This Lesson Plan was developed by: Dr. Reuben Collins and Dr. Tom Furtak Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 80401 How Cold is Cold? Objectives To understand temperature as a condition of matter that we associate with hot and cold To appreciate the range of temperature beyond every day experience To understand that the properties of matter depend on temperature To know that an important property of matter that depends on temperature is its phase (solid, liquid, gas) To know that different materials change from one phase to another at different temperatures To know that air contains nitrogen as a gas at room temperature To understand that a material like nitrogen can be converted to a liquid in a special refrigerator that cools and pressurizes it To observe that the gas phase of a material occupies a large volume, compared to its liquid or solid phase To observe that some solid materials become brittle as they get very cold while others become tough Main Lesson Background Liquid nitrogen is a cryogenic liquid (of or related to low temperatures) and is stored at 77 Kelvin (-320.5º F at sea level). Since liquid nitrogen is so cold it has many uses as a refrigerant (including keeping some electronic equipment cool and preserving simple living organisms for long periods of time) and is also used to form inert environments for the preservation of other materials. Because it’s so cold, the interaction of liquid nitrogen with other materials can lead to changes in the material properties that are scientifically interesting, some of which will be described in the following demonstrations. Precautions Liquid nitrogen will freeze and destroy cells (in skin and eyes) by contact. Students should stay a safe distance (6 feet) away from the demonstrations. The presenter(s) should wear eye (safety goggles), skin (long sleeves), hand (very thick gloves), and foot (no sandals!) protection. The table under the demonstrations will become very cold, so should be robust or separately protected by several layers of newspapers. Materials 1-pint transparent Pyrex measuring cup water ordinary red-alcohol glass thermometer adding machine paper cut into one-meter strips pencil (one for each student) meter stick or yard stick (one for each student) Liquid nitrogen in 2-liter, transportable dewar 5-gallon (clean) steel pail 1-pint Styrofoam container (Pyrex measuring cup can substitute) long steel tongs long-handled spoon hammer short length of board (2x4) 8d flat-head nail bag of party balloons banana racquet ball penny flower tea kettle Pyrex test tube ice cream ingredients o ½ gallon of whole milk o 4 pints of cream (get the good stuff) o 2 pound bag of white granulated sugar o liquid vanilla flavoring o small Styrofoam cups and plastic spoons (one set for each student) Sequence Introduction: Explain that the day’s lesson deals with the influence of temperature on the properties of matter. Fill the transparent Pyrex measuring cup half-way with water. Show this to the students and remind them that the temperature of the room is 70 F (or so) by showing them the thermometer. Moderate a discussion about what’s in the cup and how it looks. It’s actually half-full of air. The properties of air and of water depend on temperature. Water is a liquid at room temperature. Air is a mixture of gasses at room temperature. Have the students name the types of gasses that make up air. They all know about oxygen, but will probably identify greenhouse gasses as the rest of what’s in air. Make sure they hear that nitrogen gas is the major component of air. (nitrogen: 78%, oxygen: 21%, small amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, and water). Broaden the discussion to include the concept of the phases of matter. Talk about the phases of water. Bring up the concept of temperature and how we measure it. Water changes phase from a solid (ice) to a liquid at -32 F, and from a liquid to a gas (steam) at 212 F (202 F in Denver). These phase changes can be used to calibrate a thermometer. Direct the discussion toward the concept of a thermometer as a number line, with hot at the top and cold at the bottom, just like the markings on the alcohol/glass thermometer. Thermometer Activity: Spread the students out. Each one needs a pencil and a measuring stick (meter or yard). Help them to build a number line using the adding machine paper. The accompanying table shows where the marks should be. Make sure that you use the Fahrenheit scale. Start with boiling water at one end. They should draw a line perpendicular to the paper strip, and write “water boils” along the line, as well as 212 F. Have them mark and label the following points, measured down the paper strip, using the inverse column in the table: freezing point of water, zero degrees, coldest air temperature caused by weather on Earth (Antarctica), boiling point of nitrogen, freezing