AMENITIES COMMITTEE – JANUARY 2015 At the Meeting of the Amenities Committee held on Thursday 29th January 2015 in the Town Council Office, Fourways 2, 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble. PRESENT: Cllrs J Dargue (Chair), K Bennett H Lewis, K Morrison, and C Weir and with the Clerk; Miss E Brown. Bill Stott and Michael McDonogh – Amble Allotment Holders Society Actions 34: APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllrs Robinson- Had been out all day. The apologies were not accepted 35: DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: None. 36: PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: (maximum 15 minutes) 36.1: Amble Allotment Holders Society Report – Mr Stott reported that the removal dangerous huts was being emphasised to all new allotment holders. The Society will carry out their next inspection in April where they will again look at structures. If there has been no improvement they will write to holders requesting their removal or they will review the lease. The issue of structures that on the plots of long term allotment holders was also being addressed. Cllr Lewis pointed out that the agreement states that 75% of the plot must be cultivated. Cllrs stated it was encouraging to see the improvements. The Good Allotment Guide is an ongoing project. The improvements to the West Allotment walkways would be done before the end of the financial year, the Clerk would provide 2 weeks notice to the Society so that information signs can be put in place on site. It was queried whether the Contractor would like the water left switched off during the works. The Clerk would check on this. NCC was to put in a diverter to stop the drainage water of Greenfield Terrace running into the Allotments and eroding the walkway before the end of the financial year. The Natural spring in the West Allotment was to be discussed between Mr McMaster and the Council regarding a diverter pipe to channel the water elsewhere. This would be chased up with Mr McMaster. The Clerk informed of correspondence received from the British Weights and Measures Association regarding units of measurement (rods and poles) in gardening allotments. A copy of this would be forwarded to the Secretary of AAHS. 37: CLERK’S REPORT & MATTERS ARISING THEREFROM: RECOMMENDATION - To note the contents of the Clerk’s Reported and any matter arising be considered. 37.1: ‘Structure programme’ - assessment and review of old and new structures on allotments – This was dealt with in the AAHS report. 37.2: Good Allotment Guide – This was dealt with in the AAHS report. 37.3: West Allotment Walkways- This was dealt with in the AAHS report. 37.4: Drain off from Greenfield Terrace/ West Avenue – This was dealt with in the AAHS report. 37.5: Drainage Issues (Natural Spring) West Allotment site – This was dealt with in the AAHS report. 37.6: West Cemetery – Concern of lack of disabled access on new footpath – Following the receipt of advice from the NCC Equality Officer it was agreed to arrange a self bonding top dressing for the footpath and compact. The Clerk would query with the Contractor a price and timetable for the works. The Clerk would inform Mr Heggarty in writing of the Council’s decision. 37.7: West Cemetery Wild Flowers – The Clerk informed that this was ongoing. 37.8: Noticeboard Illustrations – The final illustrations by Sheila Cartwright were circulated and Members commented on how pleased they were with them. They would be printed in A4 colour copies and laminated for the notice boards. 37.9: Potholes at West Cemetery entrance – The Clerk informed that this was ongoing. 37.10: Letter sent to funeral Director in response to concerns of change in procedure – No responses that been received regarding this so the matter was considered closed. 37.11 Acklington Road Bus shelter – JSCS - The Design had been circulated by email and it was agreed to proceed. Mr Coils had been informed. An update would be requested before the next meeting of the Amenities Committee. 4 AAHS AAHS Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Coils/Clerk AMENITIES COMMITTEE – JANUARY 2015 37.12: Acklington Road Bus shelter – Gloster Park side – The bus shelter was discussed. 37.13: Sodexo Community Involvement Update – The Clerk would contact Clair Hutchings regarding a meeting date. 37.14: Litter bins changes – It was agreed that the Clerk would request: the broken bin at Church Street was to be disposed of and replaced with the bin located at the junction of Marine Road. the gull proof bin stored in the office to be moved to the TIC. A new ‘enviropol’ bin was to be purchased for the High Street garden. Members commented that a post mounted bin was required for the bus shelter at the Gloster Park side of Acklington Road. The Clerk would investigate if a spare bin was held. A gull proof bin was also required to replace a broken bin at Island View. The Clerk would investigate suitable bins. 37.15: High Street Garden- Update – To date only one quotation had been received, additional quotations would be requested by the Clerk. This item would be deferred to Full Council for a decision pending the receipt of further quotations. 