. Contributed Presentations Quinn, T.W., M. KC, J. Barba, A. McNally, L. Kanizay, and J. St. John. Evolutionarily recent CR1 activity detected in Anseriformes. 2nd ASM Conference on Mobile DNA, Montreal, Canada, April 2010. Quinn, T.W., J. Barba and J. St. John. The use of a non-LTR retrotransposon for phylogenetic inference in waterfowl. Guild of Rocky Mountain Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists, 2nd Annual meeting, Nederland, Colorado. September 2006. Oyler-McCance, S.J., F.A. Ransler, L. K. Berkman, and T. W. Quinn. A Population Genetic Survey of Trumpeter Swans Across Their Range. Wildlife Society Annual Conference in Anchorage, Alaska. September 2006. 6 Quinn Quinn, T.W., L. Kanizay and J. St. John. Efficient isolation of a non-LTR retrotransposon (CR1) for use in avian systematics. Society for the Study of Molecular Biology and Evolution, Annual Meeting. Tempe, Arizona. May 2006. Child, A.L. and T.W. Quinn. A genetic inventory on a rare plant, Potentilla rupincola (Rosaceae), to meet regional conservation needs. Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science 2005 National Conference, Denver, Colorado. September 2005.. Quinn, T.W., J.P. Cotter and J. St. John. Recent insertion of a truncated CR1 element clarifies the identity of the sister species of Coscoroba coscoroba. American Ornthological Union. Quebec City, Canada. August, 2004. Pearson, S.M. and T.W. Quinn. Genetic structure of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) populations determined by markers in nuclear introns. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado. February 2003. Child, A.L. and T.W. Quinn. Conservation genetics and taxonomic status of the rare Rocky Mountain Cinquefoil: Potentilla rupincola (Rosaceae) American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado, February 2003. St. John, J. and T.W. Quinn. Isolation of genomic DNA fragments containing the transposable element CR1. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado. February 2003. Pearson, S.M., S.E. Taylor, S.J. Oyler-McCance, C.E. Braun and T.W. Quinn. Identification of a genetically distinct population of sage-grouse using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Symposium. Bicknell Utah. June 2002. Quinn, T.W., J.-P. Cotter, J. St. John and A. Khalap Recent insertion of a truncated CR1 element into an intron in waterfowl. 8th Congress of The European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Aarhus, Denmark. August, 2001. Quinn, T.W., S.E. Taylor, N.G. Benedict, S.J. Oyler-McCance and C.E. Braun. Identification of a morphologically indistinguishable but genetically distinct population of Sage-Grouse using mitochondrial and nuclear markers. 8th Congress of The European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Aarhus, Denmark. August, 2001. Taylor, S.E. and T.W. Quinn. A genetically distinct population of greater sage-grouse in Mono County, California, and Lyon County, Nevada: Measuring population genetic variation using nuclear microsatellite markers. Western Section of the Wildlife Society Meeting, Sacramento, California. February, 2001. 7 Quinn Oyler-McCance, S.J., N. G. Benedict, S. E. Taylor, and T. W. Quinn. A genetic survey of sage grouse throughout the western portion of their range. Wildlife Society Meeting Nashville, Tennessee. September, 2000. Taylor, S.E., S. J. Oyler-McCance, N. G. Benedict, and T. W. Quinn. Genetic variation in California and Nevada sage grouse. 22nd Western States Sage & Columbian Sharptailed Grouse Workshop, Redmond, Oregon. July, 2000. Young, J. R., C. E. Braun , S. J. Oyler-McCance, J. W. Hupp, and T. W. Quinn. Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus minimus): A new species of sage-grouse from southwestern Colorado. 22nd Western States Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Symposium, Redmond, Oregon. July, 2000. S. J. Oyler-McCance, K. P. Burnham, C. E. Braun, and T. W. Quinn. Population genetics of the Gunnison Sage Grouse: Implications for conservation and management. Wildlife Society Meeting, Austin, TX. 1999. Oyler-McCance, S.J., N.W. Kahn, C.E. Braun and T. W. Quinn. Genetic support for a new species of sage grouse in Colorado. Wildlife Society Conference, Buffalo, NY., 1998. Oyler-McCance, S.J., N.W. Kahn, C.E. Braun and T. W. Quinn. Population genetics of sage grouse in Colorado: Implications for conservation. Western States Sage and Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop, Billings, Montana. July, 1998. Benedict, N. and T.W. Quinn. A molecular characterization of sage grouse throughout their range in Oregon and Nevada. Western States Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop.. Billings Montana. July, 1998. Kahn, N.W and T.W. Quinn. Do males do it faster? - A test of “male driven evolution” in birds. