Structure of the 7-12 Mathematics Program

Structure of the 7-12 Mathematics Program
(Freshmen of Fall, 2001 and Beyond)
Regents/Advanced Regents
Math 7
Math 7
Math 8
Seq. Math 1
Math A2
Math B1
Seq. Math 3
Math B2
Course 4
Fundamentals of
Seq. Math 2
Calculus A.P.
Beginning with either the 2007-2008 or the 2008-2009 school year (the Board or Regents will likely
make a decision regarding the exact implementation dates at its November, 2005 meeting), the present
math courses and Regents examinations will begin to be gradually phased-out and replaced with new
courses and Regents examinations based on previously-approved, revised mathematics learning standards
and process and content performance indicators. It is known now that the Math A and Math B Regents
examinations will be replaced by Regents examinations in Algebra, Geometry and Algebra 2 and
Trigonometry. Appropriate local math courses will be developed and renamed and new flowchart for
course selections and options will also be implemented. Based upon recent actions of the Board of
Regents, a Regents diploma and a Regents diploma with Advanced Designation will each require three
mathematics credits, but there will be a difference in the number of Regents exams which must be taken
and passed to qualify for these diplomas.
Structure of the 7-12 Mathematics Program
Student currently enrolled
1. Math 8
2. Sequential Math 1
Student who wants to OR
should take next school
Sequential Math 1
Sequential Math 2
3. Sequential Math 1
Math A2
4. Sequential Math 2
Math A2*
5. Sequential Math 2
6. Sequential Math 2
Sequential Math 3
Math B1
7. Math A2
8. Math B1
Math B1
Math B2
9. Sequential Math 3
Math B1*
10. Sequential Math 3
Course 4
11. Course 4
Outcomes required of present course at
the end of the current school year:
a. Pass Math 8
a. Sequential Math 1 final average of 75
or more
a. Sequential Math 1 final average of 6574.
*a. Course change can ONLY (and must)
be made in January if the student FAILED
the January Math A Regents exam.
a. Pass Sequential Math 2
a. See the “prerequisite” section in the
Math B1 Course Description in this
a. Pass Math A2
a. Pass Math B1
b. Pass Math A Regents Exam
*a. Course change can ONLY be made in
January (based on student performance
and/or choice)
a. If exam is taken, a Math B Regents
Exam grade of 75 or more.
b. Sequential Math 3 final average of 75
or more.
a. Course 4 final average of 75 or more.
The course final exam score and final average are REQUIRED scores students need to obtain in order to
provide for sufficient background for progress in the next course in the sequence.
The Regents/Regents with Advanced Designation Three-Year Sequential Mathematics courses
(Sequential Mathematics 1, 2, and 3) and the senior-level Course 4 are intended for the student with at
least "average" ability in mathematics and overall mastery of basic arithmetic skills. Because of the
sequential and hierarchical nature of the structure and content of these courses, a student who cannot
obtain a grade that is indicative of at least an average level of performance (letter grade of C or numerical
grade of at least 75) in any given course will more than likely have a great deal of difficulty with the
content and applications in the next course in the sequence. The courses, from Sequential Mathematics 1
through Course 4, get progressively more difficult both in terms of the mathematical content and concepts
studied and in terms of the need to apply content and concepts learned from the previous Sequential
Mathematics course(s) to the one presently being studied. Completion and passing of Sequential
Mathematics 1, 2, and 3 and passing of the Math A and Math B Regents examinations will meet the
mathematics requirements for the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. Students going on to a
2-year or a 4-year degree program after high school should also take Course 4.
While the courses Math A2, Math B1, and Math B2 are also hierarchical in nature as to their content and
concepts, the pace of instruction is much slower and/or the content (which is parallel to that found in the
Sequential Mathematics-level courses) is taught at a much less rigorous level. These courses are
intended for the students with "low average" to "below average" ability in mathematics and an adequate
mastery of basic arithmetic skills (virtually no in-class time will be spent in these courses reviewing any
prerequisite arithmetic skills.) Completion and passing of Sequential Math 1, Math A2, and Math B1 and
the Math A Regents examination will meet the mathematics requirements for the Regents diploma, but
not for the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.