point of nitrogen, absolute zero. Make sure that the students have the measuring stick properly oriented, with the numbers increasing down from the water boiling point toward colder temperatures. There are lots of discussions that can be based on the number line thermometers. Could a regular alcohol/glass thermometer be used to measure all of the points on their thermometers? What would it feel like to be in a room that was at the same temperature as liquid nitrogen? What type of gas would there be in the atmosphere of such a room? Ask the students what they think liquid nitrogen looks like. How about solid nitrogen? What would liquid nitrogen look like if it were boiling? What would the temperature of liquid nitrogen be if it were boiling? Point out that the freezing and boiling points of nitrogen are very close in temperature, compared to these points for water. Liquid Nitrogen Demonstrations: Move the class to a semi-circular arrangement centered on the demonstration table. Suit up in your protective gear. Do as many of these demonstrations as you have time for, asking questions and discussing things with the students as you go. Appearance of Liquid Nitrogen: Get rid of the water in the Pyrex measuring cup and dry it out. Pour liquid nitrogen into the cup to the same level as the water. Have the students identify what they are seeing (clear liquid coming out, lots of bubbling, bubbling sound, cloud of white smokelike stuff). Explain that the cup is very hot, compared to the liquid nitrogen. It boils when it hits the cup, just like water would boil if you poured it into a kettle that was removed from a 300 F oven. After the boiling subsides, hold the cup up for the class to see. What’s in the cup now, compared to the previous discussion when it was half-full of water? Explain that the smoky stuff is actually fog—condensed water vapor (like in a cloud) that forms because the nitrogen is so cold. If the room is humid the outside of the cup will also condense water vapor, which is first a liquid, then a solid (frost). What Happens to Cells in Liquid Nitrogen?: Impress upon the class that liquid nitrogen could be dangerous, if it got on your skin. To show that, dunk a flower into the liquid nitrogen and bang it on the table after it’s totally frozen. How would you like your finger to do that?, stay back. What happened to the flower? If you warmed the flower up after it had been frozen like that would it survive? Dunk another flower into the liquid nitrogen and try it. You can put it aside while you continue with the other demos. Phase Change from Liquid to Gas: Talk about what happens to the material in a boiling liquid, like water. Where does the water go? Demonstrate this idea with nitrogen by pouring a small amount of liquid nitrogen into a tea kettle. As the nitrogen evaporates the nitrogen gas escapes through the hole in the lid and the kettle whistles, just like it would if it were filled with water on a hot stove. Demonstrate the volume change as a liquid evaporates by pouring a little liquid nitrogen into a Pyrex test tube, and quickly covering the opening with a party balloon. Talk about what’s in the balloon. Some students will still say it’s air. Point out that there is no way for air to get into the balloon as it gets bigger, so it must be full of nitrogen gas. Shrinking Balloons: Pass out party balloons and have the students blow them up and tie them off (even 5th graders can do this). Pour some liquid nitrogen into the 5-gallon pail. Have the students drop the balloons into the pail one by one. Talk about what’s happening. As the gas in the balloon gets cold, first the oxygen, then the nitrogen condenses into a liquid. Liquids take up much less space than gasses, so the balloons shrink. You should be able to get all of the balloons into the pail. Take them out one by one and put them on the table in front of the pail. They’ll each reinflate as the nitrogen and oxygen evaporates. This is accompanied by lots of twisting and turning and cracking sounds…very impressive. Modified Elastic Properties: The mechanical properties of most things change dramatically when cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. Rubber gets very brittle. Demonstrate this with a racquet ball. Show how it bounces. Dunk it into liquid nitrogen until the boiling stops. Then drop it on the table. It won’t bounce at all, and will probably shatter into lots of pieces. Even metals do this. Put a penny on the board and bang it with the hammer. The penny may distort, as the metal bends. Dunk the penny into the liquid nitrogen and repeat the test. Now, the penny will break up into little slivers. Put a banana into the 1-pint container and cover it with liquid nitrogen. If you take it out before the banana is totally frozen, it will be sufficiently tough so that you can use it to pound a nail into the board. Ice Cream Activity: You