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vancouver, B.C., Canada. June 1998. Kahn, N.W. and T.W. Quinn. A test of “male driven evolution” in birds. Annual Meeting of The Society for the Study of Evolution, The American Society of Naturalists and the Society of Systematic Biologists. Vancouver, B.C., Canada. June, 1998. Benedict, N. and T.W. Quinn. A molecular analysis of the phylogeny of Arizona leopard frogs. Southwestern United States Working Group of the declining amphibian population task force. Phoenix, Arizona. January, 1998. Oyler-McCance, S.J., C.E. Braun and T. W. Quinn. Genetic structure of large and smallbodied sage grouse in Colorado. Colorado Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meetings. Grand Junction, Colorado. January, 1998 8 Quinn Oyler-McCance, S., N.W. Kahn, C.E. Braun and T.W. Quinn. Genetic support for a proposed new species of sage grouse in Colorado. The Wildlife Society 5th Annual Conference. September, 1998. Quinn, T.W., C.E. Braun, J.R. Young and N.W. Kahn. Molecules, morphology and movement: Transcontinental mitochondrial analysis of Sage Grouse includes a morphologically and behaviorally unique newly described species. Annual Meeting of The Society for the Study of Evolution, The American Society of Naturalists and the Society of Systematic Biologists, Boulder, Colorado. June, 1997. Kahn, N.W. and T.W. Quinn. Isolation and initial characterization of clones from the W and Z chromosomes in birds. Annual Meeting of The Society for the Study of Evolution, The American Society of Naturalists and the Society of Systematic Biologists, Boulder, Colorado. June, 1997. Quinn, T.W., N.W. Kahn, J. Young, S. Wood, N. Benedict, and C.E. Braun. A genetic profile of Gunnison (small-bodied) and other sage grouse populations constructed using mitochondrial genetic markers. Twentieth Western States Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse workshop, Gillette, Wyoming. July, 1996 Shields, G.F., L. Mullen and T.W. Quinn. Geographic structuring of genetic diversity in mitochondrial DNA of Pacific Black Brant (Branta bernicla bernicla) American Ornithologists' Union. Fairbanks, Alaska, 1993. Quinn, T.W. The genetic legacy of mother goose. Guild of Rocky Mountain Population Biologists. Nederland, Colorado, 1992. Quinn, T.W. and D.P. Mindell. (Chair of session on Molecular Phylogenetics) Mitochondrial gene order adjacent to the control region in reptiles and birds. The Society for the Study of Evolution. Berkeley, California, 1992. Quinn, T.W.. The genetic legacy of mother goose. Seventh North American Arctic Goose Conference and Workshop, Vallejo, California. 1992. Quinn, T.W. and A.C. Wilson. Rapid DNA sequence evolution in the control region of birds. American Ornithologist's Union, Los Angeles, California. 1990. Shields, G.F. and T.W. Quinn. Roots of the Nene, Nesochen sandvicensis: Analysis of mitochondrial DNA. American Ornithologist's Union, Los Angeles, California. 1990. Quinn, T.W. and A.C. Wilson. Rapid mitochondrial evolution in the avian control region. Society for the Study of Evolution, College Park, Maryland. 1990 9 Quinn Quinn, T.W. and A.C. Wilson. Rapid DNA sequence evolution in the control region of birds. Joint meeting of the Genetics Society of America and the Genetics Society of Canada. San Francisco, California. 1990. Quinn, T.W. and A.C. Wilson. The phylogenetic position of the Flamingos. American Ornithologist's Union. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1989. Quinn, T.W., F. Cooke, A.C. Wilson and B.N. White. The isolation of unique sequence DNA clones from the avian sex chromosomes and their application to problems of population biology and molecular evolution. UCLA Colloquium on Molecular Evolution. Lake Tahoe, California. 1989. Quinn, T.W., F. Cooke and B.N. White. Pedigrees and populations - the application of DNA marker analysis to studies of the lesser snow goose. Population Genetics Group. Nottingham, England, 1986. White, B.N. and T.W. Quinn. DNA sequence variation on the Lesser Snow Goose, Anser caerulescens caerulescens. Canadian Federation of Biological Sciences. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 1986. Quinn, T.W., F. Cooke and B.N. White. Abundant polymorphic markers in the nuclear DNA of Aves detected using recombinant DNA techniques. Population Genetics Group. Exeter, England, 1985. Departmental/Institutional Seminars: 2008 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999: 1993: 1992: 1992: 1992: 1992: 1991: 1990: 1990: 1990: 1989: 1989: University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of Ecology and Evolution, Colorado University of Copenhagen, Zoological Institute, Denmark University of Colorado at Denver, Department of Biology, Colorado Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland University of Colorado at Denver, Department of Biology, Colorado Colorado State University, Department of Biology, Colorado Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Washington, DC University of Colorado, EPO Biology, Boulder, Colorado University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado University of Cincinnati, Ohio Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC University of Denver, Denver, Colorado Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado University of California, Davis, California University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii Rice University, Houston, Texas University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 10 Quinn 1989: Western University, London, Ontario, Canada 1988: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 11 Quinn Reviewer for Journals: Journal of Molecular Evolution Nucleic Acids Research Molecular Biology and Evolution Journal of Field Ornithology The Auk Growth, Development and Aging Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Genetica Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Heredity Biological Conservation Australian Journal of Zoology Ibis Journal of Heredity Canadian Journal of Zoology Journal of Evolutionary Biology Australian Journal of Zoology The Condor Molecular Ecology Wildlife Biology Gene Genome Journal of Molecular Ecology Conservation Genetics World Poultry Science Journal Naturwissenschaften Ad Hoc Reviwer for Government Agency: U.S. Geological Survey Memberships (current or past): Society of Systematic Biologists Sigma Xi American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 12 Quinn