Physis Cert & Dip in Supervision 2015

Certificate & Diploma
Counselling Supervision
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision
Certificate in Supervision
11th October 2015
6th December 2015
14th February 2016
20th March 2016
12th June 2016
17th July 2016
Dates for the additional Diploma module will be confirmed at the start of 2016
Alison Ayres TSTA
Barbara Clarkson PTSTA
21 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 2NQ
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision
Starting in October 2015, the Physis Certificate in Supervision course will be
delivered over 6 days of highly interactive and experiential training, spread over a 9
month period. Completion of a further 3 day theoretical module plus evidence of
specific supervised practice can lead to the award of the Physis Diploma in
This dynamic training will enable you to:
Develop an in depth knowledge of several models of supervision, both
developmental and task focussed
Establish a clear ethical framework for your work as a supervisor, and enable
your supervisees to develop their own ethical thinking and practice
Understand the differences between therapeutic work and supervision, and be
able to work at the boundary of these aspects whilst maintaining the role of
Learn supervision skills for working with both novice and experienced
counsellors, and apply appropriate interventions to working with both groups
Understand and critique applications of supervision for both individual and
group supervision
Develop your identity as a supervisor based on your own philosophy of
Applicants must have a COSCA Diploma in Counselling or equivalent minimum level
of counselling/psychotherapy training, have completed at least 450 hours of
practice as a counsellor or psychotherapist, and be in ongoing supervision for their
clinical practice. A basic knowledge of Transactional Analysis would be an
advantage, for example attendance at a TA101 or similar.
In addition, applicants will be supported in identifying the placement setting where
they will acquire the 18 hours of supervised supervision required for the Certificate
award (24 in total for the Diploma), and will have a "supervision of supervision"
contract in place with a Physis approved supervisor, before commencing the
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision
Certificate Module 1 (1st 3 dates)
Supervision theories (part 1)
Ethics & professional practice
The identity of the supervisor
Professional support & self care for the supervisor
Supervision skills practice
Certificate Module 2 (2nd 3 dates)
Supervision theories (part 2)
Development of ethical awareness, heightening the meta-perspective
Practitioner supervision versus supervision of trainee counsellors considering models of learning and development
The identity of the supervisor - making the transition from practitioner
to supervisor
Supervision skills practice
Completion and group endings
Diploma Module (Autumn 2016 dates to be advised)
Theory (part 3): an integrative philosophy of supervision
Ongoing development of the supervisor
Group supervision; theory and skills practice
Completion and group endings
Supervised supervision practice (total requirement of 18 hours for Certificate,
24 hours for Diploma, supervised at a 1:6 ratio)
Reflective learning journal
2 supervised transcript analysis assignments for completion with
Supervisor of supervision
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision
Formative assessment:
This will be made by the course tutors during the training days, evaluating skills
development and understanding of theory demonstrated during the training
process. The transcript assignments have a formative assessment component
alongside their Summative scoring.
For both awards, the supervisor of supervision will be asked to complete an end of
year report. A sample extract (2-3 pages) from the student's reflective learning
journal should also be submitted for both awards.
Summative assessment:
All written assignments will be graded according to the post graduate assessment
scales found in the supervision training handbook which will be provided to each
Assignments: * indicates that these assignments are only required as part of the
Diploma award
Transcript analysis – Complete 2 transcripts of 5 minute excerpts of live
supervision from your practice, including appropriate "front sheet" information, a
commentary, and a 500 word analysis of the work done in each, referring to
supervision theory.
Essay (3000 words) - Outline and critically evaluate your philosophy of
supervision, including underpinning theories and models, and the ethical
framework within which you practice
*Reflective practice assignment (2000) - Reflect and critique your experience of
working with models of group supervision, comparing it with individual supervision
in terms of process and effectiveness.
*Case study (3000 words) - Describe and critically evaluate your chosen models of
supervision using 2 case studies from your practice.
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision
Assignment Submission Dates:
Transcript 1 will be submitted by the end of May 2016
Transcript 2 will be submitted by the end of May 2016
The essay will be submitted by the end of May 2016
*The reflective practice assignment will be submitted by the end of August 2016
*The case study will be submitted by the end of September 2016
All assignments will be double marked.
Student feedback is collected informally throughout the course, and through a
feedback form at the end of each taught module. At any point students are invited to
contact the course tutors if they are in need of academic or pastoral support.
Administrative queries should be directed to the Physis Programme Manager,
Deirdre Gillespie, on or 0131 6676173.
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision
Alison Ayres TSTA
Alison is a psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer in Edinburgh where she lives.
She was a trainer with Physis and previously with CPTI for many years, for the last
few of which she has delivered the Advanced Year One programme, as well as the
101 introduction to TA training weekends. She is now a training consultant and
visiting trainer for Physis, and she continues to run her group supervision practice,
PTSTA development groups and advanced clinical seminars
She is married and has lived in the same house for more than 30 years, where her
husband used to run a Bed and Breakfast. She has two children and, at the last
count, six grandchildren.
Barbara Clarkson PTSTA
Barbara is the Director of Training for Physis Training and has overall charge of the
training programme, its syllabus and accreditation with UKATA, UKCP and COSCA.
She also plans the annual training calendar and arranges Physis TA 101 and CPD
workshops. She teaches the advanced training and exam preparation groups within
the training programme and liaises with all other trainers involved in delivery of the
courses offered at Physis.
Barbara is a TA psychotherapist and supervisor and has a private practice in Leeds.
In Edinburgh she runs several supervision groups alongside delivering training.
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision
An application form is available from Physis
FEES: Diploma fee: £1200 (3 taught modules). £300 deposit plus 3 x £300
Certificate fee: £800 (2 taught modules). £200 deposit plus 3 x £200
A deposit as indicated above is required to secure your place. The balance may be
paid in full 2 weeks before the start of the course, or spread over 3 instalments, paid
in October, January and June. Please complete the appropriate section of the
application form with your bank details to take up the instalment payments option.
Please note: fees for supervision of supervision are not included and are a matter
for agreement directly with your supervisor. Physis holds a list of suitably qualified
and experienced supervisors who are willing to supervise student supervisors on
the Diploma course.
Physis Training Ltd, 18 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP
0131 514 1068
Physis Training 2015 – Certificate & Diploma in Supervision