can make ice cream the old-fashioned way, by using a mixture of salt and ice to freeze the liquid ice cream at a temperature slightly below the freezing point of water. Or, you can do it the scientific way, using liquid nitrogen to do the cooling. Have two people (the stirrer and the liquid nitrogen dispenser) don protective gloves and safety goggles. Pour the milk, cream, sugar, vanilla flavoring, into the metal bucket Have the stirrer begin stirring the potion with the big spoon The liquid nitrogen dispenser will slowly pour a small amount of liquid nitrogen into the bowl. Stir, pour in more, stir, pour in more, and keep repeating until the mixture solidifies (about 3 to 5 min). Serve immediately! This stuff is really good. Additional Demonstrations Thermal Contraction: One of the properties of matter that depends on temperature is the distance between the atoms that make up the material. This distance decreases as the temperature is reduced (thermal contraction). The amount of thermal contraction (and thermal expansion, as the temperature is increased) depends on the type of material. Two metals that demonstrate different amounts of thermal contraction can be bonded together in a “bi-metallic strip”. If you dunk a bi-metallic strip into liquid nitrogen the strip will curl up, as one side contracts more than the other. This phenomenon is behind the temperature-sensitive spring inside of some types of thermometers and temperature controllers. Chemical Activity: Chemical reactions are sensitive to temperature. This can be demonstrated with an ordinary AA battery, hooked up to a flashlight bulb. Use a battery holder and a bulb socket that can be purchased at Radio Shack. The wires have to be long enough to enable the battery to be dunked into the liquid nitrogen without also dunking the bulb. The voltage generated at the battery terminals is caused by an electrochemical reaction inside of the battery. As the battery temperature is reduced, the reaction slows down and the light dims. Follow-Up Activites Similar demonstrations and experiments can be performed as class activities using solid carbon dioxide (dry ice). Dry ice converts directly to a gas at a temperature of -109 F. Most supermarkets receive shipments of frozen food packed in dry ice. You can purchase (or receive as an educational donation) several large bricks on most days. Transport the dry ice in an ordinary cooler. It can be broken into smaller pieces with a screwdriver and hammer. Be sure to wear eye protection and use heavy gloves when handling dry ice. Observe the phase change Dry ice sublimes directly from a solid to a gas. Demonstrate this to the class by placing an ice cube and a dry ice cube side by side on a cafeteria tray. Watch as the ice cube melts and the dry ice disappears. As this is happening, let the students talk about what’s going on. Observe the volume change Put some dry ice into a can with a sealable lid (a small coffee can). As the dry ice sublimes it expands. After a short time the lid will pop off, because the pressure inside the can increases as carbon dioxide gas is produced. This can also be demonstrated using a balloon. Put some dry ice into a plastic pop bottle. Cover the opening with a balloon. As the carbon dioxide changes to its gas phase, the balloon will inflate. Demonstrate that the balloon doesn’t contain a normal amount of oxygen (as found in air) by using the balloon as a fire (candle) extinguisher. You have to convince the students that you’re not just blowing the candle out. Put the candle in a transparent glass. Use the balloon to “pour” carbon dioxide into the glass without disturbing the flame. The candle will go out when the carbon dioxide level rises to the level of the candle wick. Dry ice in water: Student lab activity As a class activity have students predict what will happen if you add some dry ice to ordinary water. Have each student (or student pair) write down their predictions on a piece of paper. Perform the experiment as a demonstration (or have the students do it, if they are old enough). The thermal energy in the water accelerates the sublimation of the dry ice. This creates bubbles that are filled with very cold carbon dioxide and some water vapor. The water vapor is sufficiently cold that it condenses into tiny water droplets (fog). As the bubbles rise (because they are much less dense than the surrounding water, they burst at the surface, releasing the fog. The fog cold, so it’s less dense than the room air. This causes it to flow over and down the sides of the container. The fog disappears as the tiny water droplets evaporate. The generation of ground fog by this mechanism is so efficient that it’s used in theaters as a special effect. Temperature Scale Use the data in the second or the fifth column (depending on whether you have meter sticks or yard sticks) to make the paper tape thermometers.