PNAMP Habitat Data Sharing Project – Leadership Team Teleconference NOTES October 9, 2012 1:30-3:00 PDT Agenda: 1:30 Welcome and introductions, overview of today’s meeting 1:40 Status updates for HDS activities from 2012 Workplan & discussion of next steps Activity A : Identification of a Short List of Priority Habitat Characteristics Activity B: Data Exchange Template (DET) Prototype for Selected Habitat Characteristics Activity C: Habitat Data Exchange: Implementing prototype habitat exchange templates and tackling complex standardization issues Activity D: Needs Assessment for Habitat Data Sharing Activity E: Macroinvertebrate Data as a Component of HDS Activity F: Remote Sensing as a New/Improved Source of Habitat Characterization Data at Multiple Scales Activity G: Habitat Data Discovery HDS Workplan for 2013 3:00 Adjourn In attendance: Kara Analuf-Dunn, Karen Adams, Michael Newsom, Jennifer O’Neal, Sonja Schaller, Leska Fore, Charlie Stein, Bruce Schmidt, Keith Dublanica, Mike Banach, Jen Bayer, Amy Puls, Kathryn Thomas, Sarah Beldin Discussion Today (action items in green): Goal Today: Consolidate activities for FY 2013 into 2 major activities with different tasks. The core team provided a status update on each activity on the 2012 workplan, followed by discussion of potential next steps. See presentation at: Plan: Receive HDS leadership team input today, write a draft workplan, submit to leadership team for review, then run past steering committee in November. If you are new to the Leadership Team and would like additional background on this effort please contact Kathryn Thomas (PNAMP) at Feedback on Activity A – Short list of Priority Habitat Characteristics No formal activity for next year Top three attributes (large wood, percent fines, substrate particle size) are a manageable place to being to develop a DET. Feedback on Activity B – Development of a DET (prototype for selected habitat characteristics) X Group will change from use of the term data exchange template (DET) to ‘Data Exchange Standard’. Standard better describes the outcome. Feedback on Activity C – Creating Habitat Indices Does anyone have specific use cases? We need more information to understand what data is being shared or desires to share data. Eventually the region needs to do a ‘roll-up’, but we haven’t come up with a really sound way of doing that. CHaMP is narrowing the number of metrics down and they are landing on something that might be used to create an indicator, but there are not many examples where the science is sound yet. We should look into doing this, but we should be looking for opportunities to conduct a test or experiment as to how indicators are derived. There are problems with scale (spatial, temporal) and there are relational problems related to cause and effect. It would be useful to define what we want to get out of an indicator (water quality or riparian function?). Maybe we need to come up with a list. It would be helpful to ID a group of people who are experts in this and ask them if they would volunteer (or fund them) to develop a plan for how we come up with a list and a test that is needed to verify that metrics can scale up to indicators. This would be similar to what we do with ISTM Habitat; we have experts who come together for 1-2 hrs at a time, weekly, for a long period (a year). This may be something that would be helpful for developing indicators to work slowly behind the scenes, then we can vet this to a larger community in a workshop setting. Structure for indicators is laid out well, but when you start talking about the function behind the indicator, there is a lot of work that needs to be done (i.e. answering the question: what is the object of the function?) X HDS LT participants encouraged to submit ideas for use cases for consideration in the 2013 workplan (see notes under Activity C in presentation). Feedback on Activity D – Needs assessment for Habitat Data Sharing On hold for now until use cases are identified. Feedback on Activity E – Macroinvertebrate Data Sharing NBAW session structured so as to define plans for regional Standard Taxonomic Effort agreement PNAMP core team is proposing a session at the Oregon AFS in Bend in Feb. to examine Macroinvertebrate/Habitat Health/Fish Productivity relationship. This topic has been defined very broadly. We need to examine what this means. We need to engage more fish biologists in this. Perhaps we need a similar process to the one discussed earlier (experts If you are new to the Leadership Team and would like additional background on this effort please contact Kathryn Thomas (PNAMP) at convene 1-2 hrs each week for a year) so we can work on this topic OR we can discuss the linkages between these 3 pieces in a workshop setting (AFS in Bend). We will have to clearly identify what we mean by ‘habitat health’ and ‘fish productivity’ and identify examples of how we could relate habitat health and fish productivity. We need to discuss whether we accept this simple conceptual model and how do we assess what this means. We could develop more conceptual diagrams as well. Michael Newsom will help out with AFS workshop. X PNAMP will assemble a focus group of folks who are interested in the Macroinvertebrate/Habitat Health/Fish Productivity relationship to plan for Oregon AFS in Bend in February. Feedback on Activity F – Remote Sensing None Feedback on Activity G – Habitat Data Discovery None X PNAMP will write up a draft plan for 2013 and distribute to the leadership team for feedback so we can agree on the workplan by the PNAMP steering committee meeting in November. If you are new to the Leadership Team and would like additional background on this effort please contact Kathryn Thomas (PNAMP) at