Sequential Math 1, Sequential Math 2, Sequential Math 3, Math A2, Math B1, and Math B2 are based on
the Key Ideas and Performance Indicators found in the New York State Education Department’s
Mathematics Resource Guide with Core Curriculum. Students and parents can find this information in
detail at
In general, students will have mathematics homework assignments on a regular, frequently daily, basis in
order to independently practice the mathematical skills and concepts learned in class. Students will also
have the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned on chapter and/or unit tests and quizzes
throughout each course as well as a comprehensive, locally-developed final examination and/or Regents
Once a student is in the accelerated mathematics program, continuation in the accelerated program is
totally performance based. The students in Math 7A and those 8th grade students in Sequential
Mathematics 1 are accountable for their academic performance and progress at two “checkpoints” during
each of these school years as indicated below.
Checkpoint #1 – End of the First Quarter of the school year
a. Quarter grade of less than 80: the student is transferred to a regular Math 7 or Math 8 class
b. First Quarter grade of 80-84: Accelerated mathematics program “Academic Probation” in
Math 7A or Sequential Math 1 for the remainder of the First Semester
Checkpoint #2 – End of the First Semester (end of the Second Quarter) of the school year
The First Semester course average in Math 7A or Sequential Math 1 (cumulative average for the first two
quarters of the school year) must be 85 or higher to continue in the accelerated mathematics program in
Math 7A or Sequential Math 1
Grades 9-12 (1 Year, 1 Unit) (primarily a Grade 9 course)
Prerequisite: Passing Math 8
Required for graduation
Exam Requirement: Locally prepared final exam (June)
Content: This course serves as the first course in the Regents/”advanced” Regents program in
mathematics. Sequential Mathematics 1 will cover approximately two-thirds (2/3) of the content
topics/Key Ideas and Performance Indicators from the Math A NYSED Core Curriculum such as: logic,
algebra, analytic geometry, geometry, probability and statistics. See the Core Curriculum for specific
Grades 9-12 (1 Year, 1 Unit) (primarily a Grade 10 course)
Prerequisite: Passing Sequential Mathematics 1 with a final average of 75 or more
Required for graduation
Exam Requirements: MATH A Regents Exam (Jan) AND Locally prepared final exam (June)
If a Sequential Math 2 student scores below a 65 on the January MATH A Regents exam, they must
“drop” to a Math A2 class at the end of the first semester.
Content: This course serves as the second course in the Regents/Advanced Regents program in math.
Sequential Mathematics 2 will complete the final one-third (1/3) on the content topics/Key Ideas and
Performance Indicators of the NYSED Math A Core Curriculum during the first semester. [The MATH
A Regents Exam will be taken in January.] The second semester will consist of approximately onethird (1/3) of content topics/Key Ideas from the Math B Core Curriculum such as: standard Euclidean
geometry, analytic geometry, quadratic equations, probability and combinations, mathematical structure
and related algebraic skills. See the Core Curriculum for specific details.
NOTE: Students with a Final Average in Sequential Math 1 between 70 and 74 may file a written
request for a ten-week probationary period in Sequential Math 2. In order to stay enrolled in Sequential
Math 2 (and not be transferred to a Math A2 class), these students must have an average of 75 or more at
the end of the first quarter of the school year.
Grades 9-12 (1 Year, 1 Unit) (primarily a Grade 11 course)
Prerequisite: Passing Sequential Mathematics 2 AND passing the MATH A Regents Exam
Exam Requirements: Locally prepared final exam [June] AND optional MATH B Regents Exam
(June) for those students who want the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation
Required for graduation
Content: This course serves as the third course in the “advanced” Regents program in math. Sequential
Mathematics 3 will complete the final two-thirds (2/3) of the content topics/Key Ideas and Performance
Indicators of the Math B Core Curriculum. These content topics include: real and complex numbers,
relations and functions, transformation geometry, probability and statistics, circles, and trigonometry. See
the Core Curriculum for specific details.
