FSL Progress Report Comments Grades 4-8


Sample – FSL - Progress Report Comments

Grade 4:

Responds to simple questions using vocabulary learned in class.

Uses visual and verbal cues to follow basic classroom instructions and to understand what is being heard.

Reads aloud familiar French vocabulary words using correct pronunciation

Answers questions to simple French texts by filling in missing words, drawing pictures and/or selecting answers.

Uses available cues such as pictures and cognates to determine meaning of simple texts.


Use available cues (i.e. gestures, facial expressions) in order to follow basic classroom instructions.

Needs to use available cues (i.e. gestures, facial expressions) to understand what is being heard.

Grade 5:

Speaks and responds using short sentences and familiar vocabulary.

Uses teacher prompts and pictures to understand text.

Uses resources and feedback to make simple revisions when communicating in class.

Uses complete sentences when responding orally during daily discussions.

Writes simple sentences using newly learned vocabulary following a model.


Encouraged to use examples and anchor charts to help the communication of ideas when writing.

Use complete sentences modeled by teacher when responding orally in class.

As a next step, use teacher prompts and pictures to determine meaning of texts.

Grade 6:

Uses appropriate pronunciation when reading aloud and speaking using familiar vocabulary.

Produces simple oral and written response demonstrating understanding of the text studied.

Writes sentences and questions with the help of a model.


Focus on using appropriate pronunciation when reading familiar vocabulary aloud.

Work towards using appropriate pronunciation when answering simple questions orally.

Needs to use visual and verbal cues in order to respond to questions posed in class.

Use teacher prompts and models to write sentences and questions.


Grade 7:

Revises and edits personal writing using feedback and resources.

Uses a variety of reading strategies (i.e. pictures, cognates) to determine meaning of texts.

Expresses ideas/opinions in complete sentences during daily discussions.


Revise and edit personal writing using teacher feedback and resources.

Encouraged to use the reading strategies learned in class to help with comprehension.

As a next step, use complete sentences when expressing ideas/opinions during daily discussions.

Grade 8:

Uses the French language appropriately in rehearsed and routine situations

Expresses personal preferences orally and in written form using appropriate vocabulary and language conventions.

Uses learned strategies and models to plan and write in simple forms.


Focus on using correct pronunciation when communicating in rehearsed and routine situations.

Needs to express ideas and personal preferences more frequently in class.

Consistent use of learned strategies and models is crucial when completing written tasks.

Possible FSL Oral Communication Comments:

Listens actively and uses cues provided (gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions, pictures) to respond appropriately to questions.

Listens carefully and uses teacher/peer modeling to help demonstrate understanding.

Makes revisions to oral language using resources and feedback.

Speaks and responds using familiar vocabulary as modeled by the teacher.

Responds orally using complete sentences.

Reflects on and identifies strengths as a listener and speaker as well as areas for improvement.

Expresses personal connections during class discussions.

Speaks appropriately when participating in classroom discussions.

Uses active listening skills as an audience member during group discussions.

Uses appropriate pace, tone, pronunciation and volume when speaking.

Communicates orally in a clear manner.

Uses a variety of appropriate visual aids (e.g., graphic organizers, pictures) to support or enhance oral presentations.

Responds to simple questions using vocabulary learned in class.

Uses visual and verbal cues to understand and follow basic classroom instructions.

Speaks clearly and confidently when presenting ideas to the class.