37.16: Town Trail working party – A date was to be determined out of meeting. 37.17: Email sent regarding discharge of conditions on planning application 14/03842/DISCON relating to bus shelter – The Clerk would query whether any decision had been passed. 38: AGENDA ITEMS: 38.1: To consider cemetery charges over Festive period – As the surcharge of fees over the festive period had not been reviewed and still reflected a system where graves were dug manually by two Council employed operatives, it was agreed that the Clerk was correct in using her discretion to lower this fee from 100% surcharge to 50% surcharge (the surcharge only applied on burial fees). Having reviewed the matter it was agreed to amend the fees guide. A 100% surcharge would still apply for public and bank holidays, but the applicable dates (24th December - 2nd January) may be subject to up to 50% surcharge, with any charge reflecting any additional costs incurred by the Council during the interment process. The Clerk would send the fees for 2015-16 to the Funeral Directors including this amendment and request a meeting with the local Directors. A the invoice had not yet been sent for the interment over the festive period, the reviewed fee would apply and the Clerk would check whether any other occasion has arisen since the ceasing of manual grave digging where such a surcharge has been applied. 38.2: To consider the purchase of new Town Council noticeboards and suitable locations for siting them – It was agreed the Clerk would investigate the relocating of the wall mounted noticeboard on the Harbour Officer to the wall behind the VJ Shop in the East ward. It was agreed to purchase a new post mounted noticeboard for the West Ward of Amble and investigate locating on the footpath at corner at the junction of the A1068/B6345. It was agreed to purchase a second post mounted noticeboard and investigate locating on the grass verge in front of Straffen Count on Percy Drive (outside new Council office). 38.3: To consider options for Paddlers Play area for recommendation to Town Council: It was agreed to recommend that the Town Council select the Agency Agreement option for the play area, whilst querying aspects of the Service Level Agreement as follows: Does the grounds maintenance include litter picking/glass removal Page 8 states NCC will carry out lubricating & replacement of items. Does this mean NCC supply or TC supply? A check of the Asset list for the site would need to be done. 38.4: To consider new bus shelter for High Street – It was agreed to investigate the cost of a new cantilever bus shelter for High Street; the purchase of a new shelter would be recommended to Town Council along with suggesting that NCC remove the existing shelter on High Street and the deteriorated bus shelter at the entrance of the Industrial Estate. The Clerk would query with Arch that they have no objection to the shelter at the Estate being removed. 5 Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Town Council Clerk Clerk AMENITIES COMMITTEE – JANUARY 2015 39: COMMUNICATIONS Mr Watson – Metal detecting request – Mr Watson had submitted a letter requesting permission to detect the woodland burial area in the West Cemetery. It was agreed unanimously that permission would not be granted. As burials had already commenced in section P, the Council were actively trying to inform the public that it was a burial area and not just a field and had recently erected a noticeboard to aid this. It was also felt it would be disrespectful to those interred in the natural burial area. Members did however comment that to their knowledge previous investigation for historical find lead more toward the Manor and the gateway and not towards the Cemetery. The Clerk was to send a letter of response to Mr Watson. Mrs Hall – Memorial Query – Mrs Hall’s letter queried why a memorial at 31” in height had been allowed in the Cremated remains section when she had been informed that the maximum height allowed would be 24”, which she had complied to. The Clerk believed that a precedent had already been set in that section with older stones measuring over 24”, which resulted in the stone 31” in height being given permission. The Clerk would investigate further and inform Mrs Hall of her findings. 40: INFORMATION ITEMS NAMM newsletter -Issue 1 (circulated by email 12/12/14) 41: DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next Meeting is due to be held on Thursday 26th March 2015 at 6.30pm in The Conference room, Fourways 2. To be preceded by a site visit at Amble West Cemetery commencing at 5.30pm. The meeting closed at 8.15pm. 6 Clerk Clerk