NOTE: Students having difficulty with Seq Math 3 and desiring a slower pace can switch to Math B1 at
the end of the first semester of the school year.
Grade 9-12 (1 Year, 1 Unit) (primarily a Grade 10 course)
Prerequisite: Passing Sequential Math 1 with a Final Average of 65 - 74
Exam Requirement: MATH A Regents Exam (June)
Required for graduation
Content: This course is designed to complete the remainder of the content topics/Key Ideas and
Performance Indicators of the REGENTS MATH A Core Curriculum. Specific topics of the year include:
rational expressions (fractions), ratio and proportion, geometry, coordinate geometry, transformations,
NOTE : This course will also serve as the AIS in mathematics for AIS-eligible/identified students at
this course level.
Grades 9-12 (1 Year, 1 Unit)(primarily a Grade 11 course)
Prerequisite: Passing Math A2
Exam Requirement: Locally prepared final exam (June)
Required for graduation
Content: This course is designed to include approximately one-half of the content topics/Key Ideas and
Performance Indicators from the REGENTS MATH B Core Curriculum. The topics will be taught at a
slower pace than in a Sequential Math 3 class. Specific topics of the year include: logic, Euclidian
geometry proofs (triangles, quadrilaterals, parallel lines), circle geometry, similarity, right triangle
trigonometry, functions, matrices, linear systems, quadratic equations.
NOTE: Students who pass Sequential Math 2 may elect to take Math B1 if they wish to take the
courses (Math B1 and Math B2) that will prepare them for the MATH B Regents exam at a slower pace.
Grades 9-12 (1 Year, 1 Unit) (primarily a Grade 12 course)
Prerequisites: Passing of Math B1 AND MATH A Regents Exam
Exam Requirement: Locally prepared final exam [June] AND optional MATH B Regents Exam
(June) for those students who want the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation
Content: This course is designed to complete the content topics/Key Ideas and Performance Indicators
from the REGENTS MATH B Core Curriculum. Specific topics of the year include: mathematical
systems, probability, statistics, trigonometry, logarithmic and exponential functions, quadratic
equations/functions, irrational and complex numbers, rational functions, polynomial functions, sequences
and series.
NOTE : This course CAN’T be used for a fourth year of mathematics credit by students who have
passed Sequential Math 3.
COURSE 4 (Precalculus Mathematics)
Grade 12, Advanced Regents (1 Year, 1Unit)
Prerequisites: Passing Sequential Mathematics 3 with a grade of 75 or more (students who have also
taken and passed the MATH B Regents Exam with a grade of 75 or are more likely to have better
academic performance in Course 4)
Exam Requirement: Locally prepared final exam (June).
Content: This course is designed to provide a transition from secondary-level to college-level
mathematics by comprehensive application of the various topics and concepts learned in Sequential
Mathematics 1, 2, and 3, to a broad range of more advanced mathematics topics. Among those topics
which would be included: circular functions and trigonometry, relations and functions, algebraic
functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, matrices and vectors, conic sections and analytic
geometry, probability, and introduction to calculus.
Grade 12, Accelerated (1 Year, 1 Unit)
Prerequisites: Passing Course 4 with a final average of 75 or more
College-level course with college (TC3) credit
Exam Requirements: Locally prepared final examinations (Jan. AND June -for concurrent TC3
Content: This course is equivalent to a first year college course in Calculus. This course follows the
Advanced Placement Calculus BC course outline of the College Entrance Examination Board/
Educational Testing Service. It is recommended that students take the AP Examination.
Grades 9–12 (1 Year – Meets every other day or as scheduled)
Content: this is a remedial class for students who have been designated as students who require
Academic Intervention Services (A.I.S.) in mathematics. It is intended for those students who have been
determined (through various measures and criteria as set forth in the district’s A.I.S. plan) to be in danger
of not passing or those who have not passed their next/required state assessment, the Math A Regents
examination. The Math A2 course will be the AIS for eligible/identified students at that level of
mathematics instruction.